path: root/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2017-02-13 13:21:17 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2017-02-13 13:21:17 +1100
commitea99441e0da927e5a40cf21311265c7e22974f12 (patch)
treef824f30ab5f475f0f9b5e8a619a36dc81ea83284 /src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb
parent835c2dffc539e277812925469c82662482e1bbc5 (diff)
Preference dedupe removed, bignum library obtained from internet (will be replaced later)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb')
1 files changed, 704 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb b/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..313ce9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+-- License, or (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
+-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
+-- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
+-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
+-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
+-- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
+--with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
+--with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
+with Crypto.Types.Random;
+package body Utils is
+ pragma Optimize (Time);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Swap(X, Y : in out Big_Unsigned) is
+ Temp : constant Big_Unsigned := X;
+ begin
+ X := Y;
+ Y := Temp;
+ end Swap; pragma Inline (Swap);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Set_Least_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
+ begin
+ X.Number(0) := X.Number(0) or 1;
+ end Set_Least_Significant_Bit; pragma Inline(Set_Least_Significant_Bit);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Is_Odd(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if (X.Number(0) and 1) = 1 then return True;
+ else return False;
+ end if;
+ end Is_Odd; pragma Inline(Is_Odd);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Is_Even(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if (X.Number(0) and 1) = 0 then return True;
+ else return False;
+ end if;
+ end Is_Even; pragma Inline(Is_Even);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Set_Most_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
+ begin
+ X.Last_Index := Max_Length;
+ X.Number(Max_Length) := X.Number(Max_Length) or
+ Shift_Left(Word(1), Word'Size-1);
+ end Set_Most_Significant_Bit; pragma Inline(Set_Most_Significant_Bit);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Bit_Length(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if X = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ for I in reverse 0..Word'Size-1 loop
+ if Shift_Left(1,I) <= X.Number(X.Last_Index) then
+ return Word'Size * X.Last_Index + I + 1 ;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return X.Last_Index * Word'Size;
+ end Bit_Length; pragma Inline(Bit_Length);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Lowest_Set_Bit(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if X = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
+ raise Is_Zero_Error;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0..X.Last_Index loop
+ if X.Number(I) /= 0 then
+ for J in 0..Word'Size-1 loop
+ if (Shift_Right(X.Number(I),J) and 1) = 1 then
+ return I*Word'Size+J+1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Size+1; --X = Big_unsgned_Zero = 2**(Size+1)
+ end Lowest_Set_Bit; pragma Inline (Lowest_Set_Bit);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Inc(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
+ begin
+ if X = Big_Unsigned_Last then
+ X := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ else
+ X.Number(0) := X.Number(0) + 1;
+ for I in 0..X.Last_Index loop
+ if X.Number(I) /= 0 then
+ exit;
+ else X.Number(I+1) := X. Number(I+1) + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- if an mod_type overflow occure then we have some extra work do
+ if X.Number(X.Last_Index) = 0 then
+ X.Last_Index := X.Last_Index + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Inc; pragma Inline(Inc);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Dec(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
+ begin
+ if X = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
+ X := Big_Unsigned_Last;
+ else
+ X.Number(0) := X.Number(0) - 1;
+ for I in 0..X.Last_Index loop
+ if X.Number(I) /= Word'Last then
+ exit;
+ else X.Number(I+1) := X.Number(I+1) - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- check if we must dec the Last_index too
+ if X.Number(X.Last_Index) = 0 and X.Last_Index /= 0 then
+ X.Last_Index := X.Last_Index - 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Dec; pragma Inline(Dec);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Shift_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned is
+ begin
+ if Amount >= (Max_Length+1)*Word'Size or Value = Big_Unsigned_Zero
+ then return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ elsif Amount = 0 then return Value;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result : Big_Unsigned;
+ Temp : Limbs:=(others => 0);
+ L : constant Natural := Amount mod Word'Size;
+ R : constant Natural := Word'Size-L;
+ M : constant Natural := Amount/Word'Size;
+ begin
+ Temp(0) := Shift_Left(Value.Number(0), L);
+-- for I in 1..Value.Last_Index loop
+-- Temp(I) := Shift_Right(Value.Number(I-1), R) +
+-- Shift_Left(Value.Number(I), L);
+-- end loop;
+ for I in 1..Value.Last_Index loop
+ Temp(I) := Shift_Right(Value.Number(I-1), R) xor
+ Shift_Left(Value.Number(I), L);
+ end loop;
+ if Value.Last_Index /= Max_Length then
+ Temp(Value.Last_Index+1):=
+ Shift_Right(Value.Number(Value.Last_Index), R);
+ end if;
+ for I in Temp'Range loop
+ if (I+M) > Max_Length then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Result.Number(I+M):= Temp(I);
+ end loop;
+ for I in reverse 0..Max_Length loop
+ if Result.Number(I) /=0 then
+ Result.Last_Index:=I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end;
+ end Shift_Left; -- pragma Inline (Shift_Left);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Shift_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned is
+ begin
+ if Amount >= (Max_Length+1)*Word'Size or Value = Big_Unsigned_Zero
+ then return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ elsif Amount = 0 then return Value;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result : Big_Unsigned:=Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ Temp : Limbs :=(others => 0);
+ R : constant Natural := Amount mod Word'Size;
+ L : constant Natural := Word'Size-R;
+ M : constant Natural := Amount/Word'Size;
+ begin
+ Temp(Value.Last_Index) :=
+ Shift_Right(Value.Number(Value.Last_Index), R);
+-- for I in reverse 0..Value.Last_Index-1 loop
+-- Temp(I) := Shift_Left(Value.Number(I+1), L) +
+-- Shift_Right(Value.Number(I), R);
+-- end loop;
+ for I in reverse 0..Value.Last_Index-1 loop
+ Temp(I) := Shift_Left(Value.Number(I+1), L) xor
+ Shift_Right(Value.Number(I), R);
+ end loop;
+ for I in reverse Temp'Range loop
+ if (I-M) < 0 then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Result.Number(I-M):= Temp(I);
+ end loop;
+ for I in reverse 0..Value.Last_Index loop
+ if Result.Number(I) /= 0 or I = 0 then
+ Result.Last_Index := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end;
+ end Shift_Right; --pragma Inline (Shift_Right);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Rotate_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned is
+ L : constant Natural := Amount mod Size;
+ begin
+ if Value = Big_Unsigned_Last then
+ return Big_Unsigned_Last;
+ end if;
+ return Shift_Left(Value,L) xor Shift_Right(Value, Size-L);
+ end Rotate_Left; pragma Inline (Rotate_Left);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Rotate_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned is
+ R : constant Natural := Amount mod Size;
+ begin
+ if Value = Big_Unsigned_Last then
+ return Big_Unsigned_Last;
+ end if;
+ return Shift_Right(Value,R) xor Shift_Left(Value, Size-R);
+ end Rotate_Right; pragma Inline (Rotate_Right);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Gcd(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
+ A : Big_Unsigned := Max(Left,Right);
+ B : Big_Unsigned := Min(Left,Right);
+ R : Big_Unsigned;
+ begin
+ while B /= Big_Unsigned_Zero loop
+ R := A mod B;
+ A := B;
+ B := R;
+ end loop;
+ return A;
+ end Gcd; pragma Inline (Gcd);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Get_Random return Big_Unsigned is
+ Result : Big_Unsigned;
+ begin
+ Random.Read(Result.Number);
+ return Result;
+ end Get_Random; pragma Inline (Get_Random);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Length_In_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural is
+ Len : constant Natural := Bit_Length(X);
+ begin
+ if Len mod Byte'Size = 0 then return (Len / Byte'Size);
+ else return (Len / Byte'Size) + 1;
+ end if;
+ end Length_In_Bytes; pragma Inline (Length_In_Bytes);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
+ Result : constant Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => X, OTHERS => 0));
+ begin
+ return Result;
+ end To_Big_Unsigned; pragma Inline (To_Big_Unsigned);
+ function To_Words(X : Big_Unsigned) return Words is
+ begin
+ return X.Number(0..X.Last_Index);
+ end To_Words; pragma Inline (To_Words);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Max(Left, Right : Integer) return Integer is
+ begin
+ if Left < Right then
+ return Right;
+ else
+ return Left;
+ end if;
+ end Max;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function To_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Bytes is
+ L : constant Natural := Max(Length_In_Bytes(X)-1,0);
+ M : constant Natural := 3; --(Word'Size / Byte'Size) - 1;
+ E : constant Integer := ((L+1) mod 4) - 1;
+ B : Bytes(0..L);
+ begin
+ for I in 0..X.Last_Index-1 loop
+ for J in 0..M loop
+ B(L-I*(M+1)-J) := Byte(Shift_Right(X.Number(I), J*Byte'Size) and
+ Word(Byte'Last));
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ if E >= 0 then
+ for I in 0..E loop
+ B(I) := Byte(Shift_Right(X.Number(X.Last_Index), (E-I)*Byte'Size)
+ and Word(Byte'Last));
+ end loop;
+ else
+ for J in 0..M loop
+ B(M-J) := Byte(Shift_Right(X.Number(X.Last_Index), J*Byte'Size)
+ and Word(Byte'Last));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return B;
+ end To_Bytes;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Words) return Big_Unsigned is
+ Result : Big_Unsigned;
+ begin
+ if X'Length > Max_Length then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ else
+ Result.Number(0..X'Last-X'First) := X;
+ end if;
+ for I in reverse 0..Max_Length loop
+ if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
+ Result.Last_Index := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end To_Big_Unsigned;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Bytes) return Big_Unsigned is
+ Result : Big_Unsigned;
+ M : constant Natural := Word'Size / Byte'Size; -- Bytes per Word
+ Shift_Amount, counter : Natural:=0;
+ begin
+ if X'Length*Byte'Size > Size then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ for I in reverse X'Range loop
+ Result.Number(Counter/M) := Result.Number(Counter/M) or
+ Shift_Left(Word(X(I)), Shift_Amount*Byte'Size);
+ Shift_Amount := (Shift_Amount + 1) mod M;
+ Counter:=Counter+1;
+ end loop;
+ for I in reverse 0..Max_Length loop
+ if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
+ Result.Last_Index := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end To_Big_Unsigned;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Big_Div(Dividend, Divisor : in Big_Unsigned;
+ Quotient, Remainder : out Big_Unsigned) is
+ Last_Divisor : constant Natural := Divisor.Last_Index;
+ begin
+ if (Last_Divisor = 0) then
+ case Divisor.Number(0) is
+ when 0 => raise Division_By_Zero;
+ when 1 => Quotient := Dividend;
+ Remainder := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ return;
+ when others => declare
+ Temp_Remainder : Word;
+ Temp_Divisor : constant Word := Divisor.Number(0);
+ begin
+ -- We use the function Short_Div, which is faster.
+ -- See below for the implementation of Short_Div.
+ Short_Div(Dividend, Temp_Divisor, Quotient, Temp_Remainder);
+ Remainder := (Last_Index => 0,
+ Number => (Temp_Remainder, others => 0));
+ return;
+ end;
+ end case;
+ elsif (Dividend < Divisor) then
+ Quotient := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ Remainder := Dividend;
+ return;
+ elsif Dividend = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
+ Quotient := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ Remainder := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ return;
+ elsif (Bit_Length(Dividend) = Bit_Length(Divisor)) then
+ -- Dividend > Divisor and Divisor /= 0 and
+ -- |Dividend|=|Divisor| => Dividend/Divisor=1
+ Quotient:=Big_Unsigned_One;
+ Remainder:=Dividend-Divisor;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Now, there is only the case where (Dividend > Divisor), (Divisor /= 0)
+ -- and |Dividend|>|Divisor|.
+ declare
+ Temp_Divisor: Big_Unsigned :=Divisor;
+ Diff: Natural;
+ begin
+ Remainder:= Dividend;
+ Quotient:=Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ while(Remainder >= Divisor) loop
+ Diff := Bit_Length(Remainder) - Bit_Length(Divisor);
+ if Diff = 0 then
+ Quotient:=Quotient+1;
+ Remainder:=Remainder-Divisor;
+ return;
+ else Diff:=Diff-1;
+ end if;
+ Temp_Divisor := Shift_Left(Divisor, Diff);
+ Remainder := Remainder-Temp_Divisor;
+ Quotient := Quotient + Shift_Left(Big_Unsigned_One, Diff);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end Big_Div;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Short_Div(Dividend : in Big_Unsigned;
+ Divisor : in Word;
+ Quotient : out Big_Unsigned;
+ Remainder : out Word) is
+ begin
+ -- simple cases
+ if (Dividend < Divisor) then
+ Remainder := Dividend.Number(0);
+ Quotient := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ return;
+ elsif (Divisor = 0) then
+ raise Division_By_Zero;
+ elsif (Divisor = 1) then
+ Quotient := Dividend;
+ Remainder := 0;
+ return;
+ elsif (Dividend = Divisor) then
+ Quotient := Big_Unsigned_One;
+ Remainder := 0;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Last_Dividend : constant Natural := Dividend.Last_Index;
+ Temp_Quotient : Big_Unsigned;
+ Carry : Largest_Unsigned := 0;
+ Temp : Largest_Unsigned;
+ Temp_Divisor : constant Largest_Unsigned :=
+ Largest_Unsigned(Divisor);
+ begin
+ for I in reverse 0..Last_Dividend loop
+ Temp := Largest_Unsigned(Dividend.Number(I))
+ + Shift_Left(Carry, Word'Size);
+ Temp_Quotient.Number(I) := Word(Temp / Temp_Divisor);
+ Carry := Temp mod Temp_Divisor;
+ end loop;
+ if (Last_Dividend > 0) and then
+ (Temp_Quotient.Number(Last_Dividend) = 0) then
+ Temp_Quotient.Last_Index := Last_Dividend - 1;
+ else
+ Temp_Quotient.Last_Index := Last_Dividend;
+ end if;
+ Quotient := Temp_Quotient;
+ Remainder := Word(Carry);
+ end;
+ end Short_Div;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- package IIO renames Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
+-- package UIO renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function To_String(Item : Big_Unsigned;
+ Base : Number_Base := 10) return String is
+ S : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
+ Remainder : Word:=0;
+ Temp_Item : Big_Unsigned := Item;
+ Trans : constant array(Word range 0..15) of Character :=
+ ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
+ Base_Img : constant String := Base'Img;
+ begin
+ if Item = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
+ if Base = 10 then return "0";
+ else
+ S := "#0#" & S;
+ S := Base_Img & S;
+ return Slice(S,2,Length(S));
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Base /= 10 then
+ S := "#" & S;
+ end if;
+ while (Temp_Item /= Big_Unsigned_Zero) loop
+ Short_Div(Temp_Item, Word(Base), Temp_Item, Remainder);
+ S := Trans(Remainder) & S;
+ end loop;
+ if Base /= 10 then
+ S := "#" & S;
+ S := Base_Img & S;
+ return Slice(S,2,Length(S));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return To_String(S);
+ end To_String;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Put(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10) is
+ begin
+ Put(To_String(Item, Base));
+ end Put; --pragma Inline(Put);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Put_Line(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10) is
+ begin
+ Put(To_String(Item, Base)); New_Line;
+ end Put_Line; --pragma Inline(Put_Line);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Get_Digit(C : Character) return Word is
+ begin
+ case C is
+ when '0'..'9' => return Character'Pos(C) - Character'Pos('0');
+ when 'A'..'F' => return Character'Pos(C) - Character'Pos('A') + 10;
+ when others => raise Conversion_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Digit; pragma Inline(Get_Digit);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(S : String) return Big_Unsigned is
+ Fence_Count: Natural := 0;
+ Temp : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
+ M_B : Natural:=0;
+ begin
+ if S'Length = 0 then
+ raise Conversion_Error;
+ else
+ for I in reverse S'Range loop
+ case S(I) is
+ when '0' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,0);
+ when '1' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,1);
+ when '2' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,2);
+ when '3' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,3);
+ when '4' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,4);
+ when '5' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,5);
+ when '6' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,6);
+ when '7' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,7);
+ when '8' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,8);
+ when '9' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,9);
+ when 'a' | 'A' => Temp:= 'A' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,11);
+ when 'b' | 'B' => Temp:= 'B' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,12);
+ when 'c' | 'C' => Temp:= 'C' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,13);
+ when 'd' | 'D' => Temp:= 'D' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,14);
+ when 'e' | 'E' => Temp:= 'E' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,15);
+ when 'f' | 'F' => Temp:= 'F' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,16);
+ when '_' | ' ' => null;
+ when '#' => Fence_Count := Fence_Count+1; Temp:= S(I) & Temp;
+ when others => raise Conversion_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Result : Big_Unsigned;
+ S2 : constant String := To_String(Temp);
+ begin
+ -- Base = 10
+ if Fence_Count = 0 then
+ if M_B > 10 then
+ raise Conversion_Error;
+ end if;
+ for I in S2'Range loop
+ Result := Result * 10 + Get_Digit(S2(I));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ -- Base /= 10
+ -- check fences and size (Min_Size=|2#0#|=4)
+ elsif Fence_Count /= 2 or S2(S2'Last) /= '#' or S2(S2'First) = '#'
+ or S2'Length < 4 then
+ raise Conversion_Error;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Base : Number_Base;
+ begin
+ --Compute and check Base
+ if S2(S2'First+1) /= '#' then
+ if S2(S2'First+2) /= '#' then
+ raise Conversion_Error;
+ end if;
+ Base := Number_Base(Get_Digit(S2(S2'First)) * 10
+ + Get_Digit(S2(S2'First+1)));
+ else Base := Number_Base(Get_Digit(S2(S2'First)));
+ end if;
+ -- Check if all Characters are valid to the base
+ if M_B > Base then
+ raise Conversion_Error;
+ end if;
+ --Time to compute the Big_Unsigned
+ if Base > 10 then
+ for I in S2'First+3..S2'Last-1 loop
+ Result := Result * Word(Base) + Get_Digit(S2(I));
+ end loop;
+ else
+ for I in S2'First+2..S2'Last-1 loop
+ Result := Result * Word(Base) + Get_Digit(S2(I));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end To_Big_Unsigned;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end Utils;