path: root/src/Library/Usage.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Library/Usage.hs')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Library/Usage.hs b/src/Library/Usage.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a307274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Library/Usage.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+module Library.Usage(
+ UsageMap,
+ usageMap,
+ useSort,
+ nodeOutput,
+ getArg
+ ) where
+import Data.Map( Map )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Set( Set )
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph( Node, LNode, Edge, LEdge )
+import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
+import Library.Parse
+import Library.ProofGraph
+type UsageMap = Map Node (Map (LEdge (Int,Int)) (Int,[Int]))
+-- Takes a graph, a starting list of nodes, a set of nodes of interest, and
+-- follows the starting nodes up the graph to find which edges the starting nodes
+-- will encounter the nodes of interest through.
+usageMap :: PGraph -> [Node] -> Set Node -> UsageMap
+usageMap graph order interest =
+ let unionFunc a b = Map.unionWith min a b
+ addFunc index prev umap edge =
+ let node = snd3 edge
+ curIn = Graph.outdeg graph (fst3 edge)
+ prev' = (curIn - (fst . thd3 $ edge)):prev
+ toAdd = Map.singleton node (Map.singleton edge (index,prev'))
+ in if (Set.member node interest)
+ then Map.unionWith unionFunc toAdd umap
+ else umap
+ f umap (index,node,prev) =
+ let edgeList = Graph.out graph node
+ sucMapList = map (f Map.empty) (map (\x -> (index, snd3 x, (length edgeList - (fst . thd3 $ x)):prev)) edgeList)
+ umap' = foldl' (addFunc index prev) umap edgeList
+ in Map.unionsWith unionFunc (umap':sucMapList)
+ in foldl' f Map.empty (zip3 [1..] order (repeat []))
+useSort :: (LEdge a, (Int,[Int])) -> (LEdge a, (Int,[Int])) -> Ordering
+useSort (_,(w,x)) (_,(y,z)) =
+ let check = compare w y
+ in if (check == EQ)
+ then compare (reverse x) (reverse z)
+ else check
+nodeOutput :: PGraph -> Node -> Int
+nodeOutput graph node =
+ let label = fromJust (Graph.lab graph node)
+ in case label of
+ "thm" -> 0
+ "pop" -> 0
+ "defineConst" -> 2
+ "defineTypeOp" -> 5
+ x -> 1
+getArg :: PGraph -> Node -> Int -> Maybe Node
+getArg graph node arg =
+ let edge = filter (\x -> (fst . thd3 $ x) == arg) (Graph.out graph node)
+ in if (edge == [])
+ then Nothing
+ else Just (snd3 . head $ edge)