path: root/src/
diff options
authorJedidiah Barber <>2022-10-30 03:42:11 +1300
committerJedidiah Barber <>2022-10-30 03:42:11 +1300
commit95ebd2d6acfa744c5e93287cc6385f4f1359376e (patch)
tree87cea8951f3ef00b9ad53679c7fe70c208b0ec62 /src/
parent3f290e0d6c3ef1435253095de2cf53016855840e (diff)
wallgen and wallsolve working, visualwall partially done, license added
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0e8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+(* Programmed by Jedidiah Barber *)
+(* Licensed under the Sunset License v1.0 *)
+let usage_msg = "Usage: wallsolve [options]"
+let input_seq = ref (Array.make 0 (Z.of_int 0))
+let depth_limit = ref 20
+let anon_fun item =
+ prerr_endline "Error: Don't know what to do with anonymous argument";
+ exit 2
+let input_immediate items =
+ if Array.length !input_seq > 0
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Multiple input sequences specified"; exit 2)
+ else try input_seq := Util.read_integer_list items
+ with Util.Not_an_integer s ->
+ prerr_endline ("Error: The argument '" ^ s ^ "' is not an integer");
+ exit 2
+let input_from_file filename =
+ if Array.length !input_seq > 0
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Multiple input sequences specified"; exit 2)
+ else try input_seq := Util.read_sequence_file filename
+ with Util.Not_an_integer s ->
+ prerr_endline ("Error: The item '" ^ s ^ "' from file '" ^ filename ^ "' is not an integer");
+ exit 2
+let speclist =
+ [("-f", Arg.String input_from_file, "Read input integer sequence from file");
+ ("-i", Arg.String input_immediate, "Integer input sequence with values separated by commas");
+ ("-l", Arg.Set_int depth_limit, "Sets maximum levels to generate, default 20")]
+module My_Algebra =
+ struct
+ type t = Poly.t
+ let zero =
+ let one =
+ let add = Poly.add
+ let sub = Poly.sub
+ let mul = Poly.mul
+ let div = Poly.div
+ let to_string = Poly.to_string
+ end
+module My_Wall = Wall.Make (My_Algebra)
+let _ =
+ if Array.length Sys.argv <= 1 then (Arg.usage speclist usage_msg; exit 1);
+ Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg;
+ if Array.length !input_seq = 0 then (prerr_endline "Error: No input sequence provided"; exit 2);
+ if Array.length !input_seq < 2
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Input sequence not long enough to solve"; exit 2);
+ (* Convert input integer sequence into the right sort of input polynomial sequence. *)
+ let poly_offset n =
+ Poly.of_list [(Z.neg !input_seq.(n),; (!input_seq.(n+1),] in
+ let poly_inputs = Array.init (Array.length !input_seq - 1) poly_offset in
+ (* Generate the number wall and look at the bottom most non-zero row. *)
+ let scribbles = My_Wall.create
+ ~dimx:(Array.length poly_inputs)
+ ~dimy:!depth_limit
+ ~init:poly_inputs in
+ let row_of_interest =
+ My_Wall.last_nonzero_row scribbles in
+ (* Test whether there is actually a row of zeros under the row of interest. *)
+ if row_of_interest = My_Wall.y_length scribbles - 1
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Depth limit too low to solve sequence"; exit 2);
+ (* Test whether the row of interest has enough entries to be sure of them all being the same. *)
+ let exists_pred x =
+ if My_Wall.has_value scribbles ~x ~y:row_of_interest then 1 else 0 in
+ let array_sum =
+ Array.fold_left ( + ) 0 in
+ let naturals_to n =
+ Array.init n (fun n -> n) in
+ if array_sum ( exists_pred (naturals_to (My_Wall.x_length scribbles))) < 3
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Input sequence not long enough to solve"; exit 2);
+ (* Need to normalize the polynomials in the row as if they were set equal to zero. *)
+ let rec gcd a b =
+ Z.(if b = zero then a else gcd b (a mod b)) in
+ let normalize p =
+ let sign_correct x =
+ if Z.(Poly.get_coeff ~expnt:( x) x < zero) then Poly.neg x else x in
+ let coefficients =
+ fst (Poly.to_list p) in
+ let divisor =
+ List.fold_left gcd coefficients in
+ sign_correct (Poly.div p (Poly.of_zint divisor)) in
+ (* Now let's look at the polynomial right in the middle. *)
+ let key_poly =
+ normalize (My_Wall.get scribbles
+ ~x:((Array.length poly_inputs) / 2 + 1)
+ ~y:row_of_interest) in
+ (* Check for degeneracy. *)
+ if key_poly =
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Result is degree zero, not sure how that happened"; exit 2);
+ (* Check that all the polynomials in the row of interest are equal once normalized. *)
+ let equals_pred x =
+ let value = My_Wall.get_opt scribbles ~x ~y:row_of_interest in
+ if Option.is_some value
+ then normalize (Option.get value) = key_poly
+ else true in
+ if not (Array.for_all equals_pred (naturals_to (My_Wall.x_length scribbles)))
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Polynomials differ, maybe try a longer sequence?"; exit 2);
+ (* Print out the polynomial as if it was a recurrence relation with the highest degree term *)
+ (* being on the left hand side and the remaining terms being on the right hand side. *)
+ let print_relation p =
+ let lhs = List.hd p in
+ let rhs = (fun (x,y) -> (Z.neg x, y)) ( p) in
+ if fst lhs <> then print_string (Z.to_string (fst lhs)); print_string "S(n) =";
+ let print_rhs_item minus plus (c,e) =
+ print_string " ";
+ if c < then print_string minus else print_string plus;
+ if (Z.abs c) <> then print_string (Z.to_string (Z.abs c));
+ print_string ("S(n-" ^ Z.to_string Z.(snd lhs - e) ^ ")") in
+ print_rhs_item "-" "" (List.hd rhs);
+ List.iter (print_rhs_item "- " "+ ") ( rhs) in
+ print_relation (Poly.to_list key_poly);
+ print_newline ();
+ (* This... should probably never trigger, but might as well check anyway. *)
+ if key_poly > Z.of_int (Array.length !input_seq)
+ then (prerr_endline "Error: Recurrence relation longer than input sequence... wtfhow?"; exit 2);
+ (* Calculate and print the predicted next number of the input sequence. *)
+ let calc_next p inp =
+ let lhs = List.hd p in
+ let rhs = (fun (x,y) -> (Z.neg x, y)) ( p) in
+ let rec process result terms =
+ if terms = []
+ then result
+ else let current = List.hd terms in
+ let index = Array.length inp - Z.(to_int (snd lhs - snd current)) in
+ process Z.(result + fst current * inp.(index)) ( terms) in
+ Z.div (process rhs) (fst lhs) in
+ print_string ("Next: " ^ Z.to_string (calc_next (Poly.to_list key_poly) !input_seq));
+ print_newline ()