diff options
89 files changed, 1839 insertions, 1204 deletions
diff --git a/doc/fl_group.html b/doc/fl_group.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ebea54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/fl_group.html
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Fl_Group Binding Map</title>
+ <link href="map.css" rel="stylesheet">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<h2>Fl_Group Binding Map</h2>
+<table class="package">
+ <tr><th colspan="2">Package name</th></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Fl_Group</td>
+ <td>FLTK.Widgets.Groups</td>
+ </tr>
+<table class="type">
+ <tr><th colspan="2">Types</th></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Fl_Group</td>
+ <td>Group</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Group_Reference</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Index</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Cursor</td>
+ </tr>
+<table class="function">
+ <tr><th colspan="2">Functions and Procedures</th></tr>
+ <tr>
+Fl_Group(int, int, int, int, const char *=0);
+function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String)
+ return Group;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+Fl_Widget *& _ddfdesign_kludge();
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void add(Fl_Widget &);
+void add(Fl_Widget *o);
+procedure Add
+ (This : in out Group;
+ Item : in out Widget'Class);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void add_resizable(Fl_Widget &o);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+Fl_Widget * const * array() const;
+<td>Use iterators instead</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+virtual Fl_Group * as_group();
+<td>Use runtime tag checks and view conversions instead</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void begin();
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+function Has_Child
+ (This : in Group;
+ Place : in Index)
+ return Boolean;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+function Has_Child
+ (Place : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+Fl_Widget * child(int n) const;
+function Child
+ (This : in Group;
+ Place : in Index)
+ return Widget_Reference;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+function Child
+ (This : in Group;
+ Place : in Cursor)
+ return Widget_Reference;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+int children() const;
+function Number_Of_Children
+ (This : in Group)
+ return Natural;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void clear();
+procedure Clear
+ (This : in out Group);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void clip_children(int c);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+unsigned int clip_children();
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void draw();
+procedure Draw
+ (This : in out Group);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void end();
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+int find(const Fl_Widget *) const;
+int find(const Fl_Widget &o) const;
+function Find
+ (This : in Group;
+ Item : in out Widget'Class)
+ return Index;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void focus(Fl_Widget *W);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void forms_end();
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+int handle(int);
+function Handle
+ (This : in out Group;
+ Event : in Event_Kind)
+ return Event_Outcome;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void init_sizes();
+procedure Reset_Initial_Sizes
+ (This : in out Group);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void insert(Fl_Widget &, int i);
+procedure Insert
+ (This : in out Group;
+ Item : in out Widget'Class;
+ Place : in Index);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void insert(Fl_Widget &o, Fl_Widget *before);
+procedure Insert
+ (This : in out Group;
+ Item : in out Widget'Class;
+ Before : in Widget'Class);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+function Iterate
+ (This : in Group)
+ return Group_Iterators.Reversible_Iterator'Class;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void remove(int index);
+procedure Remove
+ (This : in out Group;
+ Place : in Index);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void remove(Fl_Widget &);
+void remove(Fl_Widget *o);
+procedure Remove
+ (This : in out Group;
+ Item : in out Widget'Class);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void resizable(Fl_Widget &o);
+void resizable(Fl_Widget *o);
+procedure Set_Resizable
+ (This : in out Group;
+ Item : in Widget'Class);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+Fl_Widget * resizable() const;
+function Get_Resizable
+ (This : in Group)
+ return access Widget'Class;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+void resize(int, int, int, int);
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+static Fl_Group * current();
+function Get_Current
+ return access Group'Class;
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+static void current(Fl_Group *g);
+procedure Set_Current
+ (To : in Group'Class);
+ </tr>
+ </body>
diff --git a/progress.txt b/progress.txt
index 54a3e5a..f183d81 100644
--- a/progress.txt
+++ b/progress.txt
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ FLTK.Widgets.Charts
@@ -106,7 +107,6 @@ Partially Done:
FLTK.Devices.Graphics (incomplete API, otherwise polished)
FLTK.Devices.Surfaces (incomplete API, otherwise polished)
FLTK.Environment (incomplete API, otherwise polished)
diff --git a/src/c_fl.h b/src/c_fl.h
index 2a37179..b310d11 100644
--- a/src/c_fl.h
+++ b/src/c_fl.h
@@ -6,28 +6,28 @@
-extern "C" inline int fl_abi_check(int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_abi_version();
-extern "C" inline int fl_api_version();
-extern "C" inline double fl_version();
+extern "C" int fl_abi_check(int v);
+extern "C" int fl_abi_version();
+extern "C" int fl_api_version();
+extern "C" double fl_version();
-extern "C" inline void fl_awake();
-extern "C" inline void fl_lock();
-extern "C" inline void fl_unlock();
+extern "C" void fl_awake();
+extern "C" void fl_lock();
+extern "C" void fl_unlock();
-extern "C" inline int fl_get_damage();
-extern "C" inline void fl_set_damage(int v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_flush();
-extern "C" inline void fl_redraw();
+extern "C" int fl_get_damage();
+extern "C" void fl_set_damage(int v);
+extern "C" void fl_flush();
+extern "C" void fl_redraw();
-extern "C" inline int fl_check();
-extern "C" inline int fl_ready();
-extern "C" inline int fl_wait();
-extern "C" inline int fl_wait2(double s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_run();
+extern "C" int fl_check();
+extern "C" int fl_ready();
+extern "C" int fl_wait();
+extern "C" int fl_wait2(double s);
+extern "C" int fl_run();
diff --git a/src/c_fl_adjuster.h b/src/c_fl_adjuster.h
index 61cc549..53a84eb 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_adjuster.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_adjuster.h
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@ typedef void* ADJUSTER;
-extern "C" inline void adjuster_set_draw_hook(ADJUSTER a, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_adjuster_draw(ADJUSTER a);
-extern "C" inline void adjuster_set_handle_hook(ADJUSTER a, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_adjuster_handle(ADJUSTER a, int e);
+extern "C" void adjuster_set_draw_hook(ADJUSTER a, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_adjuster_draw(ADJUSTER a);
+extern "C" void adjuster_set_handle_hook(ADJUSTER a, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_adjuster_handle(ADJUSTER a, int e);
-extern "C" inline ADJUSTER new_fl_adjuster(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_adjuster(ADJUSTER a);
+extern "C" ADJUSTER new_fl_adjuster(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_adjuster(ADJUSTER a);
-extern "C" inline int fl_adjuster_is_soft(ADJUSTER a);
-extern "C" inline void fl_adjuster_set_soft(ADJUSTER a, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_adjuster_is_soft(ADJUSTER a);
+extern "C" void fl_adjuster_set_soft(ADJUSTER a, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_bitmap.h b/src/c_fl_bitmap.h
index 2bc1cca..219af14 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_bitmap.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_bitmap.h
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ typedef void* BITMAP;
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_bitmap(BITMAP b);
-extern "C" inline BITMAP fl_bitmap_copy(BITMAP b, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline BITMAP fl_bitmap_copy2(BITMAP b);
+extern "C" void free_fl_bitmap(BITMAP b);
+extern "C" BITMAP fl_bitmap_copy(BITMAP b, int w, int h);
+extern "C" BITMAP fl_bitmap_copy2(BITMAP b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_bitmap_draw2(BITMAP b, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_bitmap_draw(BITMAP b, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
+extern "C" void fl_bitmap_draw2(BITMAP b, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_bitmap_draw(BITMAP b, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_bmp_image.h b/src/c_fl_bmp_image.h
index a233c3b..1f9b8df 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_bmp_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_bmp_image.h
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ typedef void* BMP_IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline BMP_IMAGE new_fl_bmp_image(const char * f);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_bmp_image(BMP_IMAGE b);
+extern "C" BMP_IMAGE new_fl_bmp_image(const char * f);
+extern "C" void free_fl_bmp_image(BMP_IMAGE b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_box.h b/src/c_fl_box.h
index 10e0d5f..4c61c4e 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_box.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_box.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* BOX;
-extern "C" inline void box_set_draw_hook(BOX n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_box_draw(BOX n);
-extern "C" inline void box_set_handle_hook(BOX n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_box_handle(BOX n, int e);
+extern "C" void box_set_draw_hook(BOX n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_box_draw(BOX n);
+extern "C" void box_set_handle_hook(BOX n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_box_handle(BOX n, int e);
-extern "C" inline BOX new_fl_box(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_box(BOX b);
+extern "C" BOX new_fl_box(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_box(BOX b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_button.h b/src/c_fl_button.h
index 2a71fd2..33120ad 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_button.h
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ typedef void* BUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void button_set_draw_hook(BUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_button_draw(BUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void button_set_handle_hook(BUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_button_handle(BUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void button_set_draw_hook(BUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_button_draw(BUTTON b);
+extern "C" void button_set_handle_hook(BUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_button_handle(BUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline BUTTON new_fl_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_button(BUTTON b);
+extern "C" BUTTON new_fl_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_button(BUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_button_get_state(BUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_button_set_state(BUTTON b, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_button_set_only(BUTTON b);
+extern "C" int fl_button_get_state(BUTTON b);
+extern "C" void fl_button_set_state(BUTTON b, int s);
+extern "C" void fl_button_set_only(BUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_button_get_down_box(BUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_button_set_down_box(BUTTON b, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_button_get_shortcut(BUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_button_set_shortcut(BUTTON b, int k);
+extern "C" int fl_button_get_down_box(BUTTON b);
+extern "C" void fl_button_set_down_box(BUTTON b, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_button_get_shortcut(BUTTON b);
+extern "C" void fl_button_set_shortcut(BUTTON b, int k);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_chart.h b/src/c_fl_chart.h
index cd0b458..83bcc00 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_chart.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_chart.h
@@ -11,44 +11,44 @@ typedef void* CHART;
-extern "C" inline void chart_set_draw_hook(CHART n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_draw(CHART n);
-extern "C" inline void chart_set_handle_hook(CHART n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_chart_handle(CHART n, int e);
+extern "C" void chart_set_draw_hook(CHART n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_draw(CHART n);
+extern "C" void chart_set_handle_hook(CHART n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_chart_handle(CHART n, int e);
-extern "C" inline CHART new_fl_chart(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_chart(CHART b);
+extern "C" CHART new_fl_chart(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_chart(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_add(CHART b, double v, char * s, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_insert(CHART b, int i, double v, char * s, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_replace(CHART b, int i, double v, char * s, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_clear(CHART b);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_add(CHART b, double v, char * s, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_insert(CHART b, int i, double v, char * s, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_replace(CHART b, int i, double v, char * s, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_clear(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_chart_get_autosize(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_set_autosize(CHART b, int a);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_get_bounds(CHART b, double * l, double * u);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_set_bounds(CHART b, double l, double u);
-extern "C" inline int fl_chart_get_maxsize(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_set_maxsize(CHART b, int m);
-extern "C" inline int fl_chart_size(CHART b);
+extern "C" int fl_chart_get_autosize(CHART b);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_set_autosize(CHART b, int a);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_get_bounds(CHART b, double * l, double * u);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_set_bounds(CHART b, double l, double u);
+extern "C" int fl_chart_get_maxsize(CHART b);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_set_maxsize(CHART b, int m);
+extern "C" int fl_chart_size(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_size2(CHART b, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_size2(CHART b, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_chart_get_textcolor(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_set_textcolor(CHART b, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_chart_get_textfont(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_set_textfont(CHART b, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_chart_get_textsize(CHART b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_chart_set_textsize(CHART b, int s);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_chart_get_textcolor(CHART b);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_set_textcolor(CHART b, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" int fl_chart_get_textfont(CHART b);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_set_textfont(CHART b, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_chart_get_textsize(CHART b);
+extern "C" void fl_chart_set_textsize(CHART b, int s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_check_button.h b/src/c_fl_check_button.h
index fb415e9..24fff48 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_check_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_check_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* CHECKBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void check_button_set_draw_hook(CHECKBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_check_button_draw(CHECKBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void check_button_set_handle_hook(CHECKBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_check_button_handle(CHECKBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void check_button_set_draw_hook(CHECKBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_check_button_draw(CHECKBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void check_button_set_handle_hook(CHECKBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_check_button_handle(CHECKBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline CHECKBUTTON new_fl_check_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_check_button(CHECKBUTTON b);
+extern "C" CHECKBUTTON new_fl_check_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_check_button(CHECKBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_clock.h b/src/c_fl_clock.h
index 26255b0..89f372b 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_clock.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_clock.h
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@ typedef void* CLOCK;
-extern "C" inline void clock_set_draw_hook(CLOCK c, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_clock_draw(CLOCK c);
-extern "C" inline void clock_set_handle_hook(CLOCK c, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_clock_handle(CLOCK c, int e);
+extern "C" void clock_set_draw_hook(CLOCK c, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_clock_draw(CLOCK c);
+extern "C" void clock_set_handle_hook(CLOCK c, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_clock_handle(CLOCK c, int e);
-extern "C" inline CLOCK new_fl_clock(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline CLOCK new_fl_clock2(uchar k, int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_clock(CLOCK c);
+extern "C" CLOCK new_fl_clock(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" CLOCK new_fl_clock2(uchar k, int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_clock(CLOCK c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_clock_draw2(CLOCK c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_clock_draw2(CLOCK c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_clock_output.h b/src/c_fl_clock_output.h
index bb3b11f..d77f989 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_clock_output.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_clock_output.h
@@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ typedef void* CLOCK_OUTPUT;
-extern "C" inline void clock_output_set_draw_hook(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_clock_output_draw(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
-extern "C" inline void clock_output_set_handle_hook(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_clock_output_handle(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, int e);
+extern "C" void clock_output_set_draw_hook(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_clock_output_draw(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
+extern "C" void clock_output_set_handle_hook(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_clock_output_handle(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, int e);
-extern "C" inline CLOCK_OUTPUT new_fl_clock_output(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_clock_output(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
+extern "C" CLOCK_OUTPUT new_fl_clock_output(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_clock_output(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_clock_output_get_hour(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_clock_output_get_minute(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_clock_output_get_second(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
+extern "C" int fl_clock_output_get_hour(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
+extern "C" int fl_clock_output_get_minute(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
+extern "C" int fl_clock_output_get_second(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
-extern "C" inline ulong fl_clock_output_get_value(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_clock_output_set_value(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, ulong v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_clock_output_set_value2(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, int h, int m, int s);
+extern "C" ulong fl_clock_output_get_value(CLOCK_OUTPUT c);
+extern "C" void fl_clock_output_set_value(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, ulong v);
+extern "C" void fl_clock_output_set_value2(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, int h, int m, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_clock_output_draw2(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_clock_output_draw2(CLOCK_OUTPUT c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_color_chooser.h b/src/c_fl_color_chooser.h
index f545002..3a8fd04 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_color_chooser.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_color_chooser.h
@@ -11,38 +11,38 @@ typedef void* COLOR_CHOOSER;
-extern "C" inline void color_chooser_set_draw_hook(COLOR_CHOOSER n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_color_chooser_draw(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline void color_chooser_set_handle_hook(COLOR_CHOOSER n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_color_chooser_handle(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int e);
+extern "C" void color_chooser_set_draw_hook(COLOR_CHOOSER n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_color_chooser_draw(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" void color_chooser_set_handle_hook(COLOR_CHOOSER n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_color_chooser_handle(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int e);
-extern "C" inline COLOR_CHOOSER new_fl_color_chooser(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_color_chooser(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" COLOR_CHOOSER new_fl_color_chooser(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_color_chooser(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline double fl_color_chooser_r(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline double fl_color_chooser_g(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline double fl_color_chooser_b(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_color_chooser_rgb(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int r, int g, int b);
+extern "C" double fl_color_chooser_r(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" double fl_color_chooser_g(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" double fl_color_chooser_b(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" int fl_color_chooser_rgb(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int r, int g, int b);
-extern "C" inline double fl_color_chooser_hue(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline double fl_color_chooser_saturation(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline double fl_color_chooser_value(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_color_chooser_hsv(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int h, int s, int v);
+extern "C" double fl_color_chooser_hue(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" double fl_color_chooser_saturation(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" double fl_color_chooser_value(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" int fl_color_chooser_hsv(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int h, int s, int v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_color_chooser_hsv2rgb(double h, double s, double v, double &r, double &g, double &b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_color_chooser_rgb2hsv(double r, double g, double b, double &h, double &s, double &v);
+extern "C" void fl_color_chooser_hsv2rgb(double h, double s, double v, double &r, double &g, double &b);
+extern "C" void fl_color_chooser_rgb2hsv(double r, double g, double b, double &h, double &s, double &v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_color_chooser_get_mode(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_color_chooser_set_mode(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int m);
+extern "C" int fl_color_chooser_get_mode(COLOR_CHOOSER n);
+extern "C" void fl_color_chooser_set_mode(COLOR_CHOOSER n, int m);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_copy_surface.h b/src/c_fl_copy_surface.h
index 6de2f56..c323533 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_copy_surface.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_copy_surface.h
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ typedef void* COPY_SURFACE;
-extern "C" inline COPY_SURFACE new_fl_copy_surface(int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_copy_surface(COPY_SURFACE c);
+extern "C" COPY_SURFACE new_fl_copy_surface(int w, int h);
+extern "C" void free_fl_copy_surface(COPY_SURFACE c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_copy_surface_get_w(COPY_SURFACE c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_copy_surface_get_h(COPY_SURFACE c);
+extern "C" int fl_copy_surface_get_w(COPY_SURFACE c);
+extern "C" int fl_copy_surface_get_h(COPY_SURFACE c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_copy_surface_draw(COPY_SURFACE c, void * w, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_copy_surface_draw_decorated_window(COPY_SURFACE c, void * w, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_copy_surface_draw(COPY_SURFACE c, void * w, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_copy_surface_draw_decorated_window(COPY_SURFACE c, void * w, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_copy_surface_set_current(COPY_SURFACE c);
+extern "C" void fl_copy_surface_set_current(COPY_SURFACE c);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_counter.h b/src/c_fl_counter.h
index b4a8031..97e7a50 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_counter.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_counter.h
@@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ typedef void* COUNTER;
-extern "C" inline void counter_set_draw_hook(COUNTER c, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_counter_draw(COUNTER c);
-extern "C" inline void counter_set_handle_hook(COUNTER c, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_counter_handle(COUNTER c, int e);
+extern "C" void counter_set_draw_hook(COUNTER c, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_counter_draw(COUNTER c);
+extern "C" void counter_set_handle_hook(COUNTER c, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_counter_handle(COUNTER c, int e);
-extern "C" inline COUNTER new_fl_counter(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_counter(COUNTER c);
+extern "C" COUNTER new_fl_counter(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_counter(COUNTER c);
-extern "C" inline double fl_counter_get_step(COUNTER c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_counter_set_step(COUNTER c, double t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_counter_set_lstep(COUNTER c, double t);
+extern "C" double fl_counter_get_step(COUNTER c);
+extern "C" void fl_counter_set_step(COUNTER c, double t);
+extern "C" void fl_counter_set_lstep(COUNTER c, double t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_counter_get_textcolor(COUNTER c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_counter_set_textcolor(COUNTER c, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_counter_get_textfont(COUNTER c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_counter_set_textfont(COUNTER c, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_counter_get_textsize(COUNTER c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_counter_set_textsize(COUNTER c, int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_counter_get_textcolor(COUNTER c);
+extern "C" void fl_counter_set_textcolor(COUNTER c, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" int fl_counter_get_textfont(COUNTER c);
+extern "C" void fl_counter_set_textfont(COUNTER c, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_counter_get_textsize(COUNTER c);
+extern "C" void fl_counter_set_textsize(COUNTER c, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_dial.h b/src/c_fl_dial.h
index f134e78..c42fb36 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_dial.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_dial.h
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ typedef void* DIAL;
-extern "C" inline void dial_set_draw_hook(DIAL v, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_dial_draw(DIAL v);
-extern "C" inline void dial_set_handle_hook(DIAL v, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_dial_handle(DIAL v, int e);
+extern "C" void dial_set_draw_hook(DIAL v, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_dial_draw(DIAL v);
+extern "C" void dial_set_handle_hook(DIAL v, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_dial_handle(DIAL v, int e);
-extern "C" inline DIAL new_fl_dial(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_dial(DIAL v);
+extern "C" DIAL new_fl_dial(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_dial(DIAL v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_dial_get_type(DIAL v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_dial_set_type(DIAL v, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_dial_get_type(DIAL v);
+extern "C" void fl_dial_set_type(DIAL v, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_dial_get_angle1(DIAL v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_dial_set_angle1(DIAL v, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_dial_get_angle2(DIAL v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_dial_set_angle2(DIAL v, int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_dial_set_angles(DIAL v, int a, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_dial_get_angle1(DIAL v);
+extern "C" void fl_dial_set_angle1(DIAL v, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_dial_get_angle2(DIAL v);
+extern "C" void fl_dial_set_angle2(DIAL v, int t);
+extern "C" void fl_dial_set_angles(DIAL v, int a, int b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_dialog.h b/src/c_fl_dialog.h
index 21765aa..066e854 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_dialog.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_dialog.h
@@ -4,27 +4,27 @@
-extern "C" inline void dialog_fl_alert(const char * m);
-//extern "C" inline int dialog_fl_ask(const char * m);
-extern "C" inline void dialog_fl_beep(int b);
-extern "C" inline int dialog_fl_choice(const char * m, const char * a, const char * b, const char * c);
-extern "C" inline const char * dialog_fl_input(const char * m, const char * d);
-extern "C" inline void dialog_fl_message(const char * m);
-extern "C" inline const char * dialog_fl_password(const char * m, const char * d);
-extern "C" inline int dialog_fl_color_chooser(const char * n, double & r, double & g, double & b, int m);
-extern "C" inline int dialog_fl_color_chooser2(const char * n, uchar & r, uchar & g, uchar & b, int m);
-extern "C" inline char * dialog_fl_dir_chooser(const char * m, const char * d, int r);
-extern "C" inline char * dialog_fl_file_chooser(const char * m, const char * p, const char * d, int r);
-extern "C" inline int dialog_fl_get_message_hotspot(void);
-extern "C" inline void dialog_fl_set_message_hotspot(int v);
-extern "C" inline void dialog_fl_message_font(int f, int s);
-extern "C" inline void * dialog_fl_message_icon(void);
-extern "C" inline void dialog_fl_message_title(const char * t);
-extern "C" inline void dialog_fl_message_title_default(const char * t);
+extern "C" void dialog_fl_alert(const char * m);
+//extern "C" int dialog_fl_ask(const char * m);
+extern "C" void dialog_fl_beep(int b);
+extern "C" int dialog_fl_choice(const char * m, const char * a, const char * b, const char * c);
+extern "C" const char * dialog_fl_input(const char * m, const char * d);
+extern "C" void dialog_fl_message(const char * m);
+extern "C" const char * dialog_fl_password(const char * m, const char * d);
+extern "C" int dialog_fl_color_chooser(const char * n, double & r, double & g, double & b, int m);
+extern "C" int dialog_fl_color_chooser2(const char * n, uchar & r, uchar & g, uchar & b, int m);
+extern "C" char * dialog_fl_dir_chooser(const char * m, const char * d, int r);
+extern "C" char * dialog_fl_file_chooser(const char * m, const char * p, const char * d, int r);
+extern "C" int dialog_fl_get_message_hotspot(void);
+extern "C" void dialog_fl_set_message_hotspot(int v);
+extern "C" void dialog_fl_message_font(int f, int s);
+extern "C" void * dialog_fl_message_icon(void);
+extern "C" void dialog_fl_message_title(const char * t);
+extern "C" void dialog_fl_message_title_default(const char * t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_double_window.h b/src/c_fl_double_window.h
index 4867fd2..d7ef32d 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_double_window.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_double_window.h
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ typedef void* DOUBLEWINDOW;
-extern "C" inline void double_window_set_draw_hook(DOUBLEWINDOW n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_double_window_draw(DOUBLEWINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void double_window_set_handle_hook(DOUBLEWINDOW n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_double_window_handle(DOUBLEWINDOW n, int e);
+extern "C" void double_window_set_draw_hook(DOUBLEWINDOW n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_double_window_draw(DOUBLEWINDOW n);
+extern "C" void double_window_set_handle_hook(DOUBLEWINDOW n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_double_window_handle(DOUBLEWINDOW n, int e);
-extern "C" inline DOUBLEWINDOW new_fl_double_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline DOUBLEWINDOW new_fl_double_window2(int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_double_window(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
+extern "C" DOUBLEWINDOW new_fl_double_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" DOUBLEWINDOW new_fl_double_window2(int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_double_window(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_double_window_show(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_double_window_hide(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_double_window_flush(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
+extern "C" void fl_double_window_show(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
+extern "C" void fl_double_window_hide(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
+extern "C" void fl_double_window_flush(DOUBLEWINDOW d);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_event.h b/src/c_fl_event.h
index c126b56..28cdb47 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_event.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_event.h
@@ -6,57 +6,57 @@
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_add_handler(void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_set_event_dispatch(void * f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_handle(int e, void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_event_get_grab();
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_set_grab(void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_event_get_pushed();
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_set_pushed(void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_event_get_belowmouse();
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_set_belowmouse(void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_event_get_focus();
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_set_focus(void * w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_compose(int &d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_compose_reset();
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_event_text();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_length();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_get();
-extern "C" inline unsigned long fl_event_state();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_check_state(unsigned long s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_x();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_x_root();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_y();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_y_root();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_dx();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_dy();
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_get_mouse(int &x, int &y);
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_is_click();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_is_clicks();
-extern "C" inline void fl_event_set_clicks(int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_button();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_button1();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_button2();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_button3();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_inside(int x, int y, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline unsigned long fl_event_key();
-extern "C" inline unsigned long fl_event_original_key();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_key_during(unsigned long k);
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_get_key(unsigned long k);
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_ctrl();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_alt();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_command();
-extern "C" inline int fl_event_shift();
+extern "C" void fl_event_add_handler(void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_event_set_event_dispatch(void * f);
+extern "C" int fl_event_handle(int e, void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_event_get_grab();
+extern "C" void fl_event_set_grab(void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_event_get_pushed();
+extern "C" void fl_event_set_pushed(void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_event_get_belowmouse();
+extern "C" void fl_event_set_belowmouse(void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_event_get_focus();
+extern "C" void fl_event_set_focus(void * w);
+extern "C" int fl_event_compose(int &d);
+extern "C" void fl_event_compose_reset();
+extern "C" const char * fl_event_text();
+extern "C" int fl_event_length();
+extern "C" int fl_event_get();
+extern "C" unsigned long fl_event_state();
+extern "C" int fl_event_check_state(unsigned long s);
+extern "C" int fl_event_x();
+extern "C" int fl_event_x_root();
+extern "C" int fl_event_y();
+extern "C" int fl_event_y_root();
+extern "C" int fl_event_dx();
+extern "C" int fl_event_dy();
+extern "C" void fl_event_get_mouse(int &x, int &y);
+extern "C" int fl_event_is_click();
+extern "C" int fl_event_is_clicks();
+extern "C" void fl_event_set_clicks(int c);
+extern "C" int fl_event_button();
+extern "C" int fl_event_button1();
+extern "C" int fl_event_button2();
+extern "C" int fl_event_button3();
+extern "C" int fl_event_inside(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+extern "C" unsigned long fl_event_key();
+extern "C" unsigned long fl_event_original_key();
+extern "C" int fl_event_key_during(unsigned long k);
+extern "C" int fl_event_get_key(unsigned long k);
+extern "C" int fl_event_ctrl();
+extern "C" int fl_event_alt();
+extern "C" int fl_event_command();
+extern "C" int fl_event_shift();
diff --git a/src/c_fl_file_input.h b/src/c_fl_file_input.h
index f86fb3f..8346332 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_file_input.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_file_input.h
@@ -11,28 +11,28 @@ typedef void* FILE_INPUT;
-extern "C" inline void file_input_set_draw_hook(FILE_INPUT i, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_file_input_draw(FILE_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void file_input_set_handle_hook(FILE_INPUT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_file_input_handle(FILE_INPUT i, int e);
+extern "C" void file_input_set_draw_hook(FILE_INPUT i, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_file_input_draw(FILE_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void file_input_set_handle_hook(FILE_INPUT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_file_input_handle(FILE_INPUT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline FILE_INPUT new_fl_file_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_file_input(FILE_INPUT i);
+extern "C" FILE_INPUT new_fl_file_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_file_input(FILE_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_file_input_get_down_box(FILE_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_file_input_set_down_box(FILE_INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_file_input_get_errorcolor(FILE_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_file_input_set_errorcolor(FILE_INPUT i, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" int fl_file_input_get_down_box(FILE_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_file_input_set_down_box(FILE_INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_file_input_get_errorcolor(FILE_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_file_input_set_errorcolor(FILE_INPUT i, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_file_input_get_value(FILE_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_file_input_set_value(FILE_INPUT i, const char * s, int len);
+extern "C" const char * fl_file_input_get_value(FILE_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_file_input_set_value(FILE_INPUT i, const char * s, int len);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_fill_dial.h b/src/c_fl_fill_dial.h
index 4830cf5..39dced5 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_fill_dial.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_fill_dial.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* FILL_DIAL;
-extern "C" inline void fill_dial_set_draw_hook(FILL_DIAL v, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_fill_dial_draw(FILL_DIAL v);
-extern "C" inline void fill_dial_set_handle_hook(FILL_DIAL v, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_fill_dial_handle(FILL_DIAL v, int e);
+extern "C" void fill_dial_set_draw_hook(FILL_DIAL v, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_fill_dial_draw(FILL_DIAL v);
+extern "C" void fill_dial_set_handle_hook(FILL_DIAL v, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_fill_dial_handle(FILL_DIAL v, int e);
-extern "C" inline FILL_DIAL new_fl_fill_dial(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_fill_dial(FILL_DIAL v);
+extern "C" FILL_DIAL new_fl_fill_dial(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_fill_dial(FILL_DIAL v);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_fill_slider.h b/src/c_fl_fill_slider.h
index 35925a1..ac9a125 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_fill_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_fill_slider.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* FILL_SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void fill_slider_set_draw_hook(FILL_SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_fill_slider_draw(FILL_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void fill_slider_set_handle_hook(FILL_SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_fill_slider_handle(FILL_SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void fill_slider_set_draw_hook(FILL_SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_fill_slider_draw(FILL_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void fill_slider_set_handle_hook(FILL_SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_fill_slider_handle(FILL_SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline FILL_SLIDER new_fl_fill_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_fill_slider(FILL_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" FILL_SLIDER new_fl_fill_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_fill_slider(FILL_SLIDER s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_float_input.h b/src/c_fl_float_input.h
index 5b97446..a49d0f7 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_float_input.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_float_input.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* FLOAT_INPUT;
-extern "C" inline void float_input_set_draw_hook(FLOAT_INPUT i, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_float_input_draw(FLOAT_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void float_input_set_handle_hook(FLOAT_INPUT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_float_input_handle(FLOAT_INPUT i, int e);
+extern "C" void float_input_set_draw_hook(FLOAT_INPUT i, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_float_input_draw(FLOAT_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void float_input_set_handle_hook(FLOAT_INPUT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_float_input_handle(FLOAT_INPUT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline FLOAT_INPUT new_fl_float_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_float_input(FLOAT_INPUT i);
+extern "C" FLOAT_INPUT new_fl_float_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_float_input(FLOAT_INPUT i);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_graphics_driver.h b/src/c_fl_graphics_driver.h
index 545a300..d255400 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_graphics_driver.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_graphics_driver.h
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ typedef void* GRAPHICS_DRIVER;
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_graphics_driver_color(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_graphics_driver_color(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
-extern "C" inline int fl_graphics_driver_descent(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
-extern "C" inline int fl_graphics_driver_height(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
-extern "C" inline double fl_graphics_driver_width(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline double fl_graphics_driver_width2(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, const char * s, int l);
-extern "C" inline int fl_graphics_driver_get_font(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
-extern "C" inline int fl_graphics_driver_size(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
-extern "C" inline void fl_graphics_driver_set_font(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, int f, int s);
+extern "C" int fl_graphics_driver_descent(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
+extern "C" int fl_graphics_driver_height(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
+extern "C" double fl_graphics_driver_width(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" double fl_graphics_driver_width2(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, const char * s, int l);
+extern "C" int fl_graphics_driver_get_font(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
+extern "C" int fl_graphics_driver_size(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g);
+extern "C" void fl_graphics_driver_set_font(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, int f, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_graphics_driver_draw_scaled(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_graphics_driver_draw_scaled(GRAPHICS_DRIVER g, void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_group.cpp b/src/c_fl_group.cpp
index 2cfb444..b3b7a68 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_group.cpp
+++ b/src/c_fl_group.cpp
@@ -141,3 +141,15 @@ void fl_group_init_sizes(GROUP g) {
+void * fl_group_get_current() {
+ return Fl_Group::current();
+void fl_group_set_current(GROUP g) {
+ Fl_Group::current(reinterpret_cast<Fl_Group*>(g));
diff --git a/src/c_fl_group.h b/src/c_fl_group.h
index d00fe61..6e13503 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_group.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_group.h
@@ -51,5 +51,9 @@ extern "C" void fl_group_set_resizable(GROUP g, WIDGET item);
extern "C" void fl_group_init_sizes(GROUP g);
+extern "C" void * fl_group_get_current();
+extern "C" void fl_group_set_current(GROUP g);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_hor_fill_slider.h b/src/c_fl_hor_fill_slider.h
index ebed13a..95ac72f 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_hor_fill_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_hor_fill_slider.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* HOR_FILL_SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void hor_fill_slider_set_draw_hook(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_hor_fill_slider_draw(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void hor_fill_slider_set_handle_hook(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_hor_fill_slider_handle(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void hor_fill_slider_set_draw_hook(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_hor_fill_slider_draw(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void hor_fill_slider_set_handle_hook(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_hor_fill_slider_handle(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline HOR_FILL_SLIDER new_fl_hor_fill_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_hor_fill_slider(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" HOR_FILL_SLIDER new_fl_hor_fill_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_hor_fill_slider(HOR_FILL_SLIDER s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_hor_nice_slider.h b/src/c_fl_hor_nice_slider.h
index bd5daba..990fc76 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_hor_nice_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_hor_nice_slider.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* HOR_NICE_SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void hor_nice_slider_set_draw_hook(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_hor_nice_slider_draw(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void hor_nice_slider_set_handle_hook(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_hor_nice_slider_handle(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void hor_nice_slider_set_draw_hook(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_hor_nice_slider_draw(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void hor_nice_slider_set_handle_hook(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_hor_nice_slider_handle(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline HOR_NICE_SLIDER new_fl_hor_nice_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_hor_nice_slider(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" HOR_NICE_SLIDER new_fl_hor_nice_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_hor_nice_slider(HOR_NICE_SLIDER s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_hor_value_slider.h b/src/c_fl_hor_value_slider.h
index e1ccfd7..7e682f5 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_hor_value_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_hor_value_slider.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* HOR_VALUE_SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void hor_value_slider_set_draw_hook(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_hor_value_slider_draw(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void hor_value_slider_set_handle_hook(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_hor_value_slider_handle(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void hor_value_slider_set_draw_hook(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_hor_value_slider_draw(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void hor_value_slider_set_handle_hook(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_hor_value_slider_handle(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline HOR_VALUE_SLIDER new_fl_hor_value_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_hor_value_slider(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" HOR_VALUE_SLIDER new_fl_hor_value_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_hor_value_slider(HOR_VALUE_SLIDER s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_horizontal_slider.h b/src/c_fl_horizontal_slider.h
index 18a0ed8..13ba6e2 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_horizontal_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_horizontal_slider.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* HORIZONTAL_SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void horizontal_slider_set_draw_hook(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_horizontal_slider_draw(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void horizontal_slider_set_handle_hook(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_horizontal_slider_handle(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void horizontal_slider_set_draw_hook(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_horizontal_slider_draw(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void horizontal_slider_set_handle_hook(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_horizontal_slider_handle(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline HORIZONTAL_SLIDER new_fl_horizontal_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_horizontal_slider(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" HORIZONTAL_SLIDER new_fl_horizontal_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_horizontal_slider(HORIZONTAL_SLIDER s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_image.h b/src/c_fl_image.h
index efe7765..29e1b93 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_image.h
@@ -11,34 +11,34 @@ typedef void* IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline IMAGE new_fl_image(int w, int h, int d);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_image(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" IMAGE new_fl_image(int w, int h, int d);
+extern "C" void free_fl_image(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_image_get_rgb_scaling();
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_set_rgb_scaling(int t);
-extern "C" inline IMAGE fl_image_copy(IMAGE i, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline IMAGE fl_image_copy2(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" int fl_image_get_rgb_scaling();
+extern "C" void fl_image_set_rgb_scaling(int t);
+extern "C" IMAGE fl_image_copy(IMAGE i, int w, int h);
+extern "C" IMAGE fl_image_copy2(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_color_average(IMAGE i, int c, float b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_desaturate(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" void fl_image_color_average(IMAGE i, int c, float b);
+extern "C" void fl_image_desaturate(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_inactive(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_image_fail(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" void fl_image_inactive(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" int fl_image_fail(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_image_w(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_image_h(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_image_d(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" int fl_image_w(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" int fl_image_h(IMAGE i);
+extern "C" int fl_image_d(IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_draw(IMAGE i, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_draw2(IMAGE i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_draw_empty(IMAGE i, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_image_draw(IMAGE i, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_image_draw2(IMAGE i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
+extern "C" void fl_image_draw_empty(IMAGE i, int x, int y);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_image_surface.h b/src/c_fl_image_surface.h
index a021993..0ad97a3 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_image_surface.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_image_surface.h
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ typedef void* IMAGE_SURFACE;
-extern "C" inline IMAGE_SURFACE new_fl_image_surface(int w, int h, int r);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_image_surface(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
+extern "C" IMAGE_SURFACE new_fl_image_surface(int w, int h, int r);
+extern "C" void free_fl_image_surface(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_surface_draw(IMAGE_SURFACE s, void * w, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_surface_draw_decorated_window(IMAGE_SURFACE s, void * w, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_image_surface_draw(IMAGE_SURFACE s, void * w, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_image_surface_draw_decorated_window(IMAGE_SURFACE s, void * w, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_image_surface_image(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_image_surface_highres_image(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
+extern "C" void * fl_image_surface_image(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
+extern "C" void * fl_image_surface_highres_image(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_image_surface_set_current(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
+extern "C" void fl_image_surface_set_current(IMAGE_SURFACE s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_input.h b/src/c_fl_input.h
index 23bee96..38bfc7e 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_input.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_input.h
@@ -11,69 +11,69 @@ typedef void* INPUT;
-extern "C" inline void input_set_draw_hook(INPUT n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_draw(INPUT n);
-extern "C" inline void input_set_handle_hook(INPUT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_handle(INPUT i, int e);
+extern "C" void input_set_draw_hook(INPUT n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_input_draw(INPUT n);
+extern "C" void input_set_handle_hook(INPUT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_input_handle(INPUT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline INPUT new_fl_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_input(INPUT i);
+extern "C" INPUT new_fl_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_input(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_copy(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_cut(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_cut2(INPUT i, int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_cut3(INPUT i, int a, int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_copy_cuts(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_undo(INPUT i);
+extern "C" int fl_input_copy(INPUT i);
+extern "C" int fl_input_cut(INPUT i);
+extern "C" int fl_input_cut2(INPUT i, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_input_cut3(INPUT i, int a, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_input_copy_cuts(INPUT i);
+extern "C" int fl_input_undo(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_readonly(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_readonly(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_tab_nav(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_tab_nav(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_wrap(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_wrap(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_readonly(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_readonly(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_tab_nav(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_tab_nav(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_wrap(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_wrap(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_input_type(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_input_type(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned long fl_input_get_shortcut(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_shortcut(INPUT i, unsigned long t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_mark(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_set_mark(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_position(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_set_position(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_input_type(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_input_type(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" unsigned long fl_input_get_shortcut(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_shortcut(INPUT i, unsigned long t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_mark(INPUT i);
+extern "C" int fl_input_set_mark(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_position(INPUT i);
+extern "C" int fl_input_set_position(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_input_index(INPUT i, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_insert(INPUT i, const char * s, int l);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_replace(INPUT i, int b, int e, const char * s, int l);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_input_get_value(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_value(INPUT i, char * s, int len);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_input_index(INPUT i, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_input_insert(INPUT i, const char * s, int l);
+extern "C" int fl_input_replace(INPUT i, int b, int e, const char * s, int l);
+extern "C" const char * fl_input_get_value(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_value(INPUT i, char * s, int len);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_maximum_size(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_maximum_size(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_size(INPUT i);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_maximum_size(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_maximum_size(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_size(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_input_get_cursor_color(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_cursor_color(INPUT i, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_input_get_textcolor(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_textcolor(INPUT i, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_textfont(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_textfont(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_get_textsize(INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_textsize(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_input_get_cursor_color(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_cursor_color(INPUT i, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_input_get_textcolor(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_textcolor(INPUT i, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_textfont(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_textfont(INPUT i, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_get_textsize(INPUT i);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_textsize(INPUT i, int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_set_size(INPUT i, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_input_set_size(INPUT i, int w, int h);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_input_choice.h b/src/c_fl_input_choice.h
index 2535b93..9b1c1d4 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_input_choice.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_input_choice.h
@@ -11,41 +11,41 @@ typedef void* INPUT_CHOICE;
-extern "C" inline void input_choice_set_draw_hook(INPUT_CHOICE n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_draw(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void input_choice_set_handle_hook(INPUT_CHOICE n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_choice_handle(INPUT_CHOICE n, int e);
+extern "C" void input_choice_set_draw_hook(INPUT_CHOICE n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_draw(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void input_choice_set_handle_hook(INPUT_CHOICE n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_input_choice_handle(INPUT_CHOICE n, int e);
-extern "C" inline INPUT_CHOICE new_fl_input_choice(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_input_choice(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" INPUT_CHOICE new_fl_input_choice(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_input_choice(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_input_choice_input(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_input_choice_menubutton(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void * fl_input_choice_input(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void * fl_input_choice_menubutton(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_clear(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_clear(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_choice_changed(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_clear_changed(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_set_changed(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_choice_get_down_box(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_set_down_box(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_input_choice_get_textcolor(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_set_textcolor(INPUT_CHOICE n, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_choice_get_textfont(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_set_textfont(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_input_choice_get_textsize(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_set_textsize(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_input_choice_get_value(INPUT_CHOICE n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_set_value(INPUT_CHOICE n, const char * t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_input_choice_set_value2(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_choice_changed(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_clear_changed(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_set_changed(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" int fl_input_choice_get_down_box(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_set_down_box(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_input_choice_get_textcolor(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_set_textcolor(INPUT_CHOICE n, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_choice_get_textfont(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_set_textfont(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_input_choice_get_textsize(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_set_textsize(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
+extern "C" const char * fl_input_choice_get_value(INPUT_CHOICE n);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_set_value(INPUT_CHOICE n, const char * t);
+extern "C" void fl_input_choice_set_value2(INPUT_CHOICE n, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_int_input.h b/src/c_fl_int_input.h
index bd5e408..907c041 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_int_input.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_int_input.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* INT_INPUT;
-extern "C" inline void int_input_set_draw_hook(INT_INPUT i, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_int_input_draw(INT_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void int_input_set_handle_hook(INT_INPUT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_int_input_handle(INT_INPUT i, int e);
+extern "C" void int_input_set_draw_hook(INT_INPUT i, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_int_input_draw(INT_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void int_input_set_handle_hook(INT_INPUT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_int_input_handle(INT_INPUT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline INT_INPUT new_fl_int_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_int_input(INT_INPUT i);
+extern "C" INT_INPUT new_fl_int_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_int_input(INT_INPUT i);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_jpeg_image.h b/src/c_fl_jpeg_image.h
index 90389de..c81bd6f 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_jpeg_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_jpeg_image.h
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ typedef void* JPEG_IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline JPEG_IMAGE new_fl_jpeg_image(const char * f);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_jpeg_image(JPEG_IMAGE j);
+extern "C" JPEG_IMAGE new_fl_jpeg_image(const char * f);
+extern "C" void free_fl_jpeg_image(JPEG_IMAGE j);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_light_button.h b/src/c_fl_light_button.h
index 7c4a258..1a9fab4 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_light_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_light_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* LIGHTBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void light_button_set_draw_hook(LIGHTBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_light_button_draw(LIGHTBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void light_button_set_handle_hook(LIGHTBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_light_button_handle(LIGHTBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void light_button_set_draw_hook(LIGHTBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_light_button_draw(LIGHTBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void light_button_set_handle_hook(LIGHTBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_light_button_handle(LIGHTBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline LIGHTBUTTON new_fl_light_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_light_button(LIGHTBUTTON b);
+extern "C" LIGHTBUTTON new_fl_light_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_light_button(LIGHTBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_line_dial.h b/src/c_fl_line_dial.h
index ef2ce9f..0056939 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_line_dial.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_line_dial.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* LINE_DIAL;
-extern "C" inline void line_dial_set_draw_hook(LINE_DIAL v, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_line_dial_draw(LINE_DIAL v);
-extern "C" inline void line_dial_set_handle_hook(LINE_DIAL v, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_line_dial_handle(LINE_DIAL v, int e);
+extern "C" void line_dial_set_draw_hook(LINE_DIAL v, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_line_dial_draw(LINE_DIAL v);
+extern "C" void line_dial_set_handle_hook(LINE_DIAL v, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_line_dial_handle(LINE_DIAL v, int e);
-extern "C" inline LINE_DIAL new_fl_line_dial(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_line_dial(LINE_DIAL v);
+extern "C" LINE_DIAL new_fl_line_dial(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_line_dial(LINE_DIAL v);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_menu_bar.h b/src/c_fl_menu_bar.h
index ed5a9d0..60d2e06 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_menu_bar.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_menu_bar.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* MENUBAR;
-extern "C" inline void menu_bar_set_draw_hook(MENUBAR m, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_bar_draw(MENUBAR m);
-extern "C" inline void menu_bar_set_handle_hook(MENUBAR m, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_bar_handle(MENUBAR m, int e);
+extern "C" void menu_bar_set_draw_hook(MENUBAR m, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_bar_draw(MENUBAR m);
+extern "C" void menu_bar_set_handle_hook(MENUBAR m, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_bar_handle(MENUBAR m, int e);
-extern "C" inline MENUBAR new_fl_menu_bar(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_menu_bar(MENUBAR m);
+extern "C" MENUBAR new_fl_menu_bar(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_menu_bar(MENUBAR m);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_menu_button.h b/src/c_fl_menu_button.h
index fe44c2a..8013bf9 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_menu_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_menu_button.h
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@ typedef void* MENUBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void menu_button_set_draw_hook(MENUBUTTON m, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_button_draw(MENUBUTTON m);
-extern "C" inline void menu_button_set_handle_hook(MENUBUTTON m, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_button_handle(MENUBUTTON m, int e);
+extern "C" void menu_button_set_draw_hook(MENUBUTTON m, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_button_draw(MENUBUTTON m);
+extern "C" void menu_button_set_handle_hook(MENUBUTTON m, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_button_handle(MENUBUTTON m, int e);
-extern "C" inline MENUBUTTON new_fl_menu_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_menu_button(MENUBUTTON m);
+extern "C" MENUBUTTON new_fl_menu_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_menu_button(MENUBUTTON m);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_button_type(MENUBUTTON m, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline const void * fl_menu_button_popup(MENUBUTTON m);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_button_type(MENUBUTTON m, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" const void * fl_menu_button_popup(MENUBUTTON m);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_menu_window.h b/src/c_fl_menu_window.h
index dacc873..2d37249 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_menu_window.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_menu_window.h
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ typedef void* MENUWINDOW;
-extern "C" inline void menu_window_set_draw_hook(MENUWINDOW n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_window_draw(MENUWINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void menu_window_set_handle_hook(MENUWINDOW n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_window_handle(MENUWINDOW n, int e);
+extern "C" void menu_window_set_draw_hook(MENUWINDOW n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_window_draw(MENUWINDOW n);
+extern "C" void menu_window_set_handle_hook(MENUWINDOW n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_window_handle(MENUWINDOW n, int e);
-extern "C" inline MENUWINDOW new_fl_menu_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline MENUWINDOW new_fl_menu_window2(int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_menu_window(MENUWINDOW m);
+extern "C" MENUWINDOW new_fl_menu_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" MENUWINDOW new_fl_menu_window2(int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_menu_window(MENUWINDOW m);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_window_show(MENUWINDOW m);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_window_hide(MENUWINDOW m);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_window_flush(MENUWINDOW m);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_window_show(MENUWINDOW m);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_window_hide(MENUWINDOW m);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_window_flush(MENUWINDOW m);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_window_set_overlay(MENUWINDOW m);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_window_clear_overlay(MENUWINDOW m);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_menu_window_overlay(MENUWINDOW m);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_window_set_overlay(MENUWINDOW m);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_window_clear_overlay(MENUWINDOW m);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_menu_window_overlay(MENUWINDOW m);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_menuitem.h b/src/c_fl_menuitem.h
index 2e7127c..bf54cfa 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_menuitem.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_menuitem.h
@@ -11,48 +11,48 @@ typedef void* MENU_ITEM;
-extern "C" inline void * new_fl_menu_item(char * t, void * c, unsigned long s, unsigned long f);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_menu_item(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void * new_fl_menu_item(char * t, void * c, unsigned long s, unsigned long f);
+extern "C" void free_fl_menu_item(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_menu_item_get_user_data(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set_user_data(MENU_ITEM mi, void * c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_do_callback(MENU_ITEM mi, void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_menu_item_get_user_data(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set_user_data(MENU_ITEM mi, void * c);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_do_callback(MENU_ITEM mi, void * w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_checkbox(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_radio(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_value(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_clear(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_setonly(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_checkbox(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_radio(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_value(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_clear(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_setonly(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_menu_item_get_label(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set_label(MENU_ITEM mi, const char *t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_menu_item_get_labelcolor(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set_labelcolor(MENU_ITEM mi, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_get_labelfont(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set_labelfont(MENU_ITEM mi, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_get_labelsize(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set_labelsize(MENU_ITEM mi, int s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_get_labeltype(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set_labeltype(MENU_ITEM mi, int t);
+extern "C" const char * fl_menu_item_get_label(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set_label(MENU_ITEM mi, const char *t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_menu_item_get_labelcolor(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set_labelcolor(MENU_ITEM mi, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_get_labelfont(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set_labelfont(MENU_ITEM mi, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_get_labelsize(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set_labelsize(MENU_ITEM mi, int s);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_get_labeltype(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set_labeltype(MENU_ITEM mi, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_get_shortcut(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_set_shortcut(MENU_ITEM mi, int s);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_get_shortcut(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_set_shortcut(MENU_ITEM mi, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_activate(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_deactivate(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_show(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline void fl_menu_item_hide(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_active(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_visible(MENU_ITEM mi);
-extern "C" inline int fl_menu_item_activevisible(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_activate(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_deactivate(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_show(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" void fl_menu_item_hide(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_active(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_visible(MENU_ITEM mi);
+extern "C" int fl_menu_item_activevisible(MENU_ITEM mi);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_multiline_input.h b/src/c_fl_multiline_input.h
index eb19332..177567b 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_multiline_input.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_multiline_input.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* MULTILINE_INPUT;
-extern "C" inline void multiline_input_set_draw_hook(MULTILINE_INPUT i, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_multiline_input_draw(MULTILINE_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void multiline_input_set_handle_hook(MULTILINE_INPUT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_multiline_input_handle(MULTILINE_INPUT i, int e);
+extern "C" void multiline_input_set_draw_hook(MULTILINE_INPUT i, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_multiline_input_draw(MULTILINE_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void multiline_input_set_handle_hook(MULTILINE_INPUT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_multiline_input_handle(MULTILINE_INPUT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline MULTILINE_INPUT new_fl_multiline_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_multiline_input(MULTILINE_INPUT i);
+extern "C" MULTILINE_INPUT new_fl_multiline_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_multiline_input(MULTILINE_INPUT i);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_multiline_output.h b/src/c_fl_multiline_output.h
index ebd5886..fae3da8 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_multiline_output.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_multiline_output.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* MULTILINE_OUTPUT;
-extern "C" inline void multiline_output_set_draw_hook(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_multiline_output_draw(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void multiline_output_set_handle_hook(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_multiline_output_handle(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i, int e);
+extern "C" void multiline_output_set_draw_hook(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_multiline_output_draw(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i);
+extern "C" void multiline_output_set_handle_hook(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_multiline_output_handle(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline MULTILINE_OUTPUT new_fl_multiline_output(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_multiline_output(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i);
+extern "C" MULTILINE_OUTPUT new_fl_multiline_output(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_multiline_output(MULTILINE_OUTPUT i);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_nice_slider.h b/src/c_fl_nice_slider.h
index 4874923..d07b47e 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_nice_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_nice_slider.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* NICE_SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void nice_slider_set_draw_hook(NICE_SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_nice_slider_draw(NICE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void nice_slider_set_handle_hook(NICE_SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_nice_slider_handle(NICE_SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void nice_slider_set_draw_hook(NICE_SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_nice_slider_draw(NICE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void nice_slider_set_handle_hook(NICE_SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_nice_slider_handle(NICE_SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline NICE_SLIDER new_fl_nice_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_nice_slider(NICE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" NICE_SLIDER new_fl_nice_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_nice_slider(NICE_SLIDER s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_output.h b/src/c_fl_output.h
index d5959ec..bb9bf96 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_output.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_output.h
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ typedef void* OUTPUTT;
-extern "C" inline void output_set_draw_hook(OUTPUTT i, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_output_draw(OUTPUTT i);
-extern "C" inline void output_set_handle_hook(OUTPUTT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_output_handle(OUTPUTT i, int e);
+extern "C" void output_set_draw_hook(OUTPUTT i, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_output_draw(OUTPUTT i);
+extern "C" void output_set_handle_hook(OUTPUTT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_output_handle(OUTPUTT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline OUTPUTT new_fl_output(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_output(OUTPUTT i);
+extern "C" OUTPUTT new_fl_output(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_output(OUTPUTT i);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_pack.h b/src/c_fl_pack.h
index 6695708..debb69c 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_pack.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_pack.h
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@ typedef void* PACK;
-extern "C" inline void pack_set_draw_hook(PACK n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_pack_draw(PACK n);
-extern "C" inline void pack_set_handle_hook(PACK n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_pack_handle(PACK n, int e);
+extern "C" void pack_set_draw_hook(PACK n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_pack_draw(PACK n);
+extern "C" void pack_set_handle_hook(PACK n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_pack_handle(PACK n, int e);
-extern "C" inline PACK new_fl_pack(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_pack(PACK p);
+extern "C" PACK new_fl_pack(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_pack(PACK p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_pack_get_spacing(PACK p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_pack_set_spacing(PACK p, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_pack_get_spacing(PACK p);
+extern "C" void fl_pack_set_spacing(PACK p, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_paged_device.h b/src/c_fl_paged_device.h
index f83dbaa..0d4a7f1 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_paged_device.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_paged_device.h
@@ -11,32 +11,32 @@ typedef void* PAGED_DEVICE;
-extern "C" inline PAGED_DEVICE new_fl_paged_device(void);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_paged_device(PAGED_DEVICE p);
+extern "C" PAGED_DEVICE new_fl_paged_device(void);
+extern "C" void free_fl_paged_device(PAGED_DEVICE p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_paged_device_start_job(PAGED_DEVICE p, int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_paged_device_start_job2(PAGED_DEVICE p, int c, int f, int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_end_job(PAGED_DEVICE p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_paged_device_start_page(PAGED_DEVICE p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_paged_device_end_page(PAGED_DEVICE p);
+extern "C" int fl_paged_device_start_job(PAGED_DEVICE p, int c);
+extern "C" int fl_paged_device_start_job2(PAGED_DEVICE p, int c, int f, int t);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_end_job(PAGED_DEVICE p);
+extern "C" int fl_paged_device_start_page(PAGED_DEVICE p);
+extern "C" int fl_paged_device_end_page(PAGED_DEVICE p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_margins(PAGED_DEVICE p, int * l, int * t, int * r, int * b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_paged_device_printable_rect(PAGED_DEVICE p, int * w, int * h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_get_origin(PAGED_DEVICE p, int * x, int * y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_set_origin(PAGED_DEVICE p, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_rotate(PAGED_DEVICE p, float r);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_scale(PAGED_DEVICE p, float x, float y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_translate(PAGED_DEVICE p, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_untranslate(PAGED_DEVICE p);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_margins(PAGED_DEVICE p, int * l, int * t, int * r, int * b);
+extern "C" int fl_paged_device_printable_rect(PAGED_DEVICE p, int * w, int * h);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_get_origin(PAGED_DEVICE p, int * x, int * y);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_set_origin(PAGED_DEVICE p, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_rotate(PAGED_DEVICE p, float r);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_scale(PAGED_DEVICE p, float x, float y);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_translate(PAGED_DEVICE p, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_untranslate(PAGED_DEVICE p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_print_widget(PAGED_DEVICE p, void * i, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_print_window(PAGED_DEVICE p, void * i, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_paged_device_print_window_part(PAGED_DEVICE p, void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_print_widget(PAGED_DEVICE p, void * i, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_print_window(PAGED_DEVICE p, void * i, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_paged_device_print_window_part(PAGED_DEVICE p, void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dx, int dy);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_png_image.h b/src/c_fl_png_image.h
index a35cdfa..b9901ea 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_png_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_png_image.h
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ typedef void* PNG_IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline PNG_IMAGE new_fl_png_image(const char * f);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_png_image(PNG_IMAGE p);
+extern "C" PNG_IMAGE new_fl_png_image(const char * f);
+extern "C" void free_fl_png_image(PNG_IMAGE p);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_pnm_image.h b/src/c_fl_pnm_image.h
index e5031d8..558780c 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_pnm_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_pnm_image.h
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ typedef void* PNM_IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline PNM_IMAGE new_fl_pnm_image(const char * f);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_pnm_image(PNM_IMAGE p);
+extern "C" PNM_IMAGE new_fl_pnm_image(const char * f);
+extern "C" void free_fl_pnm_image(PNM_IMAGE p);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_preferences.h b/src/c_fl_preferences.h
index 9bda444..e8581c2 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_preferences.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_preferences.h
@@ -11,38 +11,38 @@ typedef void* PREFS;
-extern "C" inline PREFS new_fl_preferences(char * p, char * v, char * a);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_preferences(PREFS e);
+extern "C" PREFS new_fl_preferences(char * p, char * v, char * a);
+extern "C" void free_fl_preferences(PREFS e);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_entries(PREFS e);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_preferences_entry(PREFS e, int i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_entryexists(PREFS e, const char * k);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_size(PREFS e, const char * k);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_entries(PREFS e);
+extern "C" const char * fl_preferences_entry(PREFS e, int i);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_entryexists(PREFS e, const char * k);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_size(PREFS e, const char * k);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_get_int(PREFS e, const char * k, int& v, int d);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_get_float(PREFS e, const char * k, float& v, float d);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_get_double(PREFS e, const char * k, double& v, double d);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_get_str(PREFS e, const char * k, char *& v, const char * d);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_get_int(PREFS e, const char * k, int& v, int d);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_get_float(PREFS e, const char * k, float& v, float d);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_get_double(PREFS e, const char * k, double& v, double d);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_get_str(PREFS e, const char * k, char *& v, const char * d);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_set_int(PREFS e, const char * k, int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_set_float(PREFS e, const char * k, float v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_set_float_prec(PREFS e, const char * k, float v, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_set_double(PREFS e, const char * k, double v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_set_double_prec(PREFS e, const char * k, double v, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_set_str(PREFS e, const char * k, const char * v);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_set_int(PREFS e, const char * k, int v);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_set_float(PREFS e, const char * k, float v);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_set_float_prec(PREFS e, const char * k, float v, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_set_double(PREFS e, const char * k, double v);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_set_double_prec(PREFS e, const char * k, double v, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_set_str(PREFS e, const char * k, const char * v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_deleteentry(PREFS e, const char * k);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_deleteallentries(PREFS e);
-extern "C" inline int fl_preferences_clear(PREFS e);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_deleteentry(PREFS e, const char * k);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_deleteallentries(PREFS e);
+extern "C" int fl_preferences_clear(PREFS e);
-extern "C" inline void fl_preferences_flush(PREFS e);
+extern "C" void fl_preferences_flush(PREFS e);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_printer.h b/src/c_fl_printer.h
index 74abc84..0ae2499 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_printer.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_printer.h
@@ -11,34 +11,34 @@ typedef void* PRINTER;
-extern "C" inline PRINTER new_fl_printer(void);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_printer(PRINTER p);
+extern "C" PRINTER new_fl_printer(void);
+extern "C" void free_fl_printer(PRINTER p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_printer_start_job(PRINTER p, int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_printer_start_job2(PRINTER p, int c, int f, int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_end_job(PRINTER p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_printer_start_page(PRINTER p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_printer_end_page(PRINTER p);
+extern "C" int fl_printer_start_job(PRINTER p, int c);
+extern "C" int fl_printer_start_job2(PRINTER p, int c, int f, int t);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_end_job(PRINTER p);
+extern "C" int fl_printer_start_page(PRINTER p);
+extern "C" int fl_printer_end_page(PRINTER p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_margins(PRINTER p, int * l, int * t, int * r, int * b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_printer_printable_rect(PRINTER p, int * w, int * h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_get_origin(PRINTER p, int * x, int * y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_set_origin(PRINTER p, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_rotate(PRINTER p, float r);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_scale(PRINTER p, float x, float y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_translate(PRINTER p, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_untranslate(PRINTER p);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_margins(PRINTER p, int * l, int * t, int * r, int * b);
+extern "C" int fl_printer_printable_rect(PRINTER p, int * w, int * h);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_get_origin(PRINTER p, int * x, int * y);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_set_origin(PRINTER p, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_rotate(PRINTER p, float r);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_scale(PRINTER p, float x, float y);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_translate(PRINTER p, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_untranslate(PRINTER p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_print_widget(PRINTER p, void * i, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_print_window_part(PRINTER p, void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_print_widget(PRINTER p, void * i, int dx, int dy);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_print_window_part(PRINTER p, void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dx, int dy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_printer_set_current(PRINTER p);
+extern "C" void fl_printer_set_current(PRINTER p);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_progress.h b/src/c_fl_progress.h
index 94e4149..0254bfd 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_progress.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_progress.h
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@ typedef void* PROGRESS;
-extern "C" inline void progress_set_draw_hook(PROGRESS p, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_progress_draw(PROGRESS p);
-extern "C" inline void progress_set_handle_hook(PROGRESS p, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_progress_handle(PROGRESS p, int e);
+extern "C" void progress_set_draw_hook(PROGRESS p, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_progress_draw(PROGRESS p);
+extern "C" void progress_set_handle_hook(PROGRESS p, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_progress_handle(PROGRESS p, int e);
-extern "C" inline PROGRESS new_fl_progress(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_progress(PROGRESS p);
+extern "C" PROGRESS new_fl_progress(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_progress(PROGRESS p);
-extern "C" inline float fl_progress_get_minimum(PROGRESS p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_progress_set_minimum(PROGRESS p, float t);
-extern "C" inline float fl_progress_get_maximum(PROGRESS p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_progress_set_maximum(PROGRESS p, float t);
-extern "C" inline float fl_progress_get_value(PROGRESS p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_progress_set_value(PROGRESS p, float t);
+extern "C" float fl_progress_get_minimum(PROGRESS p);
+extern "C" void fl_progress_set_minimum(PROGRESS p, float t);
+extern "C" float fl_progress_get_maximum(PROGRESS p);
+extern "C" void fl_progress_set_maximum(PROGRESS p, float t);
+extern "C" float fl_progress_get_value(PROGRESS p);
+extern "C" void fl_progress_set_value(PROGRESS p, float t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_radio_button.h b/src/c_fl_radio_button.h
index 3b85026..0a517e8 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_radio_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_radio_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* RADIOBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void radio_button_set_draw_hook(RADIOBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_radio_button_draw(RADIOBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void radio_button_set_handle_hook(RADIOBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_radio_button_handle(RADIOBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void radio_button_set_draw_hook(RADIOBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_radio_button_draw(RADIOBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void radio_button_set_handle_hook(RADIOBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_radio_button_handle(RADIOBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline RADIOBUTTON new_fl_radio_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_radio_button(RADIOBUTTON b);
+extern "C" RADIOBUTTON new_fl_radio_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_radio_button(RADIOBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_radio_light_button.h b/src/c_fl_radio_light_button.h
index 546ed85..57d56b0 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_radio_light_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_radio_light_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* RADIOLIGHTBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void radio_light_button_set_draw_hook(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_radio_light_button_draw(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void radio_light_button_set_handle_hook(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_radio_light_button_handle(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void radio_light_button_set_draw_hook(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_radio_light_button_draw(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void radio_light_button_set_handle_hook(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_radio_light_button_handle(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline RADIOLIGHTBUTTON new_fl_radio_light_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_radio_light_button(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b);
+extern "C" RADIOLIGHTBUTTON new_fl_radio_light_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_radio_light_button(RADIOLIGHTBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_radio_round_button.h b/src/c_fl_radio_round_button.h
index b4d8c3b..04c8748 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_radio_round_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_radio_round_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* RADIOROUNDBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void radio_round_button_set_draw_hook(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_radio_round_button_draw(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void radio_round_button_set_handle_hook(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_radio_round_button_handle(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void radio_round_button_set_draw_hook(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_radio_round_button_draw(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void radio_round_button_set_handle_hook(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_radio_round_button_handle(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline RADIOROUNDBUTTON new_fl_radio_round_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_radio_round_button(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b);
+extern "C" RADIOROUNDBUTTON new_fl_radio_round_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_radio_round_button(RADIOROUNDBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_repeat_button.h b/src/c_fl_repeat_button.h
index d24024e..fdc3320 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_repeat_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_repeat_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* REPEATBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void repeat_button_set_draw_hook(REPEATBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_repeat_button_draw(REPEATBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void repeat_button_set_handle_hook(REPEATBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_repeat_button_handle(REPEATBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void repeat_button_set_draw_hook(REPEATBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_repeat_button_draw(REPEATBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void repeat_button_set_handle_hook(REPEATBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_repeat_button_handle(REPEATBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline REPEATBUTTON new_fl_repeat_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_repeat_button(REPEATBUTTON b);
+extern "C" REPEATBUTTON new_fl_repeat_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_repeat_button(REPEATBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_return_button.h b/src/c_fl_return_button.h
index b2ebf44..59928a7 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_return_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_return_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* RETURNBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void return_button_set_draw_hook(RETURNBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_return_button_draw(RETURNBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void return_button_set_handle_hook(RETURNBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_return_button_handle(RETURNBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void return_button_set_draw_hook(RETURNBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_return_button_draw(RETURNBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void return_button_set_handle_hook(RETURNBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_return_button_handle(RETURNBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline RETURNBUTTON new_fl_return_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_return_button(RETURNBUTTON b);
+extern "C" RETURNBUTTON new_fl_return_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_return_button(RETURNBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_rgb_image.h b/src/c_fl_rgb_image.h
index 4354541..3ec4c58 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_rgb_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_rgb_image.h
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ typedef void* RGB_IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_rgb_image(RGB_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline RGB_IMAGE fl_rgb_image_copy(RGB_IMAGE i, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline RGB_IMAGE fl_rgb_image_copy2(RGB_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" void free_fl_rgb_image(RGB_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" RGB_IMAGE fl_rgb_image_copy(RGB_IMAGE i, int w, int h);
+extern "C" RGB_IMAGE fl_rgb_image_copy2(RGB_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_rgb_image_color_average(RGB_IMAGE i, int c, float b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_rgb_image_desaturate(RGB_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" void fl_rgb_image_color_average(RGB_IMAGE i, int c, float b);
+extern "C" void fl_rgb_image_desaturate(RGB_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_rgb_image_draw2(RGB_IMAGE i, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_rgb_image_draw(RGB_IMAGE i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
+extern "C" void fl_rgb_image_draw2(RGB_IMAGE i, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_rgb_image_draw(RGB_IMAGE i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_roller.h b/src/c_fl_roller.h
index fa76d24..1820eee 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_roller.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_roller.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* ROLLER;
-extern "C" inline void roller_set_draw_hook(ROLLER r, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_roller_draw(ROLLER r);
-extern "C" inline void roller_set_handle_hook(ROLLER r, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_roller_handle(ROLLER r, int e);
+extern "C" void roller_set_draw_hook(ROLLER r, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_roller_draw(ROLLER r);
+extern "C" void roller_set_handle_hook(ROLLER r, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_roller_handle(ROLLER r, int e);
-extern "C" inline ROLLER new_fl_roller(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_roller(ROLLER r);
+extern "C" ROLLER new_fl_roller(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_roller(ROLLER r);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_round_button.h b/src/c_fl_round_button.h
index 8deecc9..f812746 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_round_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_round_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* ROUNDBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void round_button_set_draw_hook(ROUNDBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_round_button_draw(ROUNDBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void round_button_set_handle_hook(ROUNDBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_round_button_handle(ROUNDBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void round_button_set_draw_hook(ROUNDBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_round_button_draw(ROUNDBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void round_button_set_handle_hook(ROUNDBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_round_button_handle(ROUNDBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline ROUNDBUTTON new_fl_round_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_round_button(ROUNDBUTTON b);
+extern "C" ROUNDBUTTON new_fl_round_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_round_button(ROUNDBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_round_clock.h b/src/c_fl_round_clock.h
index 06ec30c..20d4721 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_round_clock.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_round_clock.h
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ typedef void* ROUND_CLOCK;
-extern "C" inline void round_clock_set_draw_hook(ROUND_CLOCK c, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_round_clock_draw(ROUND_CLOCK c);
-extern "C" inline void round_clock_set_handle_hook(ROUND_CLOCK c, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_round_clock_handle(ROUND_CLOCK c, int e);
+extern "C" void round_clock_set_draw_hook(ROUND_CLOCK c, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_round_clock_draw(ROUND_CLOCK c);
+extern "C" void round_clock_set_handle_hook(ROUND_CLOCK c, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_round_clock_handle(ROUND_CLOCK c, int e);
-extern "C" inline ROUND_CLOCK new_fl_round_clock(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_round_clock(ROUND_CLOCK c);
+extern "C" ROUND_CLOCK new_fl_round_clock(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_round_clock(ROUND_CLOCK c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_round_clock_draw2(ROUND_CLOCK c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_round_clock_draw2(ROUND_CLOCK c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_screen.h b/src/c_fl_screen.h
index fd92e5d..58d94c5 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_screen.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_screen.h
@@ -6,29 +6,29 @@
-extern "C" inline int fl_screen_x();
-extern "C" inline int fl_screen_y();
-extern "C" inline int fl_screen_w();
-extern "C" inline int fl_screen_h();
+extern "C" int fl_screen_x();
+extern "C" int fl_screen_y();
+extern "C" int fl_screen_w();
+extern "C" int fl_screen_h();
-extern "C" inline int fl_screen_count();
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_dpi(float &h, float &v, int n);
+extern "C" int fl_screen_count();
+extern "C" void fl_screen_dpi(float &h, float &v, int n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_screen_num(int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline int fl_screen_num2(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+extern "C" int fl_screen_num(int x, int y);
+extern "C" int fl_screen_num2(int x, int y, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_work_area(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int px, int py);
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_work_area2(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_work_area3(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h);
+extern "C" void fl_screen_work_area(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int px, int py);
+extern "C" void fl_screen_work_area2(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int n);
+extern "C" void fl_screen_work_area3(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_xywh(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int px, int py);
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_xywh2(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_xywh3(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_screen_xywh4(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int px, int py, int pw, int ph);
+extern "C" void fl_screen_xywh(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int px, int py);
+extern "C" void fl_screen_xywh2(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int n);
+extern "C" void fl_screen_xywh3(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h);
+extern "C" void fl_screen_xywh4(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int px, int py, int pw, int ph);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_scroll.h b/src/c_fl_scroll.h
index 36bc0d4..37c9e95 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_scroll.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_scroll.h
@@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ typedef void* SCROLL;
-extern "C" inline void scroll_set_draw_hook(SCROLL s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scroll_draw(SCROLL s);
-extern "C" inline void scroll_set_handle_hook(SCROLL s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_scroll_handle(SCROLL s, int e);
+extern "C" void scroll_set_draw_hook(SCROLL s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_scroll_draw(SCROLL s);
+extern "C" void scroll_set_handle_hook(SCROLL s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_scroll_handle(SCROLL s, int e);
-extern "C" inline SCROLL new_fl_scroll(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_scroll(SCROLL s);
+extern "C" SCROLL new_fl_scroll(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_scroll(SCROLL s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scroll_clear(SCROLL s);
+extern "C" void fl_scroll_clear(SCROLL s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scroll_to(SCROLL s, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scroll_set_type(SCROLL s, int t);
+extern "C" void fl_scroll_to(SCROLL s, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_scroll_set_type(SCROLL s, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_scroll_get_size(SCROLL s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scroll_set_size(SCROLL s, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_scroll_xposition(SCROLL s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_scroll_yposition(SCROLL s);
+extern "C" int fl_scroll_get_size(SCROLL s);
+extern "C" void fl_scroll_set_size(SCROLL s, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_scroll_xposition(SCROLL s);
+extern "C" int fl_scroll_yposition(SCROLL s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_scrollbar.h b/src/c_fl_scrollbar.h
index 90311ac..311abfa 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_scrollbar.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_scrollbar.h
@@ -11,25 +11,25 @@ typedef void* SCROLLBAR;
-extern "C" inline void scrollbar_set_draw_hook(SCROLLBAR s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scrollbar_draw(SCROLLBAR s);
-extern "C" inline void scrollbar_set_handle_hook(SCROLLBAR s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_scrollbar_handle(SCROLLBAR s, int e);
+extern "C" void scrollbar_set_draw_hook(SCROLLBAR s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_scrollbar_draw(SCROLLBAR s);
+extern "C" void scrollbar_set_handle_hook(SCROLLBAR s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_scrollbar_handle(SCROLLBAR s, int e);
-extern "C" inline SCROLLBAR new_fl_scrollbar(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_scrollbar(SCROLLBAR s);
+extern "C" SCROLLBAR new_fl_scrollbar(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_scrollbar(SCROLLBAR s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_scrollbar_get_linesize(SCROLLBAR s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scrollbar_set_linesize(SCROLLBAR s, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_scrollbar_get_value(SCROLLBAR s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scrollbar_set_value(SCROLLBAR s, int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_scrollbar_set_value2(SCROLLBAR s, int p, int w, int f, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_scrollbar_get_linesize(SCROLLBAR s);
+extern "C" void fl_scrollbar_set_linesize(SCROLLBAR s, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_scrollbar_get_value(SCROLLBAR s);
+extern "C" void fl_scrollbar_set_value(SCROLLBAR s, int t);
+extern "C" void fl_scrollbar_set_value2(SCROLLBAR s, int p, int w, int f, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_secret_input.h b/src/c_fl_secret_input.h
index 4f92349..604626d 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_secret_input.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_secret_input.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* SECRET_INPUT;
-extern "C" inline void secret_input_set_draw_hook(SECRET_INPUT i, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_secret_input_draw(SECRET_INPUT i);
-extern "C" inline void secret_input_set_handle_hook(SECRET_INPUT i, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_secret_input_handle(SECRET_INPUT i, int e);
+extern "C" void secret_input_set_draw_hook(SECRET_INPUT i, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_secret_input_draw(SECRET_INPUT i);
+extern "C" void secret_input_set_handle_hook(SECRET_INPUT i, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_secret_input_handle(SECRET_INPUT i, int e);
-extern "C" inline SECRET_INPUT new_fl_secret_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_secret_input(SECRET_INPUT i);
+extern "C" SECRET_INPUT new_fl_secret_input(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_secret_input(SECRET_INPUT i);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_shared_image.cpp b/src/c_fl_shared_image.cpp
index a7d7bf9..b7fcdb2 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_shared_image.cpp
+++ b/src/c_fl_shared_image.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_find(const char * n, int w, int h) {
return Fl_Shared_Image::find(n, w, h);
-void release_fl_shared_image(SHARED_IMAGE i) {
+void fl_shared_image_release(SHARED_IMAGE i) {
diff --git a/src/c_fl_shared_image.h b/src/c_fl_shared_image.h
index 2924b62..5555530 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_shared_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_shared_image.h
@@ -11,30 +11,30 @@ typedef void* SHARED_IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_get(const char * f, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_get2(void * r);
-extern "C" inline SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_find(const char * n, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline void release_fl_shared_image(SHARED_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_copy(SHARED_IMAGE i, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_copy2(SHARED_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_get(const char * f, int w, int h);
+extern "C" SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_get2(void * r);
+extern "C" SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_find(const char * n, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_release(SHARED_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_copy(SHARED_IMAGE i, int w, int h);
+extern "C" SHARED_IMAGE fl_shared_image_copy2(SHARED_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_shared_image_color_average(SHARED_IMAGE i, int c, float b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_shared_image_desaturate(SHARED_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_color_average(SHARED_IMAGE i, int c, float b);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_desaturate(SHARED_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_shared_image_name(SHARED_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_shared_image_reload(SHARED_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" const char * fl_shared_image_name(SHARED_IMAGE i);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_reload(SHARED_IMAGE i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_shared_image_scaling_algorithm(int v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_shared_image_scale(SHARED_IMAGE i, int w, int h, int p, int e);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_scaling_algorithm(int v);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_scale(SHARED_IMAGE i, int w, int h, int p, int e);
-extern "C" inline void fl_shared_image_draw(SHARED_IMAGE i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
-extern "C" inline void fl_shared_image_draw2(SHARED_IMAGE i, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_draw(SHARED_IMAGE i, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cx, int cy);
+extern "C" void fl_shared_image_draw2(SHARED_IMAGE i, int x, int y);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_simple_counter.h b/src/c_fl_simple_counter.h
index 732e8f3..54c5f19 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_simple_counter.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_simple_counter.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* SIMPLE_COUNTER;
-extern "C" inline void simple_counter_set_draw_hook(SIMPLE_COUNTER c, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_simple_counter_draw(SIMPLE_COUNTER c);
-extern "C" inline void simple_counter_set_handle_hook(SIMPLE_COUNTER c, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_simple_counter_handle(SIMPLE_COUNTER c, int e);
+extern "C" void simple_counter_set_draw_hook(SIMPLE_COUNTER c, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_simple_counter_draw(SIMPLE_COUNTER c);
+extern "C" void simple_counter_set_handle_hook(SIMPLE_COUNTER c, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_simple_counter_handle(SIMPLE_COUNTER c, int e);
-extern "C" inline SIMPLE_COUNTER new_fl_simple_counter(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_simple_counter(SIMPLE_COUNTER c);
+extern "C" SIMPLE_COUNTER new_fl_simple_counter(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_simple_counter(SIMPLE_COUNTER c);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_single_window.h b/src/c_fl_single_window.h
index 4040313..d1d87da 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_single_window.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_single_window.h
@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@ typedef void* SINGLEWINDOW;
-extern "C" inline void single_window_set_draw_hook(SINGLEWINDOW n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_single_window_draw(SINGLEWINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void single_window_set_handle_hook(SINGLEWINDOW n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_single_window_handle(SINGLEWINDOW n, int e);
+extern "C" void single_window_set_draw_hook(SINGLEWINDOW n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_single_window_draw(SINGLEWINDOW n);
+extern "C" void single_window_set_handle_hook(SINGLEWINDOW n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_single_window_handle(SINGLEWINDOW n, int e);
-extern "C" inline SINGLEWINDOW new_fl_single_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline SINGLEWINDOW new_fl_single_window2(int x, int y, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_single_window(SINGLEWINDOW w);
+extern "C" SINGLEWINDOW new_fl_single_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" SINGLEWINDOW new_fl_single_window2(int x, int y, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_single_window(SINGLEWINDOW w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_single_window_show(SINGLEWINDOW w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_single_window_flush(SINGLEWINDOW w);
+extern "C" void fl_single_window_show(SINGLEWINDOW w);
+extern "C" void fl_single_window_flush(SINGLEWINDOW w);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_slider.h b/src/c_fl_slider.h
index 4adae2a..3ff6a46 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_slider.h
@@ -11,30 +11,30 @@ typedef void* SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void slider_set_draw_hook(SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_slider_draw(SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void slider_set_handle_hook(SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_slider_handle(SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void slider_set_draw_hook(SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_slider_draw(SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void slider_set_handle_hook(SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_slider_handle(SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline SLIDER new_fl_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_slider(SLIDER s);
+extern "C" SLIDER new_fl_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_slider(SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_slider_get_type(SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_slider_set_type(SLIDER s, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_slider_get_type(SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void fl_slider_set_type(SLIDER s, int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_slider_set_bounds(SLIDER s, double a, double b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_slider_get_slider(SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_slider_set_slider(SLIDER s, int t);
-extern "C" inline float fl_slider_get_slider_size(SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_slider_set_slider_size(SLIDER s, float t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_slider_scrollvalue(SLIDER s, int p, int z, int f, int t);
+extern "C" void fl_slider_set_bounds(SLIDER s, double a, double b);
+extern "C" int fl_slider_get_slider(SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void fl_slider_set_slider(SLIDER s, int t);
+extern "C" float fl_slider_get_slider_size(SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void fl_slider_set_slider_size(SLIDER s, float t);
+extern "C" int fl_slider_scrollvalue(SLIDER s, int p, int z, int f, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_spinner.h b/src/c_fl_spinner.h
index d16b765..81fb26f 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_spinner.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_spinner.h
@@ -11,43 +11,43 @@ typedef void* SPINNER;
-extern "C" inline void spinner_set_draw_hook(SPINNER n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_draw(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void spinner_set_handle_hook(SPINNER n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_spinner_handle(SPINNER n, int e);
+extern "C" void spinner_set_draw_hook(SPINNER n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_draw(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void spinner_set_handle_hook(SPINNER n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_spinner_handle(SPINNER n, int e);
-extern "C" inline SPINNER new_fl_spinner(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_spinner(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" SPINNER new_fl_spinner(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_spinner(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_spinner_get_color(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_color(SPINNER n, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_spinner_get_selection_color(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_selection_color(SPINNER n, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_spinner_get_textcolor(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_textcolor(SPINNER n, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_spinner_get_textfont(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_textfont(SPINNER n, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_spinner_get_textsize(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_textsize(SPINNER n, int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_spinner_get_color(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_color(SPINNER n, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_spinner_get_selection_color(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_selection_color(SPINNER n, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_spinner_get_textcolor(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_textcolor(SPINNER n, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" int fl_spinner_get_textfont(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_textfont(SPINNER n, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_spinner_get_textsize(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_textsize(SPINNER n, int t);
-extern "C" inline double fl_spinner_get_minimum(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_minimum(SPINNER n, double t);
-extern "C" inline double fl_spinner_get_maximum(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_maximum(SPINNER n, double t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_range(SPINNER n, double a, double b);
-extern "C" inline double fl_spinner_get_step(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_step(SPINNER n, double t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_spinner_get_type(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_type(SPINNER n, int t);
-extern "C" inline double fl_spinner_get_value(SPINNER n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_spinner_set_value(SPINNER n, double t);
+extern "C" double fl_spinner_get_minimum(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_minimum(SPINNER n, double t);
+extern "C" double fl_spinner_get_maximum(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_maximum(SPINNER n, double t);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_range(SPINNER n, double a, double b);
+extern "C" double fl_spinner_get_step(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_step(SPINNER n, double t);
+extern "C" int fl_spinner_get_type(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_type(SPINNER n, int t);
+extern "C" double fl_spinner_get_value(SPINNER n);
+extern "C" void fl_spinner_set_value(SPINNER n, double t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_static.h b/src/c_fl_static.h
index dac01d8..0163f58 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_static.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_static.h
@@ -6,98 +6,98 @@
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_add_awake_handler(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_get_awake_handler(void * &h, void * &f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_add_awake_handler(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_get_awake_handler(void * &h, void * &f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_add_check(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_has_check(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_remove_check(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_add_check(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" int fl_static_has_check(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_remove_check(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_add_timeout(double s, void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_has_timeout(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_remove_timeout(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_repeat_timeout(double s, void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_add_timeout(double s, void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" int fl_static_has_timeout(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_remove_timeout(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_repeat_timeout(double s, void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_add_clipboard_notify(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_add_clipboard_notify(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_add_fd(int d, void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_add_fd2(int d, int m, void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_remove_fd(int d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_remove_fd2(int d, int m);
+extern "C" void fl_static_add_fd(int d, void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_add_fd2(int d, int m, void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_remove_fd(int d);
+extern "C" void fl_static_remove_fd2(int d, int m);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_add_idle(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_has_idle(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_remove_idle(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_add_idle(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" int fl_static_has_idle(void * h, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_remove_idle(void * h, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_get_color(unsigned int c, unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_color(unsigned int c, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_free_color(unsigned int c, int b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_foreground(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_background(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_background2(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
+extern "C" void fl_static_get_color(unsigned int c, unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b);
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_color(unsigned int c, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
+extern "C" void fl_static_free_color(unsigned int c, int b);
+extern "C" void fl_static_foreground(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
+extern "C" void fl_static_background(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
+extern "C" void fl_static_background2(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_static_get_font(int f);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_static_get_font_name(int f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_font(int t, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_get_font_sizes(int f, int * &a);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_font_size_array_get(int * a, int i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_set_fonts();
+extern "C" const char * fl_static_get_font(int f);
+extern "C" const char * fl_static_get_font_name(int f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_font(int t, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_static_get_font_sizes(int f, int * &a);
+extern "C" int fl_static_font_size_array_get(int * a, int i);
+extern "C" int fl_static_set_fonts();
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_box_dh(int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_box_dw(int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_box_dx(int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_box_dy(int b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_boxtype(int t, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_draw_box_active();
+extern "C" int fl_static_box_dh(int b);
+extern "C" int fl_static_box_dw(int b);
+extern "C" int fl_static_box_dx(int b);
+extern "C" int fl_static_box_dy(int b);
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_boxtype(int t, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_static_draw_box_active();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_copy(const char * t, int l, int k);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_paste(void * r, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_selection(void * o, char * t, int l);
+extern "C" void fl_static_copy(const char * t, int l, int k);
+extern "C" void fl_static_paste(void * r, int s);
+extern "C" void fl_static_selection(void * o, char * t, int l);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_dnd();
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_get_dnd_text_ops();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_dnd_text_ops(int t);
+extern "C" void fl_static_dnd();
+extern "C" int fl_static_get_dnd_text_ops();
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_dnd_text_ops(int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_enable_im();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_disable_im();
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_get_visible_focus();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_visible_focus(int f);
+extern "C" void fl_static_enable_im();
+extern "C" void fl_static_disable_im();
+extern "C" int fl_static_get_visible_focus();
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_visible_focus(int f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_default_atclose(void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_static_get_first_window();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_first_window(void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_static_next_window(void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_static_modal();
+extern "C" void fl_static_default_atclose(void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_static_get_first_window();
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_first_window(void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_static_next_window(void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_static_modal();
-extern "C" inline void * fl_static_readqueue();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_do_widget_deletion();
+extern "C" void * fl_static_readqueue();
+extern "C" void fl_static_do_widget_deletion();
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_static_get_scheme();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_scheme(const char *n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_is_scheme(const char *n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_reload_scheme();
+extern "C" const char * fl_static_get_scheme();
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_scheme(const char *n);
+extern "C" int fl_static_is_scheme(const char *n);
+extern "C" void fl_static_reload_scheme();
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_get_option(int o);
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_option(int o, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_static_get_option(int o);
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_option(int o, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_static_get_scrollbar_size();
-extern "C" inline void fl_static_set_scrollbar_size(int s);
+extern "C" int fl_static_get_scrollbar_size();
+extern "C" void fl_static_set_scrollbar_size(int s);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_surface.h b/src/c_fl_surface.h
index c763709..dd8d8e9 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_surface.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_surface.h
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ typedef void* SURFACE;
-extern "C" inline SURFACE new_fl_surface(void * g);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_surface(SURFACE s);
+extern "C" SURFACE new_fl_surface(void * g);
+extern "C" void free_fl_surface(SURFACE s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_surface_set_current(SURFACE s);
-extern "C" inline SURFACE fl_surface_get_surface(void);
+extern "C" void fl_surface_set_current(SURFACE s);
+extern "C" SURFACE fl_surface_get_surface(void);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_tabs.h b/src/c_fl_tabs.h
index 97b2039..2d12500 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_tabs.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_tabs.h
@@ -11,28 +11,28 @@ typedef void* TABS;
-extern "C" inline void tabs_set_draw_hook(TABS t, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tabs_draw(TABS t);
-extern "C" inline void tabs_set_handle_hook(TABS t, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tabs_handle(TABS t, int e);
+extern "C" void tabs_set_draw_hook(TABS t, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_tabs_draw(TABS t);
+extern "C" void tabs_set_handle_hook(TABS t, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_tabs_handle(TABS t, int e);
-extern "C" inline TABS new_fl_tabs(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_tabs(TABS t);
+extern "C" TABS new_fl_tabs(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_tabs(TABS t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tabs_client_area(TABS t, int * x, int * y, int * w, int * h, int i);
+extern "C" void fl_tabs_client_area(TABS t, int * x, int * y, int * w, int * h, int i);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_tabs_get_push(TABS t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tabs_set_push(TABS t, void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_tabs_get_value(TABS t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tabs_set_value(TABS t, void * w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_tabs_which(TABS t, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void * fl_tabs_get_push(TABS t);
+extern "C" void fl_tabs_set_push(TABS t, void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_tabs_get_value(TABS t);
+extern "C" void fl_tabs_set_value(TABS t, void * w);
+extern "C" void * fl_tabs_which(TABS t, int x, int y);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_text_buffer.h b/src/c_fl_text_buffer.h
index 0feb4e8..7258006 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_text_buffer.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_text_buffer.h
@@ -11,85 +11,85 @@ typedef void* TEXTBUFFER;
-extern "C" inline TEXTBUFFER new_fl_text_buffer(int rs, int pgs);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_text_buffer(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" TEXTBUFFER new_fl_text_buffer(int rs, int pgs);
+extern "C" void free_fl_text_buffer(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_add_modify_callback(TEXTBUFFER tb, void * cb, void * ud);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_add_predelete_callback(TEXTBUFFER tb, void * cb, void * ud);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_call_modify_callbacks(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_call_predelete_callbacks(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_add_modify_callback(TEXTBUFFER tb, void * cb, void * ud);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_add_predelete_callback(TEXTBUFFER tb, void * cb, void * ud);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_call_modify_callbacks(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_call_predelete_callbacks(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_loadfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_appendfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_insertfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int p, int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_outputfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int f, int t, int b);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_savefile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_loadfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_appendfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_insertfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int p, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_outputfile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int f, int t, int b);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_savefile(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * n, int b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_insert(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p, const char * item);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_append(TEXTBUFFER tb, const char * item);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_replace(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f, const char * text);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_remove(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
-extern "C" inline char * fl_text_buffer_get_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_set_text(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * t);
-extern "C" inline char fl_text_buffer_byte_at(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_text_buffer_char_at(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline char * fl_text_buffer_text_range(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_next_char(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_prev_char(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_insert(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p, const char * item);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_append(TEXTBUFFER tb, const char * item);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_replace(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f, const char * text);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_remove(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
+extern "C" char * fl_text_buffer_get_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_set_text(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * t);
+extern "C" char fl_text_buffer_byte_at(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_text_buffer_char_at(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" char * fl_text_buffer_text_range(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_next_char(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_prev_char(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_count_displayed_characters(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_count_lines(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_length(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_get_tab_distance(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_set_tab_distance(TEXTBUFFER tb, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_count_displayed_characters(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_count_lines(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_length(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_get_tab_distance(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_set_tab_distance(TEXTBUFFER tb, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_selection_position(TEXTBUFFER tb, int * s, int * e);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_secondary_selection_position(TEXTBUFFER tb, int * s, int * e);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_select(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int e);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_secondary_select(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int e);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_selected(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_secondary_selected(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline char * fl_text_buffer_selection_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline char * fl_text_buffer_secondary_selection_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_replace_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_replace_secondary_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_remove_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_remove_secondary_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_unselect(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_secondary_unselect(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_selection_position(TEXTBUFFER tb, int * s, int * e);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_secondary_selection_position(TEXTBUFFER tb, int * s, int * e);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_select(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int e);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_secondary_select(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int e);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_selected(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_secondary_selected(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" char * fl_text_buffer_selection_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" char * fl_text_buffer_secondary_selection_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_replace_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * t);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_replace_secondary_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb, char * t);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_remove_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_remove_secondary_selection(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_unselect(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_secondary_unselect(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_highlight(TEXTBUFFER tb, int f, int t);
-extern "C" inline char * fl_text_buffer_highlight_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_unhighlight(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_highlight(TEXTBUFFER tb, int f, int t);
+extern "C" char * fl_text_buffer_highlight_text(TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_unhighlight(TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_findchar_forward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, unsigned int item, int * found);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_findchar_backward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, unsigned int item, int * found);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_search_forward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, const char * item, int * found, int mcase);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_search_backward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, const char * item, int * found, int mcase);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_findchar_forward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, unsigned int item, int * found);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_findchar_backward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, unsigned int item, int * found);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_search_forward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, const char * item, int * found, int mcase);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_search_backward(TEXTBUFFER tb, int start, const char * item, int * found, int mcase);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_word_start(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_word_end(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_line_start(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_line_end(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline char * fl_text_buffer_line_text(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_skip_lines(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int l);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_rewind_lines(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int l);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_skip_displayed_characters(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int n);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_word_start(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_word_end(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_line_start(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_line_end(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" char * fl_text_buffer_line_text(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_skip_lines(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int l);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_rewind_lines(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int l);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_skip_displayed_characters(TEXTBUFFER tb, int s, int n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_canundo(TEXTBUFFER tb, char f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_buffer_copy(TEXTBUFFER tb, TEXTBUFFER tb2, int s, int f, int i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_buffer_utf8_align(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_canundo(TEXTBUFFER tb, char f);
+extern "C" void fl_text_buffer_copy(TEXTBUFFER tb, TEXTBUFFER tb2, int s, int f, int i);
+extern "C" int fl_text_buffer_utf8_align(TEXTBUFFER tb, int p);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_text_display.h b/src/c_fl_text_display.h
index 5d4574b..028143d 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_text_display.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_text_display.h
@@ -13,98 +13,98 @@ typedef void* TEXTDISPLAY;
-extern "C" inline void text_display_set_draw_hook(TEXTDISPLAY td, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_draw(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void text_display_set_handle_hook(TEXTDISPLAY td, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_handle(TEXTDISPLAY td, int e);
+extern "C" void text_display_set_draw_hook(TEXTDISPLAY td, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_draw(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void text_display_set_handle_hook(TEXTDISPLAY td, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_handle(TEXTDISPLAY td, int e);
-extern "C" inline TEXTDISPLAY new_fl_text_display(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_text_display(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" TEXTDISPLAY new_fl_text_display(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_text_display(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline TEXTBUFFER fl_text_display_get_buffer(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_buffer(TEXTDISPLAY td, TEXTBUFFER tb);
+extern "C" TEXTBUFFER fl_text_display_get_buffer(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_buffer(TEXTDISPLAY td, TEXTBUFFER tb);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_highlight_data(TEXTDISPLAY td, TEXTBUFFER tb, void * st, int len);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_highlight_data2(TEXTDISPLAY td, TEXTBUFFER tb, void * st, int len, char us, void * cb, void * a);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_highlight_data(TEXTDISPLAY td, TEXTBUFFER tb, void * st, int len);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_highlight_data2(TEXTDISPLAY td, TEXTBUFFER tb, void * st, int len, char us, void * cb, void * a);
-extern "C" inline double fl_text_display_col_to_x(TEXTDISPLAY td, double c);
-extern "C" inline double fl_text_display_x_to_col(TEXTDISPLAY td, double x);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_in_selection(TEXTDISPLAY td, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_position_to_xy(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p, int * x, int * y);
+extern "C" double fl_text_display_col_to_x(TEXTDISPLAY td, double c);
+extern "C" double fl_text_display_x_to_col(TEXTDISPLAY td, double x);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_in_selection(TEXTDISPLAY td, int x, int y);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_position_to_xy(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p, int * x, int * y);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_text_display_get_cursor_color(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_cursor_color(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_cursor_style(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_hide_cursor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_show_cursor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_text_display_get_cursor_color(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_cursor_color(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_cursor_style(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_hide_cursor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_show_cursor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_text_display_get_text_color(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_text_color(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_get_text_font(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_text_font(TEXTDISPLAY td, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_get_text_size(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_text_size(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_text_display_get_text_color(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_text_color(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_get_text_font(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_text_font(TEXTDISPLAY td, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_get_text_size(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_text_size(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_insert(TEXTDISPLAY td, char * i);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_overstrike(TEXTDISPLAY td, char * t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_get_insert_pos(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_insert_pos(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_show_insert_pos(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_insert(TEXTDISPLAY td, char * i);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_overstrike(TEXTDISPLAY td, char * t);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_get_insert_pos(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_insert_pos(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_show_insert_pos(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_word_start(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_word_end(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_next_word(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_previous_word(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_wrap_mode(TEXTDISPLAY td, int w, int m);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_word_start(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_word_end(TEXTDISPLAY td, int p);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_next_word(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_previous_word(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_wrap_mode(TEXTDISPLAY td, int w, int m);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_line_start(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_line_end(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_count_lines(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int f, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_skip_lines(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int l, int p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_rewind_lines(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int l);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_line_start(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_line_end(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_count_lines(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int f, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_skip_lines(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int l, int p);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_rewind_lines(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int l);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_align(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_align(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int a);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_bgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_bgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_fgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_fgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_font(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_font(TEXTDISPLAY td, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_size(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_size(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_width(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_width(TEXTDISPLAY td, int w);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_align(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_align(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int a);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_bgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_bgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_fgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_fgcolor(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_font(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_font(TEXTDISPLAY td, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_size(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_size(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_get_linenumber_width(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_linenumber_width(TEXTDISPLAY td, int w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_move_down(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_move_left(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_move_right(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_move_up(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_move_down(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_move_left(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_move_right(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_move_up(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_scroll(TEXTDISPLAY td, int l);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_text_display_get_scrollbar_align(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_scrollbar_align(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int a);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_display_get_scrollbar_width(TEXTDISPLAY td);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_set_scrollbar_width(TEXTDISPLAY td, int w);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_scroll(TEXTDISPLAY td, int l);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_text_display_get_scrollbar_align(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_scrollbar_align(TEXTDISPLAY td, unsigned int a);
+extern "C" int fl_text_display_get_scrollbar_width(TEXTDISPLAY td);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_set_scrollbar_width(TEXTDISPLAY td, int w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_display_redisplay_range(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int f);
+extern "C" void fl_text_display_redisplay_range(TEXTDISPLAY td, int s, int f);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_text_editor.h b/src/c_fl_text_editor.h
index 0fabaff..5f73cbc 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_text_editor.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_text_editor.h
@@ -11,89 +11,89 @@ typedef void* TEXTEDITOR;
-extern "C" inline void text_editor_set_draw_hook(TEXTEDITOR te, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_draw(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void text_editor_set_handle_hook(TEXTEDITOR te, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_editor_handle(TEXTEDITOR te, int e);
+extern "C" void text_editor_set_draw_hook(TEXTEDITOR te, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_draw(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void text_editor_set_handle_hook(TEXTEDITOR te, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_text_editor_handle(TEXTEDITOR te, int e);
-extern "C" inline TEXTEDITOR new_fl_text_editor(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_text_editor(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" TEXTEDITOR new_fl_text_editor(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_text_editor(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_default(TEXTEDITOR te, int k);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_default(TEXTEDITOR te, int k);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_undo(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_cut(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_copy(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_paste(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_delete(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_select_all(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_undo(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_cut(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_copy(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_paste(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_delete(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_select_all(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_backspace(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_insert(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_enter(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ignore(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_backspace(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_insert(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_enter(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ignore(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_shift_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_shift_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_home(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_end(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_page_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_page_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_down(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_left(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_right(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_ctrl_shift_up(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_add_key_binding(TEXTEDITOR te, int k, int s, void * f);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_remove_key_binding(TEXTEDITOR te, int k, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_remove_all_key_bindings(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_set_default_key_function(TEXTEDITOR te, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_add_key_binding(TEXTEDITOR te, int k, int s, void * f);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_remove_key_binding(TEXTEDITOR te, int k, int s);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_remove_all_key_bindings(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_set_default_key_function(TEXTEDITOR te, void * f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_text_editor_get_insert_mode(TEXTEDITOR te);
-extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_set_insert_mode(TEXTEDITOR te, int i);
+extern "C" int fl_text_editor_get_insert_mode(TEXTEDITOR te);
+extern "C" void fl_text_editor_set_insert_mode(TEXTEDITOR te, int i);
-//extern "C" inline int fl_text_editor_get_tab_nav(TEXTEDITOR te);
-//extern "C" inline void fl_text_editor_set_tab_nav(TEXTEDITOR te, int t);
+//extern "C" int fl_text_editor_get_tab_nav(TEXTEDITOR te);
+//extern "C" void fl_text_editor_set_tab_nav(TEXTEDITOR te, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_tile.h b/src/c_fl_tile.h
index 88e72d9..b87e806 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_tile.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_tile.h
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ typedef void* TILE;
-extern "C" inline void tile_set_draw_hook(TILE n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tile_draw(TILE n);
-extern "C" inline void tile_set_handle_hook(TILE n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tile_handle(TILE n, int e);
+extern "C" void tile_set_draw_hook(TILE n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_tile_draw(TILE n);
+extern "C" void tile_set_handle_hook(TILE n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_tile_handle(TILE n, int e);
-extern "C" inline TILE new_fl_tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_tile(TILE t);
+extern "C" TILE new_fl_tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, char * label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_tile(TILE t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tile_position(TILE t, int ox, int oy, int nx, int ny);
+extern "C" void fl_tile_position(TILE t, int ox, int oy, int nx, int ny);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_toggle_button.h b/src/c_fl_toggle_button.h
index af32249..88dcbae 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_toggle_button.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_toggle_button.h
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ typedef void* TOGGLEBUTTON;
-extern "C" inline void toggle_button_set_draw_hook(TOGGLEBUTTON b, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_toggle_button_draw(TOGGLEBUTTON b);
-extern "C" inline void toggle_button_set_handle_hook(TOGGLEBUTTON b, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_toggle_button_handle(TOGGLEBUTTON b, int e);
+extern "C" void toggle_button_set_draw_hook(TOGGLEBUTTON b, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_toggle_button_draw(TOGGLEBUTTON b);
+extern "C" void toggle_button_set_handle_hook(TOGGLEBUTTON b, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_toggle_button_handle(TOGGLEBUTTON b, int e);
-extern "C" inline TOGGLEBUTTON new_fl_toggle_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_toggle_button(TOGGLEBUTTON b);
+extern "C" TOGGLEBUTTON new_fl_toggle_button(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_toggle_button(TOGGLEBUTTON b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_tooltip.h b/src/c_fl_tooltip.h
index b45657a..b5a3644 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_tooltip.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_tooltip.h
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@
-extern "C" inline void * fl_tooltip_get_current(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_current(void * i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tooltip_enabled(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_enable(int v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_enter_area(void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char * t);
-extern "C" inline float fl_tooltip_get_delay(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_delay(float v);
-extern "C" inline float fl_tooltip_get_hoverdelay(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_hoverdelay(float v);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_tooltip_get_color(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_color(unsigned int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tooltip_get_margin_height(void);
-//extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_margin_height(int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tooltip_get_margin_width(void);
-//extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_margin_width(int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tooltip_get_wrap_width(void);
-//extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_wrap_width(int v);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_tooltip_get_textcolor(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_textcolor(unsigned int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tooltip_get_font(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_font(int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_tooltip_get_size(void);
-extern "C" inline void fl_tooltip_set_size(int v);
+extern "C" void * fl_tooltip_get_current(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_current(void * i);
+extern "C" int fl_tooltip_enabled(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_enable(int v);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_enter_area(void * i, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char * t);
+extern "C" float fl_tooltip_get_delay(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_delay(float v);
+extern "C" float fl_tooltip_get_hoverdelay(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_hoverdelay(float v);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_tooltip_get_color(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_color(unsigned int v);
+extern "C" int fl_tooltip_get_margin_height(void);
+//extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_margin_height(int v);
+extern "C" int fl_tooltip_get_margin_width(void);
+//extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_margin_width(int v);
+extern "C" int fl_tooltip_get_wrap_width(void);
+//extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_wrap_width(int v);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_tooltip_get_textcolor(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_textcolor(unsigned int v);
+extern "C" int fl_tooltip_get_font(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_font(int v);
+extern "C" int fl_tooltip_get_size(void);
+extern "C" void fl_tooltip_set_size(int v);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_valuator.h b/src/c_fl_valuator.h
index 18218bc..4a6bbe9 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_valuator.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_valuator.h
@@ -11,37 +11,37 @@ typedef void* VALUATOR;
-extern "C" inline void valuator_set_draw_hook(VALUATOR v, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void valuator_set_handle_hook(VALUATOR v, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_valuator_handle(VALUATOR v, int e);
+extern "C" void valuator_set_draw_hook(VALUATOR v, void * d);
+extern "C" void valuator_set_handle_hook(VALUATOR v, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_valuator_handle(VALUATOR v, int e);
-extern "C" inline VALUATOR new_fl_valuator(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_valuator(VALUATOR v);
+extern "C" VALUATOR new_fl_valuator(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_valuator(VALUATOR v);
-extern "C" inline double fl_valuator_clamp(VALUATOR v, double a);
-extern "C" inline double fl_valuator_round(VALUATOR v, double a);
-extern "C" inline double fl_valuator_increment(VALUATOR v, double a, int s);
+extern "C" double fl_valuator_clamp(VALUATOR v, double a);
+extern "C" double fl_valuator_round(VALUATOR v, double a);
+extern "C" double fl_valuator_increment(VALUATOR v, double a, int s);
-extern "C" inline double fl_valuator_get_minimum(VALUATOR v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_valuator_set_minimum(VALUATOR v, double t);
-extern "C" inline double fl_valuator_get_maximum(VALUATOR v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_valuator_set_maximum(VALUATOR v, double t);
-extern "C" inline double fl_valuator_get_step(VALUATOR v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_valuator_set_step(VALUATOR v, double t);
-extern "C" inline double fl_valuator_get_value(VALUATOR v);
-extern "C" inline void fl_valuator_set_value(VALUATOR v, double t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_valuator_bounds(VALUATOR v, double a, double b);
-extern "C" inline void fl_valuator_precision(VALUATOR v, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_valuator_range(VALUATOR v, double a, double b);
+extern "C" double fl_valuator_get_minimum(VALUATOR v);
+extern "C" void fl_valuator_set_minimum(VALUATOR v, double t);
+extern "C" double fl_valuator_get_maximum(VALUATOR v);
+extern "C" void fl_valuator_set_maximum(VALUATOR v, double t);
+extern "C" double fl_valuator_get_step(VALUATOR v);
+extern "C" void fl_valuator_set_step(VALUATOR v, double t);
+extern "C" double fl_valuator_get_value(VALUATOR v);
+extern "C" void fl_valuator_set_value(VALUATOR v, double t);
+extern "C" void fl_valuator_bounds(VALUATOR v, double a, double b);
+extern "C" void fl_valuator_precision(VALUATOR v, int s);
+extern "C" void fl_valuator_range(VALUATOR v, double a, double b);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_value_slider.h b/src/c_fl_value_slider.h
index 1dba93a..9229fe6 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_value_slider.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_value_slider.h
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@ typedef void* VALUE_SLIDER;
-extern "C" inline void value_slider_set_draw_hook(VALUE_SLIDER s, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_value_slider_draw(VALUE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void value_slider_set_handle_hook(VALUE_SLIDER s, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_value_slider_handle(VALUE_SLIDER s, int e);
+extern "C" void value_slider_set_draw_hook(VALUE_SLIDER s, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_value_slider_draw(VALUE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void value_slider_set_handle_hook(VALUE_SLIDER s, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_value_slider_handle(VALUE_SLIDER s, int e);
-extern "C" inline VALUE_SLIDER new_fl_value_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_value_slider(VALUE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" VALUE_SLIDER new_fl_value_slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_value_slider(VALUE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_value_slider_get_textcolor(VALUE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_value_slider_set_textcolor(VALUE_SLIDER s, unsigned int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_value_slider_get_textfont(VALUE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_value_slider_set_textfont(VALUE_SLIDER s, int t);
-extern "C" inline int fl_value_slider_get_textsize(VALUE_SLIDER s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_value_slider_set_textsize(VALUE_SLIDER s, int t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_value_slider_get_textcolor(VALUE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void fl_value_slider_set_textcolor(VALUE_SLIDER s, unsigned int t);
+extern "C" int fl_value_slider_get_textfont(VALUE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void fl_value_slider_set_textfont(VALUE_SLIDER s, int t);
+extern "C" int fl_value_slider_get_textsize(VALUE_SLIDER s);
+extern "C" void fl_value_slider_set_textsize(VALUE_SLIDER s, int t);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_widget.h b/src/c_fl_widget.h
index d4a3d24..c1b8e92 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_widget.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_widget.h
@@ -11,106 +11,106 @@ typedef void* WIDGET;
-extern "C" inline void widget_set_draw_hook(WIDGET w, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void widget_set_handle_hook(WIDGET w, void * h);
+extern "C" void widget_set_draw_hook(WIDGET w, void * d);
+extern "C" void widget_set_handle_hook(WIDGET w, void * h);
-extern "C" inline WIDGET new_fl_widget(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_widget(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" WIDGET new_fl_widget(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_widget(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_widget_get_user_data(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_user_data(WIDGET w, void * d);
+extern "C" void * fl_widget_get_user_data(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_user_data(WIDGET w, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_activate(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_deactivate(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_active(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_active_r(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_active(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_clear_active(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_activate(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_deactivate(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_active(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_active_r(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_active(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_clear_active(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_widget_changed(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_changed(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_clear_changed(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_output(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_output(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_clear_output(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_visible(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_visible_r(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_visible(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_clear_visible(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_widget_changed(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_changed(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_clear_changed(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_output(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_output(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_clear_output(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_visible(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_visible_r(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_visible(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_clear_visible(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_visible_focus(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_visible_focus(WIDGET w, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_take_focus(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_takesevents(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_visible_focus(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_visible_focus(WIDGET w, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_take_focus(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_takesevents(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_widget_get_color(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_color(WIDGET w, unsigned int b);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_widget_get_selection_color(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_selection_color(WIDGET w, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_widget_get_color(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_color(WIDGET w, unsigned int b);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_widget_get_selection_color(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_selection_color(WIDGET w, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_widget_get_parent(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_contains(WIDGET w, WIDGET i);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_inside(WIDGET w, WIDGET p);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_widget_window(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_widget_top_window(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_widget_top_window_offset(WIDGET w, int &x, int &y);
+extern "C" void * fl_widget_get_parent(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_contains(WIDGET w, WIDGET i);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_inside(WIDGET w, WIDGET p);
+extern "C" void * fl_widget_window(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void * fl_widget_top_window(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void * fl_widget_top_window_offset(WIDGET w, int &x, int &y);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_widget_get_align(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_align(WIDGET w, unsigned int a);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_box(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_box(WIDGET w, int b);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_widget_tooltip(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_copy_tooltip(WIDGET w, const char * t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_widget_get_align(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_align(WIDGET w, unsigned int a);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_box(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_box(WIDGET w, int b);
+extern "C" const char * fl_widget_tooltip(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_copy_tooltip(WIDGET w, const char * t);
-extern "C" inline const char* fl_widget_get_label(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_label(WIDGET w, const char* t);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_widget_get_labelcolor(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_labelcolor(WIDGET w, unsigned int v);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_labelfont(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_labelfont(WIDGET w, int f);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_labelsize(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_labelsize(WIDGET w, int s);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_labeltype(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_labeltype(WIDGET w, int l);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_measure_label(WIDGET w, int &d, int &h);
+extern "C" const char* fl_widget_get_label(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_label(WIDGET w, const char* t);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_widget_get_labelcolor(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_labelcolor(WIDGET w, unsigned int v);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_labelfont(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_labelfont(WIDGET w, int f);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_labelsize(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_labelsize(WIDGET w, int s);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_labeltype(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_labeltype(WIDGET w, int l);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_measure_label(WIDGET w, int &d, int &h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_callback(WIDGET w, void * cb);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_widget_get_when(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_when(WIDGET w, unsigned int c);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_callback(WIDGET w, void * cb);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_widget_get_when(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_when(WIDGET w, unsigned int c);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_x(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_y(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_w(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_get_h(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_size(WIDGET w, int d, int h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_position(WIDGET w, int x, int y);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_x(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_y(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_w(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_get_h(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_size(WIDGET w, int d, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_position(WIDGET w, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_image(WIDGET w, void * img);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_deimage(WIDGET w, void * img);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_image(WIDGET w, void * img);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_deimage(WIDGET w, void * img);
-extern "C" inline int fl_widget_damage(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_damage(WIDGET w, int t);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_set_damage2(WIDGET w, int t, int x, int y, int d, int h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_draw_label(WIDGET w, int x, int y, int d, int h, unsigned int a);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_redraw(WIDGET w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_widget_redraw_label(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" int fl_widget_damage(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_damage(WIDGET w, int t);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_set_damage2(WIDGET w, int t, int x, int y, int d, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_draw_label(WIDGET w, int x, int y, int d, int h, unsigned int a);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_redraw(WIDGET w);
+extern "C" void fl_widget_redraw_label(WIDGET w);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_window.h b/src/c_fl_window.h
index f66876a..e65b6f7 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_window.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_window.h
@@ -11,69 +11,69 @@ typedef void* WINDOW;
-extern "C" inline void window_set_draw_hook(WINDOW n, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_draw(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void window_set_handle_hook(WINDOW n, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_window_handle(WINDOW n, int e);
+extern "C" void window_set_draw_hook(WINDOW n, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_window_draw(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void window_set_handle_hook(WINDOW n, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_window_handle(WINDOW n, int e);
-extern "C" inline WINDOW new_fl_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline WINDOW new_fl_window2(int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_window(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" WINDOW new_fl_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" WINDOW new_fl_window2(int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_window(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_show(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_hide(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_window_shown(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_wait_for_expose(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_iconize(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_make_current(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_free_position(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_show(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_hide(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" int fl_window_shown(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_wait_for_expose(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_iconize(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_make_current(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_free_position(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_window_fullscreen_active(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_fullscreen(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_fullscreen_off(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_fullscreen_off2(WINDOW n, int x, int y, int w, int h);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_fullscreen_screens(WINDOW n, int t, int b, int l, int r);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_window_fullscreen_active(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_fullscreen(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_fullscreen_off(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_fullscreen_off2(WINDOW n, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+extern "C" void fl_window_fullscreen_screens(WINDOW n, int t, int b, int l, int r);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_icon(WINDOW n, void * img);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_default_icon(void * img);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_window_get_iconlabel(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_iconlabel(WINDOW n, const char * s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_cursor(WINDOW n, int c);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_cursor2(WINDOW n, void * img, int x, int y);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_default_cursor(WINDOW n, int c);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_icon(WINDOW n, void * img);
+extern "C" void fl_window_default_icon(void * img);
+extern "C" const char * fl_window_get_iconlabel(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_iconlabel(WINDOW n, const char * s);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_cursor(WINDOW n, int c);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_cursor2(WINDOW n, void * img, int x, int y);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_default_cursor(WINDOW n, int c);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_window_get_border(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_border(WINDOW n, int b);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_window_get_override(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_override(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_window_modal(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline unsigned int fl_window_non_modal(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_clear_modal_states(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_modal(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_non_modal(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_window_get_border(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_border(WINDOW n, int b);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_window_get_override(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_override(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_window_modal(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" unsigned int fl_window_non_modal(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_clear_modal_states(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_modal(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_non_modal(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline const char * fl_window_get_label(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_set_label(WINDOW n, char* text);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_hotspot(WINDOW n, int x, int y, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_hotspot2(WINDOW n, void * i, int s);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_size_range(WINDOW n, int lw, int lh, int hw, int hh, int dw, int dh, int a);
-extern "C" inline void fl_window_shape(WINDOW n, void * p);
+extern "C" const char * fl_window_get_label(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" void fl_window_set_label(WINDOW n, char* text);
+extern "C" void fl_window_hotspot(WINDOW n, int x, int y, int s);
+extern "C" void fl_window_hotspot2(WINDOW n, void * i, int s);
+extern "C" void fl_window_size_range(WINDOW n, int lw, int lh, int hw, int hh, int dw, int dh, int a);
+extern "C" void fl_window_shape(WINDOW n, void * p);
-extern "C" inline int fl_window_get_x_root(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_window_get_y_root(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_window_get_decorated_w(WINDOW n);
-extern "C" inline int fl_window_get_decorated_h(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" int fl_window_get_x_root(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" int fl_window_get_y_root(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" int fl_window_get_decorated_w(WINDOW n);
+extern "C" int fl_window_get_decorated_h(WINDOW n);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_wizard.h b/src/c_fl_wizard.h
index 205f2cd..2068683 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_wizard.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_wizard.h
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@ typedef void* WIZARD;
-extern "C" inline void wizard_set_draw_hook(WIZARD w, void * d);
-extern "C" inline void fl_wizard_draw(WIZARD w);
-extern "C" inline void wizard_set_handle_hook(WIZARD w, void * h);
-extern "C" inline int fl_wizard_handle(WIZARD w, int e);
+extern "C" void wizard_set_draw_hook(WIZARD w, void * d);
+extern "C" void fl_wizard_draw(WIZARD w);
+extern "C" void wizard_set_handle_hook(WIZARD w, void * h);
+extern "C" int fl_wizard_handle(WIZARD w, int e);
-extern "C" inline WIZARD new_fl_wizard(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_wizard(WIZARD w);
+extern "C" WIZARD new_fl_wizard(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* label);
+extern "C" void free_fl_wizard(WIZARD w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_wizard_next(WIZARD w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_wizard_prev(WIZARD w);
+extern "C" void fl_wizard_next(WIZARD w);
+extern "C" void fl_wizard_prev(WIZARD w);
-extern "C" inline void * fl_wizard_get_visible(WIZARD w);
-extern "C" inline void fl_wizard_set_visible(WIZARD w, void * i);
+extern "C" void * fl_wizard_get_visible(WIZARD w);
+extern "C" void fl_wizard_set_visible(WIZARD w, void * i);
diff --git a/src/c_fl_xbm_image.h b/src/c_fl_xbm_image.h
index 33a78e1..9b0c967 100644
--- a/src/c_fl_xbm_image.h
+++ b/src/c_fl_xbm_image.h
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ typedef void* XBM_IMAGE;
-extern "C" inline XBM_IMAGE new_fl_xbm_image(const char * f);
-extern "C" inline void free_fl_xbm_image(XBM_IMAGE b);
+extern "C" XBM_IMAGE new_fl_xbm_image(const char * f);
+extern "C" void free_fl_xbm_image(XBM_IMAGE b);
diff --git a/src/fltk-widgets-groups.adb b/src/fltk-widgets-groups.adb
index 268f3ad..973dabb 100644
--- a/src/fltk-widgets-groups.adb
+++ b/src/fltk-widgets-groups.adb
@@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
procedure group_set_draw_hook
(W, D : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, group_set_draw_hook, "group_set_draw_hook");
+ pragma Inline (group_set_draw_hook);
procedure group_set_handle_hook
(W, H : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, group_set_handle_hook, "group_set_handle_hook");
+ pragma Inline (group_set_handle_hook);
@@ -29,10 +31,12 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
Text : in Interfaces.C.char_array)
return System.Address;
pragma Import (C, new_fl_group, "new_fl_group");
+ pragma Inline (new_fl_group);
procedure free_fl_group
(G : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, free_fl_group, "free_fl_group");
+ pragma Inline (free_fl_group);
@@ -40,24 +44,29 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
procedure fl_group_add
(G, W : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_add, "fl_group_add");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_add);
procedure fl_group_insert
(G, W : in System.Address;
P : in Interfaces.C.int);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_insert, "fl_group_insert");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_insert);
procedure fl_group_insert2
(G, W, B : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_insert2, "fl_group_insert2");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_insert2);
procedure fl_group_remove
(G, W : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_remove, "fl_group_remove");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_remove);
procedure fl_group_remove2
(G : in System.Address;
P : in Interfaces.C.int);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_remove2, "fl_group_remove2");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_remove2);
@@ -67,16 +76,19 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
I : in Interfaces.C.int)
return System.Address;
pragma Import (C, fl_group_child, "fl_group_child");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_child);
function fl_group_find
(G, W : in System.Address)
return Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Import (C, fl_group_find, "fl_group_find");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_find);
function fl_group_children
(G : in System.Address)
return Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Import (C, fl_group_children, "fl_group_children");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_children);
@@ -85,11 +97,13 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
-- (G : in System.Address)
-- return Interfaces.C.unsigned;
-- pragma Import (C, fl_group_get_clip_children, "fl_group_get_clip_children");
+ -- pragma Inline (fl_group_get_clip_children);
-- procedure fl_group_set_clip_children
-- (G : in System.Address;
-- C : in Interfaces.C.unsigned);
-- pragma Import (C, fl_group_set_clip_children, "fl_group_set_clip_children");
+ -- pragma Inline (fl_group_set_clip_children);
@@ -98,14 +112,30 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
(G : in System.Address)
return System.Address;
pragma Import (C, fl_group_get_resizable, "fl_group_get_resizable");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_get_resizable);
procedure fl_group_set_resizable
(G, W : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_set_resizable, "fl_group_set_resizable");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_set_resizable);
procedure fl_group_init_sizes
(G : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_init_sizes, "fl_group_init_sizes");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_init_sizes);
+ function fl_group_get_current
+ return System.Address;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_group_get_current, "fl_group_get_current");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_get_current);
+ procedure fl_group_set_current
+ (G : in System.Address);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_group_set_current, "fl_group_set_current");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_set_current);
@@ -113,12 +143,14 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
procedure fl_group_draw
(W : in System.Address);
pragma Import (C, fl_group_draw, "fl_group_draw");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_draw);
function fl_group_handle
(W : in System.Address;
E : in Interfaces.C.int)
return Interfaces.C.int;
pragma Import (C, fl_group_handle, "fl_group_handle");
+ pragma Inline (fl_group_handle);
@@ -226,18 +258,43 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
+ function Has_Child
+ (This : in Group;
+ Place : in Index)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Place in 1 .. This.Number_Of_Children;
+ end Has_Child;
+ function Has_Child
+ (Place : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Place.My_Container.Has_Child (Place.My_Index);
+ end Has_Child;
function Child
(This : in Group;
Place : in Index)
- return access Widget'Class
+ return Widget_Reference
Widget_Ptr : System.Address :=
fl_group_child (This.Void_Ptr, Interfaces.C.int (Place - 1));
Actual_Widget : access Widget'Class :=
Widget_Convert.To_Pointer (fl_widget_get_user_data (Widget_Ptr));
- return Actual_Widget;
+ return (Data => Actual_Widget);
+ end Child;
+ function Child
+ (This : in Group;
+ Place : in Cursor)
+ return Widget_Reference is
+ begin
+ return This.Child (Place.My_Index);
end Child;
@@ -261,6 +318,64 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
+ function Iterate
+ (This : in Group)
+ return Group_Iterators.Reversible_Iterator'Class is
+ begin
+ return It : Iterator := (My_Container => This'Unrestricted_Access);
+ end Iterate;
+ function First
+ (Object : in Iterator)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return Cu : Cursor :=
+ (My_Container => Object.My_Container,
+ My_Index => 1);
+ end First;
+ function Next
+ (Object : in Iterator;
+ Place : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Object.My_Container /= Place.My_Container then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Cu : Cursor :=
+ (My_Container => Place.My_Container,
+ My_Index => Place.My_Index + 1);
+ end Next;
+ function Last
+ (Object : in Iterator)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return Cu : Cursor :=
+ (My_Container => Object.My_Container,
+ My_Index => Object.My_Container.Number_Of_Children);
+ end Last;
+ function Previous
+ (Object : in Iterator;
+ Place : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Object.My_Container /= Place.My_Container then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Cu : Cursor :=
+ (My_Container => Place.My_Container,
+ My_Index => Place.My_Index - 1);
+ end Previous;
-- function Get_Clip_Mode
-- (This : in Group)
-- return Clip_Mode is
@@ -285,7 +400,6 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
Widget_Ptr : System.Address :=
fl_group_get_resizable (This.Void_Ptr);
Actual_Widget : access Widget'Class :=
Widget_Convert.To_Pointer (fl_widget_get_user_data (Widget_Ptr));
@@ -310,6 +424,28 @@ package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
+ function Get_Current
+ return access Group'Class
+ is
+ Group_Ptr : System.Address := fl_group_get_current;
+ Actual_Group : access Group'Class;
+ begin
+ if Group_Ptr /= System.Null_Address then
+ Actual_Group := Group_Convert.To_Pointer (Group_Ptr);
+ end if;
+ return Actual_Group;
+ end Get_Current;
+ procedure Set_Current
+ (To : in Group'Class) is
+ begin
+ fl_group_set_current (To.Void_Ptr);
+ end Set_Current;
procedure Draw
(This : in out Group) is
diff --git a/src/fltk-widgets-groups.ads b/src/fltk-widgets-groups.ads
index 53ada82..609ba5d 100644
--- a/src/fltk-widgets-groups.ads
+++ b/src/fltk-widgets-groups.ads
@@ -1,18 +1,31 @@
+ Ada.Iterator_Interfaces;
private with
- System;
+ System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;
package FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
- type Group is new Widget with private;
+ type Group is new Widget with private
+ with Default_Iterator => Iterate,
+ Iterator_Element => Widget_Reference,
+ Variable_Indexing => Child;
+ type Group_Reference (Data : not null access Group'Class) is limited null record
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ subtype Index is Positive;
- type Index is new Positive;
-- type Clip_Mode is (No_Clip, Clip);
+ type Cursor is private;
@@ -56,10 +69,24 @@ package FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
+ function Has_Child
+ (This : in Group;
+ Place : in Index)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Has_Child
+ (Place : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean;
function Child
(This : in Group;
Place : in Index)
- return access Widget'Class;
+ return Widget_Reference;
+ function Child
+ (This : in Group;
+ Place : in Cursor)
+ return Widget_Reference;
function Find
(This : in Group;
@@ -73,6 +100,16 @@ package FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
+ package Group_Iterators is
+ new Ada.Iterator_Interfaces (Cursor, Has_Child);
+ function Iterate
+ (This : in Group)
+ return Group_Iterators.Reversible_Iterator'Class;
-- function Get_Clip_Mode
-- (This : in Group)
-- return Clip_Mode;
@@ -98,6 +135,15 @@ package FLTK.Widgets.Groups is
+ function Get_Current
+ return access Group'Class;
+ procedure Set_Current
+ (To : in Group'Class);
procedure Draw
(This : in out Group);
@@ -115,6 +161,8 @@ private
overriding procedure Finalize
(This : in out Group);
+ package Group_Convert is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Group);
@@ -123,5 +171,69 @@ private
pragma Import (C, fl_group_end, "fl_group_end");
+ type Cursor is record
+ My_Container : access Group;
+ My_Index : Index'Base := Index'First;
+ end record;
+ type Iterator is new Group_Iterators.Reversible_Iterator with record
+ My_Container : access Group;
+ end record;
+ overriding function First
+ (Object : in Iterator)
+ return Cursor;
+ overriding function Next
+ (Object : in Iterator;
+ Place : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor;
+ overriding function Last
+ (Object : in Iterator)
+ return Cursor;
+ overriding function Previous
+ (Object : in Iterator;
+ Place : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor;
+ pragma Inline (Add);
+ pragma Inline (Insert);
+ pragma Inline (Remove);
+ pragma Inline (Clear);
+ pragma Inline (Has_Child);
+ pragma Inline (Child);
+ pragma Inline (Find);
+ pragma Inline (Number_Of_Children);
+ pragma Inline (Iterate);
+ -- pragma Inline (Get_Clip_Mode);
+ -- pragma Inline (Set_Clip_Mode);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Resizable);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Resizable);
+ pragma Inline (Reset_Initial_Sizes);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Current);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Current);
+ pragma Inline (Draw);
+ pragma Inline (Handle);
end FLTK.Widgets.Groups;