path: root/src
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2017-02-18 10:59:45 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2017-02-18 10:59:45 +1100
commit7e030b0b119fb116586937ab35c7d1f936fba92f (patch)
treeaece5598d85497ee3f8fb071929dd69c62e42c3b /src
parentd4e1589d9768b4224e861f3a3e30689c64e7832a (diff)
Refactored long functions and commented election.adb and
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 258 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/src/election.adb b/src/election.adb
index 2cedb3e..c6b1431 100644
--- a/src/election.adb
+++ b/src/election.adb
@@ -23,24 +23,32 @@ package body Election is
- Cand_Data : Candidates.Containers.Candidate_Map;
+ -- Candidate, preference data, and other information
+ -- that's actively used by the main STV algorithm.
Pref_Data : Bundle_Containers.Bundle_Map;
+ Cand_Data : Candidates.Containers.Candidate_Map;
Entries : Entry_Vectors.Vector;
Exhausted : Extra_Data;
Fractional : Extra_Data;
Transfers : Transfer_Vectors.Vector;
+ -- Logging settings.
Out_Dir : SU.Unbounded_String;
Next_Log_Num : Positive;
Main_Log : File_Type;
+ -- Static info about the election.
+ -- (Although Vacancies gets modified as seats are won.)
Seats : Natural;
Vacancies : Natural;
Total_Papers : Natural;
Quota : Natural;
- Verbose : Boolean;
+ -- Administrative details of the program.
+ Verbose : Boolean;
Work_To_Do : Boolean := False;
@@ -57,7 +65,33 @@ package body Election is
- -- needs to be refactored due to length
+ -- Extracts and sets up relevant entry metadata from the preference bundle map.
+ procedure Read_Entries
+ is
+ Votes, Papers : Integer;
+ This : Entry_Data;
+ begin
+ Entries := Entry_Vectors.Empty_Vector;
+ for B in Pref_Data.Iterate loop
+ Given_Bundles.Count_Both
+ (Bundle_Containers.Bundle_Maps.Element (B).First_Element, Votes, Papers);
+ This :=
+ (ID => Bundle_Containers.Bundle_Maps.Key (B),
+ Vote_Change => Votes,
+ Total_Votes => Votes,
+ Paper_Change => Papers,
+ Total_Papers => Papers,
+ Status => Running,
+ Changed => False,
+ Order_Elected => 0);
+ Entries.Append (This);
+ end loop;
+ end Read_Entries;
+ -- This must be called before an election is run.
procedure Setup
(Candidate_Data : in Candidates.Containers.Candidate_Map;
Preference_File : in String;
@@ -70,52 +104,32 @@ package body Election is
if Verbose then
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Reading preference data...");
end if;
Bundle_Containers.Read_Bundles (Preference_File, Pref_Data);
if Verbose then
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Done." & ASCII.LF);
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Setting up election...");
end if;
- -- setup/extract relevant metadata from the vote bundle map
- for B in Pref_Data.Iterate loop
- declare
- Votes, Papers : Integer;
- This : Entry_Data;
- begin
- Given_Bundles.Count_Both
- (Bundle_Containers.Bundle_Maps.Element (B).First_Element, Votes, Papers);
- This :=
- (ID => Bundle_Containers.Bundle_Maps.Key (B),
- Vote_Change => Votes,
- Total_Votes => Votes,
- Paper_Change => Papers,
- Total_Papers => Papers,
- Status => Running,
- Changed => False,
- Order_Elected => 0);
- Entries.Append (This);
- end;
- end loop;
+ Cand_Data := Candidate_Data;
+ Read_Entries;
Exhausted := (others => 0);
Fractional := (others => 0);
Transfers := Transfer_Vectors.Empty_Vector;
- Cand_Data := Candidate_Data;
Out_Dir := SU.To_Unbounded_String (Output_Dir);
Next_Log_Num := 1;
+ Open (Main_Log, Append_File, Output_Dir & "/" & Main_Logfile);
Seats := Number_To_Elect;
Vacancies := Number_To_Elect;
Total_Papers := 0;
for E of Entries loop
Total_Papers := Total_Papers + E.Total_Papers;
end loop;
Quota := Droop_Quota (Total_Papers, Seats);
- Open (Main_Log, Append_File, Output_Dir & "/" & Main_Logfile);
Work_To_Do := True;
if Verbose then
@@ -126,18 +140,34 @@ package body Election is
- procedure Write_Log
+ -- This is used because the 'Image attribute
+ -- puts unwanted padding either side of numbers.
+ function Int_Image
+ (Number : in Integer)
+ return String
use Ada.Strings;
use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+ Result : String :=
+ Trim (Integer'Image (Number), Both);
+ begin
+ return Result;
+ end Int_Image;
+ -- Outputs a new numbered csv logfile of the current status of the election.
+ -- Automatically increments the logfile number afterwards.
+ procedure Write_Log
+ is
Header : String :=
"Seats,Vacancies,Total Papers,Quota," &
Candidates.Candidate_Header &
",Papers,Change,Votes,Transfer,Status,Changed,Order Elected";
Logname : String :=
- SU.To_String (Out_Dir) & "/" & Trim (Integer'Image (Next_Log_Num), Both) & ".csv";
+ SU.To_String (Out_Dir) & "/" & Int_Image (Next_Log_Num) & ".csv";
Change_Str, Order_Str : SU.Unbounded_String;
@@ -154,36 +184,41 @@ package body Election is
end if;
if E.Order_Elected > 0 then
- Order_Str := SU.To_Unbounded_String (Trim (Integer'Image (E.Order_Elected), Both));
+ Order_Str := SU.To_Unbounded_String (Int_Image (E.Order_Elected));
Order_Str := SU.To_Unbounded_String (0);
end if;
Put_Line (Logfile,
- Trim (Integer'Image (Seats), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (Vacancies), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (Total_Papers), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (Quota), Both) & "," &
- Candidates.To_String (Cand_Data.Element (E.ID)) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (E.Total_Papers), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (E.Paper_Change), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (E.Total_Votes), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (E.Vote_Change), Both) & "," &
- Candidate_Status'Image (E.Status) & "," &
- SU.To_String (Change_Str) & "," & SU.To_String (Order_Str));
+ Int_Image (Seats) & "," &
+ Int_Image (Vacancies) & "," &
+ Int_Image (Total_Papers) & "," &
+ Int_Image (Quota) & "," &
+ Candidates.To_String (Cand_Data.Element (E.ID)) & "," &
+ Int_Image (E.Total_Papers) & "," &
+ Int_Image (E.Paper_Change) & "," &
+ Int_Image (E.Total_Votes) & "," &
+ Int_Image (E.Vote_Change) & "," &
+ Candidate_Status'Image (E.Status) & "," &
+ SU.To_String (Change_Str) & "," &
+ SU.To_String (Order_Str));
end loop;
+ -- I don't really like how it's not obvious by looking at this
+ -- whether the correct number of commas is being used.
Put_Line (Logfile,
- ",,,,,,Fractional Loss,,," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (Fractional.Total_Papers), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (Fractional.Paper_Change), Both) & "," &
- ",,,,");
+ ",,,,,,Fractional Loss,,," &
+ Int_Image (Fractional.Total_Papers) & "," &
+ Int_Image (Fractional.Paper_Change) & "," &
+ ",,,,");
Put_Line (Logfile,
- ",,,,,,Exhausted,,," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (Exhausted.Total_Papers), Both) & "," &
- Trim (Integer'Image (Exhausted.Paper_Change), Both) & "," &
- ",,,,");
+ ",,,,,,Exhausted,,," &
+ Int_Image (Exhausted.Total_Papers) & "," &
+ Int_Image (Exhausted.Paper_Change) & "," &
+ ",,,,");
Close (Logfile);
+ Next_Log_Num := Next_Log_Num + 1;
end Write_Log;
@@ -200,6 +235,8 @@ package body Election is
Element_Type => Entry_Position);
+ -- Ordering is stable with respect to the original candidate
+ -- order in the event of multiple entries have equal votes.
function "<"
(Left, Right : in Entry_Position)
return Boolean is
@@ -215,7 +252,11 @@ package body Election is
package Position_Sorting is new Position_Vectors.Generic_Sorting;
- function Extract_Running_Entries
+ -- The above types and this function are used to be able to sort
+ -- still running entries by how many votes they have without
+ -- messing up their original order, since the order should be
+ -- consistent between numbered logfiles.
+ function Get_Running_Entry_Positions
return Position_Vectors.Vector
Result : Position_Vectors.Vector := Position_Vectors.Empty_Vector;
@@ -223,28 +264,45 @@ package body Election is
for E in Entries.Iterate loop
if Entry_Vectors.Element (E).Status = Running then
- ((Index => Entry_Vectors.To_Index (E),
- Total_Votes => Entry_Vectors.Element (E).Total_Votes));
+ ((Index => Entry_Vectors.To_Index (E),
+ Total_Votes => Entry_Vectors.Element (E).Total_Votes));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Get_Running_Entry_Positions;
+ -- Only used by the Transfer_Votes function.
+ function Get_Not_Running_IDs
+ return Candidates.Containers.CandidateID_Sets.Set
+ is
+ Result : Candidates.Containers.CandidateID_Sets.Set :=
+ Candidates.Containers.CandidateID_Sets.Empty_Set;
+ begin
+ for E of Entries loop
+ if E.Status /= Running then
+ Result.Insert (E.ID);
end if;
end loop;
return Result;
- end Extract_Running_Entries;
+ end Get_Not_Running_IDs;
+ -- Helper function for Elect_Candidates and Check_No_Quota.
+ -- Performs the actual marking of Entries as being Elected.
procedure Elect
(Index : Positive;
ID : Candidates.CandidateID)
- use Ada.Strings;
- use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
Log_Msg : SU.Unbounded_String;
Log_Msg := SU.To_Unbounded_String
- (Candidates.Name_And_Party (Cand_Data.Reference (ID)) &
- " elected at logfile #" & Trim (Integer'Image (Next_Log_Num), Both));
+ (Candidates.Name_And_Party (Cand_Data.Reference (ID)) &
+ " elected at logfile #" & Int_Image (Next_Log_Num));
Put_Line (Main_Log, SU.To_String (Log_Msg));
if Verbose then
Put_Line (Standard_Error, SU.To_String (Log_Msg));
@@ -260,10 +318,12 @@ package body Election is
+ -- Marks all the entries that have quota as elected, and adds a new
+ -- Transfer for each of them to the transfer queue.
function Elect_Candidates
return Boolean
- Running : Position_Vectors.Vector := Extract_Running_Entries;
+ Running : Position_Vectors.Vector := Get_Running_Entry_Positions;
Working_Position : Positive;
Working_ID : Candidates.CandidateID;
@@ -289,6 +349,8 @@ package body Election is
+ -- This step finishes up election processing if all vacancies are filled
+ -- or if no further running Entries are available to fill them.
function Check_If_Done
return Boolean
@@ -311,94 +373,139 @@ package body Election is
- -- need to refactor this due to length
- function Transfer_Votes
- return Boolean
+ -- Helper function for Transfer_Votes.
+ -- Sets the Total_Votes, Total_Papers, Vote_Change and Paper_Change for
+ -- the Entry being transferred from to the appropriate values, and generates
+ -- a Fraction to use as a transfer value in the actual redistribution.
+ procedure Adjust_Entry_Votes_And_Papers
+ (Position : in Positive;
+ New_Value : out Rationals.Fraction)
- use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
use type Rationals.Fraction;
+ Entry_Ref : Entry_Vectors.Reference_Type :=
+ Entries.Reference (Position);
+ begin
+ if Entry_Ref.Status = Excluded then
+ Entry_Ref.Vote_Change := - Entry_Ref.Total_Votes;
+ New_Value := 1 / 1;
+ Entry_Ref.Total_Votes := 0;
+ else
+ Entry_Ref.Vote_Change := Quota - Entry_Ref.Total_Votes;
+ New_Value := (Entry_Ref.Total_Votes - Quota) / Entry_Ref.Total_Votes;
+ Entry_Ref.Total_Votes := Quota;
+ end if;
+ Entry_Ref.Paper_Change := - Entry_Ref.Total_Papers;
+ Entry_Ref.Total_Papers := 0;
+ end Adjust_Entry_Votes_And_Papers;
- Still_Running : Position_Vectors.Vector;
- Not_Considered : Candidates.Containers.CandidateID_Set;
- Working_Transfer : Pending_Transfer;
+ -- Helper function for Transfer_Votes.
+ -- Performs the actual redistribution of preferences, generating new vote Bundles
+ -- and adding them to the appropriate Entries. Also keeps a running total of how
+ -- many papers were lost to fractional losses, and how many papers were *NOT*
+ -- exhausted.
+ procedure Redistribute_Papers
+ (Still_Running : in Position_Vectors.Vector;
+ Already_Excluded : in Candidates.Containers.CandidateID_Set;
+ Transfer_From : in Candidates.CandidateID;
+ Transfer_Value : in Rationals.Fraction;
+ Fractional_Loss : out Natural;
+ Not_Exhausted : out Natural)
+ is
Working_Position : Positive;
Working_ID : Candidates.CandidateID;
- Working_Value : Rationals.Fraction;
New_Bundle : Given_Bundles.Bundle;
Votes_In, Papers_In : Natural;
- if Transfers.Length = 0 then
- return False;
- end if;
- Still_Running := Extract_Running_Entries;
- Not_Considered := Candidates.Containers.CandidateID_Sets.Empty_Set;
- for E of Entries loop
- if E.Status /= Running then
- Not_Considered.Insert (E.ID);
- end if;
- end loop;
- Working_Transfer := Transfers.First_Element;
- Transfers.Delete_First;
- Exhausted.Paper_Change := Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Papers;
- if Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Status = Excluded then
- Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Vote_Change :=
- - Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Votes;
- Working_Value := 1 / 1;
- Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Votes := 0;
- else
- Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Vote_Change :=
- Quota - Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Votes;
- Working_Value := (Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Votes - Quota) /
- Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Votes;
- Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Votes := Quota;
- end if;
- Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Paper_Change :=
- - Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Papers;
- Entries.Reference (Working_Transfer.Position).Total_Papers := 0;
+ Fractional_Loss := 0;
+ Not_Exhausted := 0;
for R in Still_Running.Iterate loop
- Working_Position := Still_Running.Reference (R).Index;
- Working_ID := Entries.Reference (Working_Position).ID;
+ Working_Position := Still_Running.Constant_Reference (R).Index;
+ Working_ID := Entries.Constant_Reference (Working_Position).ID;
- for B in Pref_Data.Reference (Working_Transfer.From).Iterate loop
+ for B in Pref_Data.Reference (Transfer_From).Iterate loop
- (This => Pref_Data.Reference (Working_Transfer.From).Reference (B),
- From => Working_Transfer.From,
+ (This => Pref_Data.Reference (Transfer_From).Reference (B),
+ From => Transfer_From,
To => Working_ID,
- Excluded => Not_Considered,
- Value => Working_Value,
+ Excluded => Already_Excluded,
+ Value => Transfer_Value,
Result => New_Bundle);
Given_Bundles.Count_Both (New_Bundle, Votes_In, Papers_In);
if Votes_In > 0 then
Pref_Data.Reference (Working_ID).Append (New_Bundle);
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Vote_Change :=
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Vote_Change + Votes_In;
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Paper_Change :=
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Paper_Change + Papers_In;
- Exhausted.Paper_Change := Exhausted.Paper_Change - Papers_In;
+ declare
+ Entry_Ref : Entry_Vectors.Reference_Type :=
+ Entries.Reference (Working_Position);
+ begin
+ Entry_Ref.Vote_Change := Entry_Ref.Vote_Change + Votes_In;
+ Entry_Ref.Paper_Change := Entry_Ref.Paper_Change + Papers_In;
+ end;
+ Not_Exhausted := Not_Exhausted + Papers_In;
elsif Papers_In > 0 then
- Fractional.Paper_Change := Fractional.Paper_Change + Papers_In;
- Exhausted.Paper_Change := Exhausted.Paper_Change - Papers_In;
+ Fractional_Loss := Fractional_Loss + Papers_In;
+ Not_Exhausted := Not_Exhausted + Papers_In;
end if;
end loop;
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Total_Votes :=
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Total_Votes +
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Vote_Change;
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Total_Papers :=
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Total_Papers +
- Entries.Reference (Working_Position).Paper_Change;
+ declare
+ Entry_Ref : Entry_Vectors.Reference_Type :=
+ Entries.Reference (Working_Position);
+ begin
+ Entry_Ref.Total_Votes := Entry_Ref.Total_Votes + Entry_Ref.Vote_Change;
+ Entry_Ref.Total_Papers := Entry_Ref.Total_Papers + Entry_Ref.Paper_Change;
+ end;
end loop;
- Pref_Data.Replace (Working_Transfer.From, Bundle_Containers.Bundle_Vectors.Empty_Vector);
+ Pref_Data.Replace (Transfer_From, Bundle_Containers.Bundle_Vectors.Empty_Vector);
+ end Redistribute_Papers;
- Fractional.Total_Papers := Fractional.Total_Papers + Fractional.Paper_Change;
+ -- Takes the oldest Transfer from the transfer queue and uses the above
+ -- helper functions to perform it. Only performs a single transfer per call.
+ function Transfer_Votes
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Running_Positions : Position_Vectors.Vector;
+ Not_Considered : Candidates.Containers.CandidateID_Set;
+ This_Transfer : Pending_Transfer;
+ This_Value : Rationals.Fraction;
+ Fractional_Loss, Not_Exhausted : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Integer (Transfers.Length) = 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Running_Positions := Get_Running_Entry_Positions;
+ Not_Considered := Get_Not_Running_IDs;
+ This_Transfer := Transfers.First_Element;
+ Transfers.Delete_First;
+ Exhausted.Paper_Change := Entries.Reference (This_Transfer.Position).Total_Papers;
+ Adjust_Entry_Votes_And_Papers
+ (Position => This_Transfer.Position,
+ New_Value => This_Value);
+ Redistribute_Papers
+ (Still_Running => Running_Positions,
+ Already_Excluded => Not_Considered,
+ Transfer_From => This_Transfer.From,
+ Transfer_Value => This_Value,
+ Fractional_Loss => Fractional_Loss,
+ Not_Exhausted => Not_Exhausted);
+ Fractional.Paper_Change := Fractional_Loss;
+ Fractional.Total_Papers := Fractional.Total_Papers + Fractional_Loss;
+ Exhausted.Paper_Change := Exhausted.Paper_Change - Not_Exhausted;
Exhausted.Total_Papers := Exhausted.Total_Papers + Exhausted.Paper_Change;
return True;
@@ -407,10 +514,13 @@ package body Election is
+ -- If the number of running entries is only one more than the number of
+ -- vacancies remaining to be filled, the entries with the highest vote
+ -- totals can be elected without further vote transferral.
function Check_No_Quota
return Boolean
- Running : Position_Vectors.Vector := Extract_Running_Entries;
+ Running : Position_Vectors.Vector := Get_Running_Entry_Positions;
Working_Position : Positive;
Working_ID : Candidates.CandidateID;
@@ -434,20 +544,26 @@ package body Election is
+ -- Implements bulk exclusions using applied breakpoints. Entries will be
+ -- excluded in order of least vote count until the running total of excluded
+ -- votes is as high as it can go without exceeding the difference between the
+ -- running entry with the highest vote total and the quota. A minimum of one entry
+ -- will always be excluded. A new Transfer for each excluded Entry is added
+ -- to the transfer queue.
+ -- (Note that this step does not yet implement proper tiebreaker handling.)
function Exclude_Candidates
return Boolean
- use Ada.Strings;
- use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
- Running : Position_Vectors.Vector := Extract_Running_Entries;
+ Running : Position_Vectors.Vector := Get_Running_Entry_Positions;
Log_Msg : SU.Unbounded_String;
Working_ID : Candidates.CandidateID;
Working_Position : Positive;
Number_Excluded : Natural := 0;
Votes_Excluded : Natural := 0;
Votes_To_Be_Excluded : Natural;
Applied_Breakpoint : Positive;
Position_Sorting.Sort (Running);
@@ -469,8 +585,8 @@ package body Election is
if Number_Excluded > 1 then
Log_Msg := SU.To_Unbounded_String
- ("Bulk exclusion of " & Trim (Integer'Image (Number_Excluded), Both) &
- " candidates at logfile #" & Trim (Integer'Image (Next_Log_Num), Both));
+ ("Bulk exclusion of " & Int_Image (Number_Excluded) &
+ " candidates at logfile #" & Int_Image (Next_Log_Num));
Put_Line (Main_Log, SU.To_String (Log_Msg));
if Verbose then
Put_Line (Standard_Error, SU.To_String (Log_Msg));
@@ -483,18 +599,21 @@ package body Election is
+ -- The main loop of election processing. Each individual step returns
+ -- a boolean value of whether or not it was applicable and did anything,
+ -- which allows the use of the if statement.
procedure Run is
while Work_To_Do loop
- Next_Log_Num := Next_Log_Num + 1;
+ -- Clear marked changes in the entry list from
+ -- previous iterations.
for E of Entries loop
E.Vote_Change := 0;
E.Paper_Change := 0;
E.Changed := False;
end loop;
Fractional.Paper_Change := 0;
Exhausted.Paper_Change := 0;
@@ -504,8 +623,8 @@ package body Election is
not Check_No_Quota and then
not Exclude_Candidates
- -- if all of the above procedures can't do
- -- anything then something is wrong
+ -- If all of the above procedures can't do
+ -- anything then something is wrong.
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end loop;
@@ -514,6 +633,8 @@ package body Election is
+ -- A guard function to ensure nobody foolishly tries to run
+ -- an election before setting it up.
function Is_Properly_Setup
return Boolean is
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f55637f..7d931bc 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ private
Element_Type => Pending_Transfer);
- -- this is used to keep track of exhausted and
- -- fractional loss votes/papers
+ -- This is used to keep track of exhausted and
+ -- fractional loss papers.
type Extra_Data is record
Paper_Change : Integer;
Total_Papers : Natural;