path: root/src/Test.hs
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2014-04-08 15:06:40 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2014-04-08 15:06:40 +1000
commit03d38eb3190eb5e51fb18847fe0792013285bde5 (patch)
tree1060d26d3042b5c0c5b1c027fac45fe87f3d685a /src/Test.hs
parentf2c4e4614613ede497f19ef79dc7dc157eaca834 (diff)
Reorganising source code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Test.hs')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Test.hs b/src/Test.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47bba79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Test.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import Test.HUnit
+import Library.Command
+import Library.TypeVar
+import Library.Term
+import Library.Theorem
+import Test.DataTypes
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+name1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (name \"abc\")"
+ (Just (Name [] "abc"))
+ (name "\"abc\""))
+name2 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (name \"first.second.third\")"
+ (Just (Name ["first","second"] "third"))
+ (name "\"first.second.third\""))
+name3 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (name \"firs\\\\cond.\\t\\h\\ird\")"
+ (Just (Name ["first","second"] "third"))
+ (name "\"firs\\\\cond.\\t\\h\\ird\""))
+name4 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (name abc)" Nothing (name "abc"))
+number1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (number \"90\")" (Just 90) (number "90"))
+number2 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (number \"0\")" (Just 0) (number "0"))
+number3 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (number \"-1\")" (Just (-1)) (number "-1"))
+number4 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (number \"-0\")" Nothing (number "-0"))
+number5 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (number \"1.2\")" Nothing (number "1.2"))
+assume1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (assume (TConst ...)"
+ (Just (Theorem (Set.singleton (TConst stdConst typeBool))
+ (TConst stdConst typeBool)))
+ (assume (TConst stdConst typeBool)))
+assume2 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (assume (TConst ...) --with wrong type"
+ Nothing
+ (assume (TConst stdConst stdTypeVar)))
+axiom1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (axiom (TConst ...) [])"
+ (Just (Theorem Set.empty (TConst stdConst stdTypeVar)))
+ (axiom (TConst stdConst stdTypeVar) []))
+axiom2 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (axiom (TConst ...) [term1, term2] --term1 has wrong type"
+ Nothing
+ (axiom (TConst stdConst stdTypeVar)
+ [(TConst stdConst stdTypeVar),(TConst stdConst typeBool)]))
+alphaEquiv1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for ((\\xy -> x) `alphaEquiv` (\\yx -> x))"
+ False
+ (alphaEquiv (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (stdVarTerm "x")))
+ (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (stdVarTerm "x")))))
+alphaEquiv2 = TestCase (assertEqual "for ((\\xy -> x) `alphaEquiv` (\\xy -> x))"
+ True
+ (alphaEquiv (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (stdVarTerm "x")))
+ (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (stdVarTerm "x")))))
+alphaEquiv3 = TestCase (assertEqual "for ((\\xyx -> x) `alphaEquiv` (\\yxx -> x))"
+ True
+ (alphaEquiv (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (stdVarTerm "x"))))
+ (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (stdVarTerm "x"))))))
+alphaEquiv4 = TestCase (assertEqual "for ((\\xyz -> y) `alphaEquiv` (\\zyx -> y))"
+ True
+ (alphaEquiv (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "z") (stdVarTerm "y"))))
+ (TAbs (stdVarTerm "z") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y") (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (stdVarTerm "y"))))))
+alphaEquiv5 = TestCase (assertEqual "for ((\\x -> x) `alphaEquiv` (\\x -> x)) --x of lhs is different type to x of rhs"
+ False
+ (alphaEquiv (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (stdVarTerm "x"))
+ (TAbs (altVarTerm "x") (altVarTerm "x"))))
+alphaEquiv6 = TestCase (assertEqual "for ((TAbs ...) `alphaEquiv` (TConst ...))"
+ False
+ (alphaEquiv (TAbs (stdVarTerm "x") (stdVarTerm "x"))
+ (TConst stdConst typeBool)))
+substitute1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([],[(x',a)]) (TVar x'))"
+ (stdConstTerm)
+ (substitute ([],[((stdVar "x'"),stdConstTerm)]) (stdVarTerm "x'")))
+substitute2 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([],[(x',a)]) (TVar y'))"
+ (stdVarTerm "y'")
+ (substitute ([],[((stdVar "x'"),stdConstTerm)]) (stdVarTerm "y'")))
+substitute3 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([],[(x',a)]) (TApp (TVar x') (TVar x')))"
+ (TApp stdConstTerm stdConstTerm)
+ (substitute ([],[((stdVar "x'"),stdConstTerm)]) (TApp (stdVarTerm "x'") (stdVarTerm "x'"))))
+substitute4 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([],[(x',a)]) (\\y' -> x'))"
+ (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y'") stdConstTerm)
+ (substitute ([],[((stdVar "x'"),stdConstTerm)]) (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y'") (stdVarTerm "x'"))))
+substitute5 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([],[(x',y')]) (\\y' -> x'))"
+ (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y''") (stdVarTerm "y'"))
+ (substitute ([],[((stdVar "x'"),(stdVarTerm "y'"))]) (TAbs (stdVarTerm "y'") (stdVarTerm "x'"))))
+substitute6 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([(tx',ta)],[]) (z' with typevar tx'))"
+ (TVar (Var (stdName "z'") stdType))
+ (substitute ([(stdTypeVarName,stdType)],[]) (stdVarTerm "z'")))
+substitute7 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([(tx',ta)],[(y',b)]) (\\z' -> y')) --z' has type tx'"
+ (TAbs (TVar (Var (stdName "z'") stdType)) stdConstTerm)
+ (substitute ([(stdTypeVarName,stdType)],[((altVar "y'"),stdConstTerm)]) (TAbs (stdVarTerm "z'") (altVarTerm "y'"))))
+substitute8 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([],[(x',y'),(y',z')]) (x'))"
+ (stdVarTerm "z'")
+ (substitute ([],[((stdVar "x'"),(stdVarTerm "y'")),
+ ((stdVar "y'"),(stdVarTerm "z'"))]) (stdVarTerm "x'")))
+substitute9 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (substitute ([(tx',ty'),(ty',ta)],[]) (z' with typevar tx'))"
+ (TVar (Var (stdName "z'") stdType))
+ (substitute ([(stdTypeVarName,altTypeVar),(altTypeVarName,stdType)],[]) (TVar (Var (stdName "z'") altTypeVar))))
+main =
+ do putStrLn ""
+ runTestTT $ TestList [name1,name2,name3,name4]
+ putStrLn "Command.number"
+ runTestTT $ TestList [number1,number2,number3,number4,number5]
+ putStrLn "Command.assume"
+ runTestTT $ TestList [assume1,assume2]
+ putStrLn "Command.axiom"
+ runTestTT $ TestList [axiom1,axiom2]
+ putStrLn "Term.alphaEquiv"
+ runTestTT $ TestList [alphaEquiv1,alphaEquiv2,alphaEquiv3,alphaEquiv4,alphaEquiv5,alphaEquiv6]
+ putStrLn "Term.substitute"
+ runTestTT $ TestList [substitute1,substitute2,substitute3,substitute4,substitute5,substitute6,substitute7,substitute8,substitute9]