diff options
2 files changed, 486 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/src/packrat-parsers.adb b/src/packrat-parsers.adb
index fcc69b8..bfb67d7 100644
--- a/src/packrat-parsers.adb
+++ b/src/packrat-parsers.adb
@@ -133,39 +133,39 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
procedure Inc_Leftrec
- (Key : in Combo_Key;
- Context : in out Parser_Context) is
+ (Key : in Combo_Key;
+ Leftrecs : in out Leftrectables.Map) is
- if Context.Leftrectable.Contains (Key) then
- Context.Leftrectable.Replace (Key, Context.Leftrectable.Element (Key) + 1);
+ if Leftrecs.Contains (Key) then
+ Leftrecs.Replace (Key, Leftrecs.Element (Key) + 1);
- Context.Leftrectable.Insert (Key, 1);
+ Leftrecs.Insert (Key, 1);
end if;
end Inc_Leftrec;
procedure Dec_Leftrec
- (Key : in Combo_Key;
- Context : in out Parser_Context) is
+ (Key : in Combo_Key;
+ Leftrecs : in out Leftrectables.Map) is
- if Context.Leftrectable.Contains (Key) then
- if Context.Leftrectable.Element (Key) = 1 then
- Context.Leftrectable.Delete (Key);
+ if Leftrecs.Contains (Key) then
+ if Leftrecs.Element (Key) = 1 then
+ Leftrecs.Delete (Key);
- Context.Leftrectable.Replace (Key, Context.Leftrectable.Element (Key) - 1);
+ Leftrecs.Replace (Key, Leftrecs.Element (Key) - 1);
end if;
end if;
end Dec_Leftrec;
function Exceeds_Curtail
- (Key : in Combo_Key;
- Context : in Parser_Context;
- Input : in Traits.Element_Array)
+ (Key : in Combo_Key;
+ Leftrecs : in Leftrectables.Map;
+ Input : in Traits.Element_Array)
return Boolean is
- return Context.Leftrectable.Contains (Key) and then
- Context.Leftrectable.Element (Key) > Input'Last - (Key.Start - 1) + 1;
+ return Leftrecs.Contains (Key) and then
+ Leftrecs.Element (Key) > Input'Last - (Key.Start - 1) + 1;
end Exceeds_Curtail;
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
My_Result : Combinator_Result;
My_Curtails : Curtail_Maps.Map;
- Inc_Leftrec (My_Key, Context);
- if Exceeds_Curtail (My_Key, Context, Input) then
+ Inc_Leftrec (My_Key, Context.Leftrectable);
+ if Exceeds_Curtail (My_Key, Context.Leftrectable, Input) then
My_Curtails.Insert (My_Key.Func, Context.Leftrectable.Element (My_Key));
My_Result :=
(Results => Result_Sets.Empty_Set,
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
My_Result := Actual (Context);
end if;
- Dec_Leftrec (My_Key, Context);
+ Dec_Leftrec (My_Key, Context.Leftrectable);
return My_Result;
end Curtailment;
@@ -194,6 +194,118 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
+ procedure Merge
+ (Target : in out Curtail_Maps.Map;
+ Add : in Curtail_Maps.Map) is
+ begin
+ for Curse in Add.Iterate loop
+ if Target.Contains (Curtail_Maps.Key (Curse)) then
+ if Target.Element (Curtail_Maps.Key (Curse)) >
+ Add.Element (Curtail_Maps.Key (Curse))
+ then
+ Target.Replace (Curtail_Maps.Key (Curse), Curtail_Maps.Element (Curse));
+ end if;
+ else
+ Target.Insert (Curtail_Maps.Key (Curse), Curtail_Maps.Element (Curse));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Merge;
+ function Merge
+ (Left, Right : in Curtail_Maps.Map)
+ return Curtail_Maps.Map is
+ begin
+ return Result : Curtail_Maps.Map := Left do
+ Merge (Result, Right);
+ end return;
+ end Merge;
+ procedure Merge
+ (Target : in out Combinator_Result;
+ Add : in Combinator_Result) is
+ begin
+ case Target.Status is
+ when Success =>
+ Target.Results.Union (Add.Results);
+ if Add.Status = Optional_More or Add.Status = Needs_More then
+ Target.Status := Optional_More;
+ end if;
+ when Optional_More =>
+ Target.Results.Union (Add.Results);
+ when Needs_More =>
+ if Add.Status = Success or Add.Status = Optional_More then
+ Target.Results.Union (Add.Results);
+ Target.Status := Optional_More;
+ end if;
+ when Failure =>
+ if Add.Status = Failure then
+ Merge (Target.Curtails, Add.Curtails);
+ else
+ Target := Add;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end Merge;
+ function Merge
+ (Left, Right : in Combinator_Result)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result := Left do
+ Merge (Salt, Right);
+ end return;
+ end Merge;
+ function Continue
+ (From : in Combinator_Result;
+ Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ use type Traits.Element_Array;
+ use type Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
+ Salt, Temp : Combinator_Result;
+ Adjust : Result_Sets.Set;
+ begin
+ for R of From.Results loop
+ Temp := Next (Input, Context, R.Finish + 1);
+ Adjust.Clear;
+ for N of Temp.Results loop
+ Adjust.Insert
+ ((Finish => N.Finish,
+ Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (R.Value.Element & N.Value.Element),
+ Tokens => Tok_Holds.To_Holder (R.Tokens.Element & N.Tokens.Element)));
+ end loop;
+ Temp.Results := Adjust;
+ Merge (Salt, Temp);
+ end loop;
+ return Salt;
+ end Continue;
+ procedure Complete_Status
+ (Result : in out Combinator_Result;
+ Allow : in Boolean) is
+ begin
+ if not Allow then
+ if Result.Status = Optional_More then
+ Result.Status := Success;
+ elsif Result.Status = Needs_More then
+ Result.Status := Failure;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Complete_Status;
function Root
(Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
Context : in out Parser_Context;
@@ -284,12 +396,33 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
+ function Actual
+ (Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Params'Length = 0 then
+ return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
+ end if;
+ Salt := Params (Params'First) (Input, Context, Start);
+ for I in Integer range Params'First + 1 .. Params'Last loop
+ exit when Salt.Status = Failure;
+ declare
+ function Cont_Param is new Continue (Params (I).all);
+ begin
+ Salt := Cont_Param (Salt, Input, Context);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Complete_Status (Salt, Context.Allow_Incomplete);
+ return Salt;
+ end Actual;
+ function Curt is new Curtailment (To_Key (Start, Sequence'Access), Input, Actual);
+ function Memo is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Sequence'Access), Curt);
- -- to-do
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.Empty_Set,
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Failure);
+ return Memo (Context);
end Sequence;
@@ -299,12 +432,27 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
+ function Actual
+ (Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Params'Length = 0 then
+ return Empty (Input, Context, Start);
+ end if;
+ for C of Params loop
+ Merge (Salt, C (Input, Context, Start));
+ end loop;
+ Complete_Status (Salt, Context.Allow_Incomplete);
+ return Salt;
+ end Actual;
+ function Curt is new Curtailment (To_Key (Start, Choice'Access), Input, Actual);
+ function Memo is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Choice'Access), Curt);
- -- to-do
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.Empty_Set,
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Failure);
+ return Memo (Context);
end Choice;
@@ -314,12 +462,30 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
+ function Actual
+ (Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ function Cont_Param is new Continue (Param);
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
+ Counter : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ Salt := Param (Input, Context, Start);
+ while Salt.Status /= Failure loop
+ Counter := Counter + 1;
+ exit when Counter = Number;
+ Salt := Cont_Param (Salt, Input, Context);
+ end loop;
+ Complete_Status (Salt, Context.Allow_Incomplete);
+ return Salt;
+ end Actual;
+ function Curt is new Curtailment (To_Key (Start, Count'Access), Input, Actual);
+ function Memo is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Count'Access), Curt);
- -- to-do
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.Empty_Set,
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Failure);
+ return Memo (Context);
end Count;
@@ -329,12 +495,39 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
+ function Actual
+ (Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ function Not_Empty_Param is new Not_Empty (Param);
+ function Cont_Param is new Continue (Not_Empty_Param);
+ Salt, Temp : Combinator_Result;
+ Counter : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ if Minimum = 0 then
+ Merge (Salt, Empty (Input, Context, Start));
+ end if;
+ Temp := Not_Empty_Param (Input, Context, Start);
+ while Temp.Status /= Failure loop
+ Counter := Counter + 1;
+ if Counter >= Minimum then
+ Merge (Salt, Temp);
+ elsif Temp.Status = Optional_More or Temp.Status = Needs_More then
+ Salt.Status := Needs_More;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Temp := Cont_Param (Temp, Input, Context);
+ end loop;
+ Complete_Status (Salt, Context.Allow_Incomplete);
+ return Salt;
+ end Actual;
+ function Curt is new Curtailment (To_Key (Start, Many'Access), Input, Actual);
+ function Memo is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Many'Access), Curt);
- -- to-do
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.Empty_Set,
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Failure);
+ return Memo (Context);
end Many;
@@ -344,15 +537,80 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
+ function Actual
+ (Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ function Not_Empty_Param is new Not_Empty (Param);
+ function Cont_Param is new Continue (Not_Empty_Param);
+ Salt, Temp : Combinator_Result;
+ Adjust : Result_Sets.Set;
+ Counter : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ if Minimum = 0 then
+ Merge (Salt, Empty (Input, Context, Start));
+ end if;
+ if Test (Input (Start)) then
+ return Salt;
+ end if;
+ Temp := Not_Empty_Param (Input, Context, Start);
+ while Temp.Status /= Failure loop
+ Counter := Counter + 1;
+ if Counter >= Minimum then
+ Merge (Salt, Temp);
+ elsif Temp.Status = Optional_More or Temp.Status = Needs_More then
+ Salt.Status := Needs_More;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Adjust.Clear;
+ for R of Temp.Results loop
+ if R.Finish = Input'Last or else not Test (Input (R.Finish + 1)) then
+ Adjust.Insert (R);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Temp.Results.Assign (Adjust);
+ Temp := Cont_Param (Temp, Input, Context);
+ end loop;
+ Complete_Status (Salt, Context.Allow_Incomplete);
+ return Salt;
+ end Actual;
+ function Curt is new Curtailment (To_Key (Start, Many_Until'Access), Input, Actual);
+ function Memo is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Many_Until'Access), Curt);
- -- to-do
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.Empty_Set,
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Failure);
+ return Memo (Context);
end Many_Until;
+ function Optional
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ function Actual
+ (Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ function Not_Empty_Param is new Not_Empty (Param);
+ Salt : Combinator_Result := Empty (Input, Context, Start);
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ Merge (Salt, Not_Empty_Param (Input, Context, Start));
+ Complete_Status (Salt, Context.Allow_Incomplete);
+ return Salt;
+ end Actual;
+ function Curt is new Curtailment (To_Key (Start, Optional'Access), Input, Actual);
+ function Memo is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Optional'Access), Curt);
+ begin
+ return Memo (Context);
+ end Optional;
@@ -362,22 +620,20 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- use type Traits.Element_Type;
function Actual
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
- return Combinator_Result is
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
- if Start > Input'Last or else not Test (Input (Start)) then
- return Empty_Fail;
- else
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => Start,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Success);
+ if Start <= Input'Last and then Test (Input (Start)) then
+ Part.Finish := Start;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := Success;
end if;
+ return Salt;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Satisfy'Access), Actual);
@@ -391,22 +647,20 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- use type Traits.Element_Type;
function Actual
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
- return Combinator_Result is
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
- if Start > Input'Last or else not Test (Change (Input (Start))) then
- return Empty_Fail;
- else
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => Start,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Success);
+ if Start <= Input'Last and then Test (Change (Input (Start))) then
+ Part.Finish := Start;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := Success;
end if;
+ return Salt;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Satisfy_With'Access), Actual);
@@ -420,22 +674,21 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- use type Traits.Element_Type;
function Actual
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
- return Combinator_Result is
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ use type Traits.Element_Type;
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
- if Start > Input'Last or else Input (Start) /= Item then
- return Empty_Fail;
- else
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => Start,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Success);
+ if Start <= Input'Last and then Input (Start) = Item then
+ Part.Finish := Start;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := Success;
end if;
+ return Salt;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Match'Access), Actual);
@@ -449,22 +702,21 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- use type Traits.Element_Type;
function Actual
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
- return Combinator_Result is
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ use type Traits.Element_Type;
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
- if Start > Input'Last or else Change (Input (Start)) /= Item then
- return Empty_Fail;
- else
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => Start,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Success);
+ if Start <= Input'Last and then Change (Input (Start)) = Item then
+ Part.Finish := Start;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := Success;
end if;
+ return Salt;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Match_With'Access), Actual);
@@ -478,11 +730,12 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result
- use type Traits.Element_Array;
function Actual
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
return Combinator_Result
+ use type Traits.Element_Array;
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
My_Offset : Natural;
if Start > Input'Last then
@@ -496,13 +749,12 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => Start + My_Offset,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start + My_Offset)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => (if My_Offset < Items'Length - 1 then Needs_More else Success));
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result do
+ Part.Finish := Start + My_Offset;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start + My_Offset));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := (if My_Offset < Items'Length - 1 then Needs_More else Success);
+ end return;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Multimatch'Access), Actual);
@@ -520,19 +772,19 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
return Combinator_Result
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
My_Offset : Natural;
if Start > Input'Last then
return Empty_Fail;
end if;
My_Offset := Natural'Min (Input'Last - Start, Number - 1);
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => Start + My_Offset,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start + My_Offset)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => (if My_Offset < Number - 1 then Needs_More else Success));
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result do
+ Part.Finish := Start + My_Offset;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. Start + My_Offset));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := (if My_Offset < Number - 1 then Needs_More else Success);
+ end return;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Take'Access), Actual);
@@ -550,6 +802,7 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
return Combinator_Result
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
My_Finish : Positive := Start;
if Start > Input'Last or else not Test (Input (Start)) then
@@ -559,13 +812,12 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
My_Finish := My_Finish + 1;
end loop;
My_Finish := My_Finish - 1;
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => My_Finish,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. My_Finish)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => (if My_Finish = Input'Last then Optional_More else Success));
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result do
+ Part.Finish := My_Finish;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. My_Finish));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := (if My_Finish = Input'Last then Optional_More else Success);
+ end return;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Take_While'Access), Actual);
@@ -583,6 +835,7 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
(Context : in out Parser_Context)
return Combinator_Result
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
My_Finish : Positive := Start;
if Start > Input'Last or else Test (Input (Start)) then
@@ -592,13 +845,12 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
My_Finish := My_Finish + 1;
end loop;
My_Finish := My_Finish - 1;
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => My_Finish,
- Value => Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. My_Finish)),
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => (if My_Finish = Input'Last then Optional_More else Success));
+ return Salt : Combinator_Result do
+ Part.Finish := My_Finish;
+ Part.Value := Elem_Holds.To_Holder (Input (Start .. My_Finish));
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := (if My_Finish = Input'Last then Optional_More else Success);
+ end return;
end Actual;
function Call is new Memoize (To_Key (Start, Take_Until'Access), Actual);
@@ -613,18 +865,37 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
(Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
Context : in out Parser_Context;
Start : in Positive)
- return Combinator_Result is
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Part : Combo_Result_Part;
+ Salt : Combinator_Result;
- return
- (Results => Result_Sets.To_Set
- ((Finish => Start - 1,
- Value => Elem_Holds.Empty_Holder,
- Tokens => Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder)),
- Curtails => Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map,
- Status => Success);
+ Part.Finish := Start - 1;
+ Salt.Results.Insert (Part);
+ Salt.Status := Success;
+ return Salt;
end Empty;
+ function Not_Empty
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Salt : Combinator_Result := Combo (Input, Context, Start);
+ Adjust : Result_Sets.Set;
+ begin
+ for R of Salt.Results loop
+ if R.Finish >= Start then
+ Adjust.Insert (R);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Salt.Results.Assign (Adjust);
+ return Salt;
+ end Not_Empty;
end Packrat.Parsers;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 55cb12a..a5716f2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -205,6 +205,18 @@ package Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Param
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ function Optional
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
@@ -295,6 +307,18 @@ package Packrat.Parsers is
Start : in Positive)
return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Combo
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ function Not_Empty
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
@@ -358,9 +382,9 @@ private
type Combo_Result_Part is record
- Finish : Natural;
- Value : Elem_Holds.Holder;
- Tokens : Tok_Holds.Holder;
+ Finish : Natural := 0;
+ Value : Elem_Holds.Holder := Elem_Holds.Empty_Holder;
+ Tokens : Tok_Holds.Holder := Tok_Holds.Empty_Holder;
end record;
function "<"
@@ -386,10 +410,19 @@ private
-- If there's anything in the Curtails, then Results should be empty
-- and vice versa... union?
+ -- need to add an error string to percolate upwards for exceptions
+ -- need to add a record of the total length of input available when
+ -- result was computed, to allow for knowing when to recompute
+ -- optional_more/need_more results
+ -- actually no, just not putting optional/needmore results in the
+ -- memotable will work fine, but how to figure out how much to pass forward?
type Combinator_Result is record
- Results : Result_Sets.Set;
- Curtails : Curtail_Maps.Map;
- Status : Result_Status;
+ Results : Result_Sets.Set := Result_Sets.Empty_Set;
+ Curtails : Curtail_Maps.Map := Curtail_Maps.Empty_Map;
+ Status : Result_Status := Failure;
end record;
type Component_Result is record
@@ -458,17 +491,17 @@ private
procedure Inc_Leftrec
- (Key : in Combo_Key;
- Context : in out Parser_Context);
+ (Key : in Combo_Key;
+ Leftrecs : in out Leftrectables.Map);
procedure Dec_Leftrec
- (Key : in Combo_Key;
- Context : in out Parser_Context);
+ (Key : in Combo_Key;
+ Leftrecs : in out Leftrectables.Map);
function Exceeds_Curtail
- (Key : in Combo_Key;
- Context : in Parser_Context;
- Input : in Traits.Element_Array)
+ (Key : in Combo_Key;
+ Leftrecs : in Leftrectables.Map;
+ Input : in Traits.Element_Array)
return Boolean;
@@ -482,6 +515,46 @@ private
return Combinator_Result;
+ procedure Merge
+ (Target : in out Curtail_Maps.Map;
+ Add : in Curtail_Maps.Map);
+ function Merge
+ (Left, Right : in Curtail_Maps.Map)
+ return Curtail_Maps.Map;
+ -- Should only be used to merge results obtained from
+ -- the same input location.
+ procedure Merge
+ (Target : in out Combinator_Result;
+ Add : in Combinator_Result);
+ function Merge
+ (Left, Right : in Combinator_Result)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Next
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ function Continue
+ (From : in Combinator_Result;
+ Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ procedure Complete_Status
+ (Result : in out Combinator_Result;
+ Allow : in Boolean);
end Packrat.Parsers;