path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
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index 0000000..7a5cfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+package FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Browsers.Check is
+ -- Since the FLTK 1.3 implementation doesn't provide the following key functions:
+ --
+ -- item_at / Item_At
+ -- item_last / Item_Last
+ -- item_swap / Item_Swap
+ -- item_text / Item_Text
+ --
+ -- You can't use Sort on a Check_Browser unless you want a crash. The item_*
+ -- methods in C++ are also private which makes it nigh impossible to properly
+ -- bind to Ada, so you can't use those either.
+ --
+ -- Find_Item is also private in C++ in 1.3 for whatever reason, so that might
+ -- have unexpected behaviour.
+ --
+ -- So, uh, be aware of all that, I guess? Or wait until I get around to 1.4.
+ -- Using the equivalent of the C++ public API should still work fine right now.
+ type Check_Browser is new Browser with private;
+ type Check_Browser_Reference (Data : not null access Check_Browser'Class) is
+ limited null record with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ package Forge is
+ function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String := "")
+ return Check_Browser;
+ end Forge;
+ -- Adding and removing
+ procedure Add
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ Text : in String;
+ Checked : in Boolean := False);
+ procedure Remove
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ Index : in Positive);
+ procedure Clear
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ function Number_Of_Items
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Natural;
+ -- Checking and unchecking
+ procedure Check_All
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ procedure Check_None
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ function Is_Checked
+ (This : in Check_Browser;
+ Index : in Positive)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Checked
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ Index : in Positive;
+ State : in Boolean);
+ function Number_Checked
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Natural;
+ -- Text and selection
+ -- Don't confuse this with the missing Item_Cursor version
+ function Item_Text
+ (This : in Check_Browser;
+ Index : in Positive)
+ return String;
+ function Selected_Index
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Positive;
+ -- Item related stuff reimplemented for binding-related reasons.
+ -- These subprograms are protected on the C++ side.
+ function Current_Selection
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Item_Cursor;
+ function Is_Displayed
+ (This : in Check_Browser;
+ Item : in Item_Cursor)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Find_Item
+ (This : in Check_Browser;
+ Y_Pos : in Integer)
+ return Item_Cursor;
+ function Top_Item
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Item_Cursor;
+ -- Graphical dimensions and redrawing reimplemented for binding-related reasons.
+ -- These subprograms are protected on the C++ side.
+ procedure Bounding_Box
+ (This : in Check_Browser;
+ X, Y, W, H : out Integer);
+ function Left_Edge
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Integer;
+ procedure Redraw_Line
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ Item : in Item_Cursor);
+ procedure Redraw_List
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ -- Optional overrides reimplemented for binding-related reasons.
+ -- These subprograms are protected on the C++ side.
+ function Full_List_Width
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Integer;
+ function Full_List_Height
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Integer;
+ function Average_Item_Height
+ (This : in Check_Browser)
+ return Integer;
+ function Item_Quick_Height
+ (This : in Check_Browser;
+ Item : in Item_Cursor)
+ return Integer;
+ -- These Item_* subprograms are disabled due to a bug in FLTK 1.3.
+ -- Should be able to bind them properly when 1.4 comes around.
+ -- function Item_Width
+ -- (This : in Check_Browser;
+ -- Item : in Item_Cursor)
+ -- return Integer;
+ -- function Item_Height
+ -- (This : in Check_Browser;
+ -- Item : in Item_Cursor)
+ -- return Integer;
+ -- function Item_First
+ -- (This : in Check_Browser)
+ -- return Item_Cursor;
+ -- Item_Last missing in 1.3
+ -- function Item_Next
+ -- (This : in Check_Browser;
+ -- Item : in Item_Cursor)
+ -- return Item_Cursor;
+ -- function Item_Previous
+ -- (This : in Check_Browser;
+ -- Item : in Item_Cursor)
+ -- return Item_Cursor;
+ -- Item_At missing in 1.3
+ -- procedure Item_Select
+ -- (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ -- Item : in Item_Cursor;
+ -- State : in Boolean := True);
+ -- function Item_Selected
+ -- (This : in Check_Browser;
+ -- Item : in Item_Cursor)
+ -- return Boolean;
+ -- Item_Swap and Item_Text missing in 1.3
+ -- procedure Item_Draw
+ -- (This : in Check_Browser;
+ -- Item : in Item_Cursor;
+ -- X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ -- Cache invalidation reimplemented for binding-related reasons.
+ -- These subprograms are protected on the C++ side.
+ procedure New_List
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ procedure Inserting
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ A, B : in Item_Cursor);
+ procedure Deleting
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ Item : in Item_Cursor);
+ procedure Replacing
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ A, B : in Item_Cursor);
+ procedure Swapping
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ A, B : in Item_Cursor);
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ function Handle
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ Event : in Event_Kind)
+ return Event_Outcome;
+ type Check_Browser is new Browser with null record;
+ overriding procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ procedure Extra_Init
+ (This : in out Check_Browser;
+ X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String);
+ procedure Extra_Final
+ (This : in out Check_Browser);
+ pragma Inline (Add);
+ pragma Inline (Remove);
+ pragma Inline (Clear);
+ pragma Inline (Number_Of_Items);
+ pragma Inline (Check_All);
+ pragma Inline (Check_None);
+ pragma Inline (Is_Checked);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Checked);
+ pragma Inline (Number_Checked);
+ pragma Inline (Item_Text);
+ pragma Inline (Selected_Index);
+ pragma Inline (Current_Selection);
+ pragma Inline (Find_Item);
+ pragma Inline (Top_Item);
+ pragma Inline (Bounding_Box);
+ pragma Inline (Left_Edge);
+ pragma Inline (Redraw_Line);
+ pragma Inline (Redraw_List);
+ pragma Inline (Full_List_Width);
+ pragma Inline (Full_List_Height);
+ pragma Inline (Average_Item_Height);
+ pragma Inline (Item_Quick_Height);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_Width);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_Height);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_First);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_Next);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_Previous);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_Select);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_Selected);
+ -- pragma Inline (Item_Draw);
+ pragma Inline (New_List);
+ pragma Inline (Inserting);
+ pragma Inline (Deleting);
+ pragma Inline (Replacing);
+ pragma Inline (Swapping);
+ pragma Inline (Draw);
+ pragma Inline (Handle);
+end FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Browsers.Check;