diff options
authorJedidiah Barber <contact@jedbarber.id.au>2022-11-18 00:04:49 +1300
committerJedidiah Barber <contact@jedbarber.id.au>2022-11-18 00:04:49 +1300
commita2b0666ca28d9be3612ad6fb858bb78b4186fdc4 (patch)
parent07390c4a715e2e536f68ade43e16719a3d362d9e (diff)
Colourful, improved marching squares
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/fluid_simulator.adb b/src/fluid_simulator.adb
index f36b834..b8d47ce 100644
--- a/src/fluid_simulator.adb
+++ b/src/fluid_simulator.adb
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ with
+ Ada.Strings.Fixed,
procedure Fluid_Simulator is
@@ -97,32 +98,96 @@ procedure Fluid_Simulator is
+ -- Liquid_Chars : constant String (1 .. 16) := " .,_`/[/']\\-/\#";
+ Liquid_Chars : constant String (1 .. 16) := " ,.-`[//'\]\-\/#";
+ type Liquidex is mod 2**4;
+ type March_Cell is record
+ Index : Liquidex := 0;
+ Density : Quantity := 0.0;
+ end record;
+ type March_Cell_Grid is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of March_Cell;
+ function BG_Color_Code
+ (Value : in Natural)
+ return String
+ is
+ use Ada.Strings;
+ use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+ begin
+ -- Total length is always 11 characters
+ return Latin.ESC & "[48;5;" & Tail (Trim (Integer'Image (Value), Left), 3, '0') & "m";
+ end BG_Color_Code;
+ function Lookup
+ (Input : in March_Cell_Grid;
+ X, Y : in Integer)
+ return String
+ is
+ Average_Density : Natural := Integer (Quantity'Ceiling (Input (X, Y).Density / 4.0));
+ Bit_Index : Positive := Integer (Input (X, Y).Index) + 1;
+ Choice : Natural;
+ begin
+ case Average_Density is
+ when 1 .. 2 => Choice := 19; -- dark blue
+ when 3 .. 4 => Choice := 20; -- slightly less dark blue
+ when 5 .. 6 => Choice := 21; -- slightly dark blue
+ when 7 .. 8 => Choice := 12; -- blue
+ when 9 .. 10 => Choice := 14; -- cyan
+ when 11 .. 12 => Choice := 10; -- green
+ when 13 .. 14 => Choice := 11; -- yellow
+ when 15 .. 16 => Choice := 3; -- dark yellow
+ when 17 .. 18 => Choice := 9; -- red
+ when 19 .. 20 => Choice := 1; -- dark red
+ when others => Choice := 0; -- black
+ end case;
+ -- Total length should always be 12 characters
+ return BG_Color_Code (Choice) & Liquid_Chars (Bit_Index);
+ end Lookup;
function Marching_Squares
(Input : in Particle_Vectors.Vector)
return String
- Liquid_Chars : String (1 .. 16) := " .,_`/[/']\\-/\#";
- Grid : array (0 .. 80, 0 .. 25) of Boolean := (others => (others => False));
- Output : String (1 .. 2025);
- X, Y : Integer;
+ -- Having the grid be one bigger around the edges simplifies calculations
+ Grid : March_Cell_Grid (0 .. 81, 0 .. 26);
+ -- 80 cols * 25 rows * 12 chars/cell + 24 linefeeds + 4 char color reset = 24028
+ -- Oh yeah, baby, big strings
+ Output : String (1 .. 24028);
+ X, Y, S : Integer;
for P of Input loop
- X := Integer (Fixed.Re (P.Place));
- Y := Integer (Fixed.Im (P.Place));
- if X >= 0 and X <= 80 and Y >= 0 and Y <= 50 then
- Grid (X, Y / 2) := True;
+ X := Integer (Fixed.Re (P.Place) - 0.5);
+ Y := Integer (Fixed.Im (P.Place) / 2.0 - 0.5);
+ if X >= 0 and X <= 80 and Y >= 0 and Y <= 25 then
+ for J in Integer range 0 .. 1 loop
+ for I in Integer range 0 .. 1 loop
+ Grid (X + I, Y + J).Index :=
+ Grid (X + I, Y + J).Index or (2 ** (I + 2 * J));
+ Grid (X + I, Y + J).Density :=
+ Grid (X + I, Y + J).Density + P.Density;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
end if;
end loop;
for J in Integer range 1 .. 25 loop
for I in Integer range 1 .. 80 loop
- Output ((J - 1) * 81 + I) := Liquid_Chars
- (Boolean'Pos (Grid (I - 1, J)) + 1 +
- Boolean'Pos (Grid (I, J)) * 2 +
- Boolean'Pos (Grid (I, J - 1)) * 4 +
- Boolean'Pos (Grid (I - 1, J - 1)) * 8);
+ S := (J - 1) * 961 + (I - 1) * 12 + 1;
+ Output (S .. S + 11) := Lookup (Grid, I, J);
end loop;
- Output (J * 81) := Latin.LF;
+ Output (J * 961) := Latin.LF;
end loop;
+ Output (24025 .. 24028) := Latin.ESC & "[0m";
return Output;
end Marching_Squares;