path: root/src/packrat-lexers.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/packrat-lexers.adb')
1 files changed, 686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/packrat-lexers.adb b/src/packrat-lexers.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc63e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/packrat-lexers.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+ Packrat.Errors;
+package body Packrat.Lexers is
+ function Join
+ (Left, Right : in Combinator_Result)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Left.Status = Success or Left.Status = Optional_More then
+ return (Integer'Max (Left.Finish, Right.Finish), Right.Status);
+ elsif Left.Status = Needs_More then
+ return (Left.Finish, Failure);
+ else
+ return Left;
+ end if;
+ end Join;
+ function Stamp
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Component_Result
+ is
+ Current_Result : Combinator_Result :=
+ Combo (Input, Context.Position);
+ begin
+ if Context.Status /= Success or Context.Position > Input'Last or
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Contains (Label)
+ then
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Needs_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Failure
+ then
+ Context.Error_Labels.Append (Label);
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Optional_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Success
+ then
+ Context.Result_So_Far.Append (Traits.Tokens.Create
+ (Label,
+ Context.Position + Context.Offset,
+ Input (Context.Position .. Current_Result.Finish)));
+ if Current_Result.Finish = 0 then
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Insert (Label);
+ else
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ Context.Position := Current_Result.Finish + 1;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Context.Status := Current_Result.Status;
+ Context.Pass_Forward.Replace_Element
+ (Input (Context.Position .. Current_Result.Finish));
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ end if;
+ Context.Error_Labels.Clear;
+ return Component_Success;
+ end Stamp;
+ function Ignore
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Component_Result
+ is
+ Current_Result : Combinator_Result :=
+ Combo (Input, Context.Position);
+ begin
+ if Context.Status /= Success or Context.Position > Input'Last or
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Contains (Label)
+ then
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Needs_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Failure
+ then
+ Context.Error_Labels.Append (Label);
+ return Component_Failure;
+ end if;
+ if (Current_Result.Status = Optional_More and not Context.Allow_Incomplete) or
+ Current_Result.Status = Success
+ then
+ if Current_Result.Finish = 0 then
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Insert (Label);
+ else
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ Context.Position := Current_Result.Finish + 1;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Context.Status := Current_Result.Status;
+ Context.Pass_Forward.Replace_Element
+ (Input (Context.Position .. Current_Result.Finish));
+ Context.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ end if;
+ Context.Error_Labels.Clear;
+ return Component_Success;
+ end Ignore;
+ procedure Tidy_Context
+ (Details : in out Lexer_Context;
+ Number_Comp : in Ada.Containers.Count_Type) is
+ begin
+ Details.Pass_Forward.Clear;
+ Details.Empty_Labels.Clear;
+ Details.Error_Labels.Clear;
+ Details.Error_Labels.Reserve_Capacity (Number_Comp);
+ Details.Offset := Details.Offset + Details.Position - 1;
+ Details.Position := 1;
+ Details.Status := Success;
+ end Tidy_Context;
+ procedure Raise_Lexer_Error
+ (Label_List : in Label_Vectors.Vector;
+ Position : in Positive)
+ is
+ Error_Info_List : Packrat.Errors.Error_Info_Array
+ (Label_List.First_Index .. Label_List.Last_Index);
+ begin
+ for I in Integer range Error_Info_List'First .. Error_Info_List'Last loop
+ Error_Info_List (I).Symbol := +Traits.Label_Enum'Image (Label_List.Element (I));
+ Error_Info_List (I).Position := Position;
+ end loop;
+ raise Lexer_Error with Packrat.Errors.Encode_Array (Error_Info_List);
+ end Raise_Lexer_Error;
+ function Token_Vector_To_Array
+ (Input_Vector : in Token_Vectors.Vector)
+ return Traits.Tokens.Token_Array
+ is
+ Result_Array : Traits.Tokens.Token_Array (1 .. Integer (Input_Vector.Length));
+ begin
+ for I in Integer range 1 .. Integer (Input_Vector.Length) loop
+ Result_Array (I) := Input_Vector.Element (I);
+ end loop;
+ return Result_Array;
+ end Token_Vector_To_Array;
+ procedure Token_Vector_To_Array
+ (Input_Vector : in Token_Vectors.Vector;
+ Padding : in Traits.Tokens.Token;
+ Output_Array : out Traits.Tokens.Token_Array) is
+ begin
+ for N in Integer range 1 .. Output_Array'Length loop
+ if N <= Integer (Input_Vector.Length) then
+ Output_Array (Output_Array'First + N - 1) := Input_Vector.Element (N);
+ else
+ Output_Array (Output_Array'First + N - 1) := Padding;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Token_Vector_To_Array;
+ function Slide
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array)
+ return Traits.Element_Array
+ is
+ subtype Slider is Traits.Element_Array (1 .. Input'Length);
+ begin
+ return Slider (Input);
+ end Slide;
+ procedure Internal_Scan_Core
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context;
+ Components : in Component_Array)
+ is
+ Raise_Error : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Raise_Error := True;
+ for C of Components loop
+ if C (Input, Context) = Component_Success then
+ Raise_Error := False;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Raise_Error then
+ Raise_Lexer_Error (Context.Error_Labels, Context.Position);
+ end if;
+ end Internal_Scan_Core;
+ function Scan
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Traits.Tokens.Token_Array
+ is
+ Real_Input : Input_Holders.Holder;
+ begin
+ if not Context.Pass_Forward.Is_Empty then
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Slide (Context.Pass_Forward.Element) & Input);
+ else
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Input);
+ end if;
+ Tidy_Context (Context, Components'Length);
+ Context.Result_So_Far.Clear;
+ Context.Allow_Incomplete := Input'Length > 0;
+ while Context.Status = Success and Context.Position <= Real_Input.Element'Length loop
+ Internal_Scan_Core (Real_Input.Element, Context, Components);
+ end loop;
+ return Token_Vector_To_Array (Context.Result_So_Far);
+ end Scan;
+ function Scan_Only
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Traits.Tokens.Token_Array
+ is
+ Real_Input : Input_Holders.Holder;
+ begin
+ if not Context.Pass_Forward.Is_Empty then
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Slide (Context.Pass_Forward.Element) & Input);
+ else
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Input);
+ end if;
+ Tidy_Context (Context, Components'Length);
+ Context.Result_So_Far.Clear;
+ Context.Allow_Incomplete := False;
+ while Context.Status = Success and Context.Position <= Real_Input.Element'Length loop
+ Internal_Scan_Core (Real_Input.Element, Context, Components);
+ end loop;
+ return Token_Vector_To_Array (Context.Result_So_Far);
+ end Scan_Only;
+ function Scan_With
+ (Input : in With_Input;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context)
+ return Traits.Tokens.Token_Array
+ is
+ Real_Input : Input_Holders.Holder;
+ Empty_Input : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Context.Result_So_Far.Clear;
+ loop
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Input.all);
+ Empty_Input := Real_Input.Element'Length = 0;
+ if not Context.Pass_Forward.Is_Empty then
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element
+ (Slide (Context.Pass_Forward.Element) & Real_Input.Element);
+ end if;
+ Tidy_Context (Context, Components'Length);
+ Context.Allow_Incomplete := not Empty_Input;
+ while Context.Status = Success and Context.Position <= Real_Input.Element'Length loop
+ Internal_Scan_Core (Real_Input.Element, Context, Components);
+ end loop;
+ if Empty_Input then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Token_Vector_To_Array (Context.Result_So_Far);
+ end Scan_With;
+ procedure Scan_Set
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context;
+ Output : out Traits.Tokens.Token_Array)
+ is
+ Real_Input : Input_Holders.Holder;
+ begin
+ if not Context.Pass_Forward.Is_Empty then
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Slide (Context.Pass_Forward.Element) & Input);
+ else
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Input);
+ end if;
+ Tidy_Context (Context, Components'Length);
+ Context.Result_So_Far.Clear;
+ Context.Allow_Incomplete := not (Input'Length = 0 or else Input (Input'First) = Pad_In);
+ while Context.Status = Success and then
+ Integer (Context.Result_So_Far.Length) < Output'Length and then
+ Context.Position <= Real_Input.Element'Length and then
+ Real_Input.Element (Context.Position) /= Pad_In
+ loop
+ Internal_Scan_Core (Real_Input.Element, Context, Components);
+ end loop;
+ if Integer (Context.Result_So_Far.Length) = Output'Length then
+ Context.Pass_Forward.Replace_Element
+ (Real_Input.Element (Context.Position .. Real_Input.Element'Last));
+ end if;
+ Token_Vector_To_Array (Context.Result_So_Far, Pad_Out, Output);
+ end Scan_Set;
+ procedure Scan_Set_With
+ (Input : in With_Input;
+ Context : in out Lexer_Context;
+ Output : out Traits.Tokens.Token_Array)
+ is
+ Real_Input : Input_Holders.Holder;
+ Empty_Input : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Context.Result_So_Far.Clear;
+ loop
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element (Input.all);
+ Empty_Input := Real_Input.Element'Length = 0 or else
+ Real_Input.Element (Real_Input.Element'First) = Pad_In;
+ if not Context.Pass_Forward.Is_Empty then
+ Real_Input.Replace_Element
+ (Slide (Context.Pass_Forward.Element) & Real_Input.Element);
+ end if;
+ Tidy_Context (Context, Components'Length);
+ Context.Allow_Incomplete := not Empty_Input;
+ while Context.Status = Success and then
+ Integer (Context.Result_So_Far.Length) < Output'Length and then
+ Context.Position <= Real_Input.Element'Length and then
+ Real_Input.Element (Context.Position) /= Pad_In
+ loop
+ Internal_Scan_Core (Real_Input.Element, Context, Components);
+ end loop;
+ if Empty_Input then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ if Integer (Context.Result_So_Far.Length) = Output'Length then
+ Context.Pass_Forward.Replace_Element
+ (Real_Input.Element (Context.Position .. Real_Input.Element'Last));
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Token_Vector_To_Array (Context.Result_So_Far, Pad_Out, Output);
+ end Scan_Set_With;
+ function Sequence
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
+ Position : Positive := Start;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ for C of Params loop
+ if Position > Input'Last then
+ Result.Status := Needs_More;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Result := Join (Result, C (Input, Position));
+ exit when Result.Status = Failure;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Sequence;
+ function Count
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
+ Position : Positive := Start;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ for I in Integer range 1 .. Number loop
+ if Position > Input'Last then
+ Result.Status := Needs_More;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Result := Join (Result, Param (Input, Position));
+ exit when Result.Status = Failure;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Count;
+ function Many
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
+ Temp : Combinator_Result;
+ Position : Positive := Start;
+ Counter : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ exit when Position > Input'Last;
+ Temp := Param (Input, Position);
+ exit when Temp.Status = Failure or Temp.Status = Needs_More;
+ Result := Join (Result, Temp);
+ Counter := Counter + 1;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Counter < Minimum then
+ if Position > Input'Last or Temp.Status = Needs_More then
+ Result.Status := Needs_More;
+ else
+ Result.Status := Failure;
+ end if;
+ elsif Position > Input'Last or Temp.Status = Needs_More then
+ Result.Status := Optional_More;
+ else
+ Result.Status := Success;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end Many;
+ function Many_Until
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Result : Combinator_Result := (0, Success);
+ Temp : Combinator_Result;
+ Position : Positive := Start;
+ Counter : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ exit when Position > Input'Last;
+ Temp := Param (Input, Position);
+ exit when Temp.Status = Failure or Temp.Status = Needs_More or Test (Input (Position));
+ Result := Join (Result, Temp);
+ Counter := Counter + 1;
+ Position := Result.Finish + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Counter < Minimum then
+ if Position > Input'Last or Temp.Status = Needs_More then
+ Result.Status := Needs_More;
+ else
+ Result.Status := Failure;
+ end if;
+ elsif Position > Input'Last then
+ Result.Status := Needs_More;
+ elsif Temp.Status = Needs_More and Test (Input (Position)) then
+ Result.Status := Optional_More;
+ elsif Test (Input (Position)) then
+ Result.Status := Success;
+ else
+ Result.Status := Failure;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end Many_Until;
+ function Satisfy
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Test (Input (Start)) then
+ return (Start, Success);
+ else
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Satisfy;
+ function Satisfy_With
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Test (Change (Input (Start))) then
+ return (Start, Success);
+ else
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Satisfy_With;
+ function Match
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Input (Start) = Item then
+ return (Start, Success);
+ else
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Match;
+ function Match_With
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Change (Input (Start)) = Item then
+ return (Start, Success);
+ else
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Match_With;
+ function Multimatch
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Current_Offset : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if Items'Length = 0 then
+ return (0, Success);
+ end if;
+ if Input'Last - Start + 1 <= 0 then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ while Input (Start + Current_Offset) = Items (Items'First + Current_Offset) loop
+ if Items'First + Current_Offset = Items'Last then
+ return (Start + Current_Offset, Success);
+ elsif Start + Current_Offset = Input'Last then
+ return (Start + Current_Offset, Needs_More);
+ end if;
+ Current_Offset := Current_Offset + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Current_Offset = 0 then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ else
+ return (Start + Current_Offset - 1, Failure);
+ end if;
+ end Multimatch;
+ function Take
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Start + Number - 1 > Input'Last then
+ return (Input'Last, Needs_More);
+ else
+ return (Start + Number - 1, Success);
+ end if;
+ end Take;
+ function Take_While
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Finish : Positive := Start;
+ Status : Result_Status;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last or else not Test (Input (Start)) then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ while Finish <= Input'Last and then Test (Input (Finish)) loop
+ Finish := Finish + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Finish > Input'Last then
+ Status := Optional_More;
+ else
+ Status := Success;
+ end if;
+ return (Finish - 1, Status);
+ end Take_While;
+ function Take_Until
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result
+ is
+ Finish : Positive := Start;
+ Status : Result_Status;
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last or else Test (Input (Start)) then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ while Finish <= Input'Last and then not Test (Input (Finish)) loop
+ Finish := Finish + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Finish > Input'Last then
+ Status := Optional_More;
+ else
+ Status := Success;
+ end if;
+ return (Finish - 1, Status);
+ end Take_Until;
+ function Line_End
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Input (Start) = EOL_Item then
+ return (Start, Success);
+ else
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Line_End;
+ function Input_End
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Start > Input'Last then
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ elsif Input (Start) = EOF_Item then
+ return (Start, Success);
+ else
+ return Empty_Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Input_End;
+end Packrat.Lexers;