diff options
authorJed Barber <>2016-11-18 21:26:25 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2016-11-18 21:26:25 +1100
commite136503bc4c8f46f4dd98e919562103d875fbeca (patch)
parentba19cac8303b22ed415f246ea18dc334dd572343 (diff)
Undo/Redo now unlimited, very rough Change_Vectors package created to accommodate
5 files changed, 342 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/adapad.adb b/src/adapad.adb
index 82aa1ad..154e636 100644
--- a/src/adapad.adb
+++ b/src/adapad.adb
@@ -4,14 +4,19 @@ with FLTK.Widgets.Menus;
with FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows;
with FLTK.Text_Buffers;
with FLTK.Dialogs;
+with FLTK.Enums; use FLTK.Enums;
with Windows.Editor;
with Windows.About;
with Windows.Find;
with Windows.Replace;
with Windows.Jump;
+with Change_Vectors;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
package body Adapad is
@@ -37,8 +42,9 @@ package body Adapad is
Replace : Windows.Replace.Replace_Window := Windows.Replace.Create;
Jump : Windows.Jump.Jump_Window := Windows.Jump.Create;
- Changed : Boolean := False;
- Filename : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (0);
+ Changed : Boolean := False;
+ Mod_List : Change_Vectors.Change_Vector := Change_Vectors.Empty_Vector;
+ Filename : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (0);
@@ -126,14 +132,67 @@ package body Adapad is
procedure Undo_CB
- (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is
+ (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class)
+ is
+ use type FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification;
+ Bar : FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu_Cursor := Editor.Get_Menu_Bar;
+ Ch : Change_Vectors.Change;
- Editor.Undo;
+ Buffer.Disable_Callbacks;
+ if Mod_List.Peek (Ch) then
+ if Ch.Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert then
+ Buffer.Remove_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length);
+ Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place));
+ else
+ Buffer.Insert_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), To_String (Ch.Text));
+ Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length);
+ end if;
+ Editor.Show_Insert_Position;
+ Mod_List.Pop;
+ Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Redo").Activate;
+ if Mod_List.At_Start then
+ Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Undo").Deactivate;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Buffer.Enable_Callbacks;
end Undo_CB;
+ procedure Redo_CB
+ (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class)
+ is
+ use type FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification;
+ Bar : FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu_Cursor := Editor.Get_Menu_Bar;
+ Ch : Change_Vectors.Change;
+ begin
+ Buffer.Disable_Callbacks;
+ if Mod_List.Re_Push then
+ Mod_List.Peek (Ch);
+ if Ch.Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert then
+ Buffer.Insert_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), To_String (Ch.Text));
+ Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length);
+ else
+ Buffer.Remove_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length);
+ Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place));
+ end if;
+ Editor.Show_Insert_Position;
+ Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Undo").Activate;
+ if Mod_List.At_End then
+ Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Redo").Deactivate;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Buffer.Enable_Callbacks;
+ end Redo_CB;
procedure Cut_CB
(Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is
@@ -302,6 +361,24 @@ package body Adapad is
if Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert or Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Delete then
Changed := True;
+ declare
+ Ch : Change_Vectors.Change;
+ begin
+ Ch.Action := Action;
+ Ch.Place := Place;
+ Ch.Length := Length;
+ if Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert then
+ Ch.Text := To_Unbounded_String
+ (Buffer.Text_At (Integer (Place), Integer (Place) + Length));
+ else
+ Ch.Text := To_Unbounded_String (Deleted_Text);
+ end if;
+ Mod_List.Push (Ch);
+ Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Undo").Activate;
+ if Mod_List.At_End then
+ Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Redo").Deactivate;
+ end if;
+ end;
end if;
if Buffer.Has_Selection then
@@ -558,7 +635,8 @@ begin
Bar.Add ("File/&Quit", Quit_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'q');
Bar.Add (Text => "&Edit", Flags => Flag_Submenu);
- Bar.Add ("Edit/&Undo", Undo_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'z', Flag_Divider);
+ Bar.Add ("Edit/&Undo", Undo_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'z', Flag_Inactive);
+ Bar.Add ("Edit/&Redo", Redo_CB'Access, Mod_Shift + Mod_Ctrl + 'z', Flag_Inactive + Flag_Divider);
Bar.Add ("Edit/Cu&t", Cut_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'x', Flag_Inactive);
Bar.Add ("Edit/&Copy", Copy_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'c', Flag_Inactive);
Bar.Add ("Edit/&Paste", Paste_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'v');
diff --git a/src/change_vectors.adb b/src/change_vectors.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65a1f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/change_vectors.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+with FLTK.Text_Buffers;
+with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+use type FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification;
+use type FLTK.Text_Buffers.Position;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+package body Change_Vectors is
+ procedure Push
+ (This : in out Change_Vector;
+ Item : in Change)
+ is
+ procedure App (Ch : in out Change) is
+ begin
+ Ch.Length := Ch.Length + 1;
+ Append (Ch.Text, Item.Text);
+ end App;
+ procedure Pre (Ch : in out Change) is
+ begin
+ Ch.Length := Ch.Length + 1;
+ Ch.Text := Item.Text & Ch.Text;
+ Ch.Place := Ch.Place - 1;
+ end Pre;
+ begin
+ if Item.Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert then
+ if This.Near > 0 and then
+ This.List.Element (This.Near).Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert and then
+ Integer (This.List.Element (This.Near).Place) + This.List.Element (This.Near).Length = Integer (Item.Place) and then
+ Item.Length = 1 and then
+ (Element (This.List.Element (This.Near).Text, This.List.Element (This.Near).Length) /= ' ' or else
+ Element (Item.Text, (1)) = ' ') then
+ This.List.Update_Element (This.Near, App'Access);
+ else
+ This.Near := This.Near + 1;
+ This.List.Insert (This.Near, Item);
+ end if;
+ elsif Item.Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Delete then
+ if This.Near > 0 then
+ if This.List.Element (This.Near).Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Delete and then
+ This.List.Element (This.Near).Place = Item.Place and then Item.Length = 1 then
+ This.List.Update_Element (This.Near, App'Access);
+ elsif This.List.Element (This.Near).Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Delete and then
+ This.List.Element (This.Near).Place = Item.Place + 1 and then Item.Length = 1 then
+ This.List.Update_Element (This.Near, Pre'Access);
+ else
+ This.Near := This.Near + 1;
+ This.List.Insert (This.Near, Item);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ This.Far := This.Near;
+ while Integer (This.List.Length) > This.Far loop
+ This.List.Delete_Last;
+ end loop;
+ end Push;
+ function Pop
+ (This : in out Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if This.Near > 0 then
+ This.Near := This.Near - 1;
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Pop;
+ procedure Pop
+ (This : in out Change_Vector) is
+ begin
+ if This.Near > 0 then
+ This.Near := This.Near - 1;
+ end if;
+ end Pop;
+ function Peek
+ (This : in Change_Vector;
+ Item : out Change)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if This.Near > 0 then
+ Item := This.List.Element (This.Near);
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Peek;
+ procedure Peek
+ (This : in Change_Vector;
+ Item : out Change) is
+ begin
+ if This.Near > 0 then
+ Item := This.List.Element (This.Near);
+ end if;
+ end Peek;
+ function Re_Push
+ (This : in out Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if This.Near < This.Far then
+ This.Near := This.Near + 1;
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Re_Push;
+ procedure Re_Push
+ (This : in out Change_Vector) is
+ begin
+ if This.Near < This.Far then
+ This.Near := This.Near + 1;
+ end if;
+ end Re_Push;
+ function At_Start
+ (This : in Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return This.Near = 0;
+ end At_Start;
+ function At_End
+ (This : in Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return This.Near >= This.Far;
+ end At_End;
+end Change_Vectors;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b74b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+with FLTK.Text_Buffers;
+with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+private with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
+package Change_Vectors is
+ type Change_Vector is tagged private;
+ type Change is
+ record
+ Action : FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification;
+ Place : FLTK.Text_Buffers.Position;
+ Length : Natural;
+ Text : Unbounded_String;
+ end record;
+ Empty_Vector : constant Change_Vector;
+ procedure Push
+ (This : in out Change_Vector;
+ Item : in Change);
+ function Pop
+ (This : in out Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Pop
+ (This : in out Change_Vector);
+ function Peek
+ (This : in Change_Vector;
+ Item : out Change)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Peek
+ (This : in Change_Vector;
+ Item : out Change);
+ function Re_Push
+ (This : in out Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Re_Push
+ (This : in out Change_Vector);
+ function At_Start
+ (This : in Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean;
+ function At_End
+ (This : in Change_Vector)
+ return Boolean;
+ package Internal_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
+ (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Change);
+ type Change_Vector is tagged
+ record
+ Near, Far : Natural;
+ List : Internal_Vectors.Vector;
+ end record;
+ Empty_Vector : constant Change_Vector :=
+ (Near => 0,
+ Far => 0,
+ List => Internal_Vectors.Empty_Vector);
+end Change_Vectors;
diff --git a/src/windows-editor.adb b/src/windows-editor.adb
index fdf95c7..e6d98bf 100644
--- a/src/windows-editor.adb
+++ b/src/windows-editor.adb
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ package body Windows.Editor is
This.Set_Resizable (This.Editor);
This.Set_Size_Range (Min_Editor_Width, Min_Editor_Height);
This.Set_Icon (Logo);
+ This.Editor.Remove_Key_Binding (Mod_Ctrl + 'z');
end return;
end Create;
diff --git a/to_do.txt b/to_do.txt
index 89c0ed0..e11c4f2 100644
--- a/to_do.txt
+++ b/to_do.txt
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
To Do:
- change build to be dynamically linked
-- improve undo/redo
- suppress unnecessary left/right scrollbar
-- clean up menu widget code, adapad menu and callback code
+- clean up menu widget code, adapad menu and callback code, change_vector code
- make shortcut_key types private somehow
- introduce maybe type to eliminate out parameters in search_forward/search_backward
- eliminate image/text_buffer runtime warnings