path: root/parser.prolog
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2014-04-04 01:48:43 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2014-04-04 01:48:43 +1100
commit19e66dbd8fd3bd66f286bbbcd7ce842d727a4422 (patch)
tree07f0d484b32c9792a5d18921048243d5ed924873 /parser.prolog
parentb2081e26122b3937f04caa62ec864fc343f83ef1 (diff)
Makefile added, files reorganised
Diffstat (limited to 'parser.prolog')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/parser.prolog b/parser.prolog
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f9771..0000000
--- a/parser.prolog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-:- module(parser, [prompt/1, readList/1, readLine/1, split/2, join/2, intercalate/3]).
-% functions for dealing with lines of text
-% eg obtaining one, parsing it into a list of words, and rejoining it
-% prompt provides the user with a '>' prompt
-% readList merely obtains and parses the input
-% readLine obtains a raw line of input
-% split parses a line of text into words
-% join takes a list of words and joins them into one string
-prompt(L) :-
- write('> '),
- readList(L).
-readList(L) :-
- readLine(X),
- split(X,L).
-readLine(L) :-
- get_char(C),
- readLine_tail(C,L).
-readLine_tail('\n',[]) :- !.
-readLine_tail(C,[C|X]) :-
- get_char(C2),
- readLine_tail(C2,X).
-split(X,R) :-
- wordList(R,X,[]), !.
-join([X|Y],R) :-
- join(Y,Rx),
- atom_concat(X,Rx,R).
-join([X],R) :-
- R = X.
-intercalate([X|Y], Spacer, Result) :-
- intercalate(Y, Spacer, Tail),
- atom_concat(X, Spacer, Head),
- atom_concat(Head, Tail, Result).
-intercalate([X], _, Result) :- Result = X.
-wordList(X) --> whitespace, wordList(X).
-wordList([X]) --> word(X).
-wordList([X]) --> word(X), whitespace.
-wordList([X|Y]) --> word(X), whitespace, wordList(Y).
-word(W) --> charList(X), {atom_chars(W,X)}.
-charList([X|Xs]) --> char(X), charList(Xs).
-charList([X]) --> char(X).
-whitespace --> whsp, whitespace.
-whitespace --> whsp.
-whsp --> oneOf(_,[' ', '\r', '\n', '\t']).
-char(X) --> noneOf(X,[' ', '\r', '\n', '\t']).
-oneOf(X,L) --> [X], {member(X,L)}.
-noneOf(X,L) --> [X], {not(member(X,L))}.