path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 357 deletions
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--- a/src/
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--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-package Crypto.Types is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------TYPES-------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- primary types;
- type Bit is mod 2;
- for Bit'Size use 1;
- type Byte is mod 2 ** 8;
- for Byte'Size use 8;
- type DByte is mod 2 ** 16;
- for DByte'Size use 16;
- type TByte is mod 2 ** 24 with Size => 24;
- type Word is mod 2 ** 32;
- for Word'Size use 32;
- type DWord is mod 2 ** 64;
- for DWord'Size use 64;
- --package BIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (Byte);
- --package WIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (Word);
- --package DIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (DWord);
- -- Arrays of primary types
- type Bits is array (Integer range <>) of Bit;
- type Bytes is array (Integer range <>) of Byte;
- type DBytes is array (Integer range <>) of DByte;
- type Words is array (Integer range <>) of Word;
- type DWords is array (Integer range <>) of DWord;
- subtype Byte_Word_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype Byte_DWord_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype Byte_Word is Bytes (Byte_Word_Range);
- subtype Byte_DWord is Bytes (Byte_DWord_Range);
- -- N : #bits
- -- byte-blocks (B_BlockN): array of N/8 bytes
- subtype B_Block32_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype B_Block48_Range is Natural range 0..5;
- subtype B_Block56_Range is Natural range 0..6;
- subtype B_Block64_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype B_Block128_Range is Natural range 0..15;
- subtype B_Block160_Range is Natural range 0..19;
- subtype B_Block192_Range is Natural range 0..23;
- subtype B_Block256_Range is Natural range 0..31;
- type B_Block32 is array(B_Block32_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block48 is array(B_Block48_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block56 is array(B_Block56_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block64 is array(B_Block64_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block128 is array(B_Block128_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block160 is array(B_Block160_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block192 is array(B_Block192_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block256 is array(B_Block256_Range) of Byte;
- -- word blocks (W_BlockN): array of N/32 Words
- subtype W_Block128_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype W_Block160_Range is Natural range 0..4;
- subtype W_Block192_Range is Natural range 0..5;
- subtype W_Block256_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype W_Block512_Range is Natural range 0..15;
- type W_Block128 is array(W_Block128_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block160 is array(W_Block160_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block192 is array(W_Block192_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block256 is array(W_Block256_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block512 is array(W_Block512_Range) of Word;
- -- double wordblocks (DW_BlockN): array of N/64 Words
- subtype DW_Block128_Range is Natural range 0..1;
- subtype DW_Block256_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype DW_Block384_Range is Natural range 0..5;
- subtype DW_Block512_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype DW_Block1024_Range is Natural range 0..15;
- subtype DW_Block8192_Range is Natural range 0..127;
- type DW_Block128 is array(DW_Block128_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block256 is array(DW_Block256_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block384 is array(DW_Block384_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block512 is array(DW_Block512_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block1024 is array(DW_Block1024_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block8192 is array(DW_Block8192_Range) of DWord;
- subtype Hex_Byte_Range is Natural range 1..2;
- subtype Hex_Word_Range is Natural range 1..8;
- subtype Hex_DWord_Range is Natural range 1..16;
- subtype Hex_Byte is String (Hex_Byte_Range);
- subtype Hex_Word is String (Hex_Word_Range);
- subtype Hex_DWord is String (Hex_DWord_Range);
- subtype Message_Block_Length256 is Natural range 0 .. 32;
- subtype Message_Block_Length512 is Natural range 0 .. 64;
- subtype Message_Block_Length1024 is Natural range 0 .. 128;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Left (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Shift_Right (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Shift_Left (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Shift_Right (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Shift_Left (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Shift_Right (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Shift_Left (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- function Shift_Right (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
- function Shift_Left (Value : Bytes; Amount : Natural) return Bytes;
- function Shift_Left (Value : B_Block128; Amount : Natural) return B_Block128;
- function Shift_Right(Value : Bytes; Amount : Natural) return Bytes;
- function Shift_Right(Value : B_Block128; Amount : Natural) return B_Block128;
- --Operations for Bytes
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Bytes) return Bytes;
- function "xor"(Left : Bytes; Right : Byte) return Bytes;
- function "+"(Left : Bytes; Right : Byte) return Bytes;
- function "+"(Left : Byte; Right : Bytes) return Bytes;
- function "and"(Left, Right : Bytes) return Bytes;
- -- Operations for Words
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Words) return Words;
- function "+"(Left : Words; Right : Word) return Words;
- function "+"(Left : Word; Right : Words) return Words;
- function "+"(Left : Words; Right : Byte) return Words;
- -- Operations for DWords
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DWords) return DWords;
- function "+"(Left : DWords; Right : DWord) return DWords;
- function "+"(Left : DWord; Right : DWords) return DWords;
- function "+"(Left : DWords; Right : Byte) return DWords;
- -- Bytes to Word
- function To_Word (A,B,C,D : Byte) return Word;
- function To_Word (X : Byte_Word) return Word;
- function R_To_Word (X : Byte_Word) return Word; -- reverse
- function To_Words(Byte_Array : Bytes) return Words;
- -- Word to Bytes
- function To_Bytes (X : Word) return Byte_Word;
- function R_To_Bytes (X : Word) return Byte_Word; --reverse
- function To_Bytes(Word_Array : Words) return Bytes;
- --Word = b_0 b_1 b2 b_3
- -- ByteX returns b_n
- function Byte0 (W : Word) return Byte;
- function Byte1 (W : Word) return Byte;
- function Byte2 (W : Word) return Byte;
- function Byte3 (W : Word) return Byte;
- -- Bytes to DWord
- function To_DWord (X : Byte_DWord) return DWord;
- function R_To_DWord (X : Byte_DWord) return DWord;
- function To_DWords (Byte_Array : Bytes) return DWords;
- -- DWord to Bytes
- function To_Bytes (X : DWord) return Byte_DWord;
- function R_To_Bytes (X : DWord) return Byte_DWord;
- function To_Bytes (DWord_Array : DWords) return Bytes;
- --DWord = b_0 b_1 b2 b_3 b_4 b_5 b_6 b_7
- -- ByteX returns b_n
- function Byte0 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte1 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte2 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte3 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte4 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte5 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte6 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte7 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- -- To_Word
- function To_Word (A,B,C,D : Character) return Word;
- -- String to Bytes
- function To_Bytes(Message : String) return Bytes;
- -- Bytes to String
- function To_String(ASCII : Bytes) return String;
- -- To_Hex
- function To_Hex(B : Byte) return Hex_Byte;
- function To_Hex(W : Word) return Hex_Word;
- function To_Hex(D : DWord) return Hex_DWord;
- -- To_Bytes
- function Hex_To_Bytes(Hex : String) return Bytes;
- -- Is_Zero
- -- returns only true if the "input array" X = (others => 0)
- function Is_Zero(Byte_Array : Bytes) return Boolean;
- function Is_Zero(Word_Array : Words) return Boolean;
- function Is_Zero(DWord_Array : DWords) return Boolean;
- -- Byte Blocks To Bytes.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block64) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block128) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block192) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block256) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block160) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block256) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block512) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block256) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block384) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block512) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block1024) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block8192) return Bytes;
- -- Bytes To block of Bytes.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_B_Block64(B : Bytes) return B_Block64;
- function To_B_Block128(B : Bytes) return B_Block128;
- function To_B_Block192(B : Bytes) return B_Block192;
- function To_B_Block256(B : Bytes) return B_Block256;
- -- Bytes To block of words.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_W_Block160(B : Bytes) return W_Block160;
- function To_W_Block256(B : Bytes) return W_Block256;
- function To_W_Block512(B : Bytes) return W_Block512;
- -- Bytes To block of double words.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_DW_Block256(B : Bytes) return DW_Block256;
- function To_DW_Block384(B : Bytes) return DW_Block384;
- function To_DW_Block512(B : Bytes) return DW_Block512;
- function To_DW_Block1024(B : Bytes) return DW_Block1024;
- function To_DW_Block8192(B : Bytes) return DW_Block8192;
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function "xor"(Left, Right : B_Block64) return B_Block64;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : B_Block128) return B_Block128;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block160) return W_Block160;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block256) return W_Block256;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block512) return W_Block512;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block512) return DW_Block512;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block1024) return DW_Block1024;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block8192) return DW_Block8192;
- function "+"(Left : B_Block128; Right : Byte) return B_Block128;
- -- Splits byte array of length n into a left part of length
- -- ceiling(n/2) and a right part of length floor(n/2).
- function Left_Part(Block : in Bytes) return Bytes;
- function Right_Part(Block : in Bytes) return Bytes;
- -- Nested generic package
- generic
- type T is mod <>;
- type T_A is array (Integer range <>) of T;
- with function Shift_Left (Value : T; Amount : Natural) return T is <>;
- with function Shift_Right (Value : T; Amount : Natural) return T is <>;
- package Generic_Mod_Aux is
- function "xor"(Left, Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function "xor"(Left : T_A; Right : T) return T_A;
- function "xor"(Left : T; Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function "and"(Left, Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function "+"(Left : T_A; Right : T) return T_A;
- function "+"(Left : T; Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function Is_Zero(Item : T_A) return Boolean;
- function Left_Part (Block : in T_A) return T_A;
- function Right_Part(Block : in T_A) return T_A;
- function Shift_Left(Value : T_A; Amount : Natural) return T_A;
- function Shift_Right(Value : T_A; Amount : Natural) return T_A;
- end Generic_Mod_Aux;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------PRIVATE-------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pragma Inline (To_B_Block128,To_B_Block192,To_B_Block256);
- pragma Inline ("xor","+");
- pragma Inline (R_To_Bytes, To_Bytes);
- pragma Inline (To_Word, Byte0, Byte1, Byte2, Byte3);
- pragma Inline (Byte4, Byte5, Byte6, Byte7);
- pragma Inline (To_DWord, R_To_DWord);
- pragma Inline (Is_Zero);
- pragma Inline (Left_Part, Right_Part);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Rotate_Left);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Rotate_Right);
- pragma Optimize(Time);
-end Crypto.Types;