diff options
authorJed Barber <>2020-12-12 12:49:01 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2020-12-12 12:49:01 +1100
commit2adeae8eb1bc8437b392bed07f1858363f95ab8a (patch)
parent192172cfc44220975b34295d38c5213b08de5191 (diff)
More bugfixes and Parser unit tests
4 files changed, 402 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/example/ssss.adb b/example/ssss.adb
index 56f980d..387c02c 100644
--- a/example/ssss.adb
+++ b/example/ssss.adb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ procedure Ssss is
Input : String := "xxxx";
- type Parser_Labels is (S);
+ type Parser_Labels is (S, X);
package My_Rat is new Packrat.No_Lex (Parser_Labels, Character, String);
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ procedure Ssss is
package S_Redir is new My_Rat.Parsers.Redirect;
function Match_X is new My_Rat.Parsers.Match ('x');
+ function Let_X is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (X, Match_X);
function S_Seq is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence
- ((Match_X'Access, S_Redir.Call'Access, S_Redir.Call'Access));
+ ((Let_X'Access, S_Redir.Call'Access, S_Redir.Call'Access));
function S_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice
((S_Seq'Access, My_Rat.Parsers.Empty'Access));
function S is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (S, S_Choice);
diff --git a/src/packrat-parsers.adb b/src/packrat-parsers.adb
index 875a765..63dcb00 100644
--- a/src/packrat-parsers.adb
+++ b/src/packrat-parsers.adb
@@ -9,13 +9,40 @@ with
package body Packrat.Parsers is
+ function Element
+ (Hold : in Elem_Holds.Holder)
+ return Traits.Element_Array is
+ begin
+ if Hold.Is_Empty then
+ return Value : Traits.Element_Array (1 .. 0);
+ else
+ return Hold.Element;
+ end if;
+ end Element;
+ function Element
+ (Hold : in Tok_Holds.Holder)
+ return Traits.Tokens.Finished_Token_Array is
+ begin
+ if Hold.Is_Empty then
+ return Value : Traits.Tokens.Finished_Token_Array (1 .. 0);
+ else
+ return Hold.Element;
+ end if;
+ end Element;
function "<"
(Left, Right : in Elem_Holds.Holder)
return Boolean
use Traits;
- return Left.Element < Right.Element;
+ return Element (Left) < Element (Right);
end "<";
@@ -25,7 +52,7 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
use type Traits.Tokens.Finished_Token_Array;
- return Left.Element < Right.Element;
+ return Element (Left) < Element (Right);
end "<";
@@ -72,33 +99,6 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
- function Element
- (Hold : in Elem_Holds.Holder)
- return Traits.Element_Array is
- begin
- if Hold.Is_Empty then
- return Value : Traits.Element_Array (1 .. 0);
- else
- return Hold.Element;
- end if;
- end Element;
- function Element
- (Hold : in Tok_Holds.Holder)
- return Traits.Tokens.Finished_Token_Array is
- begin
- if Hold.Is_Empty then
- return Value : Traits.Tokens.Finished_Token_Array (1 .. 0);
- else
- return Hold.Element;
- end if;
- end Element;
function To_Key
(Start : in Positive;
Func : access function
@@ -268,7 +268,9 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
when Optional_More =>
Target.Results.Union (Add.Results);
Target.Status := Optional_More;
- when Needs_More | Failure =>
+ when Needs_More =>
+ Target.Status := Optional_More;
+ when Failure =>
end case;
when Optional_More =>
@@ -283,9 +285,7 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
when Success | Optional_More =>
Target := Add;
Target.Status := Optional_More;
- when Needs_More =>
- Target.Results.Union (Add.Results);
- when Failure =>
+ when Needs_More | Failure =>
end case;
when Failure =>
@@ -663,9 +663,7 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Salt : Combinator_Result;
- if Start > Input'Last then
- return Empty_Fail;
- elsif Params'Length = 0 then
+ if Params'Length = 0 then
return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
end if;
Salt := Params (Params'First) (Input, Context, Start);
@@ -725,9 +723,7 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Salt : Combinator_Result;
- if Start > Input'Last then
- return Empty_Fail;
- elsif Params'Length = 0 then
+ if Params'Length = 0 then
return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
end if;
for C of Params loop
@@ -779,9 +775,6 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Salt : Combinator_Result;
Counter : Natural := 0;
- if Start > Input'Last then
- return Empty_Fail;
- end if;
Salt := Param (Input, Context, Start);
while Salt.Status /= Failure loop
Counter := Counter + 1;
@@ -820,9 +813,6 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Salt, Temp : Combinator_Result;
Counter : Natural := 0;
- if Start > Input'Last then
- return Salt;
- end if;
if Minimum = 0 then
Merge (Salt, Empty (Input, Context, Start));
end if;
@@ -911,7 +901,13 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
end if;
when Failure =>
- return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
+ if Context.Allow_Incomplete and Start > Input'Last then
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result do
+ Salt.Status := Needs_More;
+ end return;
+ else
+ return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
+ end if;
end case;
end Actual;
function Curt is new Curtailment (To_Key (Start, Not_Followed_By'Access), Input, Actual);
@@ -960,9 +956,6 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
function Not_Empty_Param is new Not_Empty (Param);
Salt : Combinator_Result := Empty (Input, Context, Start);
- if Start > Input'Last then
- return Empty_Fail;
- end if;
Merge (Salt, Not_Empty_Param (Input, Context, Start));
Complete_Status (Salt, Context.Allow_Incomplete);
return Salt;
@@ -1174,31 +1167,29 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
use type Traits.Element_Array;
Part : Combo_Result_Part;
- My_Offset : Natural;
if Start > Input'Last then
- return Empty_Fail;
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result;
elsif Items'Length = 0 then
return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
end if;
if Input'Last - Start < Items'Length - 1 then
- if not Context.Allow_Incomplete then
- return Empty_Fail;
- end if;
- My_Offset := Input'Last - Start;
- else
- My_Offset := Items'Length - 1;
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result do
+ if Context.Allow_Incomplete and Input (Start .. Input'Last) =
+ Items (Items'First .. Items'First + Input'Last - Start)
+ then
+ Salt.Status := Needs_More;
+ end if;
+ end return;
end if;
- if Input (Start .. Start + My_Offset) /=
- Items (Items'First .. Items'First + My_Offset)
- then
- return Empty_Fail;
+ if Input (Start .. Start + Items'Length - 1) /= Items (Items'First .. Items'Last) then
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result;
end if;
return Salt : Combinator_Result do
- Part.Finish := Start + My_Offset;
- Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start + My_Offset));
+ Part.Finish := Start + Items'Length - 1;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start + Items'Length - 1));
Salt.Results.Include (Part);
- Salt.Status := (if My_Offset < Items'Length - 1 then Needs_More else Success);
+ Salt.Status := Success;
end return;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Multimatch'Access), Actual);
diff --git a/test/rat_tests-parsers.adb b/test/rat_tests-parsers.adb
index 9368d6d..872925a 100644
--- a/test/rat_tests-parsers.adb
+++ b/test/rat_tests-parsers.adb
@@ -35,6 +35,208 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
+ function Sequence_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ Input : String := "abcdefghi";
+ Context1, Context2 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context := One_Debug.Empty_Context;
+ Result1 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Seq_ABCDEFG (Input, Context1, 1);
+ Result2 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Seq_ABCDEFG (Input, Context2, 4);
+ begin
+ if One_Debug.Status (Result1) /= Packrat.Success or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result2) /= Packrat.Failure
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result1_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result1);
+ begin
+ if Result1_Parts'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result2)'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 7 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "abcdefg" or
+ One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return Pass;
+ end Sequence_Check;
+ function Sequence_2_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ Input : String := "aaaaa";
+ Input2 : String := "aaaab";
+ Context1, Context2, Context3, Context4 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context :=
+ One_Debug.Empty_Context;
+ function Match_A is new Pone.Parsers.Match ('a');
+ function Many_A is new Pone.Parsers.Many (Match_A, 0);
+ function Two_A is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("aa");
+ function Seq_A is new Pone.Parsers.Sequence_2 (Many_A, Two_A);
+ Result1 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Seq_A (Input, Context1, 1);
+ Result2 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Seq_A (Input, Context2, 5);
+ Result3 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Seq_A (Input2, Context3, 1);
+ Result4 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Seq_A (Input2, Context4, 4);
+ begin
+ if One_Debug.Status (Result1) /= Packrat.Optional_More or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result2) /= Packrat.Needs_More or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result3) /= Packrat.Success or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result4) /= Packrat.Failure
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result1_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result1);
+ Result3_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result3);
+ begin
+ if Result1_Parts'Length /= 4 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result2)'Length /= 0 or
+ Result3_Parts'Length /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result4)'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (2)) /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (3)) /= 4 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (4)) /= 5
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "aa" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2)) /= "aaa" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (3)) /= "aaaa" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (4)) /= "aaaaa"
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if (for some P of Result1_Parts => One_Debug.Tokens (P)'Length /= 0) then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result3_Parts (1)) /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result3_Parts (2)) /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result3_Parts (3)) /= 4
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1)) /= "aa" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (2)) /= "aaa" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (3)) /= "aaaa"
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if (for some P of Result3_Parts => One_Debug.Tokens (P)'Length /= 0) then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return Pass;
+ end Sequence_2_Check;
+ function Choice_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ Input : String := "cccdefg";
+ Context1, Context2, Context3 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context := One_Debug.Empty_Context;
+ Result1 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Choose_CCCDE (Input, Context1, 1);
+ Result2 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Choose_CCCDE (Input, Context2, 3);
+ Result3 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Choose_CCCDE (Input, Context3, 5);
+ begin
+ if One_Debug.Status (Result1) /= Packrat.Success or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result2) /= Packrat.Success or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result3) /= Packrat.Failure
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result1_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result1);
+ Result2_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result2);
+ begin
+ if Result1_Parts'Length /= 4 or
+ Result2_Parts'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result3)'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (2)) /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (3)) /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (4)) /= 5
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "c" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2)) /= "cc" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (3)) /= "ccc" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (4)) /= "cccde"
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if (for some P of Result1_Parts => One_Debug.Tokens (P)'Length /= 0) then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result2_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1)) /= "c" or
+ One_Debug.Tokens (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return Pass;
+ end Choice_Check;
+ function Choice_2_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ Input : String := "matmat";
+ Input2 : String := "ma";
+ Context1, Context2, Context3 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context := One_Debug.Empty_Context;
+ function Match_Mat is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("mat");
+ function Match_Match is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("match");
+ function Choo_Choo is new Pone.Parsers.Choice_2 (Match_Mat, Match_Match);
+ Result1 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Choo_Choo (Input, Context1, 1);
+ Result2 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Choo_Choo (Input, Context2, 4);
+ Result3 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Choo_Choo (Input2, Context3, 1);
+ begin
+ if One_Debug.Status (Result1) /= Packrat.Success or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result2) /= Packrat.Optional_More or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result3) /= Packrat.Needs_More
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result1_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result1);
+ Result2_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result2);
+ begin
+ if Result1_Parts'Length /= 1 or
+ Result2_Parts'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result3)'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "mat" or
+ One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result2_Parts (1)) /= 6 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1)) /= "mat" or
+ One_Debug.Tokens (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return Pass;
+ end Choice_2_Check;
function Count_Check
return Test_Result
@@ -66,7 +268,7 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "aaa" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -113,10 +315,10 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2))'Length /= 1 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (3))'Length /= 2 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (4))'Length /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (5))'Length /= 4
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2)) /= "a" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (3)) /= "ab" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (4)) /= "abc" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (5)) /= "abcd"
return Fail;
end if;
@@ -139,11 +341,11 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1))'Length /= 0 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (2))'Length /= 1 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (3))'Length /= 2 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (4))'Length /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (5))'Length /= 4 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (6))'Length /= 5
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (2)) /= "e" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (3)) /= "ef" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (4)) /= "efg" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (5)) /= "efgh" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (6)) /= "efghi"
return Fail;
end if;
@@ -191,8 +393,8 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
- if One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2))'Length /= 4
+ if One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "abc" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2)) /= "abcd"
return Fail;
end if;
@@ -207,9 +409,9 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
- if One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1))'Length /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (2))'Length /= 4 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (3))'Length /= 5
+ if One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1)) /= "efg" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (2)) /= "efgh" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (3)) /= "efghi"
return Fail;
end if;
@@ -224,6 +426,80 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
end Many_Min_Check;
+ function Followed_By_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ Input : String := "abc12de3";
+ Context1, Context2, Context3 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context := One_Debug.Empty_Context;
+ function Sat_Digit is new Pone.Parsers.Satisfy (Packrat.Utilities.Is_Digit);
+ function Digit_Follows is new Pone.Parsers.Followed_By (Sat_Digit);
+ Result1 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Digit_Follows (Input, Context1, 3);
+ Result2 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Digit_Follows (Input, Context2, 4);
+ Result3 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Digit_Follows (Input, Context3, 9);
+ begin
+ if One_Debug.Status (Result1) /= Packrat.Failure or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result2) /= Packrat.Success or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result3) /= Packrat.Needs_More
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result2_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result2);
+ begin
+ if One_Debug.Parts (Result1)'Length /= 0 or
+ Result2_Parts'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result3)'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result2_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0 or
+ One_Debug.Tokens (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return Pass;
+ end Followed_By_Check;
+ function Not_Followed_By_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ Input : String := "abc12de3";
+ Context1, Context2, Context3 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context := One_Debug.Empty_Context;
+ function Sat_Digit is new Pone.Parsers.Satisfy (Packrat.Utilities.Is_Digit);
+ function Digit_Not_Follows is new Pone.Parsers.Not_Followed_By (Sat_Digit);
+ Result1 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Digit_Not_Follows (Input, Context1, 3);
+ Result2 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Digit_Not_Follows (Input, Context2, 4);
+ Result3 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Digit_Not_Follows (Input, Context3, 9);
+ begin
+ if One_Debug.Status (Result1) /= Packrat.Success or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result2) /= Packrat.Failure or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result3) /= Packrat.Needs_More
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result1_Parts : One_Debug.Result_Part_Array := One_Debug.Parts (Result1);
+ begin
+ if Result1_Parts'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result2)'Length /= 0 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result3)'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0 or
+ One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return Pass;
+ end Not_Followed_By_Check;
function Many_Until_Nomin_Check
return Test_Result
@@ -257,7 +533,7 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "abc" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -301,7 +577,7 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 5 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 5 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "abcde" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -339,7 +615,7 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 2 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "b" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -378,7 +654,7 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result2_Parts (1)) /= 6 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1)) /= "3" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -416,7 +692,7 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result2_Parts (1)) /= 5 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1)) /= "b" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -454,7 +730,7 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 1 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "a" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -468,15 +744,19 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Test_Result
Input : String := "abcdefghi";
- Context1, Context2, Context3 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context := One_Debug.Empty_Context;
+ Context1, Context2, Context3, Context4 : Pone.Parsers.Parser_Context :=
+ One_Debug.Empty_Context;
function Multi is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("def");
+ function Multi2 is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("hijk");
Result1 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Multi (Input, Context1, 2);
Result2 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Multi (Input, Context2, 4);
Result3 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Multi (Input, Context3, 300);
+ Result4 : Pone.Parsers.Combinator_Result := Multi2 (Input, Context4, 8);
if One_Debug.Status (Result1) /= Packrat.Failure or
One_Debug.Status (Result2) /= Packrat.Success or
- One_Debug.Status (Result3) /= Packrat.Failure
+ One_Debug.Status (Result3) /= Packrat.Failure or
+ One_Debug.Status (Result4) /= Packrat.Needs_More
return Fail;
end if;
@@ -485,12 +765,13 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
if One_Debug.Parts (Result1)'Length /= 0 or
Result2_Parts'Length /= 1 or
- One_Debug.Parts (Result3)'Length /= 0
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result3)'Length /= 0 or
+ One_Debug.Parts (Result4)'Length /= 0
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result2_Parts (1)) /= 6 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1)) /= "def" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -532,10 +813,10 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 2 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "ab" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0 or
One_Debug.Finish (Result2_Parts (1)) /= 7 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 5 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result2_Parts (1)) /= "cdefg" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result2_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -572,10 +853,10 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "bc" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0 or
One_Debug.Finish (Result3_Parts (1)) /= 9 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1))'Length /= 3 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1)) /= "def" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result3_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -612,10 +893,10 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
if One_Debug.Finish (Result1_Parts (1)) /= 3 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "bc" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 0 or
One_Debug.Finish (Result3_Parts (1)) /= 9 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1))'Length /= 2 or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result3_Parts (1)) /= "ef" or
One_Debug.Tokens (Result3_Parts (1))'Length /= 0
return Fail;
@@ -698,8 +979,8 @@ package body Rat_Tests.Parsers is
return Fail;
end if;
- if One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1))'Length /= 1 or
- One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2))'Length /= 2
+ if One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (1)) /= "a" or
+ One_Debug.Value (Result1_Parts (2)) /= "aa"
return Fail;
end if;
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index a70f41e..2b71f86 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -19,9 +19,15 @@ private with
package Rat_Tests.Parsers is
+ function Sequence_Check return Test_Result;
+ function Sequence_2_Check return Test_Result;
+ function Choice_Check return Test_Result;
+ function Choice_2_Check return Test_Result;
function Count_Check return Test_Result;
function Many_Nomin_Check return Test_Result;
function Many_Min_Check return Test_Result;
+ function Followed_By_Check return Test_Result;
+ function Not_Followed_By_Check return Test_Result;
function Many_Until_Nomin_Check return Test_Result;
function Many_Until_Min_Check return Test_Result;
@@ -39,9 +45,15 @@ package Rat_Tests.Parsers is
function Not_Empty_Check return Test_Result;
Combinator_Tests : Test_Array :=
- ((+"Count", Count_Check'Access),
+ ((+"Sequence", Sequence_Check'Access),
+ (+"Sequence_2", Sequence_2_Check'Access),
+ (+"Choice", Choice_Check'Access),
+ (+"Choice_2", Choice_2_Check'Access),
+ (+"Count", Count_Check'Access),
(+"Many No Minimum", Many_Nomin_Check'Access),
(+"Many With Minimum", Many_Min_Check'Access),
+ (+"Followed_By", Followed_By_Check'Access),
+ (+"Not_Followed_By", Not_Followed_By_Check'Access),
(+"Many_Until No Minimum", Many_Until_Nomin_Check'Access),
(+"Many_Until With Minimum", Many_Until_Min_Check'Access),
(+"Satisfy", Satisfy_Check'Access),
@@ -75,6 +87,22 @@ private
+ function Match_AB is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("ab");
+ function Match_CDE is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("cde");
+ function Match_FG is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("fg");
+ function Seq_ABCDEFG is new Pone.Parsers.Sequence
+ ((Match_AB'Access, Match_CDE'Access, Match_FG'Access));
+ function Match_C is new Pone.Parsers.Match ('c');
+ function Many_C is new Pone.Parsers.Many (Match_C, 1);
+ function Match_CC is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("cc");
+ function Match_CCCDE is new Pone.Parsers.Multimatch ("cccde");
+ function Choose_CCCDE is new Pone.Parsers.Choice
+ ((Many_C'Access, Match_CC'Access, Match_CCCDE'Access));
function Alphanum_Switch
(Char : in Character)
return Character;