Semantic <input file> Evaluates a proof trace, and shows the contents of the Dictionary, Assumptions, Stack and Theorems when done. Syntactic <input file> Checks a proof trace for syntax errors. ProofGraph <input file> Constructs a DAG dependency graph of the virtual machine commands used in a given proof trace. WriteProof <input file> > <output file> Reads a proof trace in, converts it to a DAG a la ProofGraph, then converts it back into a linear proof trace. Delete <input file> [<num#1>, <num#2>, <num3>] > <output file> Removes all theorems of specified numbers from a proof trace. Best used in conjunction with ListThm, so you can actually know what theorems are what. Generates a simplified proof trace as output. Concat <input #1> <input#2> <input #2> > <output file> Joins two proof traces together, converts it to a DAG and back again, then outputs the result. ListThm <input file> Displays numbered theorems from a proof trace. Best used in conjunction with Delete so you know what theorems you are deleting.