path: root/Term.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Term.hs')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Term.hs b/Term.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..626b91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Term.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+module Term (
+ Term(..),
+ alphaEquiv,
+ alphaConvert,
+ alphaConvertList,
+ substitute,
+ containsVars,
+ rename,
+ typeOf,
+ mkEquals,
+ isEq,
+ getlhs,
+ getrhs
+ ) where
+import Data.List
+import TypeVar
+data Term = TVar { tVar :: Var }
+ | TConst { tConst :: Const
+ , tConstType :: Type }
+ | TApp { tAppLeft :: Term
+ , tAppRight :: Term }
+ | TAbs { tAbsVar :: Term
+ , tAbsTerm :: Term }
+type Substitution = ( [(Name,Type)], [(Var,Term)] )
+instance Show Term where
+ show (TVar a) = show a
+ show (TConst a _) = show a
+ show (TApp (TApp eq lhs) rhs)
+ | isEq eq = "(" ++ (show lhs) ++ " = " ++ (show rhs) ++ ")"
+ show (TApp a b) = "(" ++ (show a) ++ " " ++ (show b) ++ ")"
+ show (TAbs a b) = "(\\" ++ (show a) ++ " -> " ++ (show b) ++ ")"
+instance Eq Term where
+ a == b = a `alphaEquiv` b
+alphaEquiv :: Term -> Term -> Bool
+alphaEquiv a b =
+ let equiv = \term1 term2 varmap lambdaDepth ->
+ case (term1,term2) of
+ (TConst a1 b1, TConst a2 b2) ->
+ a1 == a2 && b1 == b2
+ (TApp a1 b1, TApp a2 b2) ->
+ equiv a1 a2 varmap lambdaDepth &&
+ equiv b1 b2 varmap lambdaDepth
+ (TAbs (TVar (Var name1 type1)) b1, TAbs (TVar (Var name2 type2)) b2) ->
+ type1 == type2 &&
+ equiv b1 b2 newmap (lambdaDepth + 1)
+ where newmap = (lambdaDepth + 1, ((Var name1 type1),(Var name2 type2))) : varmap
+ (TVar a1, TVar a2) ->
+ -- the order of the pair is important
+ (lambdaDepth, (a1,a2)) `elem` varmap ||
+ not ((lambdaDepth, (a1,a2)) `elem` varmap) && a1 == a2
+ (_,_) -> False
+ in equiv a b [] 0
+alphaConvert :: Term -> Term -> Term
+alphaConvert (TConst a ty) (TConst _ _) = TConst a ty
+alphaConvert (TApp a1 b1) (TApp a2 b2) = TApp (alphaConvert a1 a2) (alphaConvert b1 b2)
+alphaConvert (TVar v) (TVar _) = TVar v
+alphaConvert (TAbs v1 a) (TAbs v2 b) = substitute ([],[(tVar v1,v2)]) (TAbs v1 (alphaConvert a b))
+alphaConvertList :: [Term] -> [Term] -> [Term]
+alphaConvertList a b = map (\x -> alphaConvert (fst x) (snd x)) (zip a b)
+substitute :: Substitution -> Term -> Term
+substitute (tymap,vmap) term =
+ let typesub =
+ (\x y ->
+ case y of
+ (TConst a ty) -> if (ty == (TypeVar . fst $ x))
+ then TConst a (snd x)
+ else TConst a ty
+ (TApp a b) -> TApp (typesub x a) (typesub x b)
+ (TAbs v a) -> TAbs v (typesub x a)
+ (TVar v) -> TVar v)
+ varsub =
+ (\x y ->
+ case y of
+ (TConst a ty) -> TConst a ty
+ (TApp a b) -> TApp (varsub x a) (varsub x b)
+ (TVar v) -> if (v == (fst x))
+ then snd x
+ else TVar v
+ (TAbs v a) -> let safe = rename (TAbs v a) (union [fst x] (containsVars . snd $ x))
+ in case safe of
+ (TAbs m n) -> TAbs m (varsub x n))
+ tydone = foldl' (\x y -> typesub y x) term tymap
+ vdone = foldl' (\x y -> varsub y x) tydone vmap
+ in vdone
+containsVars :: Term -> [Var]
+containsVars t =
+ let f = (\term list ->
+ case term of
+ (TConst a b) -> list
+ (TApp a b) -> union list ((f a list) ++ (f b list))
+ (TVar a) -> union list [a]
+ (TAbs a b) -> union list ([tVar a] ++ (f b list)))
+ in f t []
+rename :: Term -> [Var] -> Term
+rename (TAbs (TVar v) t) varlist =
+ let doRename =
+ (\x y z -> case x of
+ (TAbs (TVar a) b) -> if (a == y)
+ then TAbs (TVar z) (doRename b y z)
+ else TAbs (TVar a) (doRename b y z)
+ (TConst a b) -> TConst a b
+ (TApp a b) -> TApp (doRename a y z) (doRename b y z)
+ (TVar a) -> if (a == y)
+ then TVar z
+ else TVar a)
+ findSafe =
+ (\x y -> if (x `elem` y)
+ then case x of
+ (Var a b) ->
+ case a of
+ (Name c d) -> findSafe (Var (Name c (d ++ "'")) b) y
+ else x)
+ in if (v `elem` varlist)
+ then doRename (TAbs (TVar v) t) v (findSafe v varlist)
+ else TAbs (TVar v) t
+typeOf :: Term -> Type
+typeOf (TConst c ty) = ty
+typeOf (TVar v) = varTy v
+typeOf (TAbs v t) = typeFunc (typeOf v) (typeOf t)
+typeOf (TApp f _) =
+ -- type of f is of the form [[a,b], "->"]
+ last . aType . typeOf $ f
+mkEquals :: Term -> Term -> Term
+mkEquals lhs rhs =
+ let eqConst = TConst (Const (Name [] "=")) (mkEqualsType (typeOf lhs))
+ in TApp (TApp eqConst lhs) rhs
+getlhs :: Term -> Term
+getlhs (TApp (TApp eq lhs) _)
+ | (isEq eq) = lhs
+getrhs :: Term -> Term
+getrhs (TApp (TApp eq _) rhs)
+ | (isEq eq) = rhs
+isEq :: Term -> Bool
+isEq (TConst (Const (Name [] "=")) _) = True
+isEq _ = False