path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94043dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+(* Programmed by Jedidiah Barber *)
+(* Licensed under the Sunset License v1.0 *)
+module type Algebra =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val zero : t
+ val one : t
+ val add : t -> t -> t
+ val sub : t -> t -> t
+ val mul : t -> t -> t
+ val div : t -> t -> t
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ end
+module type S =
+ sig
+ type element
+ type wall
+ val create : dimx:int -> dimy:int -> init:element array -> wall
+ val x_length : wall -> int
+ val y_length : wall -> int
+ val has_value : wall -> x:int -> y:int -> bool
+ val get : wall -> x:int -> y:int -> element
+ val get_opt : wall -> x:int -> y:int -> element option
+ val last_nonzero_row : wall -> int
+ val to_string : wall -> string
+ val print : wall -> unit
+ val output : Stdlib.out_channel -> wall -> unit
+ val pp_print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> wall -> unit
+ end
+let (let*?) = Option.bind
+module Make (A : Algebra) =
+ struct
+ type element = A.t
+ type wall = element option array array
+ let x_length wall =
+ Array.length wall
+ let y_length wall =
+ Array.length wall.(0)
+ let has_value wall ~x ~y =
+ if x >= 0 && x < x_length wall &&
+ y >= 0 && y < y_length wall
+ then match wall.(x).(y) with
+ None -> false
+ | Some _ -> true
+ else false
+ let get_opt wall ~x ~y =
+ if x >= 0 && x < x_length wall &&
+ y >= 0 && y < y_length wall
+ then wall.(x).(y)
+ else None
+ let next_nonzero_up wall ~x ~y =
+ let rec walker y1 =
+ let*? v = get_opt wall ~x ~y:y1 in
+ if v <> then Some y1 else walker (y1-1)
+ in walker y
+ let next_nonzero_left wall ~x ~y =
+ let rec walker x1 =
+ let*? v = get_opt wall ~x:x1 ~y in
+ if v <> then Some x1 else walker (x1-1)
+ in walker x
+ let next_nonzero_right wall ~x ~y =
+ let rec walker x1 =
+ let*? v = get_opt wall ~x:x1 ~y in
+ if v <> then Some x1 else walker (x1+1)
+ in walker x
+ let next_valid_left wall ~x ~y =
+ let rec walker x1 =
+ if x1 < 0
+ then None
+ else if Option.is_some (get_opt wall ~x:x1 ~y)
+ then Some x1
+ else walker (x1-1) in
+ walker x
+ let safe_div a b =
+ if b = then None else Some (A.div a b)
+ let multi_mul items =
+ let f a b = A.mul a b in
+ List.fold_left f items
+ let square a =
+ A.mul a a
+ let rec power ~base ~num ~denom ~times =
+ if times <= 0
+ then Some base
+ else let*? new_base = safe_div (A.mul base num) denom in
+ power ~base:new_base ~num ~denom ~times:(times-1)
+ (* red x red + green x green = blue squared *)
+ (* target to calculate is red on the bottom of the cross *)
+ (* current cell x two up + one diag up left x one diag up right = one up squared *)
+ let cross_rule wall ~x ~y =
+ let*? green_left = get_opt wall ~x:(x-1) ~y:(y-1) in
+ let*? green_right = get_opt wall ~x:(x+1) ~y:(y-1) in
+ let*? blue = get_opt wall ~x ~y:(y-1) in
+ let*? red_top = get_opt wall ~x ~y:(y-2) in
+ safe_div (A.sub (square blue) (A.mul green_left green_right)) red_top
+ (* outer yellow x inner yellow squared + outer blue x inner blue squared *)
+ (* equals outer grey x inner grey squared + outer red x inner red squared *)
+ (* inner yellow is up, outer yellow is down *)
+ (* inner blue is down, outer blue is up *)
+ (* inner grey is left, outer grey is right *)
+ (* inner red is right, outer red is left *)
+ (* target to calculate is outer yellow *)
+ let long_cross_rule wall ~x ~y =
+ let*? outer_red = get_opt wall ~x:(x-2) ~y:(y-2) in
+ let*? inner_red = get_opt wall ~x:(x+1) ~y:(y-2) in
+ let*? red_product = Some (A.mul outer_red (square inner_red)) in
+ let*? outer_grey = get_opt wall ~x:(x+2) ~y:(y-2) in
+ let*? inner_grey = get_opt wall ~x:(x-1) ~y:(y-2) in
+ let*? grey_product = Some (A.mul outer_grey (square inner_grey)) in
+ let*? grey_red_sum = Some (A.add grey_product red_product) in
+ let*? outer_blue = if y - 4 = -1 then Some else get_opt wall ~x ~y:(y-4) in
+ let*? inner_blue = get_opt wall ~x ~y:(y-1) in
+ let*? blue_product = Some (A.mul outer_blue (square inner_blue)) in
+ let*? greyred_blue_diff = Some (A.sub grey_red_sum blue_product) in
+ let*? inner_yellow = get_opt wall ~x ~y:(y-3) in
+ safe_div greyred_blue_diff (square inner_yellow)
+ (* All blocks of zeros in the wall come in squares. *)
+ let zero_window wall ~x ~y =
+ let*? top = next_nonzero_up wall ~x ~y:(y-1) in
+ let*? left = next_nonzero_left wall ~x ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? right = next_nonzero_right wall ~x ~y:(top+1) in
+ if y - 1 > top && right - left > 0 && right - left + 1 > y - 1 - top
+ then Some
+ else None
+ (* denote ratio of top sequence from left to right as a/b *)
+ (* denote ratio of bottom sequence from right to left as c/d *)
+ (* denote ratio of left sequence from top to bottom as e/f *)
+ (* denote ratio of right sequence from bottom to top as g/h *)
+ (* denote rhs as s *)
+ (* s is 1 when even sized window and -1 when odd sized window *)
+ (* goal is to calculate c/d *)
+ (* then *)
+ (* ((a/b)(c/d))/((e/f)(g/h)) = s *)
+ (* (a/b)(c/d) = s(e/f)(g/h) *)
+ (* (a/b)(c/d) = (seg)/(fh) *)
+ (* c/d = ((seg)/(fh))(b/a) *)
+ (* c/d = (begs)/(afh) *)
+ (* and since that ratio is going from right to left, invert to go left to right *)
+ (* thus to transform bottom left corner number into next number... *)
+ (* multiply by afh then divide by begs *)
+ let horseshoe_rule wall ~x ~y =
+ let*? top = next_nonzero_up wall ~x ~y:(y-1) in
+ let*? left = next_nonzero_left wall ~x ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? right = next_nonzero_right wall ~x ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? _ = if y - top <> right - left || right - left <= 2 then None else Some 1 in
+ let*? a = get_opt wall ~x:(left+1) ~y:top in
+ let*? b = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:top in
+ let*? e = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? f = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:top in
+ let*? g = get_opt wall ~x:right ~y:top in
+ let*? h = get_opt wall ~x:right ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? s = if (right - left - 1) mod 2 = 0 then Some else Some (A.sub in
+ let*? prev = next_valid_left wall ~x ~y in
+ power
+ ~base:(Option.get wall.(prev).(y))
+ ~num:(A.mul (A.mul a f) h)
+ ~denom:(A.mul (A.mul (A.mul b e) g) s)
+ ~times:(x - prev)
+ (* denote ratio of top sequence from left to right as a/b *)
+ (* denote ratio of bottom sequence from right to left as c/d *)
+ (* denote ratio of left sequence from top to bottom as e/f *)
+ (* denote ratio of right sequence from bottom to top as g/h *)
+ (* denote sign of grey/red terms as s *)
+ (* goal is to calculate outer yellow *)
+ (* and also to put off division until the very end to ensure integer intermediate results *)
+ (* then *)
+ (* (e/f)(o_bl/i_bl) + s(a/b)(o_gr/i_gr) = (g/h)(o_ye/i_ye) + s(c/d)(o_re/i_re) *)
+ (* (e/f)(o_bl/i_bl) + s(a/b)(o_gr/i_gr) - s(c/d)(o_re/i_re) = (g/h)(o_ye/i_ye) *)
+ (* i_ye((e/f)(o_bl/i_bl) + s(a/b)(o_gr/i_gr) - s(c/d)(o_re/i_re)) = (g/h)o_ye *)
+ (* o_ye = i_ye(h/g)((e/f)(o_bl/i_bl) + s(a/b)(o_gr/i_gr) - s(c/d)(o_re/i_re)) *)
+ (* o_ye = i_ye(h/g)((e*o_bl)/(f*i_bl) + s(a*o_gr)/(b*i_gr) - s(c*o_re)/(d*i_re)) *)
+ (* o_ye = h*i_ye*(e*o_bl*b*i_gr*d*i_re + s*a*o_gr*f*i_bl*d*i_re - s*c*o_re*f*i_bl*b*i_gr) / *)
+ (* (g*f*i_bl*b*i_gr*d*i_re) *)
+ let broken_cross_rule wall ~x ~y =
+ let*? top = next_nonzero_up wall ~x ~y:(y-2) in
+ let*? left = next_nonzero_left wall ~x ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? right = next_nonzero_right wall ~x ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? bottom = Some (y - 1) in
+ let*? _ = if bottom - top <> right - left || right - left <= 2 then None else Some 1 in
+ let*? a = get_opt wall ~x:(left+1) ~y:top in
+ let*? b = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:top in
+ let*? c = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:bottom in
+ let*? d = get_opt wall ~x:(left+1) ~y:bottom in
+ let*? e = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? f = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:top in
+ let*? g = get_opt wall ~x:right ~y:top in
+ let*? h = get_opt wall ~x:right ~y:(top+1) in
+ let*? s = if (right - x) mod 2 = 0 then Some else Some (A.sub in
+ let*? inner_yellow = get_opt wall ~x ~y:bottom in
+ let*? inner_blue = get_opt wall ~x:(right-x+left) ~y:top in
+ let*? inner_red = get_opt wall ~x:right ~y:(bottom-right-x) in
+ let*? inner_grey = get_opt wall ~x:left ~y:(right-x+top) in
+ let*? outer_blue = get_opt wall ~x:(right-x+left) ~y:(top-1) in
+ let*? outer_red = get_opt wall ~x:(right+1) ~y:(bottom-right-x) in
+ let*? outer_grey = get_opt wall ~x:(left-1) ~y:(right-x+top) in
+ let*? term_1 = Some (multi_mul [ e; outer_blue; b; inner_grey; d; inner_red]) in
+ let*? term_2 = Some (multi_mul [s; a; outer_grey; f; inner_blue; d; inner_red]) in
+ let*? term_3 = Some (multi_mul [s; c; outer_red; f; inner_blue; b; inner_grey]) in
+ let*? term_sum = Some (A.sub (A.add term_1 term_2) term_3) in
+ let*? numerator = Some (multi_mul [h; inner_yellow; term_sum]) in
+ let*? denominator = Some (multi_mul [g; f; inner_blue; b; inner_grey; d; inner_red]) in
+ safe_div numerator denominator
+ let rec attempt_order wall ~x ~y funcs =
+ if funcs = []
+ then None
+ else let r = (List.hd funcs) wall ~x ~y in
+ if Option.is_some r
+ then r
+ else attempt_order wall ~x ~y ( funcs)
+ let create ~dimx ~dimy ~init =
+ let result = Array.make_matrix dimx dimy None in
+ for i = 0 to dimx - 1 do
+ result.(i).(0) <- Some
+ done;
+ for i = 0 to min (dimx - 1) ((Array.length init) - 1) do
+ result.(i).(1) <- Some init.(i)
+ done;
+ try
+ for j = 2 to dimy - 1 do
+ let do_exit = ref true in
+ for i = 0 to dimx - 1 do
+ let v = attempt_order result ~x:i ~y:j
+ [cross_rule; long_cross_rule; zero_window; horseshoe_rule; broken_cross_rule] in
+ result.(i).(j) <- v;
+ if Option.is_some v && Option.get v <>
+ then do_exit := false
+ done;
+ if !do_exit then raise Exit
+ done;
+ result
+ with Exit ->
+ result
+ let get wall ~x ~y =
+ if x >= 0 && x < x_length wall &&
+ y >= 0 && y < y_length wall
+ then match wall.(x).(y) with
+ None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some v -> v
+ else raise Not_found
+ let last_nonzero_row wall =
+ let rec checker x y =
+ if wall.(x).(y) <> Some && wall.(x).(y) <> None
+ then (if y + 1 = y_length wall then y else checker 0 (y + 1))
+ else (if x + 1 = x_length wall then y - 1 else checker (x + 1) y)
+ in checker 0 0
+ let row_string wall ~y =
+ let result = ref "" in
+ for i = 0 to (x_length wall) - 2 do
+ let v = wall.(i).(y) in
+ if Option.is_some v
+ then result := !result ^ (A.to_string (Option.get v)) ^ ","
+ else result := !result ^ ","
+ done;
+ let v = wall.(x_length wall - 1).(y) in
+ if Option.is_some v
+ then result := !result ^ (A.to_string (Option.get v));
+ !result
+ let to_string wall =
+ let result = ref "" in
+ for j = 0 to (y_length wall) - 1 do
+ result := !result ^ (row_string wall ~y:j) ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int 10))
+ done;
+ !result
+ let print wall =
+ print_string (to_string wall)
+ let output channel wall =
+ output_string channel (to_string wall)
+ let pp_print format wall =
+ for j = 0 to (y_length wall) - 1 do
+ Format.pp_print_string format (row_string wall ~y:j);
+ Format.pp_print_break format 8 0
+ done
+ end