diff options
2 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rationals.adb b/src/rationals.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2255afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rationals.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+package body Rationals is
+ function Reduce
+ (Numerator, Denominator : in Integer)
+ return Fraction
+ is
+ A : Integer := Numerator;
+ B : Integer := Denominator;
+ Temp : Integer;
+ begin
+ -- Euclid's algorithm
+ loop
+ Temp := A;
+ A := B;
+ B := Temp mod B;
+ exit when B = 0;
+ end loop;
+ return (Num => Numerator / A, Den => Denominator / A);
+ end Reduce;
+ function "+"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num * Right.Den + Left.Den * Right.Num,
+ Left.Den * Right.Den);
+ end "+";
+ function "+"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num + Left.Den * Right,
+ Left.Den);
+ end "+";
+ function "+"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left * Right.Den + Right.Num,
+ Right.Den);
+ end "+";
+ function "-"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num * Right.Den - Left.Den * Right.Num,
+ Left.Den * Right.Den);
+ end "-";
+ function "-"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num - Left.Den * Right,
+ Left.Den);
+ end "-";
+ function "-"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left * Right.Den - Right.Num,
+ Right.Den);
+ end "-";
+ function "-"
+ (Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return (Num => - Right.Num, Den => Right.Den);
+ end "-";
+ function "*"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num * Right.Num,
+ Left.Den * Right.Den);
+ end "*";
+ function "*"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num * Right,
+ Right);
+ end "*";
+ function "*"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left * Right.Num,
+ Right.Den);
+ end "*";
+ function "/"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num * Right.Den,
+ Left.Den * Right.Num);
+ end "/";
+ function "/"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Left.Num,
+ Left.Den * Right);
+ end "/";
+ function "/"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce
+ (Right.Num,
+ Left * Right.Den);
+ end "/";
+ function "/"
+ (Left, Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction is
+ begin
+ return Reduce (Left, Right);
+ end "/";
+ function "="
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num = Right.Num and
+ Left.Den = Right.Den;
+ end "=";
+ function "="
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num = Right and Left.Den = 1;
+ end "=";
+ function "="
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left = Right.Num and Right.Den = 1;
+ end "=";
+ function "<="
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num * Right.Den <= Left.Den * Right.Num;
+ end "<=";
+ function "<="
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num <= Left.Den * Right;
+ end "<=";
+ function "<="
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left * Right.Den <= Right.Num;
+ end "<=";
+ function "<"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num * Right.Den < Left.Den * Right.Num;
+ end "<";
+ function "<"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num < Left.Den * Right;
+ end "<";
+ function "<"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left * Right.Den < Right.Num;
+ end "<";
+ function ">="
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num * Right.Den >= Left.Den * Right.Num;
+ end ">=";
+ function ">="
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num >= Left.Den * Right;
+ end ">=";
+ function ">="
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left * Right.Den >= Right.Num;
+ end ">=";
+ function ">"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num * Right.Den > Left.Den * Right.Num;
+ end ">";
+ function ">"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Num > Left.Den * Right;
+ end ">";
+ function ">"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left * Right.Den > Right.Num;
+ end ">";
+ function Numerator
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer is
+ begin
+ return Item.Num;
+ end Numerator;
+ function Denominator
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer is
+ begin
+ return Item.Den;
+ end Denominator;
+ function Floor
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer is
+ begin
+ return Item.Num / Item.Den;
+ end Floor;
+ function Ceiling
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer is
+ begin
+ if Item.Num mod Item.Den = 0 then
+ return Item.Num / Item.Den;
+ else
+ return 1 + Item.Num / Item.Den;
+ end if;
+ end Ceiling;
+ function Round
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer is
+ begin
+ if Item.Num mod Item.Den > Standard."/" (Item.Den, 2) then
+ return 1 + Item.Num / Item.Den;
+ else
+ return Item.Num / Item.Den;
+ end if;
+ end Round;
+ function Image
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return String
+ is
+ use Ada.Strings;
+ use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+ begin
+ return Trim (Integer'Image (Item.Num), Left) & '/' &
+ Trim (Integer'Image (Item.Den), Left);
+ end Image;
+ function Value
+ (Item : in String)
+ return Fraction
+ is
+ use Ada.Strings;
+ use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+ A, B, S : Integer;
+ begin
+ S := Index (Item, "/");
+ A := Integer'Value (Item (Item'First .. S - 1));
+ B := Integer'Value (Item (S + 1 .. Item'Last));
+ return (Num => A, Den => B);
+ end Value;
+end Rationals;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03ac95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+package Rationals is
+ type Fraction is private;
+ function "+"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "+"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "+"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "-"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "-"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "-"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "-"
+ (Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "*"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "*"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "*"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "/"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "/"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "/"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "/"
+ (Left, Right : in Integer)
+ return Fraction;
+ function "="
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "="
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "="
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "<="
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "<="
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "<="
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "<"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "<"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "<"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function ">="
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function ">="
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ function ">="
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function ">"
+ (Left, Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function ">"
+ (Left : in Fraction;
+ Right : in Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ function ">"
+ (Left : in Integer;
+ Right : in Fraction)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Numerator
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer;
+ function Denominator
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer;
+ function Floor
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer;
+ function Ceiling
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer;
+ function Round
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return Integer;
+ function Image
+ (Item : in Fraction)
+ return String;
+ function Value
+ (Item : in String)
+ return Fraction;
+ type Fraction is record
+ Num : Integer := 0;
+ Den : Integer := 1;
+ end record;
+end Rationals;