diff options
authorJed Barber <>2019-01-18 22:00:36 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2019-01-18 22:00:36 +1100
commit26cb20d3cf5d6148f2e2baa603a0c61a87642f3a (patch)
parent4e42761354c2de557c0166d46aabe9dcd9b77073 (diff)
Packrat.Lexer Stamp, Ignore, Scan, Scan_Only functions/procedures completed
5 files changed, 478 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/src/packrat-lexer.adb b/src/packrat-lexer.adb
index 7cbd527..77ebf9f 100644
--- a/src/packrat-lexer.adb
+++ b/src/packrat-lexer.adb
@@ -13,32 +13,30 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
procedure Initialize
- (This : in out Combinator_Result) is
+ (This : in out Lexer_Context) is
end Initialize;
procedure Adjust
- (This : in out Combinator_Result) is
+ (This : in out Lexer_Context)
+ is
+ New_Array : Element_Array_Access;
- if This.Value /= null then
- declare
- New_Array : Element_Array_Access :=
- new Element_Array (1 .. This.Value.all'Length);
- begin
- New_Array.all := This.Value.all;
- This.Value := New_Array;
- end;
+ if This.Pass_Forward /= null then
+ New_Array := new Element_Array (1 .. This.Pass_Forward.all'Length);
+ New_Array.all := This.Pass_Forward.all;
+ This.Pass_Forward := New_Array;
end if;
end Adjust;
procedure Finalize
- (This : in out Combinator_Result) is
+ (This : in out Lexer_Context) is
- if This.Value /= null then
- Free_Array (This.Value);
+ if This.Pass_Forward /= null then
+ Free_Array (This.Pass_Forward);
end if;
end Finalize;
@@ -46,85 +44,46 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
- function "="
- (Left, Right : in Combinator_Result)
- return Boolean
- is
- Left_Valsize, Right_Valsize : Natural;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Input_Container) is
- if Left.Value = null then
- Left_Valsize := 0;
- else
- Left_Valsize := Left.Value.all'Length;
+ if This.Dealloc then
+ Free_Array (This.Data);
end if;
- if Right.Value = null then
- Right_Valsize := 0;
- else
- Right_Valsize := Right.Value.all'Length;
- end if;
- return Left.Length = Right.Length and
- Left.Status = Right.Status and
- Left_Valsize = Right_Valsize and
- (Left_Valsize = 0 or else Left.Value.all = Right.Value.all);
- end "=";
+ end Finalize;
+ function Pass_Input
+ (Passed, Continuing : in Element_Array_Access)
+ return Input_Container is
+ begin
+ if Passed = null then
+ return This : Input_Container do
+ This.Data := Continuing;
+ This.Dealloc := False;
+ end return;
+ else
+ return This : Input_Container do
+ This.Data := new Element_Array (1 .. Passed'Length + Continuing'Length);
+ This.Data (1 .. Passed'Length) := Passed.all;
+ This.Data (Passed'Length + 1 .. This.Data'Last) := Continuing.all;
+ This.Dealloc := True;
+ end return;
+ end if;
+ end Pass_Input;
- function Create_Result
- (Length : in Natural;
- Status : in Result_Status;
- Value : in Element_Array)
- return Combinator_Result
- is
- This : Combinator_Result;
- begin
- This.Length := Length;
- This.Status := Status;
- This.Value := new Element_Array (1 .. Value'Length);
- This.Value.all := Value;
- return This;
- end Create_Result;
function Join
(Left, Right : in Combinator_Result)
- return Combinator_Result
- is
- Merge : Combinator_Result;
- Left_Valsize, Right_Valsize, Total_Valsize : Natural;
+ return Combinator_Result is
- if Left.Value /= null then
- Left_Valsize := Left.Value.all'Length;
- else
- Left_Valsize := 0;
- end if;
- if Right.Value /= null then
- Right_Valsize := Right.Value.all'Length;
- else
- Right_Valsize := 0;
- end if;
- Total_Valsize := Left_Valsize + Right_Valsize;
if Left.Status = Success or Left.Status = Optional_More then
- Merge.Length := Left.Length + Right.Length;
- Merge.Status := Right.Status;
- if Total_Valsize > 0 then
- Merge.Value := new Element_Array (1 .. Total_Valsize);
- if Left.Value /= null then
- Merge.Value.all (1 .. Left_Valsize) := Left.Value.all;
- end if;
- if Right.Value /= null then
- Merge.Value.all (Left_Valsize + 1 .. Total_Valsize) := Right.Value.all;
- end if;
- end if;
- return Merge;
+ return (Integer'Max (Left.Finish, Right.Finish), Right.Status);
elsif Left.Status = Needs_More then
- Merge := Left;
- Merge.Status := Failure;
- return Merge;
+ return (Left.Finish, Failure);
return Left;
end if;
@@ -134,33 +93,174 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
- procedure Stamp
+ function Stamp
(Input : in Element_Array;
- Context : in out Lexer_Context) is
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Component_Result
+ is
+ Current_Result : Combinator_Result :=
+ Combo (Input, Context.Position);
- null;
+ if Context.Status /= Success or Context.Position > Input'Last or
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Contains (Label)
+ then
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Needs_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Failure
+ then
+ Context.Error_Labels.Append (Label);
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Optional_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Success
+ then
+ Context.Result_So_Far.Append (Gen_Tokens.Create
+ (Label,
+ Context.Position + Context.Offset,
+ Current_Result.Finish + Context.Offset,
+ Input (Context.Position .. Current_Result.Finish)));
+ if Current_Result.Finish = 0 then
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Insert (Label);
+ else
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ Context.Position := Current_Result.Finish + 1;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Context.Status := Current_Result.Status;
+ Context.Pass_Forward := new Element_Array
+ (1 .. Current_Result.Finish - Context.Position + 1);
+ Context.Pass_Forward.all := Input (Context.Position .. Current_Result.Finish);
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ end if;
+ Context.Error_Labels.Clear;
+ return Component_Success;
end Stamp;
- procedure Ignore
+ function Ignore
(Input : in Element_Array;
- Context : in out Lexer_Context) is
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Component_Result
+ is
+ Current_Result : Combinator_Result :=
+ Combo (Input, Context.Position);
- null;
+ if Context.Status /= Success or Context.Position > Input'Last or
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Contains (Label)
+ then
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Needs_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Failure
+ then
+ Context.Error_Labels.Append (Label);
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Optional_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Success
+ then
+ if Current_Result.Finish = 0 then
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Insert (Label);
+ else
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ Context.Position := Current_Result.Finish + 1;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Context.Status := Current_Result.Status;
+ Context.Pass_Forward := new Element_Array
+ (1 .. Current_Result.Finish - Context.Position + 1);
+ Context.Pass_Forward.all := Input (Context.Position .. Current_Result.Finish);
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ end if;
+ Context.Error_Labels.Clear;
+ return Component_Success;
end Ignore;
+ procedure Tidy_Context
+ (Details : in out Lexer_Context;
+ Number_Comp : in Ada.Containers.Count_Type) is
+ begin
+ if Details.Pass_Forward /= null then
+ Free_Array (Details.Pass_Forward);
+ Details.Pass_Forward := null;
+ end if;
+ Details.Result_So_Far.Clear;
+ Details.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ Details.Error_Labels.Clear;
+ Details.Error_Labels.Reserve_Capacity (Number_Comp);
+ Details.Offset := Details.Offset + Details.Position - 1;
+ Details.Position := 1;
+ Details.Status := Success;
+ end Tidy_Context;
+ procedure Raise_Lexer_Error
+ (Label_List : in Label_Vectors.Vector;
+ Position : in Positive)
+ is
+ Error_Info_List : Errors.Error_Info_Array
+ (Label_List.First_Index .. Label_List.Last_Index);
+ begin
+ for I in Integer range Error_Info_List'First .. Error_Info_List'Last loop
+ Error_Info_List (I).Symbol := +Label_Enum'Image (Label_List.Element (I));
+ Error_Info_List (I).Position := Position;
+ end loop;
+ raise Lexer_Error with Errors.Encode_Array (Error_Info_List);
+ end Raise_Lexer_Error;
+ function Token_Vector_To_Array
+ (Input_Vector : in Token_Vectors.Vector)
+ return Gen_Tokens.Token_Array
+ is
+ Result_Array : Gen_Tokens.Token_Array (1 .. Integer (Input_Vector.Length));
+ begin
+ for I in Integer range 1 .. Integer (Input_Vector.Length) loop
+ Result_Array (I) := Input_Vector.Element (I);
+ end loop;
+ return Result_Array;
+ end Token_Vector_To_Array;
function Scan
(Input : in Element_Array;
Context : in out Lexer_Context)
return Gen_Tokens.Token_Array
- Result : Gen_Tokens.Token_Array (1 .. 0);
+ Real_Input : Input_Container :=
+ Pass_Input (Context.Pass_Forward, Input'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Raise_Error : Boolean;
- return Result;
+ Tidy_Context (Context, Components'Length);
+ Context.Allow_Incomplete := not (Input = Empty_Array);
+ while Context.Status = Success and Context.Position <= Real_Input.Data'Length loop
+ Raise_Error := True;
+ for C of Components loop
+ if C (Real_Input.Data.all, Context) = Component_Success then
+ Raise_Error := False;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Raise_Error then
+ Raise_Lexer_Error (Context.Error_Labels, Context.Position);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Token_Vector_To_Array (Context.Result_So_Far);
end Scan;
@@ -169,14 +269,32 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Context : in out Lexer_Context)
return Gen_Tokens.Token_Array
- Result : Gen_Tokens.Token_Array (1 .. 0);
+ Real_Input : Input_Container :=
+ Pass_Input (Context.Pass_Forward, Input'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Raise_Error : Boolean;
- return Result;
+ Tidy_Context (Context, Components'Length);
+ Context.Allow_Incomplete := False;
+ while Context.Status = Success and Context.Position <= Real_Input.Data'Length loop
+ Raise_Error := True;
+ for C of Components loop
+ if C (Real_Input.Data.all, Context) = Component_Success then
+ Raise_Error := False;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Raise_Error then
+ Raise_Lexer_Error (Context.Error_Labels, Context.Position);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Token_Vector_To_Array (Context.Result_So_Far);
end Scan_Only;
function Scan_With
- (Input : in Lexer_With_Input;
+ (Input : in With_Input;
Context : in out Lexer_Context)
return Gen_Tokens.Token_Array
@@ -196,7 +314,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
procedure Scan_Set_With
- (Input : in Lexer_With_Input;
+ (Input : in With_Input;
Context : in out Lexer_Context;
Output : out Gen_Tokens.Token_Array) is
@@ -212,7 +330,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- Result : Combinator_Result := Create_Result (0, Success, Empty_Array);
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
Position : Positive := Start;
if Start > Input'Last then
@@ -225,7 +343,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
end if;
Result := Join (Result, C (Input, Position));
exit when Result.Status = Failure;
- Position := Start + Result.Length;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
end loop;
return Result;
end Sequence;
@@ -236,7 +354,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- Result : Combinator_Result := Create_Result (0, Success, Empty_Array);
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
Position : Positive := Start;
if Start > Input'Last then
@@ -249,7 +367,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
end if;
Result := Join (Result, Param (Input, Position));
exit when Result.Status = Failure;
- Position := Start + Result.Length;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
end loop;
return Result;
end Count;
@@ -260,7 +378,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- Result : Combinator_Result := Create_Result (0, Success, Empty_Array);
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
Temp : Combinator_Result;
Position : Positive := Start;
Counter : Natural := 0;
@@ -274,7 +392,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
exit when Temp.Status = Failure or Temp.Status = Needs_More;
Result := Join (Result, Temp);
Counter := Counter + 1;
- Position := Start + Result.Length;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
end loop;
if Counter < Minimum then
if Position > Input'Last or Temp.Status = Needs_More then
@@ -296,7 +414,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- Result : Combinator_Result := Create_Result (0, Success, Empty_Array);
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
Temp : Combinator_Result;
Position : Positive := Start;
Counter : Natural := 0;
@@ -310,7 +428,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
exit when Temp.Status = Failure or Temp.Status = Needs_More or Test (Input (Position));
Result := Join (Result, Temp);
Counter := Counter + 1;
- Position := Start + Result.Length;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
end loop;
if Counter < Minimum then
if Position > Input'Last or Temp.Status = Needs_More then
@@ -342,7 +460,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
elsif Test (Input (Start)) then
- return Create_Result (1, Success, (1 => Input (Start)));
+ return (Start, Success);
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
@@ -357,7 +475,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
elsif Test (Change (Input (Start))) then
- return Create_Result (1, Success, (1 => Input (Start)));
+ return (Start, Success);
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
@@ -372,7 +490,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
elsif Input (Start) = Item then
- return Create_Result (1, Success, (1 => Item));
+ return (Start, Success);
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
@@ -387,7 +505,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
elsif Change (Input (Start)) = Item then
- return Create_Result (1, Success, (1 => Input (Start)));
+ return (Start, Success);
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
@@ -402,7 +520,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Current_Offset : Natural := 0;
if Items'Length = 0 then
- return Create_Result (0, Success, Empty_Array);
+ return (0, Success);
end if;
if Input'Last - Start + 1 <= 0 then
@@ -411,13 +529,17 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
while Input (Start + Current_Offset) = Items (Items'First + Current_Offset) loop
if Items'First + Current_Offset = Items'Last then
- return Create_Result (Current_Offset + 1, Success, Items);
+ return (Start + Current_Offset, Success);
elsif Start + Current_Offset = Input'Last then
- return Create_Result (Current_Offset + 1, Needs_More, Input (Start .. Input'Last));
+ return (Start + Current_Offset, Needs_More);
end if;
Current_Offset := Current_Offset + 1;
end loop;
- return Create_Result (Current_Offset, Failure, Input (Start .. Start + Current_Offset - 1));
+ if Current_Offset = 0 then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ else
+ return (Start + Current_Offset - 1, Failure);
+ end if;
end Multimatch;
@@ -429,9 +551,9 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
elsif Start + Number - 1 > Input'Last then
- return Create_Result (Input'Last - Start + 1, Needs_More, Input (Start .. Input'Last));
+ return (Input'Last, Needs_More);
- return Create_Result (Number, Success, Input (Start .. Start + Number - 1));
+ return (Start + Number - 1, Success);
end if;
end Take;
@@ -455,7 +577,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Status := Success;
end if;
- return Create_Result (Finish - Start, Status, Input (Start .. Finish - 1));
+ return (Finish - 1, Status);
end Take_While;
@@ -478,7 +600,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
Status := Success;
end if;
- return Create_Result (Finish - Start, Status, Input (Start .. Finish - 1));
+ return (Finish - 1, Status);
end Take_Until;
@@ -493,7 +615,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
elsif Input (Start) = EOL_Item then
- return Create_Result (1, Success, (1 => EOL_Item));
+ return (Start, Success);
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
@@ -508,7 +630,7 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer is
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
elsif Input (Start) = EOF_Item then
- return Create_Result (1, Success, (1 => EOF_Item));
+ return (Start, Success);
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2d152bf..0cd5c78 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
private with
- Ada.Containers.Vectors;
+ Ada.Containers.Vectors,
+ Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets;
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ generic
package Packrat.Lexer is
- type Combinator_Result is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with private;
+ type Combinator_Result is private;
type Combinator is access function
(Input : in Element_Array;
@@ -25,10 +26,6 @@ package Packrat.Lexer is
type Combinator_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Combinator;
- function "="
- (Left, Right : in Combinator_Result)
- return Boolean;
@@ -39,16 +36,19 @@ package Packrat.Lexer is
- type Lexer_Component is access procedure
+ type Component_Result is private;
+ type Component is access function
(Input : in Element_Array;
- Context : in out Lexer_Context);
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Component_Result;
- type Component_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Lexer_Component;
+ type Component_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Component;
- type Lexer_With_Input is access function
+ type With_Input is access function
return Element_Array;
@@ -60,9 +60,10 @@ package Packrat.Lexer is
(Input : in Element_Array;
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result;
- procedure Stamp
+ function Stamp
(Input : in Element_Array;
- Context : in out Lexer_Context);
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Component_Result;
Label : in Label_Enum;
@@ -70,9 +71,10 @@ package Packrat.Lexer is
(Input : in Element_Array;
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result;
- procedure Ignore
+ function Ignore
(Input : in Element_Array;
- Context : in out Lexer_Context);
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Component_Result;
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ package Packrat.Lexer is
Components : in Component_Array;
function Scan_With
- (Input : in Lexer_With_Input;
+ (Input : in With_Input;
Context : in out Lexer_Context)
return Gen_Tokens.Token_Array;
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ package Packrat.Lexer is
Pad_In : in Element;
Pad_Out : in Gen_Tokens.Token;
procedure Scan_Set_With
- (Input : in Lexer_With_Input;
+ (Input : in With_Input;
Context : in out Lexer_Context;
Output : out Gen_Tokens.Token_Array);
@@ -256,55 +258,96 @@ package Packrat.Lexer is
- type Element_Array_Access is access Element_Array;
+ package Token_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
+ (Index_Type => Positive,
+ Element_Type => Gen_Tokens.Token,
+ "=" => Gen_Tokens."=");
+ type Element_Array_Access is access all Element_Array;
Empty_Array : Element_Array (1 .. 0);
- type Combinator_Result is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
- Length : Natural;
+ package Label_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
+ (Index_Type => Positive,
+ Element_Type => Label_Enum);
+ package Label_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets
+ (Element_Type => Label_Enum);
+ type Combinator_Result is record
+ Finish : Natural;
Status : Result_Status;
- Value : Element_Array_Access;
end record;
- overriding procedure Initialize
- (This : in out Combinator_Result);
+ Empty_Fail : constant Combinator_Result :=
+ (Finish => 0,
+ Status => Failure);
- overriding procedure Adjust
- (This : in out Combinator_Result);
- overriding procedure Finalize
- (This : in out Combinator_Result);
- Empty_Fail : constant Combinator_Result :=
- (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
- Length => 0,
- Status => Failure,
- Value => null);
+ type Component_Result is (Component_Failure, Component_Success);
- package Token_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
- (Index_Type => Positive,
- Element_Type => Gen_Tokens.Token,
- "=" => Gen_Tokens."=");
type Lexer_Context is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
- Result_So_Far : Token_Vectors.Vector;
- Position : Positive;
- Status : Result_Status;
- Pass_Forward : Element_Array_Access;
+ Result_So_Far : Token_Vectors.Vector;
+ Position : Positive;
+ Offset : Natural;
+ Status : Result_Status;
+ Pass_Forward : Element_Array_Access;
+ Empty_Labels : Label_Sets.Set;
+ Error_Labels : Label_Vectors.Vector;
+ Allow_Incomplete : Boolean;
end record;
+ overriding procedure Initialize
+ (This : in out Lexer_Context);
+ overriding procedure Adjust
+ (This : in out Lexer_Context);
+ overriding procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Lexer_Context);
Empty_Context : constant Lexer_Context :=
(Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
- Result_So_Far => Token_Vectors.Empty_Vector,
- Position => 1,
- Status => Success,
- Pass_Forward => null);
+ Result_So_Far => Token_Vectors.Empty_Vector,
+ Position => 1,
+ Offset => 0,
+ Status => Success,
+ Pass_Forward => null,
+ Empty_Labels => Label_Sets.Empty_Set,
+ Error_Labels => Label_Vectors.Empty_Vector,
+ Allow_Incomplete => True);
+ type Input_Container is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
+ Data : Element_Array_Access;
+ Dealloc : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ overriding procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Input_Container);
+ function Pass_Input
+ (Passed, Continuing : in Element_Array_Access)
+ return Input_Container;
end Packrat.Lexer;
diff --git a/test/packrat-lexer-debug.adb b/test/packrat-lexer-debug.adb
index 335e3d2..d4cc2e2 100644
--- a/test/packrat-lexer-debug.adb
+++ b/test/packrat-lexer-debug.adb
@@ -4,57 +4,22 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer.Debug is
function Create_Result
- (Length : in Natural;
- Status : in Result_Status;
- Value : in Element_Array)
- return Combinator_Result
- is
- This : Combinator_Result;
+ (Finish : in Natural;
+ Status : in Result_Status)
+ return Combinator_Result is
- This.Length := Length;
- This.Status := Status;
- This.Value := new Element_Array (1 .. Value'Length);
- This.Value.all := Value;
- return This;
+ return (Finish, Status);
end Create_Result;
function Join
(Left, Right : in Combinator_Result)
- return Combinator_Result
- is
- Merge : Combinator_Result;
- Left_Valsize, Right_Valsize, Total_Valsize : Natural;
+ return Combinator_Result is
- if Left.Value /= null then
- Left_Valsize := Left.Value.all'Length;
- else
- Left_Valsize := 0;
- end if;
- if Right.Value /= null then
- Right_Valsize := Right.Value.all'Length;
- else
- Right_Valsize := 0;
- end if;
- Total_Valsize := Left_Valsize + Right_Valsize;
if Left.Status = Success or Left.Status = Optional_More then
- Merge.Length := Left.Length + Right.Length;
- Merge.Status := Right.Status;
- if Total_Valsize > 0 then
- Merge.Value := new Element_Array (1 .. Total_Valsize);
- if Left.Value /= null then
- Merge.Value.all (1 .. Left_Valsize) := Left.Value.all;
- end if;
- if Right.Value /= null then
- Merge.Value.all (Left_Valsize + 1 .. Total_Valsize) := Right.Value.all;
- end if;
- end if;
- return Merge;
+ return Right;
elsif Left.Status = Needs_More then
- Merge := Left;
- Merge.Status := Failure;
- return Merge;
+ return (Left.Finish, Failure);
return Left;
end if;
@@ -71,18 +36,10 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer.Debug is
function Debug_String
(This : in Combinator_Result)
- return String
- is
- Value_Length : Natural;
+ return String is
- if This.Value = null then
- Value_Length := 0;
- else
- Value_Length := This.Value.all'Length;
- end if;
- return Integer'Image (This.Length)
- & " " & Result_Status'Image (This.Status)
- & " " & Integer'Image (Value_Length);
+ return Integer'Image (This.Finish)
+ & " " & Result_Status'Image (This.Status);
end Debug_String;
@@ -133,6 +90,23 @@ package body Packrat.Lexer.Debug is
end Element;
+ function Is_Failure
+ (Result : in Component_Result)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Result = Component_Failure;
+ end Is_Failure;
+ function Is_Success
+ (Result : in Component_Result)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Result = Component_Success;
+ end Is_Success;
end Packrat.Lexer.Debug;
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 77614aa..a1cb768 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ package Packrat.Lexer.Debug is
function Create_Result
- (Length : in Natural;
- Status : in Result_Status;
- Value : in Element_Array)
+ (Finish : in Natural;
+ Status : in Result_Status)
return Combinator_Result;
function Join
@@ -61,6 +60,17 @@ package Packrat.Lexer.Debug is
return Gen_Tokens.Token;
+ function Is_Failure
+ (Result : in Component_Result)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Is_Success
+ (Result : in Component_Result)
+ return Boolean;
diff --git a/test/ratnest-tests.adb b/test/ratnest-tests.adb
index 9a493da..d5c150e 100644
--- a/test/ratnest-tests.adb
+++ b/test/ratnest-tests.adb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ with
- Packrat.Util;
+ Packrat.Util, Ada.Text_IO;
package body Ratnest.Tests is
@@ -251,36 +251,38 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
function Join_Check
return Test_Result
- One : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "a");
- Two : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Success, "bc");
- Three : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "abc");
- Four : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Failure, "xyz");
- Five : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Failure, "axyz");
- Six : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Needs_More, "cd");
- Seven : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Needs_More, "acd");
- Eight : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Failure, "cd");
- Nine : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Optional_More, "abc");
- Ten : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success, "abcbc");
+ One : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success);
+ Two : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
+ Three : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
+ Four : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Failure);
+ Five : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Failure);
+ Six : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Needs_More);
+ Seven : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Needs_More);
+ Eight : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Failure);
+ Nine : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Optional_More);
+ Ten : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success);
+ Eleven : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
+ Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success);
if Slebug.Join (One, Two) /= Three or Slebug.Join (One, Four) /= Five or
Slebug.Join (One, Six) /= Seven or Slebug.Join (Four, Six) /= Four or
Slebug.Join (Five, Two) /= Five or Slebug.Join (Six, Three) /= Eight or
Slebug.Join (Slebug.Empty_Fail, One) /= Slebug.Empty_Fail or
- Slebug.Join (Nine, Two) /= Ten
+ Slebug.Join (Nine, Ten) /= Eleven
return Fail;
end if;
@@ -292,9 +294,9 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
return Test_Result
One : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "abc");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
Two : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (0, Packrat.Failure, "");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (0, Packrat.Failure);
if One = Two or Two /= Slebug.Empty_Fail then
return Fail;
@@ -320,14 +322,14 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "aababcabcab";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Failure, "a");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Failure);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Needs_More, "ab");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (11, Packrat.Needs_More);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "abc");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (6, Packrat.Success);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
Result5 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Failure, "ab");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Failure);
if Seq_Abc (Test_Str, 1) /= Result1 or Seq_Abc (Test_Str, 2) /= Result5 or
Seq_Abc (Test_Str, 4) /= Result3 or Seq_Abc (Test_Str, 10) /= Result2 or
@@ -351,15 +353,15 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abaabbaaabbbaaaabbbb";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Failure, "a");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Failure);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Success, "aa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Failure, "b");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Failure);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Needs_More, "bb");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (20, Packrat.Needs_More);
Result5 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "bbb");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (12, Packrat.Success);
Result6 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Count_2A (Test_Str, 1) /= Result1 or Count_2A (Test_Str, 3) /= Result2 or
@@ -394,22 +396,22 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str2 : String := "aababcabcab";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "aaa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Optional_More, "aa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (13, Packrat.Optional_More);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success, "aaaaa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (10, Packrat.Success);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Failure, "aaa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Failure);
Result5 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
Result6 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Needs_More, "aa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (13, Packrat.Needs_More);
Result7 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (0, Packrat.Success, "");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (0, Packrat.Success);
Result8 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (6, Packrat.Optional_More, "abcabc");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (9, Packrat.Optional_More);
Result9 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (6, Packrat.Needs_More, "abcabc");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (9, Packrat.Needs_More);
if Many_0 (Test_Str, 1) /= Result1 or Many_4 (Test_Str, 1) /= Result4 or
Many_4 (Test_Str, 6) /= Result3 or Many_0 (Test_Str, 4) /= Result7 or
@@ -433,11 +435,11 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "aaaabbaaa123aaa";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Failure, "aaaa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Failure);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "aaa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (9, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Needs_More, "aaa");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (15, Packrat.Needs_More);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Many_Until_0 (Test_Str, 1) /= Result1 or
@@ -476,9 +478,9 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abc123456def";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "b");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "3");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (6, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Satisfy_123 (Test_Str, 6) /= Result2 or
@@ -520,9 +522,9 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abcde12345";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "c");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "2");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (7, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Satisfy_Bcd (Test_Str, 3) /= Result1 or
@@ -546,11 +548,11 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abc1234./5";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "a");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "/");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (9, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "4");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (7, Packrat.Success);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Match_A (Test_Str, 1) /= Result1 or
@@ -581,9 +583,9 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abc5678";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "a");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "6");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Match_A (Test_Str, 1) /= Result1 or
@@ -606,13 +608,13 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abcdefabhelloworldab";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "abc");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Needs_More, "ab");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (20, Packrat.Needs_More);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success, "hello");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (13, Packrat.Success);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Failure, "ab");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (8, Packrat.Failure);
Result5 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Match_String1 (Test_Str, 1) /= Result1 or
@@ -637,11 +639,11 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abcdefghi";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "b");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Needs_More, "ghi");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (9, Packrat.Needs_More);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success, "cdefg");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (7, Packrat.Success);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Take_1 (Test_Str, 2) /= Result1 or Take_5 (Test_Str, 7) /= Result2 or
@@ -664,16 +666,16 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abcde,./;'fghi[]=-^563";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Success, "bcde");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (2, Packrat.Success, "hi");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (14, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success, ",./;'");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (10, Packrat.Success);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success, "=-^");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (19, Packrat.Success);
Result5 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
Result6 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Optional_More, "563");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (22, Packrat.Optional_More);
if Take_Letters (Test_Str, 2) /= Result1 or
Take_Letters (Test_Str, 13) /= Result2 or
@@ -698,13 +700,13 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abcde12345;;;fghi67";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (7, Packrat.Success, "de12345");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (10, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (4, Packrat.Optional_More, "hi67");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (19, Packrat.Optional_More);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success, "abcde");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success);
Result4 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (6, Packrat.Success, ";;fghi");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (17, Packrat.Success);
Result5 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if Take_Till_Punch (Test_Str, 4) /= Result1 or
@@ -729,9 +731,9 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abcd" & Latin.LF & "e";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, (1 => Latin.LF));
+ Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "c");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if LF_End (Test_Str, 5) /= Result1 or C_End (Test_Str, 3) /= Result2 or
@@ -752,9 +754,9 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "abcde";
Result1 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "e");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (5, Packrat.Success);
Result2 : Slexy.Combinator_Result :=
- Slebug.Create_Result (1, Packrat.Success, "c");
+ Slebug.Create_Result (3, Packrat.Success);
Result3 : Slexy.Combinator_Result := Slebug.Empty_Fail;
if C_End (Test_Str, 3) /= Result2 or E_End (Test_Str, 5) /= Result1 or
@@ -775,6 +777,7 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
use type String_Tokens.Token;
use type Packrat.Result_Status;
+ use type Slexy.Component_Result;
function Match_A is new Slexy.Match ('a');
function Match_B is new Slexy.Match ('b');
@@ -783,15 +786,17 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
- procedure My_Stamp is new Slexy.Stamp (One, Seq_Abc);
+ function My_Stamp is new Slexy.Stamp (One, Seq_Abc);
Test_Str1 : String := "abcdefghi";
Test_Str2 : String := "ab";
Context1 : Slexy.Lexer_Context := Slexy.Empty_Context;
Context2 : Slexy.Lexer_Context := Slexy.Empty_Context;
+ Comp_Code : Slexy.Component_Result;
- My_Stamp (Test_Str1, Context1);
+ Comp_Code := My_Stamp (Test_Str1, Context1);
if (Slebug.So_Far (Context1).Length /= 1 or else
Slebug.So_Far (Context1).Element (1) /= String_Tokens.Create (One, 1, 3, "abc")) or
Slebug.Position (Context1) /= 4 or Slebug.Status (Context1) /= Packrat.Success or
@@ -799,15 +804,15 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
return Fail;
end if;
- My_Stamp (Test_Str1, Context1);
+ Comp_Code := My_Stamp (Test_Str1, Context1);
if (Slebug.So_Far (Context1).Length /= 1 or else
Slebug.So_Far (Context1).Element (1) /= String_Tokens.Create (One, 1, 3, "abc")) or
- Slebug.Position (Context1) /= 4 or Slebug.Status (Context1) /= Packrat.Failure or
+ Slebug.Position (Context1) /= 4 or not Slebug.Is_Failure (Comp_Code) or
Slebug.Pass (Context1) /= null
return Fail;
end if;
- My_Stamp (Test_Str2, Context2);
+ Comp_Code := My_Stamp (Test_Str2, Context2);
if Slebug.So_Far (Context2).Length /= 0 or
Slebug.Position (Context2) /= 1 or
Slebug.Status (Context2) /= Packrat.Needs_More or
@@ -825,29 +830,31 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
use type Packrat.Result_Status;
function Match_Abc is new Slexy.Multimatch ("abc");
- procedure My_Ignore is new Slexy.Ignore (Two, Match_Abc);
+ function My_Ignore is new Slexy.Ignore (Two, Match_Abc);
Test_Str1 : String := "abcdefghi";
Test_Str2 : String := "ab";
Context1 : Slexy.Lexer_Context := Slexy.Empty_Context;
Context2 : Slexy.Lexer_Context := Slexy.Empty_Context;
+ Comp_Code : Slexy.Component_Result;
- My_Ignore (Test_Str1, Context1);
+ Comp_Code := My_Ignore (Test_Str1, Context1);
if Slebug.So_Far (Context1).Length /= 0 or
Slebug.Position (Context1) /= 4 or Slebug.Status (Context1) /= Packrat.Success or
Slebug.Pass (Context1) /= null
return Fail;
end if;
- My_Ignore (Test_Str1, Context1);
+ Comp_Code := My_Ignore (Test_Str1, Context1);
if Slebug.So_Far (Context1).Length /= 0 or
- Slebug.Position (Context1) /= 4 or Slebug.Status (Context1) /= Packrat.Failure or
+ Slebug.Position (Context1) /= 4 or not Slebug.Is_Failure (Comp_Code) or
Slebug.Pass (Context1) /= null
return Fail;
end if;
- My_Ignore (Test_Str2, Context2);
+ Comp_Code := My_Ignore (Test_Str2, Context2);
if Slebug.So_Far (Context2).Length /= 0 or
Slebug.Position (Context2) /= 1 or Slebug.Status (Context2) /= Packrat.Needs_More or
(Slebug.Pass (Context2) = null or else Slebug.Pass (Context2).all /= "ab")
@@ -875,8 +882,8 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
function Satisfy_Whitespace is new Swordy.Satisfy (PU.Is_Whitespace);
function Many_Whitespace is new Swordy.Many (Satisfy_Whitespace, 1);
- procedure Stamp_Word is new Swordy.Stamp (Word, Many_Letter);
- procedure Ignore_Whitespace is new Swordy.Ignore (Whitespace, Many_Whitespace);
+ function Stamp_Word is new Swordy.Stamp (Word, Many_Letter);
+ function Ignore_Whitespace is new Swordy.Ignore (Whitespace, Many_Whitespace);
function Scan_Check
@@ -900,6 +907,12 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
My_Scan ("", Test_Context);
if Actual_Result1 /= Intended_Result1 or Actual_Result2 /= Intended_Result2 then
+ for T of Actual_Result1 loop
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (T.Debug_String);
+ end loop;
+ for T of Actual_Result2 loop
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (T.Debug_String);
+ end loop;
return Fail;
end if;
return Pass;
@@ -1075,13 +1088,14 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "()()";
Test_Context : Swordy.Lexer_Context := Swordy.Empty_Context;
- Result : Word_Tokens.Token_Array :=
- My_Scan (Test_Str, Test_Context);
Expected_Errors : Packrat.Errors.Error_Info_Array :=
((+"WORD", 1), (+"WHITESPACE", 1));
- return Fail;
+ declare
+ Result : Word_Tokens.Token_Array := My_Scan (Test_Str, Test_Context);
+ begin
+ return Fail;
+ end;
when Msg : Packrat.Lexer_Error =>
if Packrat.Errors.Decode (Except.Exception_Message (Msg)) /= Expected_Errors then
@@ -1102,13 +1116,14 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Str : String := "()()";
Test_Context : Swordy.Lexer_Context := Swordy.Empty_Context;
- Result : Word_Tokens.Token_Array :=
- My_Scan (Test_Str, Test_Context);
Expected_Errors : Packrat.Errors.Error_Info_Array :=
((+"WORD", 1), (+"WHITESPACE", 1));
- return Fail;
+ declare
+ Result : Word_Tokens.Token_Array := My_Scan (Test_Str, Test_Context);
+ begin
+ return Fail;
+ end;
when Msg : Packrat.Lexer_Error =>
if Packrat.Errors.Decode (Except.Exception_Message (Msg)) /= Expected_Errors then
@@ -1140,13 +1155,15 @@ package body Ratnest.Tests is
Test_Context : Swordy.Lexer_Context := Swordy.Empty_Context;
- Result : Word_Tokens.Token_Array :=
- My_Scan (Get_Input'Unrestricted_Access, Test_Context);
Expected_Errors : Packrat.Errors.Error_Info_Array :=
((+"WORD", 1), (+"WHITESPACE", 1));
- return Fail;
+ declare
+ Result : Word_Tokens.Token_Array :=
+ My_Scan (Get_Input'Unrestricted_Access, Test_Context);
+ begin
+ return Fail;
+ end;
when Msg : Packrat.Lexer_Error =>
if Packrat.Errors.Decode (Except.Exception_Message (Msg)) /= Expected_Errors then