path: root/src
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authorJed Barber <>2014-12-16 12:20:36 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2014-12-16 12:20:36 +1100
commit0fe446950819724522c40e55d9aa229dd20e255d (patch)
treef750424f1dea17ca6f0195450bbdfd2110c32fe0 /src
parent9ea7bf952aa62038cf36c1a4eabd62d1dc0ad051 (diff)
gets and puts instructions added
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
index 01d7eb1..1203da2 100644
--- a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
+++ b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ getcI = do
Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction getc should have at most one fh argument")
- let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst . head $ fhNodes
+ let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes
handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdin else GMonad.getReadHandle fh
c <- liftIO (IO.hGetChar handle)
@@ -427,13 +427,13 @@ putcI = do
Monad.when (length inNodes < 1) (error "Instruction putc should have at least one in argument")
Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction putc should have at most one fh argument")
- r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes -1)))
+ r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes - 1)))
let rIn = IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ inNodes !! r
Monad.unless (Maybe.isJust rIn) (error "Instruction putc should have integer in argument")
Monad.unless ((>=0) (Maybe.fromJust rIn)) (error "Instruction putc should have positive in argument")
- let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst . head $ fhNodes
+ let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes
handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdout else GMonad.getWriteHandle fh
liftIO (IO.hPutChar handle (Char.chr (Maybe.fromJust rIn)))
@@ -442,10 +442,73 @@ putcI = do
getsI :: GraspM ()
-getsI = GMonad.updateIP
+getsI = do
+ curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust
+ outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode
+ labelNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "label") curNode
+ fhNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "fh") curNode
+ Monad.when (length outNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction gets should have one out argument")
+ Monad.when (length labelNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction gets should have one label argument")
+ Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction gets should have at most one fh argument")
+ let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes
+ handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdin else GMonad.getReadHandle fh
+ input <- liftIO (IO.hGetLine handle) >>= (\x -> if (last x == '\n') then return (init x) else return x)
+ let unicode = (map Char.ord input) ++ [0]
+ nodes <- GMonad.newNodes (map ( . show) unicode)
+ let nextEdges = map (\(x,y) -> (GN.toNode x, GN.toNode y, "next")) (zip nodes (tail nodes))
+ headLabel = . IN.toString . GN.toInst $ (head labelNodes)
+ headEdge = (GN.toNode (head outNodes), GN.toNode (head nodes), headLabel)
+ edges <- return (headEdge : nextEdges)
+ GMonad.insNodes nodes
+ GMonad.insEdges edges
+ GMonad.updateIP
putsI :: GraspM ()
-putsI = GMonad.updateIP
+putsI = do
+ curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust
+ inNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "in") curNode
+ nlNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "nl") curNode
+ fhNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "fh") curNode
+ Monad.when (length inNodes == 0) (error "Instruction puts should have at least one in argument")
+ Monad.when (length nlNodes > 1) (error "Instruction puts should have at most one nl argument")
+ Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction puts should have at most one fh argument")
+ let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes
+ handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdout else GMonad.getWriteHandle fh
+ let nl = IN.toFloat . GN.toInst $ head nlNodes
+ newLine <- if (length nlNodes == 0 || Maybe.isNothing nl || Maybe.fromJust nl /= 0)
+ then return "\n" else return ""
+ r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes - 1)))
+ let input = inNodes !! r
+ let decodeFunc n acc = do
+ let curValue = IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ n
+ nextNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "next") n
+ Monad.when (length nextNodes > 1) (error "Stack nodes should have at most one next edge")
+ Monad.when (Maybe.isNothing curValue) (error "Instruction puts requires a stack with integer values")
+ if (length nextNodes == 0)
+ then if (Maybe.fromJust curValue /= 0)
+ then error "Instruction puts requires a zero terminated stack"
+ else return (reverse acc)
+ else decodeFunc (head nextNodes) ((Char.chr . Maybe.fromJust $ curValue):acc)
+ output <- if (Maybe.isNothing . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ input)
+ then return (IN.toString . GN.toInst $ input)
+ else decodeFunc input []
+ liftIO (IO.hPutStr handle (output ++ newLine))
+ GMonad.updateIP