diff options
authorJed Barber <>2017-08-05 15:14:23 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2017-08-05 15:14:23 +1000
commite63ddbaa05da3aa302a330a71f45f49d0343691d (patch)
parent2950872300a419344b39b9174f4b371a240272c6 (diff)
All keyboard controls now working except undo
5 files changed, 330 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/displays.adb b/src/displays.adb
index dcb3932..03a0d43 100644
--- a/src/displays.adb
+++ b/src/displays.adb
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
- FLTK.Screen;
+ FLTK.Screen,
+ FLTK.Event;
package body Displays is
@@ -32,11 +33,6 @@ package body Displays is
Text : in String)
return Display
- Message_Text : String :=
- "Move with the arrow keys. Press u for undo." & ASCII.LF &
- "To move to a square where there is a clear path, click with the mouse." & ASCII.LF &
- "Press n to skip this level, q to quit, and r to restart this level.";
My_Width : Integer := Max (Message_Box_Width, W);
My_Height : Integer := Max (Message_Box_Height, H);
@@ -44,8 +40,9 @@ package body Displays is
(WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (X, Y, My_Width, My_Height, Text)) with
Message_Box => B.Box'(B.Create
- (0, 0, Message_Box_Width, Message_Box_Height, Message_Text)),
- Current_Grid => null) do
+ (0, 0, Message_Box_Width, Message_Box_Height, "")),
+ Current_Grid => null,
+ Key_Func => null) do
This.Add (This.Message_Box);
This.Message_Box.Set_Label_Size (Text_Size);
@@ -131,5 +128,42 @@ package body Displays is
end Centre_On_Screen;
+ procedure Set_Message
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Msg : in String) is
+ begin
+ This.Message_Box.Set_Label (Msg);
+ end Set_Message;
+ procedure Set_Keyboard_Callback
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Keyboard_Callback) is
+ begin
+ This.Key_Func := Func;
+ end Set_Keyboard_Callback;
+ function Handle
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Event : in FLTK.Event_Kind)
+ return FLTK.Event_Outcome
+ is
+ use type FLTK.Event_Kind;
+ begin
+ if This.Key_Func /= null and Event = FLTK.Keydown then
+ return This.Key_Func (FLTK.Event.Last_Keypress);
+ else
+ return WD.Double_Window (This).Handle (Event);
+ end if;
+ end Handle;
end Displays;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8d592e1..e8b04d8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ package Displays is
type Display is new FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double.Double_Window with private;
+ type Keyboard_Callback is access function
+ (Key : in FLTK.Shortcut_Key)
+ return FLTK.Event_Outcome;
function Create
(X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
Text : in String)
@@ -49,16 +54,33 @@ package Displays is
(This : in out Display);
+ procedure Set_Message
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Msg : in String);
+ procedure Set_Keyboard_Callback
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Keyboard_Callback);
+ function Handle
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Event : in FLTK.Event_Kind)
+ return FLTK.Event_Outcome;
type Display is new FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double.Double_Window with record
Message_Box : FLTK.Widgets.Boxes.Box;
Current_Grid : access Grids.Grid;
+ Key_Func : Keyboard_Callback;
end record;
- Text_Size : constant FLTK.Widgets.Font_Size := 12;
+ Text_Size : constant FLTK.Font_Size := 12;
Message_Box_Width : constant Integer := 500;
Message_Box_Height : constant Integer := 100;
diff --git a/src/moves.adb b/src/moves.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9bffc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/moves.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package body Moves is
+ procedure Add
+ (This : in out Path;
+ Item : in Move) is
+ begin
+ This.Append (Item);
+ end Add;
+ procedure Add
+ (This : in out Path;
+ List : in Path) is
+ begin
+ This.Append (List);
+ end Add;
+ function Latest
+ (This : in Path)
+ return Move is
+ begin
+ return This.Last_Element;
+ end Latest;
+ procedure Drop_Latest
+ (This : in out Path) is
+ begin
+ This.Delete_Last;
+ end Drop_Latest;
+end Moves;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf2bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+private with
+ Ada.Containers.Vectors;
+package Moves is
+ type Move is record
+ Delta_X, Delta_Y : Integer;
+ Push : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ Null_Move : constant Move;
+ type Path is tagged private;
+ Empty_Path : constant Path;
+ procedure Add
+ (This : in out Path;
+ Item : in Move);
+ procedure Add
+ (This : in out Path;
+ List : in Path);
+ function Latest
+ (This : in Path)
+ return Move;
+ procedure Drop_Latest
+ (This : in out Path);
+ package Move_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
+ (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Move);
+ type Path is new Move_Vectors.Vector with null record;
+ Null_Move : constant Move := (Delta_X => 0, Delta_Y => 0, Push => False);
+ Empty_Path : constant Path := (Move_Vectors.Empty_Vector with null record);
+end Moves;
diff --git a/src/sokoban.adb b/src/sokoban.adb
index 9c3e490..b58874b 100644
--- a/src/sokoban.adb
+++ b/src/sokoban.adb
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
+ FLTK.Widgets,
+ Moves,
@@ -26,24 +28,53 @@ package body Sokoban is
(X, Y : in Natural;
Char : in Character);
+ procedure Move_Man
+ (Delta_X, Delta_Y : in Integer);
+ procedure Undo_Movement;
- -- Global state of the game.
- My_Display : Displays.Display := Displays.Create;
- My_Grid : Grids.Grid := Grids.Create (0, 0);
- Current_Level : LevelID;
+ -- Miscellaneous game data.
- -- Miscellaneous.
+ type Game_State is (Loading, Play, Complete);
Origin : String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory
(Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name));
Level_Dir : String := Origin & "/../share/sokoban/level";
+ Loading_Message : String := "Loading...";
+ Play_Message : String := "Move with the arrow keys. Press u for undo." & ASCII.LF &
+ "To move to a square where there is a clear path, click with the mouse." & ASCII.LF &
+ "Press n to skip this level, q to quit, and r to restart this level.";
+ Complete_Message : String := "Level complete!" & ASCII.LF &
+ "Press enter to progress to the next level, or q to quit.";
+ Fully_Complete_Message : String := "Congratulations! All levels complete!" & ASCII.LF &
+ "Press enter to start again at the first level, or q to quit.";
+ U_Key : FLTK.Shortcut_Key := FLTK.Shortcut ('u');
+ N_Key : FLTK.Shortcut_Key := FLTK.Shortcut ('n');
+ R_Key : FLTK.Shortcut_Key := FLTK.Shortcut ('r');
+ Q_Key : FLTK.Shortcut_Key := FLTK.Shortcut ('q');
+ -- Global state of the game.
+ My_Display : Displays.Display := Displays.Create;
+ My_Grid : Grids.Grid := Grids.Create (0, 0);
+ Current_Level : LevelID;
+ Level_State : Game_State := Loading;
+ Current_Man_X : Integer;
+ Current_Man_Y : Integer;
+ Move_Record : Moves.Path;
+ Goals_Remaining : Integer;
@@ -60,6 +91,9 @@ package body Sokoban is
Rows, Cols : Natural;
+ Level_State := Loading;
+ My_Display.Set_Message (Loading_Message);
+ Goals_Remaining := 0;
Open (Data_File, In_File, Filename);
@@ -85,9 +119,12 @@ package body Sokoban is
end loop;
Close (Data_File);
Current_Level := Number;
+ Move_Record := Moves.Empty_Path;
+ My_Display.Set_Message (Play_Message);
+ My_Grid.Redraw;
+ Level_State := Play;
end Load_Level;
@@ -109,7 +146,54 @@ package body Sokoban is
- -- Callbacks for keyboard controls.
+ -- Keyboard and mouse control handling.
+ function Keypress
+ (Key : in FLTK.Shortcut_Key)
+ return FLTK.Event_Outcome
+ is
+ use type FLTK.Shortcut_Key;
+ begin
+ if Key = Q_Key then
+ Hide;
+ return FLTK.Handled;
+ end if;
+ if Level_State = Play then
+ if Key = FLTK.Up_Key then
+ Move_Man (0, -1);
+ elsif Key = FLTK.Down_Key then
+ Move_Man (0, 1);
+ elsif Key = FLTK.Left_Key then
+ Move_Man (-1, 0);
+ elsif Key = FLTK.Right_Key then
+ Move_Man (1, 0);
+ elsif Key = U_Key then
+ Undo_Movement;
+ elsif Key = N_Key then
+ if Current_Level = LevelID'Last then
+ My_Display.Set_Message (Fully_Complete_Message);
+ Level_State := Complete;
+ else
+ Load_Level (Current_Level + 1);
+ end if;
+ elsif Key = R_Key then
+ Load_Level (Current_Level);
+ else
+ return FLTK.Not_Handled;
+ end if;
+ return FLTK.Handled;
+ elsif Level_State = Complete and Key = FLTK.Enter_Key then
+ if Current_Level = LevelID'Last then
+ Load_Level (LevelID'First);
+ else
+ Load_Level (Current_Level + 1);
+ end if;
+ return FLTK.Handled;
+ else
+ return FLTK.Not_Handled;
+ end if;
+ end Keypress;
@@ -144,11 +228,14 @@ package body Sokoban is
when '.' =>
My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Squares.Goal);
+ Goals_Remaining := Goals_Remaining + 1;
when '@' =>
Temp := Squares.Empty;
Temp.Set_Contents (Things.Man);
My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Temp);
+ Current_Man_X := X;
+ Current_Man_Y := Y;
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
@@ -157,10 +244,73 @@ package body Sokoban is
end Add_New_Grid_Item;
+ procedure Move_Man
+ (Delta_X, Delta_Y : in Integer)
+ is
+ use type Squares.Square, Things.Thing;
+ Current : Squares.Square :=
+ My_Grid.Get_Square (Current_Man_X, Current_Man_Y);
+ Next : Squares.Square :=
+ My_Grid.Get_Square (Current_Man_X + Delta_X, Current_Man_Y + Delta_Y);
+ Next_Next : Squares.Square :=
+ My_Grid.Get_Square (Current_Man_X + Delta_X * 2, Current_Man_Y + Delta_Y * 2);
+ begin
+ if Next.Is_Walkable then
+ if Next.Get_Contents = Things.Nothing then
+ Current.Set_Contents (Things.Nothing);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (Current_Man_X, Current_Man_Y, Current);
+ Current_Man_X := Current_Man_X + Delta_X;
+ Current_Man_Y := Current_Man_Y + Delta_Y;
+ Next.Set_Contents (Things.Man);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (Current_Man_X, Current_Man_Y, Next);
+ Move_Record.Add ((Delta_X => Delta_X, Delta_Y => Delta_Y, Push => False));
+ My_Grid.Redraw;
+ elsif
+ Next.Get_Contents = Things.Treasure and Next_Next.Is_Walkable and
+ Next_Next.Get_Contents = Things.Nothing
+ then
+ Current.Set_Contents (Things.Nothing);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (Current_Man_X, Current_Man_Y, Current);
+ Current_Man_X := Current_Man_X + Delta_X;
+ Current_Man_Y := Current_Man_Y + Delta_Y;
+ Next.Set_Contents (Things.Man);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (Current_Man_X, Current_Man_Y, Next);
+ Next_Next.Set_Contents (Things.Treasure);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (Current_Man_X + Delta_X, Current_Man_Y + Delta_Y, Next_Next);
+ Move_Record.Add ((Delta_X => Delta_X, Delta_Y => Delta_Y, Push => True));
+ My_Grid.Redraw;
+ if Next = Squares.Goal and Next_Next /= Squares.Goal then
+ Goals_Remaining := Goals_Remaining + 1;
+ elsif Next /= Squares.Goal and Next_Next = Squares.Goal then
+ Goals_Remaining := Goals_Remaining - 1;
+ end if;
+ if Goals_Remaining = 0 then
+ My_Display.Set_Message (Complete_Message);
+ Level_State := Complete;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Move_Man;
+ procedure Undo_Movement is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Undo_Movement;
My_Display.Set_Grid (My_Grid);
+ My_Display.Set_Keyboard_Callback (Keypress'Access);
end Sokoban;