path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
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index 0000000..f75ad6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
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+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+-- License, or (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
+-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
+-- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
+-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
+-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
+-- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
+-- With this packet you can generate (unsigned) n-Bit Numbers (Big_Unsigned).
+-- You can only create k*m Bit-Numbers where 1 < k < 2**32 and m is the
+-- size of a CPU-Word. For further informations read the ACL documentation.
+-- The look and feel is "borrowed" from J. Delcourt BIG_NUMBER package.
+-- First I want to use Delcourts package directly, but then I decided to
+-- rewrite it completly form scratch. ;-)
+with System;
+with Crypto.Types;
+use Crypto.Types;
+ Size : Positive;
+package Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers is
+ type Big_Unsigned is private;
+ subtype Number_Base is Integer range 2 .. 16;
+ -- Do not use this type. This one is only needed for internal purpose.
+ type D_Big_Unsigned is private;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------Constants---------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- A few constants
+ Big_Unsigned_Zero : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 0
+ Big_Unsigned_One : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 1
+ Big_Unsigned_Two : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 2
+ Big_Unsigned_Three : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 3
+ Big_Unsigned_Four : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 4
+ Big_Unsigned_Ten : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 10
+ Big_Unsigned_Sixteen : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 16
+ Big_Unsigned_First : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 0
+ Big_Unsigned_Last : constant Big_Unsigned; -- "Big_Unsigned'Last"
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------Compare----------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- compare: Big Unsigned with Big_Unsigned
+ function "="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function "<"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function ">"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function "<="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function ">="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function Min(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Max(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ -- compare: Big Unsigned with Word
+ function "="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
+ function "="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function "<"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
+ function "<"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function ">"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
+ function ">"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function "<="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
+ function "<="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ function ">="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
+ function ">="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------Basic-----------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "+"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "+"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "-"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "-"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "-"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "-"(X : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "*"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Russ (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Karatsuba (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Karatsuba_P (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+-- function Karatsuba_Prot (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Toom_Cook (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Toom_Cook_P (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "*"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "*"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "/"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "/"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "/"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "xor"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "or" (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "and"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "and"(Left: Big_Unsigned; Right: Word) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "and"(Left: Word; Right: Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "**"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "mod"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function "mod"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------Utils------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ package Utils is
+ procedure Swap(X, Y : in out Big_Unsigned);
+ procedure Set_Least_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
+ procedure Set_Most_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
+ -- Returns true if X is odd .
+ function Is_Odd(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ -- Returns true if X is even.
+ function Is_Even(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ -- Caution: All operations are mod Big_unsigned_Last+1.
+ -- X = Big_unsigned_Zero
+ -- Inc(X)
+ -- X = Big_Unsigned_Last
+ -- Dec(X)
+ -- X = Big_unsigned_Zero
+ procedure Inc(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
+ procedure Dec(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Shift_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Shift_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Rotate_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Rotate_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Get_Random return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Bit_Length(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
+ function Lowest_Set_Bit(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
+ function Length_In_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
+ function Gcd(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function To_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Bytes;
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Bytes) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function To_Words(X : Big_Unsigned) return Words;
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Words) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function To_String(Item : Big_Unsigned;
+ Base : Number_Base := 10) return String;
+ function To_Big_Unsigned(S : String) return Big_Unsigned;
+ procedure Put(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10);
+ procedure Put_Line(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10);
+ procedure Big_Div(Dividend, Divisor : in Big_Unsigned;
+ Quotient, Remainder : out Big_Unsigned);
+ procedure Short_Div(Dividend : in Big_Unsigned;
+ Divisor : in Word;
+ Quotient : out Big_Unsigned;
+ Remainder : out Word);
+ end Utils;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --------------------------Mod_Utils----------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ package Mod_Utils is
+ -- All operations in this package are mod N
+ function Add (Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Sub (Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Div (Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Mult(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+-- function Barrett(Left, Right, M : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+-- function Mult_School(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Pow (Base, Exponent, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ -- Returns a random Big_Unsigned mod N
+ function Get_Random (N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function Inverse (X, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ -- This function returns with an overwhelming probability a prim
+ function Get_Prime(N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ -- This function returns with an overwhelming probability a n-bit prim
+ function Get_N_Bit_Prime(N : Positive) return Big_Unsigned;
+ -- This function returns true if X is a prim and
+ -- with an overwhelming probability false if X is not prime
+ -- The change that a snowball survive one day in hell are greater that
+ -- this function returns true if X is no prim.
+ -- functionality:
+ -- 1. Test if a one digit prime (2,3,5,7) divides X
+ -- 2. Test if a two digit prime number divides X
+ -- 3. Test if X is a "Lucas-Lehmer" prime
+ -- 4. Test if a three digit prime number divides X
+ -- 5. compute N random Big_Unsigneds and test if one
+ -- of those is an Miller-Rabin wittness ( 1 < N < 51)
+ -- (N depends on the Bit_Length of X).
+ function Is_Prime(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ -- a weaker but faster prime test
+ function Looks_Like_A_Prime(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
+ -- Returns only true if X passed n iterations of the
+ -- Miller-Rabin tests. This test is taken from the DSA spec (NIST FIPS
+ -- 186-2).The execution time of this function is proportional
+ -- to the value of this parameter.
+ -- The probability that a pseudoprim pass this test is < (1/(2**(2*S)))
+ function Passed_Miller_Rabin_Test(X : Big_Unsigned;
+ S : Positive) return Boolean;
+ function Jacobi(X, N : Big_Unsigned) return Integer;
+ -- internal functions for Binfield_Utils. Please, DON'T use them.
+ function Shift_Left(Value : D_Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return D_Big_Unsigned;
+ function Bit_Length(X : D_Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
+ end Mod_Utils;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ package Binfield_Utils is
+ -- binary field operations
+ -- F is the irreducible polynom with f(z)=2^m + r(z)
+ -- Remember all operations are in GF(2^m)
+ function B_Add(Left,Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function B_Sub(Left,Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function B_Mult(Left, Right, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function B_Div (Left, Right, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function B_Square(A, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function B_Mod(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ function B_Inverse(X, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
+ end Binfield_Utils;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------Exceptions------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Constraint_Size_Error : exception;
+ Division_By_Zero : exception;
+ Conversion_Error : exception;
+ Is_Zero_Error : exception;
+-- Big_Unsigned_Overflow : exception;
+-- Big_Unsigned_Negative : exception;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --------------------------------PRIVATE------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type Largest_Unsigned is mod System.Max_Binary_Modulus;
+ Max_Length : Natural := (Size/Word'Size)-1;
+ D_Max_Length : Positive := 2*Max_Length+1;
+ subtype Limbs is Words(0..Max_Length);
+ subtype DLimbs is Words(0..D_Max_Length);
+ subtype M_Len is Natural range Limbs'Range;
+ -- This is our Big_Unsigned
+ -- It represents a Size*Word'Size-bit number
+ -- Last_Index is the Number of the last slice who
+ -- contains the most significant bit of the current number.
+ -- Ex.:
+ -- Word'Size = 24
+ -- Our Big_Unsigned A is equal to 2**100-7
+ -- Big_Unsignesd_Last = 2**240-1
+ -- So only Slice 0-4 contains a part of the current 99-Bit number (2**100-7)
+ -- In this case A.Last_Index = 4 because A.X(5)=...=A.X(9)=0
+ type Big_Unsigned is record
+ Last_Index : Natural:=0;
+ Number : Limbs:=(others => 0);
+ end record;
+ type D_Big_Unsigned is record
+ Last_Index : Natural:=0;
+ Number : DLimbs:=(others => 0);
+ end record;
+ -- prime test
+ type Hardness is (Weak, Strong);
+ -- Constants definitions
+ Big_Unsigned_Zero : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (OTHERS => 0));
+ Big_Unsigned_One : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 1, OTHERS => 0));
+ Big_Unsigned_Two : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 2, OTHERS => 0));
+ Big_Unsigned_Three : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 3, OTHERS => 0));
+ Big_Unsigned_Four : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 4, OTHERS => 0));
+ Big_Unsigned_Ten : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 10, OTHERS => 0));
+ Big_Unsigned_Sixteen : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 16, OTHERS => 0));
+ Big_Unsigned_First : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ Big_Unsigned_Zero;
+ Big_Unsigned_Last : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => Max_Length, Number => (OTHERS => Word'Last));
+ D_Big_Unsigned_Zero : CONSTANT D_Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (OTHERS => 0));
+ D_Big_Unsigned_One : CONSTANT D_Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 1, OTHERS => 0));
+ D_Big_Unsigned_Last : CONSTANT D_Big_Unsigned :=
+ (Last_Index => D_Max_Length, Number => (OTHERS => Word'Last));
+ -- Shifting
+ function Shift_Left (Value : Largest_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Largest_Unsigned;
+ function Shift_Right (Value : Largest_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
+ return Largest_Unsigned;
+ --pragma Inline("-", "/", "**", "mod", "xor", "and", "or");
+ pragma Inline("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", Min, Max);
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
+ pragma Optimize (Time);
+end Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers;