path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
11 files changed, 857 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/displays.adb b/src/displays.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb3932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/displays.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ FLTK.Screen;
+package body Displays is
+ package WD renames FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double;
+ package B renames FLTK.Widgets.Boxes;
+ function Max (A, B : in Integer) return Integer is
+ begin
+ if B > A then return B; else return A; end if;
+ end Max;
+ function Min (A, B : in Integer) return Integer is
+ begin
+ if B < A then return B; else return A; end if;
+ end Min;
+ function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String)
+ return Display
+ is
+ Message_Text : String :=
+ "Move with the arrow keys. Press u for undo." & ASCII.LF &
+ "To move to a square where there is a clear path, click with the mouse." & ASCII.LF &
+ "Press n to skip this level, q to quit, and r to restart this level.";
+ My_Width : Integer := Max (Message_Box_Width, W);
+ My_Height : Integer := Max (Message_Box_Height, H);
+ begin
+ return This : Display :=
+ (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (X, Y, My_Width, My_Height, Text)) with
+ Message_Box => B.Box'(B.Create
+ (0, 0, Message_Box_Width, Message_Box_Height, Message_Text)),
+ Current_Grid => null) do
+ This.Add (This.Message_Box);
+ This.Message_Box.Set_Label_Size (Text_Size);
+ end return;
+ end Create;
+ function Create
+ (W, H : in Integer)
+ return Display is
+ begin
+ return Create (0, 0, W, H, "Sokoban");
+ end Create;
+ function Create
+ return Display is
+ begin
+ return Create (0, 0, Message_Box_Width, Message_Box_Height, "Sokoban");
+ end Create;
+ procedure Set_Grid
+ (This : in out Display;
+ To : in out Grids.Grid) is
+ begin
+ if This.Current_Grid /= null then
+ This.Remove (This.Current_Grid.all);
+ end if;
+ This.Current_Grid := To'Unchecked_Access;
+ This.Add (To);
+ This.Ensure_Correct_Size;
+ end Set_Grid;
+ procedure Adjust_Grid
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Cols, Rows : in Natural) is
+ begin
+ This.Current_Grid.Set_Cols (Cols);
+ This.Current_Grid.Set_Rows (Rows);
+ This.Ensure_Correct_Size;
+ end Adjust_Grid;
+ procedure Ensure_Correct_Size
+ (This : in out Display)
+ is
+ New_Width : Integer :=
+ Max (Message_Box_Width, This.Current_Grid.Get_W);
+ New_Height : Integer :=
+ Message_Box_Height + This.Current_Grid.Get_H;
+ Grid_X : Integer :=
+ Max (0, (Message_Box_Width - This.Current_Grid.Get_W) / 2);
+ begin
+ This.Current_Grid.Reposition (Grid_X, 0);
+ This.Message_Box.Resize (New_Width, This.Message_Box.Get_H);
+ This.Message_Box.Reposition (This.Message_Box.Get_X, This.Current_Grid.Get_H);
+ This.Resize (New_Width, New_Height);
+ end Ensure_Correct_Size;
+ procedure Centre_On_Screen
+ (This : in out Display)
+ is
+ use FLTK.Screen;
+ begin
+ This.Reposition
+ (Get_X + (Get_W - This.Get_W) / 2,
+ Get_Y + (Get_H - This.Get_H) / 2);
+ end Centre_On_Screen;
+end Displays;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d592e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double,
+ Grids;
+private with
+ FLTK.Widgets.Boxes;
+package Displays is
+ type Display is new FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double.Double_Window with private;
+ function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String)
+ return Display;
+ function Create
+ (W, H : in Integer)
+ return Display;
+ function Create
+ return Display;
+ procedure Set_Grid
+ (This : in out Display;
+ To : in out Grids.Grid);
+ procedure Adjust_Grid
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Cols, Rows : in Natural);
+ procedure Ensure_Correct_Size
+ (This : in out Display);
+ procedure Centre_On_Screen
+ (This : in out Display);
+ type Display is new FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double.Double_Window with record
+ Message_Box : FLTK.Widgets.Boxes.Box;
+ Current_Grid : access Grids.Grid;
+ end record;
+ Text_Size : constant FLTK.Widgets.Font_Size := 12;
+ Message_Box_Width : constant Integer := 500;
+ Message_Box_Height : constant Integer := 100;
+end Displays;
diff --git a/src/grids.adb b/src/grids.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64f0c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grids.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package body Grids is
+ function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String)
+ return Grid is
+ begin
+ return This : Grid :=
+ (FLTK.Widgets.Widget'(FLTK.Widgets.Create (X, Y, W, H, Text)) with
+ Cells => Square_Vector_Vectors.Empty_Vector,
+ Rows => 0, Cols => 0);
+ end Create;
+ function Create
+ (X, Y : in Integer)
+ return Grid is
+ begin
+ return Create (X, Y, 0, 0, "Sokoban Grid");
+ end Create;
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in out Grid) is
+ begin
+ for Y in Integer range 1 .. This.Rows loop
+ for X in Integer range 1 .. This.Cols loop
+ This.Cells.Reference (X).Reference (Y).Draw
+ (This.Get_X + (X - 1) * Step,
+ This.Get_Y + (Y - 1) * Step);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ end Draw;
+ procedure Set_Cols
+ (This : in out Grid;
+ To : in Natural) is
+ begin
+ This.Cells.Set_Length (Ada.Containers.Count_Type (To));
+ for X in Integer range This.Cols + 1 .. To loop
+ This.Cells.Replace_Element (X, Square_Vectors.Empty_Vector);
+ This.Cells.Reference (X).Set_Length (Ada.Containers.Count_Type (This.Rows));
+ for Y in Integer range 1 .. This.Rows loop
+ This.Cells.Reference (X).Replace_Element (Y, Squares.Void);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ This.Cols := To;
+ This.Resize (Step * This.Cols, This.Get_H);
+ end Set_Cols;
+ procedure Set_Rows
+ (This : in out Grid;
+ To : in Natural) is
+ begin
+ for X in Integer range 1 .. This.Cols loop
+ This.Cells.Reference (X).Set_Length (Ada.Containers.Count_Type (To));
+ for Y in Integer range This.Rows + 1 .. To loop
+ This.Cells.Reference (X).Replace_Element (Y, Squares.Void);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ This.Rows := To;
+ This.Resize (This.Get_W, Step * This.Rows);
+ end Set_Rows;
+ function In_Bounds
+ (This : in Grid;
+ X, Y : in Integer)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return X in 1 .. This.Cols and Y in 1 .. This.Rows;
+ end In_Bounds;
+ function Get_Square
+ (This : in Grid;
+ X, Y : in Integer)
+ return Squares.Square is
+ begin
+ if not This.In_Bounds (X, Y) then
+ return Squares.Void;
+ else
+ return This.Cells.Element (X).Element (Y);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Square;
+ procedure Set_Square
+ (This : in out Grid;
+ X, Y : in Integer;
+ Item : in Squares.Square) is
+ begin
+ This.Cells.Reference (X).Reference (Y) := Item;
+ end Set_Square;
+end Grids;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af2971b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ FLTK.Widgets,
+ Squares;
+private with
+ Ada.Containers.Vectors;
+package Grids is
+ type Grid is new FLTK.Widgets.Widget with private;
+ -- Don't use this.
+ function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String)
+ return Grid;
+ -- Use this instead.
+ function Create
+ (X, Y : in Integer)
+ return Grid;
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in out Grid);
+ -- Meant for Displays to adjust the Grid.
+ procedure Set_Cols
+ (This : in out Grid;
+ To : in Natural);
+ -- Meant for Displays to adjust the Grid.
+ procedure Set_Rows
+ (This : in out Grid;
+ To : in Natural);
+ function In_Bounds
+ (This : in Grid;
+ X, Y : in Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Square
+ (This : in Grid;
+ X, Y : in Integer)
+ return Squares.Square;
+ procedure Set_Square
+ (This : in out Grid;
+ X, Y : in Integer;
+ Item : in Squares.Square)
+ with Pre => This.In_Bounds (X, Y);
+ Empty_Square : aliased Squares.Square := Squares.Void;
+ Step : constant Natural := 40;
+ package Square_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
+ (Index_Type => Positive,
+ Element_Type => Squares.Square,
+ "=" => Squares."=");
+ package Square_Vector_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
+ (Index_Type => Positive,
+ Element_Type => Square_Vectors.Vector,
+ "=" => Square_Vectors."=");
+ type Grid is new FLTK.Widgets.Widget with record
+ Cells : Square_Vector_Vectors.Vector;
+ Rows, Cols : Integer;
+ end record;
+end Grids;
diff --git a/src/main.adb b/src/main.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b106e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ Sokoban;
+function Main
+ return Integer is
+ Sokoban.Load_Level (Sokoban.LevelID'First);
+ Sokoban.Show;
+ return FLTK.Run;
+end Main;
diff --git a/src/sokoban.adb b/src/sokoban.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c3e490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sokoban.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ Displays,
+ Grids,
+ Squares,
+ Things,
+ Ada.Command_Line,
+ Ada.Directories,
+ Ada.Text_IO,
+ Ada.Strings.Fixed,
+ Ada.Strings.Maps;
+ Ada.Text_IO;
+package body Sokoban is
+ -- Forward declarations of helper functions.
+ procedure Add_New_Grid_Item
+ (X, Y : in Natural;
+ Char : in Character);
+ -- Global state of the game.
+ My_Display : Displays.Display := Displays.Create;
+ My_Grid : Grids.Grid := Grids.Create (0, 0);
+ Current_Level : LevelID;
+ -- Miscellaneous.
+ Origin : String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory
+ (Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name));
+ Level_Dir : String := Origin & "/../share/sokoban/level";
+ -- Main program interface.
+ procedure Load_Level
+ (Number : in LevelID)
+ is
+ use Ada.Strings, Ada.Strings.Fixed, Ada.Strings.Maps;
+ Data_File : File_Type;
+ Filename : String :=
+ Level_Dir & "/level" & Trim (LevelID'Image (Number), Both) & ".data";
+ Rows, Cols : Natural;
+ begin
+ Open (Data_File, In_File, Filename);
+ declare
+ Row_Line : String := Get_Line (Data_File);
+ Col_Line : String := Get_Line (Data_File);
+ Start, Finish : Natural;
+ begin
+ Find_Token (Row_Line, To_Set ("0123456789"), 1, Inside, Start, Finish);
+ Rows := Natural'Value (Row_Line (Start .. Finish));
+ Find_Token (Col_Line, To_Set ("0123456789"), 1, Inside, Start, Finish);
+ Cols := Natural'Value (Col_Line (Start .. Finish));
+ end;
+ My_Display.Adjust_Grid (Cols, Rows);
+ for Y in Integer range 1 .. Rows loop
+ declare
+ Working_Line : String := Get_Line (Data_File);
+ begin
+ for X in Integer range 1 .. Cols loop
+ Add_New_Grid_Item (X, Y, Working_Line (X));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Close (Data_File);
+ Current_Level := Number;
+ My_Display.Centre_On_Screen;
+ end Load_Level;
+ procedure Show is
+ begin
+ My_Display.Show;
+ end Show;
+ procedure Hide is
+ begin
+ My_Display.Hide;
+ end Hide;
+ -- Callbacks for keyboard controls.
+ -- Helper functions.
+ procedure Add_New_Grid_Item
+ (X, Y : in Natural;
+ Char : in Character)
+ is
+ Temp : Squares.Square;
+ begin
+ case Char is
+ when '#' =>
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Squares.Wall);
+ when ' ' =>
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Squares.Empty);
+ when '$' =>
+ Temp := Squares.Empty;
+ Temp.Set_Contents (Things.Treasure);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Temp);
+ when '*' =>
+ Temp := Squares.Goal;
+ Temp.Set_Contents (Things.Treasure);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Temp);
+ when '!' =>
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Squares.Space);
+ when '.' =>
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Squares.Goal);
+ when '@' =>
+ Temp := Squares.Empty;
+ Temp.Set_Contents (Things.Man);
+ My_Grid.Set_Square (X, Y, Temp);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Add_New_Grid_Item;
+ My_Display.Set_Grid (My_Grid);
+end Sokoban;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec88cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package Sokoban is
+ type LevelID is new Integer range 0 .. 50;
+ procedure Load_Level
+ (Number : in LevelID);
+ procedure Show;
+ procedure Hide;
+end Sokoban;
diff --git a/src/squares.adb b/src/squares.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..673f425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/squares.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package body Squares is
+ function Is_Walkable
+ (This : in Square)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return This.Walkable;
+ end Is_Walkable;
+ function Get_Contents
+ (This : in Square)
+ return Things.Thing is
+ begin
+ return This.Contents;
+ end Get_Contents;
+ procedure Set_Contents
+ (This : in out Square;
+ Item : in Things.Thing) is
+ begin
+ This.Contents := Item;
+ end Set_Contents;
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in Square;
+ X, Y : in Integer) is
+ begin
+ This.Self_Image.Draw (X, Y);
+ This.Contents.Draw (X, Y);
+ end Draw;
+ function "="
+ (A, B : in Square)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return
+ A.Walkable = B.Walkable and
+ A.Self_Image = B.Self_Image;
+ end "=";
+end Squares;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f9b090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ Things;
+private with
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG,
+ Ada.Command_Line,
+ Ada.Directories;
+package Squares is
+ type Square is tagged private;
+ Void : constant Square;
+ Wall : constant Square;
+ Space : constant Square;
+ Empty : constant Square;
+ Goal : constant Square;
+ function Is_Walkable
+ (This : in Square)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Contents
+ (This : in Square)
+ return Things.Thing
+ with Pre => Is_Walkable (This);
+ procedure Set_Contents
+ (This : in out Square;
+ Item : in Things.Thing)
+ with Pre => Is_Walkable (This);
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in Square;
+ X, Y : in Integer);
+ function "="
+ (A, B : in Square)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Square is tagged record
+ Walkable : Boolean;
+ Contents : Things.Thing;
+ Self_Image : access FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image;
+ end record;
+ Origin : String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory
+ (Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name));
+ Image_Dir : String := Origin & "/../share/sokoban/img";
+ Wall_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/wall.png");
+ Space_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/space.png");
+ Empty_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/empty.png");
+ Goal_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/goal.png");
+ Void : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => False, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => null);
+ Wall : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => False, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Wall_Image'Access);
+ Space : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => False, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Space_Image'Access);
+ Empty : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => True, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Empty_Image'Access);
+ Goal : constant Square :=
+ (Walkable => True, Contents => Things.Nothing, Self_Image => Goal_Image'Access);
+end Squares;
diff --git a/src/things.adb b/src/things.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd8b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/things.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package body Things is
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in Thing;
+ X, Y : in Integer) is
+ begin
+ if This.Self_Image /= null then
+ This.Self_Image.Draw (X, Y);
+ end if;
+ end Draw;
+ function "="
+ (A, B : in Thing)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return A.Self_Image = B.Self_Image;
+ end "=";
+end Things;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8da450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+private with
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG,
+ Ada.Command_Line,
+ Ada.Directories;
+package Things is
+ type Thing is tagged private;
+ Nothing : constant Thing;
+ Man : constant Thing;
+ Treasure : constant Thing;
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in Thing;
+ X, Y : in Integer);
+ function "="
+ (A, B : in Thing)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Thing is tagged record
+ Self_Image : access FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image;
+ end record;
+ Origin : String := Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory
+ (Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name));
+ Image_Dir : String := Origin & "/../share/sokoban/img";
+ Man_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/man.png");
+ Treasure_Image : aliased FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Image_Dir & "/treasure.png");
+ Nothing : constant Thing :=
+ (Self_Image => null);
+ Man : constant Thing :=
+ (Self_Image => Man_Image'Access);
+ Treasure : constant Thing :=
+ (Self_Image => Treasure_Image'Access);
+end Things;