path: root/src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb b/src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8f1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+-- File: muprinio.adb; see specification (
+package body Multi_precision_integers.IO is
+ package IIO is new Integer_IO( index_int );
+ table: constant array(basic_int'(0)..15) of Character:=
+ ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
+ -- 15-Feb-2002: Bugfix case i=0. Spotted by Duncan Sands
+ function Chiffres_i_non_nul(i: multi_int; base: number_base:= 10) return Natural is
+ nombre: multi_int(i.last_used);
+ la_base : constant basic_int := basic_int(base);
+ nchiffres: Natural:= 1;
+ procedure Comptage_rapide( C: Positive ) is
+ test : multi_int(i.n);
+ base_puiss_C: constant multi_int:= Multi( basic_int(base) ) ** C;
+ begin
+ loop
+ Fill(test, nombre / base_puiss_C );
+ exit when;
+ -- quotient non nul, donc on a au moins C chiffres
+ Fill(nombre, test);
+ nchiffres:= nchiffres + C;
+ end loop;
+ end Comptage_rapide;
+ begin
+ Fill(nombre, i);
+ Comptage_rapide( 400 );
+ Comptage_rapide( 20 );
+ loop
+ Fill(nombre, nombre / la_base);
+ exit when;
+ nchiffres:= nchiffres + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return nchiffres;
+ end Chiffres_i_non_nul;
+ function Number_of_digits(i: multi_int; base: number_base:= 10) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if then
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return Chiffres_i_non_nul(i,base);
+ end if;
+ end Number_of_digits;
+ function Str(i: multi_int; base: number_base:= 10) return String is
+ res: String(1..1 + Number_of_digits(i,base)):= (others=> 'x');
+ nombre : multi_int(i.n):= i;
+ chiffre: basic_int;
+ la_base: constant basic_int := basic_int(base);
+ begin
+ if or else not nombre.neg then
+ res(1):= ' ';
+ else
+ res(1):= '-';
+ end if;
+ nombre.neg:= False;
+ -- maintenant nombre et base sont >=0, MOD=REM
+ for k in reverse 2 .. res'Last loop
+ Div_Rem( nombre, la_base, nombre, chiffre );
+ res(k):= table( chiffre );
+ exit when;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end Str;
+-- !!! recursion !!!
+ function Val(s: String) return multi_int is
+ formatting_error: exception;
+ begin
+ if s="" then
+ return Multi(0);
+ elsif s(s'First)='-' then
+ return -Val(s(s'First+1..s'Last));
+ elsif s(s'First)='+' then
+ return Val(s(s'First+1..s'Last));
+ elsif s(s'Last) in '0'..'9' then
+ return basic_int'Value(s(s'Last..s'Last)) + 10 *
+ Val(s(s'First..s'Last-1));
+ else
+ raise formatting_error;
+ end if;
+ end Val;
+ procedure Put_in_blocks(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : in multi_int) is
+ begin
+ if Item.neg then put(File,'-'); else put(File,'+'); end if;
+ Put(File, " [ ");
+ IIO.Put(File, 1+Item.n , 3);
+ Put(File, " blocks ]: ");
+ Put(File,'{');
+ if Item.n > Item.last_used then
+ IIO.Put(File, Item.n - Item.last_used, 3);
+ Put(File, " unused |");
+ end if;
+ for k in reverse 0 .. Item.last_used loop
+ Put(File, Block_type'Image(Item.blk(k)));
+ if k>0 then Put(File,'|'); end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put(File,'}');
+ end Put_in_blocks;
+ procedure Put_in_blocks(Item : in multi_int) is
+ begin
+ Put_in_blocks( Standard_Output, Item );
+ end Put_in_blocks;
+ procedure Get(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : out multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0) is
+ begin
+ null; -- !!!
+ end Get;
+ procedure Get(Item : out multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0) is
+ begin
+ Get(Standard_Input, Item, Width);
+ end Get;
+ procedure Put(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : in multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base) is
+ begin
+ if Width = 0 then -- No padding required (default)
+ Put(File, Str(Item, Base));
+ else -- Left padding required -> slow
+ declare
+ la_chaine: String(1..Width);
+ begin
+ Put(la_chaine, Item, Base);
+ Put(File, la_chaine);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put(Item : in multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base) is
+ begin
+ Put(Standard_Output, Item, Width, Base);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Get(From : in String;
+ Item : out multi_int;
+ Last : out Positive) is
+ begin
+ Last:= 1;
+ null; -- !!!
+ end Get;
+ procedure Put(To : out String;
+ Item : in multi_int;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base) is
+ nchiffres: constant Natural:= Number_of_digits(Item, Base);
+ blancs: constant String(To'Range):= (others=> ' ');
+ begin
+ if nchiffres > To'Length then
+ raise Layout_Error;
+ else
+ To:= blancs;
+ To( To'Last - nchiffres .. To'Last ):= Str(Item, Base);
+ end if;
+ end Put;
+end Multi_precision_integers.IO;