diff options
authorJed Barber <>2020-04-24 18:56:16 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2020-04-24 18:56:16 +1000
commit4b561d99f9c871e5874721592984cb427d6cbe36 (patch)
parentd8337f648d6b81157008143c9dfb0d35d496f5e8 (diff)
Skeleton of package body
2 files changed, 1375 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/ada-containers-directed_graphs.adb b/src/ada-containers-directed_graphs.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51728dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ada-containers-directed_graphs.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
+package body Ada.Containers.Directed_Graphs is
+ pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Busy*"" is not referenced");
+ pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Lock*"" is not referenced");
+ -- See comment in Ada.Containers.Helpers
+ ---------
+ -- "=" --
+ ---------
+ overriding function "="
+ (Left, Right : in Graph)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end "=";
+ ------------
+ -- Adjust --
+ ------------
+ procedure Adjust
+ (Container : in out Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Adjust;
+ ------------
+ -- Append --
+ ------------
+ procedure Append
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Position : out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Append;
+ procedure Append
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type;
+ Position : out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Append;
+ ------------------
+ -- Append_Label --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Append_Label
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Append_Label;
+ procedure Append_Label
+ (Position : in out Cursor;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Append_Label;
+ procedure Append_Label
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Append_Label;
+ ------------
+ -- Assign --
+ ------------
+ procedure Assign
+ (Target : in out Graph;
+ Source : in Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Assign;
+ --------------
+ -- Children --
+ --------------
+ function Children
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Children;
+ function Children
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Children;
+ -----------
+ -- Clear --
+ -----------
+ procedure Clear
+ (Container : in out Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Clear;
+ ------------------
+ -- Clear_Labels --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Clear_Labels
+ (Container : in out Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Clear_Labels;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Constant_Label_Reference --
+ ------------------------------
+ function Constant_Label_Reference
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Node_Label_Constant_Reference is
+ begin
+ return R : Node_Label_Constant_Reference :=
+ (Element => null,
+ Control => (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null));
+ end Constant_Label_Reference;
+ function Constant_Label_Reference
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Node_Label_Constant_Reference is
+ begin
+ return R : Node_Label_Constant_Reference :=
+ (Element => null;
+ Control => (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null));
+ end Constant_Label_Reference;
+ function Constant_Label_Reference
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type)
+ return Edge_Label_Constant_Reference is
+ begin
+ return R : Edge_Label_Constant_Reference :=
+ (Element => null;
+ Control => (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null));
+ end Constant_Label_Reference;
+ --------------
+ -- Contains --
+ --------------
+ function Contains
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains;
+ function Contains
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains;
+ function Contains
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains;
+ function Contains
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Contains_In_Subgraph --
+ --------------------------
+ function Contains_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_In_Subgraph;
+ function Contains_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Node : in Node_Type;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_In_Subgraph;
+ function Contains_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_In_Subgraph;
+ function Contains_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_In_Subgraph;
+ --------------------
+ -- Contains_Label --
+ --------------------
+ function Contains_Label
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_Label;
+ function Contains_Label
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_Label;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Contains_Label_In_Subgraph --
+ --------------------------------
+ function Contains_Label_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_Label_In_Subgraph;
+ function Contains_Label_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Contains_Label_In_Subgraph;
+ -------------
+ -- Context --
+ -------------
+ procedure Context
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type;
+ Parents : out Node_Array;
+ Children : out Node_Array) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Context;
+ procedure Context
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Parents : out Node_Array;
+ Children : out Node_Array) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Context;
+ ----------
+ -- Copy --
+ ----------
+ function Copy
+ (Source : in Graph)
+ return Graph is
+ begin
+ return Empty_Graph;
+ end Copy;
+ ------------
+ -- Degree --
+ ------------
+ function Degree
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Degree;
+ function Degree
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Degree;
+ ------------
+ -- Delete --
+ ------------
+ procedure Delete
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete;
+ procedure Delete
+ (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete;
+ procedure Delete
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Nodes : in Node_Array) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete;
+ procedure Delete
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete;
+ procedure Delete
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edges : in Edge_Array) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete;
+ ------------------
+ -- Delete_Label --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Delete_Label
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete_Label;
+ procedure Delete_Label
+ (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete_Label;
+ procedure Delete_Label
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete_Label;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Delete_Subgraph --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Delete_Subgraph
+ (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Delete_Subgraph;
+ ----------------
+ -- Edge_Count --
+ ----------------
+ function Edge_Count
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Edge_Count;
+ -----------
+ -- Edges --
+ -----------
+ function Edges
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Edge_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Edges;
+ --------------
+ -- Finalize --
+ --------------
+ procedure Finalize
+ (Container : in out Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Finalize;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (Object : in out Iterator) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Finalize;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (Object : in out Subgraph_Iterator) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Finalize;
+ ----------
+ -- Find --
+ ----------
+ function Find
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Find;
+ function Find
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type)
+ return Edge_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Find;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Find_In_Subgraph --
+ ----------------------
+ function Find_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Find_In_Subgraph;
+ function Find_In_Subgraph
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type)
+ return Edge_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Find_In_Subgraph;
+ -----------
+ -- First --
+ -----------
+ function First
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end First;
+ function First
+ (Object : in Iterator)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end First;
+ function First
+ (Object : in Subgraph_Iterator)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end First;
+ --------------
+ -- Has_Edge --
+ --------------
+ function Has_Edge
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Parent, Child : in Node_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Edge;
+ function Has_Edge
+ (Parent, Child : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Edge;
+ -----------------
+ -- Has_Element --
+ -----------------
+ function Has_Element
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Element;
+ ---------------
+ -- Has_Label --
+ ---------------
+ function Has_Label
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Label;
+ function Has_Label
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Label;
+ function Has_Label
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Label;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Has_Labeled_Edge --
+ ----------------------
+ function Has_Labeled_Edge
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Parent, Child : Node_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Labeled_Edge;
+ function Has_Labeled_Edge
+ (Parent, Child : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Labeled_Edge;
+ ------------------
+ -- Has_Neighbor --
+ ------------------
+ function Has_Neighbor
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Left, Right : in Node_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Neighbor;
+ function Has_Neighbor
+ (Left, Right : in Cursor)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Has_Neighbor;
+ -------------
+ -- Inbound --
+ -------------
+ function Inbound
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Edge_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Inbound;
+ function Inbound
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Edge_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Inbound;
+ --------------
+ -- Indegree --
+ --------------
+ function Indegree
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Indegree;
+ function Indegree
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Indegree;
+ ------------
+ -- Insert --
+ ------------
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Nodes : in Node_Array) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edges : in Edge_Array) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Insert;
+ --------------
+ -- Is_Empty --
+ --------------
+ function Is_Empty
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return True;
+ end Is_Empty;
+ -------------
+ -- Iterate --
+ -------------
+ function Iterate
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Graph_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class is
+ begin
+ return It : Iterator :=
+ (Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with
+ Container => null,
+ Node => Extended_Node_Type'First);
+ end Iterate;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Iterate_Subgraph --
+ ----------------------
+ function Iterate_Subgraph
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Position : in Cursor)
+ return Graph_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator'Class is
+ begin
+ return It : Subgraph_Iterator :=
+ (Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with
+ Container => null,
+ Root_Node => Node_Type'First,
+ Visited => Node_Vectors.Empty_Vector,
+ Current => Extended_Node_Type'First);
+ end Iterate_Subgraph;
+ -----------
+ -- Label --
+ -----------
+ function Label
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Node_Label_Type is
+ begin
+ return Node_Label_Type'(others => <>);
+ end Label;
+ function Label
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Node_Label_Type is
+ begin
+ return Node_Label_Type'(others => <>);
+ end Label;
+ function Label
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type)
+ return Edge_Label_Type is
+ begin
+ return Edge_Label_Type'(others => <>);
+ end Label;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Label_Reference --
+ ---------------------
+ function Label_Reference
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Node_Label_Reference is
+ begin
+ return R : Node_Label_Reference :=
+ (Element => null;
+ Control => (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null));
+ end Label_Reference;
+ function Label_Reference
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Node_Label_Reference is
+ begin
+ return R : Node_Label_Reference :=
+ (Element => null;
+ Control => (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null));
+ end Label_Reference;
+ function Label_Reference
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type)
+ return Edge_Label_Reference is
+ begin
+ return R : Edge_Label_Reference :=
+ (Element => null;
+ Control => (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null));
+ end Label_Reference;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Labeled_Context --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Labeled_Context
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type;
+ Parents : out Node_Array;
+ Children : out Node_Array;
+ Label : out Node_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Labeled_Context;
+ procedure Labeled_Context
+ (Position : in Cursor;
+ Parents : out Node_Array;
+ Children : out Node_Array;
+ Label : out Node_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Labeled_Context;
+ ----------
+ -- Last --
+ ----------
+ function Last
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end Last;
+ function Last
+ (Object : in Iterator)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end Last;
+ ----------
+ -- Move --
+ ----------
+ procedure Move
+ (Target, Source : in out Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Move;
+ ---------------
+ -- Neighbors --
+ ---------------
+ function Neighbors
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Neighbors;
+ function Neighbors
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Neighbors;
+ ----------
+ -- Next --
+ ----------
+ function Next
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end Next;
+ procedure Next
+ (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Next;
+ function Next
+ (Object : in Iterator;
+ Position : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end Next;
+ function Next
+ (Object : in Subgraph_Iterator;
+ Position : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end Next;
+ ----------------
+ -- Node_Count --
+ ----------------
+ function Node_Count
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Node_Count;
+ ----------------
+ -- Node_Range --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Node_Range
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Minimum : out Node;
+ Maximum : out Node) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Node_Range;
+ -----------
+ -- Nodes --
+ -----------
+ function Nodes
+ (Container : in Graph)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Nodes;
+ --------------
+ -- Outbound --
+ --------------
+ function Outbound
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Edge_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Outbound;
+ function Outbound
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Edge_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Outbound;
+ ---------------
+ -- Outdegree --
+ ---------------
+ function Outdegree
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Outdegree;
+ function Outdegree
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Count_Type'First;
+ end Outdegree;
+ -------------
+ -- Parents --
+ -------------
+ function Parents
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Parents;
+ function Parents
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Parents;
+ --------------
+ -- Previous --
+ --------------
+ function Previous
+ (Position : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end Previous;
+ procedure Previous
+ (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Previous;
+ function Previous
+ (Object : in Iterator;
+ Position : in Cursor)
+ return Cursor is
+ begin
+ return No_Element;
+ end Previous;
+ ----------
+ -- Read --
+ ----------
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Container : out Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Position : out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out Node_Label_Constant_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out Node_Label_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out Edge_Label_Constant_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out Edge_Label_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read;
+ -------------------
+ -- Replace_Label --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Replace_Label
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Replace_Label;
+ procedure Replace_Label
+ (Position : in out Cursor;
+ Label : in Node_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Replace_Label;
+ procedure Replace_Label
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Edge : in Edge_Type;
+ Label : in Edge_Label_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Replace_Label;
+ ----------
+ -- Swap --
+ ----------
+ procedure Swap
+ (Container : in out Graph;
+ Left, Right : in Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Swap;
+ procedure Swap
+ (Left, Right : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Swap;
+ ---------------
+ -- To_Cursor --
+ ---------------
+ function To_Cursor
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Cursor;
+ --------------
+ -- To_Graph --
+ --------------
+ function To_Graph
+ (Nodes : in Node_Array;
+ Edges : in Edge_Array)
+ return Graph is
+ begin
+ return Empty_Graph;
+ end To_Graph;
+ -------------
+ -- To_Hash --
+ -------------
+ function To_Hash
+ (Node : in Node_Type)
+ return Hash_Type is
+ begin
+ return Hash_Type'First;
+ end To_Hash;
+ function To_Hash
+ (Edge : in Edge_Type)
+ return Hash_Type is
+ begin
+ return Hash_Type'First;
+ end To_Hash;
+ ------------------
+ -- Unused_Nodes --
+ ------------------
+ function Unused_Nodes
+ (Container : in Graph;
+ Count : in Positive := 1)
+ return Node_Array is
+ begin
+ return (others => False);
+ end Unused_Nodes;
+ -----------
+ -- Write --
+ -----------
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Container : in Graph) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Write;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Position : in Cursor) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Write;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : in Node_Label_Constant_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Write;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : in Node_Label_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Write;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : in Edge_Label_Constant_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Write;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : in Edge_Label_Reference) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Write;
+end Ada.Containers.Directed_Graphs;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 83ab249..f248bd6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ private
overriding function Next
(Object : in Subgraph_Iterator;
- Position : in Subgraph_Iterator)
+ Position : in Cursor)
return Cursor;