path: root/src/displays.adb
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2017-07-30 22:23:20 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2017-07-30 22:23:20 +1000
commit2950872300a419344b39b9174f4b371a240272c6 (patch)
tree859d9c35b03b85ed7898a600441174f903f7c015 /src/displays.adb
Basic game framework done, lacking any user input
Diffstat (limited to 'src/displays.adb')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/displays.adb b/src/displays.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb3932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/displays.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ FLTK.Screen;
+package body Displays is
+ package WD renames FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double;
+ package B renames FLTK.Widgets.Boxes;
+ function Max (A, B : in Integer) return Integer is
+ begin
+ if B > A then return B; else return A; end if;
+ end Max;
+ function Min (A, B : in Integer) return Integer is
+ begin
+ if B < A then return B; else return A; end if;
+ end Min;
+ function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String)
+ return Display
+ is
+ Message_Text : String :=
+ "Move with the arrow keys. Press u for undo." & ASCII.LF &
+ "To move to a square where there is a clear path, click with the mouse." & ASCII.LF &
+ "Press n to skip this level, q to quit, and r to restart this level.";
+ My_Width : Integer := Max (Message_Box_Width, W);
+ My_Height : Integer := Max (Message_Box_Height, H);
+ begin
+ return This : Display :=
+ (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (X, Y, My_Width, My_Height, Text)) with
+ Message_Box => B.Box'(B.Create
+ (0, 0, Message_Box_Width, Message_Box_Height, Message_Text)),
+ Current_Grid => null) do
+ This.Add (This.Message_Box);
+ This.Message_Box.Set_Label_Size (Text_Size);
+ end return;
+ end Create;
+ function Create
+ (W, H : in Integer)
+ return Display is
+ begin
+ return Create (0, 0, W, H, "Sokoban");
+ end Create;
+ function Create
+ return Display is
+ begin
+ return Create (0, 0, Message_Box_Width, Message_Box_Height, "Sokoban");
+ end Create;
+ procedure Set_Grid
+ (This : in out Display;
+ To : in out Grids.Grid) is
+ begin
+ if This.Current_Grid /= null then
+ This.Remove (This.Current_Grid.all);
+ end if;
+ This.Current_Grid := To'Unchecked_Access;
+ This.Add (To);
+ This.Ensure_Correct_Size;
+ end Set_Grid;
+ procedure Adjust_Grid
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Cols, Rows : in Natural) is
+ begin
+ This.Current_Grid.Set_Cols (Cols);
+ This.Current_Grid.Set_Rows (Rows);
+ This.Ensure_Correct_Size;
+ end Adjust_Grid;
+ procedure Ensure_Correct_Size
+ (This : in out Display)
+ is
+ New_Width : Integer :=
+ Max (Message_Box_Width, This.Current_Grid.Get_W);
+ New_Height : Integer :=
+ Message_Box_Height + This.Current_Grid.Get_H;
+ Grid_X : Integer :=
+ Max (0, (Message_Box_Width - This.Current_Grid.Get_W) / 2);
+ begin
+ This.Current_Grid.Reposition (Grid_X, 0);
+ This.Message_Box.Resize (New_Width, This.Message_Box.Get_H);
+ This.Message_Box.Reposition (This.Message_Box.Get_X, This.Current_Grid.Get_H);
+ This.Resize (New_Width, New_Height);
+ end Ensure_Correct_Size;
+ procedure Centre_On_Screen
+ (This : in out Display)
+ is
+ use FLTK.Screen;
+ begin
+ This.Reposition
+ (Get_X + (Get_W - This.Get_W) / 2,
+ Get_Y + (Get_H - This.Get_H) / 2);
+ end Centre_On_Screen;
+end Displays;