diff options
authorJed Barber <>2018-01-02 21:05:54 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2018-01-02 21:05:54 +1100
commit0b86daff6bc58119f2b0ad5324fd18857dfdb3c5 (patch)
parentfe69d2cc0c3b671378e1bff40863c03d3b2679ed (diff)
Update from before ChristmasHEADmaster
6 files changed, 686 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/c_wayland_client.c b/src/c_wayland_client.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd62e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c_wayland_client.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <wayland-client-core.h>
+#include "c_wayland_client.h"
+log_hook_t ada_handler;
+char buf[256];
+void actual_log_handler(const char *c, va_list va) {
+ char *str = buf;
+ char *extra = NULL;
+ int len;
+ if (c == NULL) {
+ (*ada_handler)(c,0);
+ return;
+ }
+ len = vsnprintf(str, 256, c, va);
+ if (len >= 256) {
+ extra = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if (extra == NULL) {
+ (*ada_handler)(extra,1);
+ return;
+ }
+ str = extra;
+ vsnprintf(str, len + 1, c, va);
+ }
+ (*ada_handler)(str,0);
+ if (extra != NULL) {
+ free(extra);
+ }
+void wayland_client_set_log_hook(log_hook_t func) {
+ ada_handler = func;
+ wl_log_set_handler_client(&actual_log_handler);
diff --git a/src/c_wayland_client.h b/src/c_wayland_client.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a22a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c_wayland_client.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+typedef void (*log_hook_t)(char *msg, int fail);
+void wayland_client_set_log_hook(log_hook_t func);
diff --git a/src/wayland-client.adb b/src/wayland-client.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d5cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wayland-client.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+ Interfaces.C.Strings;
+package body Wayland.Client is
+ -- C constructors
+ function wl_proxy_create
+ (P, I : in System.Address)
+ return System.Address
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_connect
+ (N : in Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr)
+ return System.Address
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_connect_to_fd
+ (FD : in
+ return System.Address
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_create_queue
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return System.Address
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ -- C destructors
+ procedure wl_proxy_destroy
+ (P : in System.Address)
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ procedure wl_display_disconnect
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ procedure wl_event_queue_destroy
+ (E : in System.Address)
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ -- C proxy functions
+ function wl_proxy_get_version
+ (P : in System.Address)
+ return Interfaces.C.Unsigned
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_proxy_get_version
+ (P : in System.Address)
+ return Interfaces.C.Unsigned
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_proxy_get_class
+ (P : in System.Address)
+ return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ procedure wl_proxy_set_queue
+ (P, E : in System.Address)
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ -- C display functions
+ function wl_display_get_fd
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_dispatch
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_dispatch_pending
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_dispatch_queue
+ (D, Q : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_dispatch_queue_pending
+ (D, Q : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_get_error
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_get_protocol_error
+ (D, P : in System.Address;
+ ID : in Interfaces.C.unsigned)
+ return Interfaces.C.unsigned
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_flush
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_roundtrip_queue
+ (D, Q : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_roundtrip
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_prepare_read
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_prepare_read_queue
+ (D, Q : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ function wl_display_read_events
+ (D : in System.Address)
+ return
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ -- C log handling
+ procedure wayland_client_set_log_hook
+ (F : in System.Address)
+ with Convention => C,
+ Import => True;
+ -- Ada Destructors
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Proxy) is
+ begin
+ if This.Void_Ptr /= System.Null_Address then
+ wl_proxy_destroy (This.Void_Ptr);
+ This.Void_Ptr := System.Null_Address;
+ end if;
+ end Finalize;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Display) is
+ begin
+ if This.Void_Ptr /= System.Null_Address then
+ wl_display_disconnect (This.Void_Ptr);
+ This.Void_Ptr := System.Null_Address;
+ end if;
+ end Finalize;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Event_Queue) is
+ begin
+ if This.Void_Ptr /= System.Null_Address then
+ wl_event_queue_destroy (This.Void_Ptr);
+ This.Void_Ptr := System.Null_Address;
+ end if;
+ end Finalize;
+ -- Internal callback hooks
+ function Dispatcher_Hook
+ (P, V : in System.Address;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ M : in Message_Signature;
+ Args : in Argument_Array)
+ is
+ This_Proxy : access Proxy'Class :=
+ Proxy_Convert.To_Pointer (P);
+ begin
+ end Dispatcher_Hook;
+ Current_Log_Function : Log_Function := null;
+ procedure Log_Function_Hook
+ (Msg : in Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ Fail : in
+ with Convention => C,
+ Export => True
+ is
+ Text : String := Interfaces.C.Strings.Value (Msg);
+ begin
+ if Fail /= 0 then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Log_Function /= null then
+ Current_Log_Function.all (Text);
+ end if;
+ end Log_Function_Hook;
+ -- Proxy
+ function Create
+ (Factory : in Proxy;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface)
+ return Proxy
+ is
+ Ptr : System.Address :=
+ wl_proxy_create (Factor.Void_Ptr, My_Interface.Void_Ptr);
+ begin
+ if Ptr = System.Null_Address then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ end if;
+ return This : Proxy do
+ This.Void_Ptr := Ptr;
+ This.Current_Dispatcher := null;
+ end return;
+ end Create;
+ procedure Marshal
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array);
+ function Marshal_Constructor
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array)
+ return Proxy;
+ function Marshal_Constructor
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array;
+ Version : in Version_Number)
+ return Proxy;
+ procedure Set_Dispatcher
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Func : in Dispatcher_Function) is
+ begin
+ This.Current_Dispatcher := Func;
+ end Set_Dispatcher;
+ function Get_Version
+ (This : in Proxy)
+ return Version_Number is
+ begin
+ return Version_Number (wl_proxy_get_version (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_Version;
+ function Get_ID
+ (This : in Proxy)
+ return ID_Number is
+ begin
+ return ID_Number (wl_proxy_get_id (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_ID;
+ function Get_Interface_Name
+ (This : in Proxy)
+ return String is
+ begin
+ return Interfaces.C.Strings.Value (wl_proxy_get_class (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_Interfaces_Name;
+ procedure Set_Queue
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Queue : in Event_Queue_Access) is
+ begin
+ if Queue = null then
+ wl_proxy_set_queue (This.Void_Ptr, System.Null_Address);
+ else
+ wl_proxy_set_queue (This.Void_Ptr, Queue.Void_Ptr);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Queue;
+ -- Display
+ function Connect
+ (Name : in String)
+ return Display
+ is
+ Ptr : System.Address :=
+ wl_display_connect (Interfaces.C.To_C (Name));
+ begin
+ if Ptr = System.Null_Address then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ end if;
+ return This : Display do
+ This.Void_Ptr := Ptr;
+ This.Current_Dispatcher := null;
+ end return;
+ end Connect;
+ function Connect_To_FD
+ (FD : in File_Descriptor)
+ return Display
+ is
+ Ptr : System.Address :=
+ wl_display_connect_to_fd ( (FD));
+ begin
+ if Ptr = System.Null_Address then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ end if;
+ return This : Display do
+ This.Void_Ptr := Ptr;
+ This.Current_Dispatcher := null;
+ end return;
+ end Connect_To_FD;
+ function Get_FD
+ (This : in Display)
+ return File_Descriptor is
+ begin
+ return File_Descriptor (wl_display_get_fd (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_FD;
+ function Dispatch
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched is
+ begin
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched (wl_display_dispatch (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Dispatch;
+ function Dispatch_Pending
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched is
+ begin
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched (wl_display_dispatch_pending (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Dispatch_Pending;
+ function Dispatch_Queue
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched is
+ begin
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched
+ (wl_display_dispatch_queue (This.Void_Ptr, Queue.Void_Ptr));
+ end Dispatch_Queue;
+ function Dispatch_Queue_Pending
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched is
+ begin
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched
+ (wl_display_dispatch_queue_pending (This.Void_Ptr, Queue.Void_Ptr));
+ end Dispatch_Queue_Pending;
+ function Get_Error
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Error_Value is
+ begin
+ return Error_Value (wl_display_get_error (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_Error;
+ function Get_Protocol_Error
+ (This : in Display;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface_Access;
+ ID : in ID_Number)
+ return Error_Value is
+ begin
+ return Error_Value
+ (wl_display_get_protocol_error
+ (This.Void_Ptr, My_Interfaces.Void_Ptr, Interfaces.C.unsigned (ID)));
+ end Get_Protocol_Error;
+ function Flush
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Bytes_Sent is
+ begin
+ return Num_Bytes_Sent (wl_display_flush (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Flush;
+ function Roundtrip_Queue
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched is
+ begin
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched
+ (wl_display_roundtrip_queue (This.Void_Ptr, Queue.Void_Ptr));
+ end Roundtrip_Queue;
+ function Roundtrip
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched is
+ begin
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched (wl_display_roundtrip (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Roundtrip;
+ procedure Read_Events
+ (This : in out Display) is
+ begin
+ if wl_display_prepare_read (This.Void_Ptr) /= 0 or else
+ wl_display_read_events (This.Void_Ptr) /= 0
+ then
+ raise Wayland_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Read_Events;
+ procedure Read_Events
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue) is
+ begin
+ if wl_display_prepare_read_queue (This.Void_Ptr, Queue.Void_Ptr) /= 0 or else
+ wl_display_read_events (This.Void_Ptr) /= 0
+ then
+ raise Wayland_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Read_Events;
+ -- Event_Queue
+ function Create_Queue
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Event_Queue
+ is
+ Ptr : System.Address :=
+ wl_display_create_queue (This.Void_Ptr);
+ begin
+ if Ptr = System.Null_Address then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Queue : Event_Queue do
+ Queue.Void_Ptr := Ptr;
+ end return;
+ end Create_Queue;
+ -- Log
+ procedure Set_Log_Handler
+ (Handler : in Log_Function) is
+ begin
+ Current_Log_Function := Handler;
+ end Set_Log_Handler;
+ wayland_client_set_log_hook (Log_Function_Hook'Access);
+end Wayland.Client;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2d6fff0..d206227 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+private with
+ System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;
package Wayland.Client is
@@ -24,8 +29,9 @@ package Wayland.Client is
type Dispatcher_Function is access procedure
- (Obj : in Wayland_Object;
- Op : in Opcode);
+ (Obj : in out Proxy;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array);
@@ -57,20 +63,6 @@ package Wayland.Client is
Version : in Version_Number)
return Proxy;
- procedure Add_Listener
- (This : in out Proxy;
- Op : in Opcode;
- Func : in Listener_Function);
- function Get_Listener
- (This : in Proxy;
- Op : in Opcode)
- return Listener_Function;
- procedure Remove_Listener
- (This : in out Proxy;
- Op : in Opcode);
procedure Set_Dispatcher
(This : in out Proxy;
Func : in Dispatcher_Function);
@@ -104,9 +96,6 @@ package Wayland.Client is
(FD : in File_Descriptor)
return Display;
- procedure Disconnect
- (This : in out Display);
function Get_FD
(This : in Display)
return File_Descriptor;
@@ -180,11 +169,15 @@ package Wayland.Client is
- type Proxy is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ type Proxy is new Wayland_Object with record
+ Current_Dispatcher : Dispatcher_Function;
+ end record;
procedure Finalize
(This : in out Proxy);
+ package Proxy_Convert is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Proxy'Class);
diff --git a/src/wayland.adb b/src/wayland.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db232c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wayland.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package body Wayland is
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in Unsigned_Integer)
+ return Arg (Uint);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in Integer)
+ return Arg (Int);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in )
+ return Arg (Fixed);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in String)
+ return Arg (String);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in )
+ return Arg (Arr);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in File_Descriptor)
+ return Arg (FD);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in ID_Number)
+ return Arg (ID);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in )
+ return Arg (Obj);
+ procedure Initialize
+ (This : in out Wayland_Object) is
+ begin
+ This.Void_Ptr := System.Null_Address;
+ end Initialize;
+end Wayland;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bfab18d..6c10b1c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ private with
package Wayland is
+ Wayland_Error : exception;
type Unsigned_Integer is mod 2 ** 32;
type Result is (Success, Failure);
@@ -92,8 +97,15 @@ package Wayland is
+ type Argument (Kind : Argument_Kind) is record
+ end record;
type Wayland_Object is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
- Void_Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
+ Void_Ptr : System.Address;
end record;
procedure Initialize