path: root/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f9b090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ Things;
+private with
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG,
+ Ada.Command_Line,
+ Ada.Directories;
+package Squares is
+ type Square is tagged private;
+ Void : constant Square;
+ Wall : constant Square;
+ Space : constant Square;
+ Empty : constant Square;
+ Goal : constant Square;
+ function Is_Walkable
+ (This : in Square)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Contents
+ (This : in Square)
+ return Things.Thing
+ with Pre => Is_Walkable (This);
+ procedure Set_Contents
+ (This : in out Square;
+ Item : in Things.Thing)
+ with Pre => Is_Walkable (This);
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in Square;
+ X, Y : in Integer);
+ function "="
+ (A, B : in Square)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Square is tagged record
+ Walkable : Boolean;
+ Contents : Things.Thing;
+ Self_Image : access FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image;
+ end record;
+ Origin : String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory
+ (Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name));
+ Image_Dir : String := Origin & "/../share/sokoban/img";
+ Wall_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/wall.png");
+ Space_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/space.png");
+ Empty_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/empty.png");
+ Goal_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/goal.png");
+ Void : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => False, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => null);
+ Wall : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => False, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Wall_Image'Access);
+ Space : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => False, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Space_Image'Access);
+ Empty : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => True, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Empty_Image'Access);
+ Goal : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => True, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Goal_Image'Access);
+end Squares;