path: root/example
diff options
authorJedidiah Barber <>2023-07-15 20:18:26 +1200
committerJedidiah Barber <>2023-07-15 20:18:26 +1200
commit543cd19ab514ec632d965acd5177c5bf6695520f (patch)
treee15caec44e57a91c608f48c4f9a2bb38d4e76727 /example
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'example')
2 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/example/device_list.adb b/example/device_list.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f6e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/device_list.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+ Ada.Characters.Latin_1,
+ Ada.Text_IO,
+ Portaudio;
+use type
+ Portaudio.Device_Index,
+ Portaudio.Time;
+procedure Device_List is
+ package Latin renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
+ package Paud renames Portaudio;
+ function Image
+ (Num : in Integer)
+ return String
+ is
+ Test_Out : String := Integer'Image (Num);
+ begin
+ if Test_Out (Test_Out'First) = ' ' then
+ return Test_Out (Test_Out'First + 1 .. Test_Out'Last);
+ else
+ return Test_Out;
+ end if;
+ end Image;
+ function Image
+ (Num : in Paud.Time)
+ return String is
+ begin
+ if Num < 0.0 then
+ return "N/A";
+ else
+ return Paud.Image (Num * 1000.0) & "ms";
+ end if;
+ end Image;
+ function Image
+ (Num : in Paud.Hertz)
+ return String is
+ begin
+ return Paud.Hertz_Image (Num / 1000.0) & "kHz";
+ end Image;
+ procedure Put_Supported_Standard_Sample_Rates
+ (In_Params : access Paud.Stream_Parameters;
+ Out_Params : access Paud.Stream_Parameters)
+ is
+ Standard_Sample_Rates : array (Positive range <>) of Paud.Hertz :=
+ (8000.0, 9600.0, 11025.0, 12000.0, 16000.0, 22050.0, 24000.0,
+ 32000.0, 44100.0, 48000.0, 88200.0, 96000.0, 192000.0);
+ Put_Counter : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for Rate of Standard_Sample_Rates loop
+ if Paud.Is_Format_Supported (In_Params, Out_Params, Rate) then
+ case Put_Counter is
+ when 0 =>
+ TIO.Put (Latin.HT & Image (Rate));
+ Put_Counter := 1;
+ when 4 =>
+ TIO.Put (Latin.LF & Latin.HT & Image (Rate));
+ Put_Counter := 1;
+ when others =>
+ TIO.Put (", " & Image (Rate));
+ Put_Counter := Put_Counter + 1;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Put_Counter = 0 then
+ TIO.Put_Line ("None");
+ else
+ TIO.New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end Put_Supported_Standard_Sample_Rates;
+ Num_Devices : Natural;
+ Current_Device : Paud.Device_Info;
+ Current_Host_API : Paud.Host_API_Info;
+ Displayed_Default : Boolean;
+ Input_Params : aliased Paud.Stream_Parameters;
+ Output_Params : aliased Paud.Stream_Parameters;
+ TIO.Put_Line ("PortAudio version: " & Paud.Image (Paud.Get_Version));
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Version text: " & Paud.Get_Version_Info.Text);
+ Num_Devices := Paud.Get_Device_Count;
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Number of devices = " & Image (Num_Devices));
+ for Index in Paud.Device_Index (1) .. Paud.Device_Index (Num_Devices) loop
+ Current_Device := Paud.Get_Device_Info (Index);
+ Current_Host_API := Paud.Get_Host_API_Info (Current_Device.Host_API);
+ Displayed_Default := False;
+ TIO.New_Line;
+ TIO.Put_Line ("--------------------------------------- device #" &
+ Image (Integer (Index)));
+ if Index = Paud.Get_Default_Input_Device then
+ TIO.Put ("[ Default Input");
+ Displayed_Default := True;
+ elsif Index = Current_Host_API.Default_Input_Device then
+ TIO.Put ("[ Default " & Current_Host_API.Name & " Input");
+ Displayed_Default := True;
+ end if;
+ if Index = Paud.Get_Default_Output_Device then
+ if Displayed_Default then
+ TIO.Put (",");
+ else
+ TIO.Put ("[");
+ end if;
+ TIO.Put (" Default Output");
+ Displayed_Default := True;
+ elsif Index = Current_Host_API.Default_Output_Device then
+ if Displayed_Default then
+ TIO.Put (",");
+ else
+ TIO.Put ("[");
+ end if;
+ TIO.Put (" Default " & Current_Host_API.Name & " Output");
+ Displayed_Default := True;
+ end if;
+ if Displayed_Default then
+ TIO.Put_Line (" ]");
+ end if;
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Name = " & Current_Device.Name);
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Host API = " & Current_Host_API.Name);
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Max inputs = " & Image (Current_Device.Max_Input_Channels) &
+ ", Max outputs = " & Image (Current_Device.Max_Output_Channels));
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Default low input latency = " & Image
+ (Current_Device.Default_Low_Input_Latency));
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Default low output latency = " & Image
+ (Current_Device.Default_Low_Output_Latency));
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Default high input latency = " & Image
+ (Current_Device.Default_High_Input_Latency));
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Default high output latency = " & Image
+ (Current_Device.Default_High_Output_Latency));
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Default sample rate = " & Image
+ (Current_Device.Default_Sample_Rate));
+ Input_Params := Paud.Create
+ (Index, Current_Device.Max_Input_Channels, Paud.Int_16_Sample, 0.0);
+ Output_Params := Paud.Create
+ (Index, Current_Device.Max_Output_Channels, Paud.Int_16_Sample, 0.0);
+ if Current_Device.Max_Input_Channels > 0 then
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Supported standard sample rates");
+ TIO.Put_Line (" for half-duplex 16 bit " &
+ Image (Current_Device.Max_Input_Channels) & " channel input =");
+ Put_Supported_Standard_Sample_Rates (Input_Params'Access, null);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Device.Max_Output_Channels > 0 then
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Supported standard sample rates");
+ TIO.Put_Line (" for half-duplex 16 bit " &
+ Image (Current_Device.Max_Output_Channels) & " channel output =");
+ Put_Supported_Standard_Sample_Rates (null, Output_Params'Access);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Device.Max_Input_Channels > 0 and Current_Device.Max_Output_Channels > 0 then
+ TIO.Put_Line ("Supported standard sample rates");
+ TIO.Put_Line (" for full-duplex 16 bit " &
+ Image (Current_Device.Max_Input_Channels) & " channel input, " &
+ Image (Current_Device.Max_Output_Channels) & " channel output =");
+ Put_Supported_Standard_Sample_Rates (Input_Params'Access, Output_Params'Access);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ TIO.New_Line;
+ TIO.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------------");
+end Device_List;
diff --git a/example/saw_back.adb b/example/saw_back.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c266964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/saw_back.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+ Ada.Text_IO,
+ Portaudio;
+use type
+ Portaudio.Float_32;
+procedure Saw_Back is
+ Left_Phase, Right_Phase : Portaudio.Float_32 := 0.0;
+ function Saw_Callback
+ (Input : in Portaudio.Sample_Buffer;
+ Output : in Portaudio.Sample_Buffer;
+ Frames : in Portaudio.Frame_Amount;
+ Timing : in Portaudio.Callback_Time_Info;
+ Flags : in Portaudio.Callback_Flags)
+ return Portaudio.Callback_Result is
+ begin
+ for Frame in 1 .. Frames loop
+ Output.Put (Frame, 1, Left_Phase);
+ Output.Put (Frame, 2, Right_Phase);
+ Left_Phase := Left_Phase + 0.01;
+ if Left_Phase >= 1.0 then
+ Left_Phase := -1.0;
+ end if;
+ Right_Phase := Right_Phase + 0.03;
+ if Right_Phase >= 1.0 then
+ Right_Phase := -1.0;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Portaudio.Continue;
+ end Saw_Callback;
+ Saw_Stream : Portaudio.Audio_Stream;
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("PortAudio Test: output sawtooth wave.");
+ Saw_Stream.Open_Default
+ (Input_Channels => 0,
+ Output_Channels => 2,
+ Format => Portaudio.Float_32_Sample,
+ Sample_Rate => 44100.0,
+ Buffer_Frames => 256,
+ Callback => Saw_Callback'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Saw_Stream.Start;
+ delay 4.0;
+ Saw_Stream.Stop;
+ Saw_Stream.Close;
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Test finished.");
+end Saw_Back;