path: root/src/settings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/settings')
9 files changed, 732 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/settings/ColorBox.cpp b/src/settings/ColorBox.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ed73ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/ColorBox.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#include "ColorBox.h"
+ColorBox::ColorBox( QColor aColor )
+ {
+ setAutoFillBackground(true);
+ setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box );
+ setLineWidth(2);
+ setMinimumHeight( MinHeight );
+ setMinimumWidth( MinWidth );
+ setColor( aColor );
+ }
+void ColorBox::setColor( QColor aColor )
+ {
+ m_color = aColor;
+ if( isEnabled() )
+ setPalette( m_color );
+ else
+ setPalette( Qt::lightGray );
+ }
+void ColorBox::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* /*event*/)
+ {
+ QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor( color(), this );
+ if( c.isValid() )
+ {
+ setColor( c );
+ emit colorChanged( c );
+ }
+ }
+void ColorBox::changeEvent ( QEvent* event )
+ {
+ if( event->type() == QEvent::EnabledChange )
+ setColor( m_color );
+ }
diff --git a/src/settings/ColorBox.h b/src/settings/ColorBox.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5844610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/ColorBox.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#ifndef COLOR_BOX_H
+#define COLOR_BOX_H
+#include <QtWidgets>
+class ColorBox: public QFrame
+ ColorBox( QColor aColor = Qt::white );
+ QColor color() const { return m_color; }
+ void setColor( QColor aColor );
+ void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent* event );
+ void changeEvent ( QEvent* event );
+ void colorChanged( QColor aColor );
+ static const int MinHeight = 25;
+ static const int MinWidth = 50;
+ QColor m_color;
diff --git a/src/settings/FontColorSettingsDialog.cpp b/src/settings/FontColorSettingsDialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beb5f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/FontColorSettingsDialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#include "FontColorSettingsDialog.h"
+#include "ColorBox.h"
+#include "../dic-options/FieldsPreviewModel.h"
+#include "StylesListModel.h"
+#include "StylePreviewModel.h"
+#include <QtCore>
+FontColorSettingsDialog::FontColorSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent) :
+ QDialog(parent), m_curStyle( NULL )
+ {
+ initData();
+ QHBoxLayout* bgColorLt = createBgColorSelector();
+ QLabel* stylesLbl = createStylesList();
+ QVBoxLayout* styleLt = createStyleControls();
+ createKeywordBox( styleLt );
+ styleLt->addStretch();
+ QLabel* previewLbl = createStylePreview();
+ m_okCancelBox = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel |
+ QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults, Qt::Horizontal );
+ connect( m_okCancelBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) );
+ connect( m_okCancelBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) );
+ connect( m_okCancelBox, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton*)), SLOT(dialogButtonClicked(QAbstractButton*)) );
+ QGridLayout* mainLt = new QGridLayout;
+ mainLt->addLayout( bgColorLt, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
+ mainLt->addWidget( stylesLbl, 1, 0 );
+ mainLt->addWidget( m_stylesListView, 2, 0 );
+ mainLt->addLayout( styleLt, 2, 1 );
+ mainLt->addWidget( previewLbl, 1, 2 );
+ mainLt->addWidget( m_stylesPreview, 2, 2 );
+ mainLt->addWidget( m_okCancelBox, 3, 0, 1, 3 );
+ setLayout( mainLt );
+ setWindowTitle( tr("Font & color settings") );
+ m_stylesListView->setCurrentIndex( m_stylesListView->model()->index(0,0) );
+ }
+ {
+ delete m_styleFactory;
+ }
+QHBoxLayout* FontColorSettingsDialog::createBgColorSelector()
+ {
+ m_bgColorSelector = new ColorBox( m_styleFactory->cardBgColor );
+ connect( m_bgColorSelector, SIGNAL(colorChanged(QColor)), SLOT(setBgColor(QColor)) );
+ QHBoxLayout* bgColorLt = new QHBoxLayout;
+ bgColorLt->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Card background color:")) );
+ bgColorLt->addWidget( m_bgColorSelector );
+ bgColorLt->addStretch();
+ return bgColorLt;
+ }
+QLabel* FontColorSettingsDialog::createStylesList()
+ {
+ QLabel* stylesLbl = new QLabel("<b>"+tr("Field styles")+"</b>");
+ QStringList styleNames = FieldStyleFactory::inst()->getStyleNames();
+ StylesListModel* stylesListModel = new StylesListModel( styleNames );
+ m_stylesListView = new QListView;
+ m_stylesListView->setModel( stylesListModel );
+ m_stylesListView->setMaximumWidth( StyleListMaxWidth );
+ connect( m_stylesListView->selectionModel(),
+ SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)),
+ SLOT(updateStyleControls(const QModelIndex&)) );
+ return stylesLbl;
+ }
+QVBoxLayout* FontColorSettingsDialog::createStyleControls()
+ {
+ m_fontSelector = new QFontComboBox;
+ m_fontSelector->setMaximumWidth( 180 );
+ connect( m_fontSelector, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged(QFont)), SLOT(setFontFamily(QFont)) );
+ m_sizeSelector = new QSpinBox;
+ m_sizeSelector->setMaximumWidth( SizeSelectorMaxWidth );
+ m_sizeSelector->setMinimum( 1 );
+ m_sizeSelector->setMaximum( 40 );
+ connect( m_sizeSelector, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(setFontSize(int)) );
+ QVBoxLayout* styleLt = new QVBoxLayout;
+ QVBoxLayout* familyLt = new QVBoxLayout;
+ familyLt->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Font family:")) );
+ familyLt->addWidget( m_fontSelector );
+ QVBoxLayout* sizeLt = new QVBoxLayout;
+ sizeLt->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Size:")) );
+ sizeLt->addWidget( m_sizeSelector );
+ QHBoxLayout* lt0 = new QHBoxLayout;
+ lt0->setContentsMargins( QMargins() );
+ lt0->addLayout( familyLt );
+ lt0->addLayout( sizeLt );
+ lt0->addStretch();
+ m_fontColorSelector = new ColorBox;
+ m_boldCB = new QCheckBox(tr("Bold"));
+ m_italicCB = new QCheckBox(tr("Italic"));
+ QHBoxLayout* lt1 = new QHBoxLayout;
+ lt1->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Color:")) );
+ lt1->addWidget( m_fontColorSelector );
+ lt1->addWidget( m_boldCB );
+ lt1->addWidget( m_italicCB );
+ lt1->addStretch();
+ connect( m_fontColorSelector, SIGNAL(colorChanged(QColor)), SLOT(setStyleColor(QColor)) );
+ connect( m_boldCB, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(setBoldFont(int)) );
+ connect( m_italicCB, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(setItalicFont(int)) );
+ m_prefixEdit = new QLineEdit;
+ m_prefixEdit->setMaximumWidth( StyleEditMaxWidth );
+ m_suffixEdit = new QLineEdit;
+ m_suffixEdit->setMaximumWidth( StyleEditMaxWidth );
+ connect( m_prefixEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(setPrefix(const QString)) );
+ connect( m_suffixEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(setSuffix(const QString)) );
+ QHBoxLayout* lt2 = new QHBoxLayout;
+ lt2->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Prefix:")) );
+ lt2->addWidget( m_prefixEdit );
+ lt2->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Suffix:")) );
+ lt2->addWidget( m_suffixEdit );
+ lt2->addStretch();
+ styleLt->addLayout( lt0 );
+ styleLt->addLayout( lt1 );
+ styleLt->addLayout( lt2 );
+ return styleLt;
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::createKeywordBox( QVBoxLayout* aStyleLt )
+ {
+ m_keywordBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Keyword style"));
+ m_keywordBox->setCheckable(true);
+ connect( m_keywordBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(setKeywordStyle(bool)) );
+ m_keywordColorSelector = new ColorBox();
+ m_keywordBoldCB = new QCheckBox(tr("Bold"));
+ m_keywordItalicCB = new QCheckBox(tr("Italic"));
+ connect( m_keywordBoldCB, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(setKeywordBoldFont(int)) );
+ connect( m_keywordItalicCB, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(setKeywordItalicFont(int)) );
+ connect( m_keywordColorSelector, SIGNAL(colorChanged(QColor)), SLOT(setKeywordColor(QColor)) );
+ QHBoxLayout* keywordLt1 = new QHBoxLayout;
+ keywordLt1->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("Color:")) );
+ keywordLt1->addWidget( m_keywordColorSelector );
+ keywordLt1->addWidget( m_keywordBoldCB );
+ keywordLt1->addWidget( m_keywordItalicCB );
+ keywordLt1->addStretch();
+ m_keywordBox->setLayout( keywordLt1 );
+ aStyleLt->addWidget( m_keywordBox );
+ }
+QLabel* FontColorSettingsDialog::createStylePreview()
+ {
+ QLabel* previewLbl = new QLabel("<b>"+tr("Style preview")+"</b>");
+ StylePreviewModel* stylesPreviewModel = new StylePreviewModel( this );
+ m_stylesPreview = new QTableView;
+ m_stylesPreview->setModel( stylesPreviewModel );
+ m_stylesPreview->verticalHeader()->hide();
+ m_stylesPreview->horizontalHeader()->hide();
+ m_stylesPreview->setShowGrid( false );
+ updatePreview();
+ return previewLbl;
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::initData()
+ {
+ m_styleFactory = new FieldStyleFactory( *FieldStyleFactory::inst() );
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::updateStyleControls( const QModelIndex& aIndex )
+ QString styleName = m_styleFactory->getStyleNames().value( aIndex.row() );
+ m_curStyle = m_styleFactory->getStylePtr( styleName );
+ m_fontSelector->setCurrentFont( m_curStyle->font );
+ m_sizeSelector->setValue( m_curStyle->font.pointSize() );
+ m_boldCB->setChecked( m_curStyle->font.bold() );
+ m_italicCB->setChecked( m_curStyle->font.italic() );
+ m_fontColorSelector->setColor( m_curStyle->color );
+ m_prefixEdit->setText( m_curStyle->prefix );
+ m_suffixEdit->setText( m_curStyle->suffix );
+ // Keyword style
+ m_keywordBox->setChecked(m_curStyle->hasKeyword);
+ m_keywordBoldCB->setChecked( m_curStyle->keywordBold );
+ m_keywordItalicCB->setChecked( m_curStyle->keywordItalic );
+ m_keywordColorSelector->setColor( m_curStyle->keywordColor );
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::updatePreview()
+ {
+ m_stylesPreview->reset();
+ m_stylesPreview->resizeColumnsToContents();
+ m_stylesPreview->resizeRowsToContents();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setBgColor( QColor aColor )
+ {
+ m_styleFactory->cardBgColor = aColor;
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setFontFamily( QFont aFont )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->font.setFamily( );
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setFontSize( int aSize )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->font.setPointSize( aSize );
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setBoldFont( int aState )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->font.setBold( aState == Qt::Checked );
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setItalicFont( int aState )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->font.setItalic( aState == Qt::Checked );
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setStyleColor( QColor aColor )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->color = aColor;
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setPrefix( const QString aText )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->prefix = aText;
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setSuffix( const QString aText )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->suffix = aText;
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setKeywordStyle( bool aNewKeywordStyleState )
+ {
+ m_curStyle->hasKeyword = aNewKeywordStyleState;
+ if(aNewKeywordStyleState)
+ {
+ m_keywordBoldCB->setChecked(m_curStyle->keywordBold);
+ m_keywordItalicCB->setChecked(m_curStyle->keywordItalic);
+ m_keywordColorSelector->setColor(m_curStyle->keywordColor);
+ }
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setKeywordBoldFont( int aState )
+ {
+ if(!m_curStyle->hasKeyword)
+ return;
+ m_curStyle->keywordBold = (aState == Qt::Checked);
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setKeywordItalicFont( int aState )
+ {
+ if(!m_curStyle->hasKeyword)
+ return;
+ m_curStyle->keywordItalic = (aState == Qt::Checked);
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::setKeywordColor( QColor aColor )
+ {
+ if(!m_curStyle->hasKeyword)
+ return;
+ m_curStyle->keywordColor = aColor;
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+void FontColorSettingsDialog::dialogButtonClicked( QAbstractButton* aButton )
+ {
+ if( m_okCancelBox->buttonRole( aButton ) == QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole )
+ {
+ delete m_styleFactory;
+ m_styleFactory = new FieldStyleFactory;
+ m_bgColorSelector->setColor( m_styleFactory->cardBgColor );
+ QModelIndex index = m_stylesListView->model()->index(0,0);
+ m_stylesListView->setCurrentIndex( index );
+ updateStyleControls( index );
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/settings/FontColorSettingsDialog.h b/src/settings/FontColorSettingsDialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273f61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/FontColorSettingsDialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include "../field-styles/FieldStyleFactory.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
+class ColorBox;
+class FontColorSettingsDialog : public QDialog
+ FontColorSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~FontColorSettingsDialog();
+ const FieldStyleFactory* styleFactory() const { return m_styleFactory; }
+ void initData();
+ QHBoxLayout* createBgColorSelector();
+ QLabel* createStylesList();
+ QPushButton* createRestoreButton();
+ QVBoxLayout* createStyleControls();
+ void createKeywordBox( QVBoxLayout* aStyleLt );
+ QLabel* createStylePreview();
+ void updatePreview();
+private slots:
+ void updateStyleControls( const QModelIndex& aIndex );
+ void setBgColor(QColor aColor);
+ void setFontFamily(QFont aFont);
+ void setFontSize(int aSize);
+ void setBoldFont(int aState);
+ void setItalicFont(int aState);
+ void setStyleColor(QColor aColor);
+ void setPrefix(const QString aText);
+ void setSuffix(const QString aText);
+ void setKeywordStyle(bool aNewKeywordStyleState);
+ void setKeywordBoldFont(int aState);
+ void setKeywordItalicFont(int aState);
+ void setKeywordColor(QColor aColor);
+ void dialogButtonClicked( QAbstractButton* aButton );
+ static const int StyleListMaxWidth = 150;
+ static const int SizeSelectorMaxWidth = 50;
+ static const int StyleEditMaxWidth = 40;
+ FieldStyleFactory* m_styleFactory;
+ FieldStyle* m_curStyle;
+ ColorBox* m_bgColorSelector;
+ QListView* m_stylesListView;
+ QFontComboBox* m_fontSelector;
+ QSpinBox* m_sizeSelector;
+ QCheckBox* m_boldCB;
+ QCheckBox* m_italicCB;
+ ColorBox* m_fontColorSelector;
+ QLineEdit* m_prefixEdit;
+ QLineEdit* m_suffixEdit;
+ QGroupBox* m_keywordBox;
+ QCheckBox* m_keywordBoldCB;
+ QCheckBox* m_keywordItalicCB;
+ ColorBox* m_keywordColorSelector;
+ QTableView* m_stylesPreview;
+ QDialogButtonBox* m_okCancelBox;
diff --git a/src/settings/StudySettingsDialog.cpp b/src/settings/StudySettingsDialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b38bf67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/StudySettingsDialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#include "StudySettingsDialog.h"
+StudySettingsDialog::StudySettingsDialog(QWidget *parent):
+ QDialog(parent)
+ {
+ initData();
+ createUi();
+ updateControls();
+ }
+void StudySettingsDialog::initData()
+ {
+ settings = *StudySettings::inst();
+ }
+void StudySettingsDialog::createUi()
+ createControls();
+ setLayout(createMainLayout());
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Study settings"));
+void StudySettingsDialog::createControls()
+ dayShiftBox = createSpinBox(0, 12);
+ newCardsShareBox = createSpinBox(1, 99);
+ randomnessBox = createSpinBox(1, 99);
+ cardsDayLimitBox = createSpinBox(1, 500);
+ newCardsDayLimitBox = createSpinBox(0, 200);
+ limitForAddingNewCardsBox = createSpinBox(20, 500);
+ showRandomlyCB = new QCheckBox(tr("Add new cards in random order"));
+ createButtonBox();
+QSpinBox* StudySettingsDialog::createSpinBox(int min, int max)
+ QSpinBox* spinBox = new QSpinBox;
+ spinBox->setMinimum(min);
+ spinBox->setMaximum(max);
+ return spinBox;
+void StudySettingsDialog::createButtonBox()
+ buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(
+ QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel |
+ QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults, Qt::Horizontal);
+ connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));
+ connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));
+ connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton*)),
+ SLOT(dialogButtonClicked(QAbstractButton*)));
+QBoxLayout* StudySettingsDialog::createMainLayout()
+ QHBoxLayout* upperPaddedLt = new QHBoxLayout;
+ upperPaddedLt->addLayout(createUpperLayout());
+ upperPaddedLt->addStretch();
+ QVBoxLayout* mainLt = new QVBoxLayout;
+ mainLt->addLayout(upperPaddedLt);
+ mainLt->addWidget(showRandomlyCB);
+ mainLt->addWidget(createLimitsGroup());
+ mainLt->addWidget(buttonBox);
+ return mainLt;
+QGridLayout* StudySettingsDialog::createUpperLayout()
+ QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout;
+ int row = 0;
+ addUpperGridLine(layout, row++, tr("Day starts at, o'clock:"), dayShiftBox);
+ addUpperGridLine(layout, row++, tr("Share of new cards:"), newCardsShareBox, "%");
+ addUpperGridLine(layout, row++, tr("Repetition interval randomness:"), randomnessBox, "%");
+ return layout;
+void StudySettingsDialog::addUpperGridLine(QGridLayout* layout, int row, const QString& label,
+ QWidget* widget, const QString& unitLabel)
+ QLabel* labelWidget = new QLabel(label);
+ layout->addWidget(labelWidget, row, 0);
+ layout->addWidget(widget, row, 1);
+ layout->addWidget(new QLabel(unitLabel), row, 2);
+QGroupBox* StudySettingsDialog::createLimitsGroup()
+ QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout;
+ layout->setColumnStretch(0, 1);
+ int row = 0;
+ addLimitsGridLine(layout, row++, tr("Day reviews limit:"), cardsDayLimitBox);
+ addLimitsGridLine(layout, row++, tr("Day limit of new cards:"), newCardsDayLimitBox);
+ addLimitsGridLine(layout, row++,
+ tr("Don't add new cards after scheduled cards threshold:"),
+ limitForAddingNewCardsBox);
+ QGroupBox* group = new QGroupBox(tr("Limits"));
+ group->setLayout(layout);
+ return group;
+void StudySettingsDialog::addLimitsGridLine(QGridLayout* layout, int row, const QString& label,
+ QWidget* widget)
+ QLabel* labelWidget = new QLabel(label);
+ labelWidget->setWordWrap(true);
+ layout->addWidget(labelWidget, row, 0);
+ layout->addWidget(widget, row, 1);
+const StudySettings StudySettingsDialog::getSettings()
+ settings.showRandomly = showRandomlyCB->isChecked();
+ settings.newCardsShare = newCardsShareBox->value() / 100.;
+ settings.schedRandomness = randomnessBox->value() / 100.;
+ settings.cardsDayLimit = cardsDayLimitBox->value();
+ settings.newCardsDayLimit = newCardsDayLimitBox->value();
+ settings.limitForAddingNewCards = limitForAddingNewCardsBox->value();
+ settings.dayShift = dayShiftBox->value();
+ return settings;
+void StudySettingsDialog::updateControls()
+ showRandomlyCB->setChecked( settings.showRandomly );
+ newCardsShareBox->setValue( settings.newCardsShare * 100 );
+ randomnessBox->setValue( settings.schedRandomness * 100 );
+ cardsDayLimitBox->setValue( settings.cardsDayLimit );
+ newCardsDayLimitBox->setValue( settings.newCardsDayLimit );
+ limitForAddingNewCardsBox->setValue(settings.limitForAddingNewCards);
+ dayShiftBox->setValue( settings.dayShift );
+void StudySettingsDialog::dialogButtonClicked( QAbstractButton* aButton )
+ {
+ if(buttonBox->buttonRole(aButton) == QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole)
+ {
+ settings = StudySettings();
+ updateControls();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/settings/StudySettingsDialog.h b/src/settings/StudySettingsDialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..121767b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/StudySettingsDialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "../study/StudySettings.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
+class StudySettingsDialog : public QDialog
+ StudySettingsDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ const StudySettings getSettings();
+ void initData();
+ void createUi();
+ void updateControls();
+ void addUpperGridLine(QGridLayout* layout, int row, const QString& label, QWidget* widget,
+ const QString& unitLabel = "");
+ void addLimitsGridLine(QGridLayout* layout, int row, const QString& label, QWidget* widget);
+ QSpinBox* createSpinBox(int min, int max);
+ void createButtonBox();
+ void createControls();
+ QBoxLayout* createMainLayout();
+ QGridLayout*createUpperLayout();
+ QGroupBox* createLimitsGroup();
+private slots:
+ void dialogButtonClicked( QAbstractButton* aButton );
+ StudySettings settings;
+ QSpinBox* dayShiftBox;
+ QCheckBox* showRandomlyCB;
+ QSpinBox* newCardsShareBox;
+ QSpinBox* randomnessBox;
+ QSpinBox* cardsDayLimitBox;
+ QSpinBox* newCardsDayLimitBox;
+ QSpinBox* limitForAddingNewCardsBox;
+ QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox;
diff --git a/src/settings/StylePreviewModel.cpp b/src/settings/StylePreviewModel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07c809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/StylePreviewModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "StylePreviewModel.h"
+#include "../field-styles/FieldStyleFactory.h"
+#include <QBrush>
+QVariant StylePreviewModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const
+ {
+ if( !index.isValid())
+ return QVariant();
+ if( index.row() >= rowCount() || index.column() >= columnCount() )
+ return QVariant();
+ QString styleName = m_parent->styleFactory()->getStyleNames().value( index.row() );
+ FieldStyle fieldStyle = m_parent->styleFactory()->getStyle( styleName );
+ switch( index.column() )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ switch( role )
+ {
+ case Qt::DisplayRole:
+ return fieldStyle.prefix + styleName + fieldStyle.suffix;
+ case Qt::FontRole:
+ return fieldStyle.font;
+ case Qt::BackgroundRole:
+ return QBrush( m_parent->styleFactory()->cardBgColor );
+ case Qt::ForegroundRole:
+ return fieldStyle.color;
+ case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
+ return Qt::AlignCenter;
+ default:
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+ case 1:
+ if( fieldStyle.hasKeyword )
+ switch( role )
+ {
+ case Qt::DisplayRole:
+ return tr("keyword");
+ case Qt::FontRole:
+ return fieldStyle.getKeywordStyle().font;
+ case Qt::BackgroundRole:
+ return QBrush( m_parent->styleFactory()->cardBgColor );
+ case Qt::ForegroundRole:
+ return fieldStyle.keywordColor;
+ case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
+ return Qt::AlignCenter;
+ default:
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+ else
+ switch( role )
+ {
+ case Qt::DisplayRole:
+ return QVariant();
+ case Qt::BackgroundRole:
+ return QBrush( m_parent->styleFactory()->cardBgColor );
+ default:
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+ default:
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/settings/StylePreviewModel.h b/src/settings/StylePreviewModel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1987431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/StylePreviewModel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "../field-styles/FieldStyleFactory.h"
+#include "FontColorSettingsDialog.h"
+#include <QAbstractTableModel>
+class StylePreviewModel : public QAbstractTableModel
+ StylePreviewModel( FontColorSettingsDialog* aParent ):
+ m_parent( aParent )
+ {}
+ int rowCount( const QModelIndex& /*parent*/ = QModelIndex() ) const
+ { return m_parent->styleFactory()->getStyleNames().size(); }
+ int columnCount( const QModelIndex& /*parent*/ = QModelIndex() ) const
+ { return 2; }
+ QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
+ QVariant headerData( int /*section*/, Qt::Orientation /*orientation*/, int /*role = Qt::DisplayRole*/ ) const
+ { return QVariant(); }
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &/*index*/) const {return Qt::NoItemFlags;}
+ FontColorSettingsDialog* m_parent;
diff --git a/src/settings/StylesListModel.h b/src/settings/StylesListModel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3899ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings/StylesListModel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <QStringListModel>
+class StylesListModel: public QStringListModel
+ StylesListModel( const QStringList& aStrings ): QStringListModel( aStrings) {}
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags( const QModelIndex& index ) const
+ { return QAbstractListModel::flags(index); }