path: root/Library
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authorJed Barber <>2014-03-06 18:17:15 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2014-03-06 18:17:15 +1100
commitef81889c1eccb08acc27d47c9df652541134e3db (patch)
treece3d1350cf8ad5256b8cb94a0ce6f6df5dce61c3 /Library
parent93dcd8b68c0b9d3ecb5cb2352b11c3a9b362f1d9 (diff)
Getting remote and local repos sync'd
Diffstat (limited to 'Library')
4 files changed, 391 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/Library/GraphPart.hs b/Library/GraphPart.hs
index 97503eb..02a95c0 100644
--- a/Library/GraphPart.hs
+++ b/Library/GraphPart.hs
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ outputLab gpart = do
-graphAdd :: GraphPart -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> [(Node,Int)] -> PGraph -> PGraph
-graphAdd gpart i o graph =
+graphAddImp :: GraphPart -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> [(Node,Int)] -> PGraph -> PGraph
+graphAddImp gpart i o graph =
let (resolved, dict) = resolveNodeClash graph (getGraph gpart)
base = (Graph.insEdges (Graph.labEdges resolved)) . (Graph.insNodes (Graph.labNodes resolved)) $ graph
@@ -98,14 +98,21 @@ graphAdd gpart i o graph =
in Graph.insEdges outEdge inputAdded
graph' = outputAdded
+ in graph'
+graphAdd :: GraphPart -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> [(Node,Int)] -> PGraph -> PGraph
+graphAdd gpart i o graph =
+ let graph' = graphAddImp gpart i o graph
in checkDupe graph'
graphAddList :: [(GraphPart, Maybe (Node,Int), [(Node,Int)])] -> PGraph -> PGraph
graphAddList partList graph =
- foldl' (\g (x,y,z) -> graphAdd x y z g) graph partList
+ let graph' = foldl' (\g (x,y,z) -> graphAddImp x y z g) graph partList
+ in checkDupe graph'
diff --git a/Library/ProofGraph.hs b/Library/ProofGraph.hs
index 621b962..217e40c 100644
--- a/Library/ProofGraph.hs
+++ b/Library/ProofGraph.hs
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ module Library.ProofGraph (
- resolveNodeClash
+ resolveNodeClash,
+ argMap
) where
diff --git a/Library/WriteProof.hs b/Library/WriteProof.hs
index 1057199..c7e0a5f 100644
--- a/Library/WriteProof.hs
+++ b/Library/WriteProof.hs
@@ -29,149 +29,63 @@ import Library.Usage
-reuse :: PGraph -> Node -> Int
-reuse graph node =
- let labels = map snd (Graph.lpre graph node)
- f = (\x y -> length (filter (\z -> fst y == fst z) x))
- reuseList = map (f labels) labels
- in maximum reuseList
-next :: Int -> PGraph -> [String]
-next num graph =
- let nodeList = filter (isNumber . snd) (Graph.labNodes graph)
- numList = nub . (map (read . snd)) $ nodeList
- f = (\x y -> if (x `elem` y) then f (x + 1) y else x)
- g = (\x y -> if (x == 0) then y else g (x - 1) (f 0 (y ++ numList) : y))
- in map show (g num [])
-subGraph :: Gr a b -> Node -> [Node]
-subGraph graph node =
- let sucList = nub (Graph.suc graph node)
- in nub (node : (foldl' (++) [] (map (subGraph graph) sucList)))
orderNodes :: PGraph -> [Node] -> [Node]
orderNodes graph nodeList = nodeList
-removeOverlap :: PGraph -> Node -> [Node] -> [Node]
-removeOverlap graph node list =
- let nubFunc = (\x y -> (getArg graph node x) == (getArg graph node y))
- in nubBy nubFunc list
---rightmostEdge :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> LEdge (Int,Int) -> Bool
---rightmostEdge graph edge =
---crossEdge :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> LEdge (Int,Int) -> Bool
---trace :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> Node -> [Node] -> Maybe (Int,Node,Int)
---trace graph node history =
--- let tr = (\g n curnode curarg hist ->
--- if (curarg > output g n)
--- then Nothing
--- else let argToFollow = if (n == curnode) then curarg else 1
--- outputsFromArg = filter (\(x,y) -> snd y == argToFollow) (Graph.lpre g curnode)
--- in case outputFromCurArg of
--- 0 ->
--- if (filter (\(x,y) -> snd y == curarg) (Graph.lpre g n) > 1)
--- if (curarg > output g n)
--- then Nothing
--- else if (n == curnode)
--- then let curnode' = filter (\(x,y) -> ) (Graph.lpre g n)
--- in tr g n curnode' curarg
--- else )
--- f = (\g n curarg h ->
--- if (curarg > output g n)
--- then Nothing
--- else let hist = if
--- place = tr g n n hist
--- in if (isJust place)
--- then place
--- else f g n (curarg+1) hist
--- in f graph node 1 history
+-- buggy
+multiCommandsSimple :: PGraph -> UsageMap -> [Node] -> PGraph
+multiCommandsSimple graph usemap nodeList =
+ let multiNodes = filter (\x -> nodeOutput graph x > 1 && x `notElem` nodeList) (Graph.nodes graph)
+ umap = Map.filterWithKey (\n _ -> n `elem` multiNodes) usemap
--- higher numbers -> deeper in the stack
---multiCommands :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> [Node] -> (Gr String (Int,Int), [Node])
---multiCommands graph nodeList =
--- let f = (\g n p ->
--- if ((output g n) <= 1)
--- then g
--- else let changed = do (argToUseDict, place, placeArg) <- trace g n
--- let edgesToRemove =
--- edgesRemoved = foldl' (\x y -> Graph.delLEdge y x) g edgesToRemove
--- defSubGraph =
--- edgesToRef =
--- new =
--- refsToAdd =
--- return (foldl' insertSubGraph edgesRemoved refsToAdd)
--- in if (isNothing changed) then g else fromJust changed
--- multiOutputNodes = filter (\x -> output graph x > 1) (Graph.nodes graph)
--- bestCase = foldl' f graph multiOutputNodes
--- in
-multiCommandsSimple :: PGraph -> [Node] -> PGraph
-multiCommandsSimple graph nodeList =
- let r = (\g n p -> let g' = if ((nodeOutput g n) <= 1)
- then g
- else let ou = nodeOutput g n
- index = next ou g
- new = Graph.newNodes (5 * ou + 2) g -- 3 for num/def/pop, 2 for num/ref, per output plus an extra num/ref
- (defNew,refNew) = splitAt (3 * ou + 2) new
+ f = (\gr node edgemap ->
+ let out = nodeOutput gr node
+ index = next out gr
- edgeCheck x y = compare (snd . thd3 $ x) (snd . thd3 $ y)
+ edgeList = Map.toList edgemap
+ edgeToNode = (\x -> (fst3 x, fst . thd3 $ x))
- oldEdge = maximumBy edgeCheck (filter (\x -> fst3 x == p) (Graph.inn g n))
- toConvert = delete oldEdge (Graph.inn g n)
+ sorted = sortBy (\(a,b) (c,d) -> compare (snd . thd3 $ a) (snd . thd3 $ c)) edgeList
+ grouped = groupBy (\x y -> (snd . thd3 . fst $ x) == (snd . thd3 . fst $ y)) sorted
- defNodeGen = (\i j x lim -> if (x >= lim)
- then []
- else [(j!!(x*3), i!!x), (j!!(x*3+1), "def"),
- (j!!(x*3+2), "pop")] ++ (defNodeGen i j (x+1) lim))
- defNodes = (defNodeGen index defNew 0 ou) ++ [(defNew!!(3*ou), index!!((snd . thd3 $ oldEdge)-1)), (defNew!!(3*ou+1), "ref")]
- defEdgeGen = (\x b -> let x' = [(fst b, fst . snd $ x, (1,1))] ++ (fst x)
- in (x',b))
- defEdges = [(p, (fst . last $ defNodes), thd3 oldEdge), ((fst . head $ defNodes), n, (1,1))] ++
- (fst (foldl' defEdgeGen ([], head defNodes) (tail defNodes)))
- defAdded = (Graph.insEdges defEdges) . (Graph.insNodes defNodes) . (Graph.delLEdge oldEdge) $ g
+ defEdge = fst (minimumBy useSort edgeList)
+ removeEdges = map (fst . (maximumBy useSort)) grouped
+ refEdges = map (filter (\x -> x /= defEdge && x `notElem` removeEdges) . (map fst)) grouped
+ usedArgs = filter (\x -> x `elem` (map (snd . thd3) removeEdges)) [1..out]
+ defGen = (\num ->
+ if (num > out)
+ then let reqEdges = filter (\x -> (snd . thd3 . fst $ x) == (snd . thd3 $ defEdge) && fst x /= defEdge) edgeList
+ refArg = (snd . thd3 $ defEdge) - 1
+ in if (reqEdges == [])
+ then [index!!refArg, "ref"] --remove
+ else [index!!refArg, "ref"]
+ else if (num == (snd . thd3 $ defEdge) && num == out)
+ then if (filter (\x -> x /= defEdge && (snd . thd3 $ x) == num) (map fst edgeList) == [])
+ then []
+ else [index!!(num-1), "def"]
+ else if (num `elem` usedArgs)
+ then [index!!(num-1), "def", "pop"] ++ defGen (num+1)
+ else ["pop"] ++ defGen (num+1))
+ defPart = (genPart (defGen 1) True, Just (node,1), [edgeToNode defEdge])
+ removeList = filter (\(x,y) -> y /= defEdge) (zip usedArgs removeEdges)
+ removeParts = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "ref"] False, Nothing, [edgeToNode y])) removeList
+ refList = filter (\(x,y) -> y /= []) (zip usedArgs refEdges)
+ refParts = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "ref"] False, Nothing, map edgeToNode y)) refList
+ partList = defPart:(removeParts ++ refParts)
+ edgesRemoved = foldl' (\x (y,z) -> Graph.delLEdge y x) gr edgeList
+ partsAdded = graphAddList partList edgesRemoved
+ in partsAdded)
- refGen = (\i lab -> [(i!!(2*(lab-1)), index!!(lab-1)), (i!!(2*(lab-1)+1), "ref")])
- refNodes = map (refGen refNew) [1 .. (ou)]
- refEdges = map (\[x,y] -> (fst y, fst x,(1,1))) refNodes
- refAdded = (Graph.insEdges refEdges) . (Graph.insNodes (concat refNodes)) $ defAdded
- convertEdge = (\g e -> let new = (fst3 e, fst . last $ (refNodes!!(snd . thd3 $ e)), thd3 e)
- in (Graph.insEdge new) . (Graph.delLEdge e) $ g)
- done = foldl' convertEdge refAdded toConvert
- in done
- in f g' n)
- f = (\g n -> let argList = reverse $ [1 .. (Graph.outdeg g n)]
- in foldl' (\x y -> r x (fromJust (getArg x n y)) n) g argList)
- in foldl' f graph nodeList
+ in foldl' (\g n -> f g n (fromJust (Map.lookup n umap))) graph multiNodes
@@ -180,8 +94,8 @@ singleCommands graph usemap nodeList =
let singleNodes = filter (\x -> nodeOutput graph x == 1 && Graph.indeg graph x > 1) (Graph.nodes graph)
umap = Map.filterWithKey (\n _ -> n `elem` singleNodes) usemap
- s = (\graph node edgemap ->
- let index = head (next 1 graph)
+ s = (\gr node edgemap ->
+ let index = head (next 1 gr)
edgeList = Map.toList edgemap
defEdge = fst (minimumBy useSort edgeList)
@@ -190,7 +104,7 @@ singleCommands graph usemap nodeList =
defPart = genPart [index, "def"] True
refPart = genPart [index, "ref"] False
- removePart = genPart [index, "remove"] False
+ removePart = genPart [index, "ref"] False
defNode = (fst3 defEdge, fst . thd3 $ defEdge)
removeNode = (fst3 removeEdge, fst . thd3 $ removeEdge)
@@ -199,7 +113,7 @@ singleCommands graph usemap nodeList =
partList = [(defPart, Just (node, 1), [defNode]), (removePart, Nothing, [removeNode])]
partList' = if (refNodeList == []) then partList else (refPart, Nothing, refNodeList):partList
- edgesRemoved = foldl' (\x (y,z) -> Graph.delLEdge y x) graph edgeList
+ edgesRemoved = foldl' (\x (y,z) -> Graph.delLEdge y x) gr edgeList
partsAdded = graphAddList partList' edgesRemoved
in partsAdded)
@@ -230,6 +144,16 @@ genPart labels hasInput =
+next :: Int -> PGraph -> [String]
+next num graph =
+ let nodeList = filter (isNumber . snd) (Graph.labNodes graph)
+ numList = nub . (map (read . snd)) $ nodeList
+ f = (\x y -> if (x `elem` y) then f (x + 1) y else x)
+ g = (\x y -> if (x == 0) then y else g (x - 1) (f 0 (y ++ numList) : y))
+ in map show (g num [])
removeUnused :: PGraph -> [Node] -> PGraph
removeUnused graph nodeList =
let unused = filter (\x -> Graph.indeg graph x == 0 && x `notElem` nodeList) (Graph.nodes graph)
@@ -243,7 +167,9 @@ resolve :: PGraph -> [Node] -> PGraph
resolve graph nodeList =
let liveGraph = removeUnused graph nodeList
umap = usageMap graph nodeList (Set.fromList (Graph.nodes liveGraph))
- in foldl' (\g f -> f g umap nodeList) liveGraph [singleCommands]
+ singlesDone = singleCommands liveGraph umap nodeList
+ multisDone = multiCommandsSimple singlesDone umap nodeList
+ in multisDone
diff --git a/Library/alternate_multi_command.hs b/Library/alternate_multi_command.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da49a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Library/alternate_multi_command.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+multiCommands :: PGraph -> UsageMap -> [Node] -> PGraph
+multiCommands graph usemap nodeList =
+ let multiNodes = filter (\x -> nodeOutput graph x > 1) (Graph.nodes graph)
+ umap = Map.filterWithKey (\n _ -> n `elem` multiNodes) usemap
+ before = (\gr node edgemap arg indexList ->
+ let edges = filter (\x -> snd . thd3 . fst $ x < arg) edgemap
+ -- sorts and groups by which output of the command each edge is using
+ sorted = sortBy (\(a,b) (c,d) -> compare (snd . thd3 $ a) (snd . thd3 $ c)) edges
+ grouped = groupBy (\x y -> snd . thd3 . fst $ x == snd . thd3 . fst $ y) sorted
+ -- makes a list of pairs of (maximum, restOfList)
+ maxSplit = map (\x -> partition (\y -> y == maximumBy useSort x)) grouped
+ refNodeEdges = map (fst . snd) maxSplit
+ removeNodeEdges = concat (map (fst . fst) maxSplit)
+ usedArgs = filter (\x -> x `elem` (map (snd . thd3) removeNodeEdges)) [1..(arg-1)]
+ -- creates a graphpart to define and pop all the initial outputs to get to the used one in the middle
+ defGen = (\num ->
+ if (num == arg)
+ then []
+ else if (index!!num `elem` usedArgs)
+ then [index!!num, "def", "pop"] ++ defGen (num+1)
+ else ["pop"] ++ defGen (num+1))
+ defPart = genPart (defGen 0) True
+ -- creates graphparts for removing all the items stored in the dictionary, including node attachments
+ removeList = zip usedArgs removeNodeEdges
+ removePart = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "remove"] False, Nothing, [edgeToNode y])) removeList
+ -- creates graphparts to reference all the items stored in the dictionary, including node attachments
+ refList = zip usedArgs refNodeEdges
+ refPart = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "ref"] False, Nothing, (map edgeToNode y))) refList
+ in (defPart, refPart ++ removePart))
+ after = (\gr node edgemap arg indexList ->
+ let -- obtain edges after the cutoff argument
+ edges = filter (\x -> snd . thd3 . fst $ x > arg) edgemap
+ -- sort and group by which output of the command each edge is using
+ sorted = sortBy (\(a,b) (c,d) -> compare (snd . thd3 $ a) (snd . thd3 $ c)) edges
+ grouped = groupBy (\x y -> snd . thd3 . fst $ x == snd . thd3 . fst $ y) sorted
+ mins = map (minimumBy useSort) grouped
+ initEdge = minimumBy useSort (Map.toList edgemap)
+ usedArgs = filter (\x -> x `elem` (map (snd . thd3 . fst) mins)) [(arg+1)..(nodeOutput gr node)]
+ edgeToNode = (\x -> (fst3 x, fst . thd3 $ x))
+ -- finds the argument where you have to pop everything and store it all in the dictionary before
+ -- proceeding
+ findAttach = (\x y ->
+ if (x == [])
+ then nodeOutput gr node
+ else let allZero = all (=0) (snd . snd . head $ x)
+ headIsMin = (head x) == (minimumBy useSort x)
+ headThmLowestStrict = let testList = map (fst . snd) x
+ in all (> head testList) (tail testList)
+ nextUsedArg = snd . thd3 . fst . head . tail $ x
+ in if (allZero && headIsMin && headThmLowestStrict)
+ then findAttach (tail x) nextUsedArg
+ else y)
+ argToAttach = findAttach initEdge:mins arg
+ process = (\attach curArg modp ordp ->
+ case (compare arg argToAttach) of
+ LT ->
+ EQ ->
+ GT ->)
+ (modParts, ordinaryParts) = process argToAttach arg [] []
+ -- calculate the def/pop/ref defPart
+ afterPartInit =
+ afterPart =
+ if (argToAttach == arg)
+ then
+ else
+ -- calculate def nodes/parts for outputs before the argToAttach
+ defs =
+ makeDefList =
+ defPart = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "def"] False, Nothing, [edgeToNode y])) makeDefList
+ -- calculate ref and remove nodes/parts
+ maxes = map (maximumBy useSort) grouped
+ refs = map (filter (\x -> x `notElem` maxes && x `notElem` defs)) grouped
+ removeList = zip usedArgs maxes
+ removePart = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "remove"] False, Nothing, [edgeToNode y])) removeList
+ -- creates graphparts to reference all the items stored in the dictionary, including node attachments
+ refList = zip usedArgs refs
+ refPart = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "ref"] False, Nothing, (map edgeToNode y))) refList
+ in (modParts, ordinaryParts))
+ addPreserveNodeParts = (\partList graph ->
+ )
+ f = (\gr node edgemap ->
+ let edgeList = Map.toList edgemap
+ out = nodeOutput gr node
+ index = next (out + 1) gr
+ initEdge = fst (minimumBy useSort edgeList)
+ initArg = snd . thd3 $ initEdge
+ (defBefore, beforeParts) = before gr node edgemap initArg (take (initArg-1) index)
+ (defAfter, afterParts) = after gr node edgemap initArg (drop initArg index)
+ edgesToRemove = filter (\x -> x /= initEdge) (map fst edgeList)
+ gr' = addPreserveNodeParts defAfter gr
+ edgesRemoved = foldl' (\x y -> Graph.delLEdge y x) gr' edgesToRemove
+ partsAdded = graphAddList partList edgesRemoved
+ in partsAdded)
+ in foldl' (\g n -> f g n (fromJust (Map.lookup n umap))) graph multiNodes
+multiCommands :: PGraph -> PGraph -> UsageMap -> [Node] -> PGraph
+multiCommands graph orig usemap nodeList =
+ let process = (\gr stack dict workmap edge ->
+ let node = snd3 edge
+ label = fromJust (Graph.lab gr node)
+ in if (label == "def" || label == "ref" || label == "remove" || isNumber label)
+ then dictProcess gr stack dict workmap edge
+ else regProcess gr stack dict workmap edge
+ dictProcess = (\gr stack dict workmap edge ->
+ let node = snd3 edge
+ label = fromJust (Graph.lab gr node)
+ index = fromJust (Graph.lab gr (head (Graph.suc gr node)))
+ in if (label == "def")
+ then let dict' = Map.insert index (head stack) dict
+ in (gr, stack, dict', workmap)
+ else if (label == "ref")
+ then let stack' = (fromJust (Map.lookup index dict)):stack
+ in (gr, stack', dict, workmap)
+ else if (label == "remove")
+ then let stack' = (fromJust (Map.lookup index dict)):stack
+ dict' = Map.delete index dict
+ in (gr, stack', dict', workmap)
+ else -- isNumber label
+ (gr, stack, dict, workmap)
+ regProcess = (\gr stack dict workmap edge ->
+ let node = snd3 edge
+ label = fromJust (Graph.lab gr node)
+ io = argMap label
+ sortedIns = sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst . thd3 $ x) (fst . thd3 $ y)) (Graph.out orig node)
+ expectedInput = map (\(a,b,(c,d)) -> (b,d)) sortedIns
+ consume = (\(g,s,d,w) inList ->
+ if (inList == [])
+ then if (nodeOutput == 1)
+ then (g, (node,1):s, d, w)
+ else initial (g,s,d,w)
+ else let i = head inList
+ in if (head s == i)
+ then consume (g, tail s, d, w) (tail inList)
+ else store (g, s, d, w) inList)
+ initial = (\(g,s,d,w) inList ->
+ let edgemap = Map.toList (fromJust (Map.lookup node usemap))
+ sorted = sortBy (\(a,b) (c,d) -> compare (snd . thd3 $ a) (snd . thd3 $ b)) edgemap
+ grouped = groupBy (\x y -> (snd . thd3 . fst $ x) == (snd . thd3 . fst $ y)) sorted
+ minimals = map (minimumBy useSort) grouped
+ usedArgs = filter (\x -> x `elem` (map (snd . thd3 . fst) minimals)) [1..nodeOutput]
+ atArg = snd . thd3 $ edge
+ atArgReuse = length (filter (\x -> (snd . thd3 . fst $ x) == atArg) edgemap)
+ fromStart = fst . snd $ (head (filter (\x -> ((snd . thd3 . fst $ x) == atArg)) minimals))
+ edgesToRemove = filter (\x -> (snd . thd3 $ x) < upTo) (map fst edgemap)
+ upTo = let shortList = filter (\x -> (snd . thd3 . fst $ x) > atArg && (fst . snd $ x) > fromStart) minimals
+ in if (shortList == [])
+ then nodeOutput + 1
+ else let shortNum = snd . thd3 . fst . head $ shortList
+ calc = (\num ->
+ if (filter (\x -> (snd . thd3 . fst $ x) == num - 1) edgemap == [])
+ then calc (num - 1)
+ else num)
+ in calc shortNum
+ index = next upTo g
+ defPartGen = (\num ->
+ if (num == upTo)
+ then if (atArg + 1 < upTo)
+ then if (atArgReuse > 1)
+ then [index!!atArg, "ref"]
+ else [index!!atArg, "remove"]
+ else []
+ else if (num `elem` usedArgs)
+ then if (num + 1 == atArg &&)
+ else if (num == atArg)
+ then if (atArgReuse <= 1 && atArg + 1 == upTo)
+ then defPartGen (num+1)
+ else if (atArg + 1 < upTo)
+ then [index!!num, "def", "pop"] ++ (defPartGen (num+1))
+ else [index!!num, "def"] ++ (defPartGen (num+1))
+ else [index!!num, "def", "pop"] ++ (defPartGen (num+1))
+ else ["pop"] ++ (defPartGen (num+1)))
+ defPart = genPart (defPartGen 1) True
+ maxSplit = map (\x -> partition (\y -> y == maximumBy useSort x)) grouped
+ refNodeEdges = map (fst . snd) maxSplit
+ removeNodeEdges = concat (map (fst . fst) maxSplit)
+ removeList = zip usedArgs removeNodeEdges
+ removePart = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "remove"] False, Nothing, [edgeToNode y])) removeList
+ refList = zip usedArgs refNodeEdges
+ refPart = map (\(x,y) -> (genPart [index!!(x-1), "ref"] False, Nothing, (map edgeToNode y))) refPart
+ workingEdge =
+ let atArgEdges = filter (\x -> (snd . thd3 . fst $ x) == atArg) edgemap
+ initEdge = fst . head $ (filter (\x -> (snd . thd3 $ x) == atArg &&
+ (x `notElem` (delete (minimumBy useSort atArgEdges)
+ atArgEdges))) (Graph.inn g' node))
+ calc = (\e ->
+ if (fst3 e == fst3 edge)
+ then e
+ else calc (head (Graph.inn g' (fst3 e))))
+ in calc initEdge
+ w' = Map.insert node workingEdge
+ storedArgs = if (atArgReuse > 1 || atArg + 1 < upTo)
+ then filter (< upTo) usedArgs
+ else delete atArg (filter (< upTo) usedArgs)
+ dictAddList = map (\x -> (index!!(x-1), (node,x))) storedArgs
+ d' = foldl' (\x (y,z) -> Map.insert y z x) d dictAddList
+ stackArgs = atArg:(filter (>= upTo) usedArgs)
+ stackAddList = map (\x -> (node,x)) stackArgs
+ s' = stackArgs ++ s
+ edgesRemoved = foldl' (\x (y,z) -> Graph.delLEdge y x) g edgesToRemove
+ g' = graphAddList (defPart:(refPart ++ removePart)) edgesRemoved
+ in (g', s', d', w'))
+ store = (\(g,s,d,w) inList ->
+ let s' = tail s
+ (node, arg) = head s -- the thing on the stack that shouldnt be there
+ workEdge = Map.lookup node w
+ (reqNode, reqArg) = head inList -- what we want on the stack instead
+ index = head (next 1 g)
+ edgemap = Map.toList (Map.lookup node usemap) -- map of the edges leading into the node
+ edgesOfArg = filter (\(x,y) -> (snd . thd3 $ x) == arg) edgemap -- edges using the arg we want to get rid of
+ removeEdge = maximumBy useSort edgesOfArg
+ refEdgeList = delete removeEdge edgesOfArg
+ defPart = genPart [index, "def"] True
+ refPart = genPart [index, "ref"] False
+ removePart = genPart [index, "remove" False
+ popPart = genPart ["pop"] True
+ in consume (g', s', d', w') inList
+ in consume (gr,stack,dict,workmap) expectedInput)
+ h = (\gr st di ma edge ->
+ let node = snd3 edge
+ (gr',st',di',ma') = f gr st di ma node
+ in process gr' st' di' ma' edge)
+ f = (\gr st di ma no ->
+ let args = reverse [1..(nodeOutput gr no)]
+ func = (\(g,s,d,m) a ->
+ let edge = filter (\x -> fst . thd3 $ x == a) (Graph.out g no)
+ in if (edge == [])
+ then (g,s,d,m)
+ else h gr st di ma (head edge)
+ in foldl' func (gr,st,di,ma) args
+ stack = []
+ dictionary = Map.empty
+ workmap = Map.empty
+ (graph',stack',dictionary',workmap') =
+ foldl' (\(g,s,d,m) n -> f g s d m n) (graph, stack, dictionary, workmap) nodeList
+ in graph'
+ \ No newline at end of file