path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a0f39c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ Packrat.Traits,
+ Packrat.Parse_Graphs;
+private with
+ Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps,
+ Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets,
+ Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Holders;
+ with package Traits is new Packrat.Traits (<>);
+ with package Graphs is new Packrat.Parse_Graphs (Traits);
+package Packrat.Parsers is
+ -- Memoize only adds to the Parse_Graph result when it is successful
+ -- so the Parser_Context will need to keep track of unsuccessful combinator
+ -- at given positions
+ -- If all combinators are memoized in a memotable then no need to keep track of call stack
+ -- To do that, use start point and function access as the key?
+ -- If a combinator at a position is already in the memotable, return result
+ -- Else run combinator, add/update result in memotable, then return result
+ -- As a side effect of this, the entry in the memotable will be updated several times
+ -- while left recursion unwinds
+ -- Combinators need to return value strings as well as the finish sets
+ -- Two functions, Symbolize and Ignore?, to create a node in the graph and to discard
+ -- the current return value string
+ -- Some way to join tokens-of-tokens into just tokens
+ type Parser_Context is private;
+ Empty_Context : constant Parser_Context;
+ type Combinator_Result is private;
+ type Combinator is access function
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ type Combinator_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Combinator;
+ type Component_Result is private;
+ type Component is access function
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Component_Result;
+ type With_Input is access function
+ return Traits.Element_Array;
+ generic
+ Label : in Traits.Label_Enum;
+ with function Combo
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ function Root
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Component_Result;
+ generic
+ Root_Component : in Component;
+ procedure Parse
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Result : out Graphs.Parse_Graph);
+ generic
+ Root_Component : in Component;
+ function Parse_Only
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Graphs.Parse_Graph;
+ generic
+ Root_Component : in Component;
+ function Parse_With
+ (Input : in With_Input;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context)
+ return Graphs.Parse_Graph;
+ generic
+ Label : in Traits.Label_Enum;
+ with function Combo
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ function Stamp
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Combo
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ function Ignore
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ Params : in Combinator_Array;
+ function Sequence
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ Params : in Combinator_Array;
+ function Choice
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Param
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ Number : in Positive;
+ function Count
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Param
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ Minimum : in Natural := 0;
+ function Many
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Param
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ with function Test
+ (Item : in Traits.Element_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ Minimum : in Natural := 0;
+ function Many_Until
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Test
+ (Item : in Traits.Element_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Satisfy
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Test
+ (Item : in Traits.Element_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ with function Change
+ (From : in Traits.Element_Type)
+ return Traits.Element_Type;
+ function Satisfy_With
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ Item : in Traits.Element_Type;
+ function Match
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ Item : in Traits.Element_Type;
+ with function Change
+ (From : in Traits.Element_Type)
+ return Traits.Element_Type;
+ function Match_With
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ Items : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ function Multimatch
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ Number : in Positive := 1;
+ function Take
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Test
+ (Item : in Traits.Element_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Take_While
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ with function Test
+ (Item : in Traits.Element_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Take_Until
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ EOL_Item : in Traits.Element_Type;
+ function Line_End
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ generic
+ EOF_Item : in Traits.Element_Type;
+ function Input_End
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ -- refactor Finish_Type from Parse_Graphs into Packrat and use here and in Lexers
+ -- does the lexer handle input that doesn't start from 1 at the beginning?
+ -- results need to record what combinators were curtailed, if any, with leftrec count
+ -- choice combinators can be curtailed by multiple combinators at once
+ -- results need to deal with tokens to put in the graph somehow
+ -- Curtail when leftrec count exceeds number of remaining tokens plus 1
+ -- for a given combinator/position
+ package Elem_Array_Holders is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Holders
+ (Element_Type => Traits.Element_Array,
+ "=" => Traits."=");
+ package Token_Array_Holders is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Holders
+ (Element_Type => Traits.Tokens.Token_Array,
+ "=" => Traits.Tokens."=");
+ function "<"
+ (Left, Right : in Elem_Array_Holders.Holder)
+ return Boolean;
+ function "<"
+ (Left, Right : in Token_Array_Holders.Holder)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Combo_Key is record
+ Start : Positive;
+ Func : Combinator;
+ end record;
+ function "<"
+ (Left, Right : in Combo_Key)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Combo_Result_Part is record
+ Finish : Natural;
+ Value : Elem_Array_Holders.Holder;
+ Tokens : Token_Array_Holders.Holder;
+ end record;
+ function "<"
+ (Left, Right : in Combo_Result_Part)
+ return Boolean;
+ package Result_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets
+ (Element_Type => Combo_Result_Part);
+ function "<"
+ (Left, Right : in Combinator)
+ return Boolean;
+ package Curtail_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps
+ (Key_Type => Combinator,
+ Element_Type => Positive);
+ -- If there's anything in the Curtails, then Results should be empty
+ -- and vice versa... union?
+ type Combinator_Result is record
+ Results : Result_Sets.Set;
+ Curtails : Curtail_Maps.Map;
+ Status : Result_Status;
+ end record;
+ type Component_Result is record
+ Status : Result_Status;
+ end record;
+ package Memotables is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps
+ (Key_Type => Combo_Key,
+ Element_Type => Combinator_Result);
+ package Leftrectables is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps
+ (Key_Type => Combo_Key,
+ Element_Type => Positive);
+ type Parser_Context is record
+ Result_So_Far : Graphs.Parse_Graph;
+ Position : Positive := 1;
+ Offset : Natural := 0;
+ Status : Result_Status := Success;
+ Pass_Forward : Elem_Array_Holders.Holder;
+ Memotable : Memotables.Map;
+ Leftrectable : Leftrectables.Map;
+ Allow_Incomplete : Boolean := True;
+ end record;
+ Empty_Context : constant Parser_Context :=
+ (Result_So_Far => Graphs.Empty_Graph,
+ Position => 1,
+ Offset => 0,
+ Status => Success,
+ Pass_Forward => Elem_Array_Holders.Empty_Holder,
+ Memotable => Memotables.Empty_Map,
+ Leftrectable => Leftrectables.Empty_Map,
+ Allow_Incomplete => True);
+end Packrat.Parsers;