path: root/src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2017-02-13 18:27:13 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2017-02-13 18:27:13 +1100
commit2b8b55de4a18757e8d6769e458c84f7c1df1e261 (patch)
treecbd62219babccc04e57fa7708f88385a7f6413d3 /src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb
parent2b842cb65ce29071d5786bdecc834c026d1f2db2 (diff)
Swapped out crypto package for something smaller, revised other code and readme/notes slightly
Diffstat (limited to 'src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 921 deletions
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb b/src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index b69e55b..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,921 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-package body Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers is
- -- package MIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (Word);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------SEPARATED_BODYS-------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package body Utils is separate;
- use Utils;
- package body Mod_Utils is separate;
- use Mod_Utils;
- package body Binfield_Utils is separate;
- use Binfield_Utils;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------COMPARE_FUNCTIONS--------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- compare: Big_Unsigned with Big_Unsigned --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index = Right.Last_Index then
- for I in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- if Left.Number(I) /= Right.Number(I) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- else return False;
- end if;
- return True;
- end "=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index < Right.Last_Index then return True;
- elsif Left.Last_Index > Right.Last_Index then return False;
- else
- for I in reverse 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- if Left.Number(I) < Right.Number(I) then return True;
- elsif Left.Number(I) > Right.Number(I) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return False;
- end "<";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right < Left;
- end ">";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Right < Left);
- end "<=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Left < Right);
- end ">=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Min(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if (X < Y) then return X;
- else return Y;
- end if;
- end Min;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Max(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if (X < Y) then return Y;
- else return X;
- end if;
- end Max;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- compare: Big_Unsigned with Word --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index=0 and Left.Number(0) = Right then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end "=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right = Left;
- end "=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index > 0 then return False;
- else return Left.Number(Left.Last_Index) < Right;
- end if;
- end "<";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Right.Last_Index > 0 then return True;
- else return Left < Right.Number(Right.Last_Index);
- end if;
- end "<";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right < Left;
- end ">";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right < Left;
- end ">";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Right < Left);
- end "<=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Right < Left);
- end "<=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Left < Right);
- end ">=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Left < Right);
- end ">=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------BASE_FUNCTIONS---------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- L : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left), Bit_Length(Right));
- begin
- if L + 1 <= Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) + Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- Carry : Big_Unsigned;
- Temp : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Carry := Left and Right;
- Result := Left xor Right;
- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
- loop
- Temp := Result and Carry;
- Result := Result xor Carry;
- Carry := Temp;
- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
- exit when Carry = Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "+";
--- function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
--- Result: Big_Unsigned;
--- Carry : Big_Unsigned;
--- Temp : Big_Unsigned;
--- begin
--- Carry := Left and Right;
--- Result := Left xor Right;
--- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
--- --ADA Do_While
--- loop
--- Temp := Result and Carry;
--- Result := Result xor Carry;
--- Carry := Temp;
--- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
--- exit when Carry = Big_Unsigned_Zero;
--- end loop;
--- return Result;
--- end "+";
--- function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
--- Result : Big_Unsigned;
--- M : constant Natural := Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
--- Temp : Word;
--- Carry : Word :=0;
--- begin
--- for I in 0..M loop
--- Temp :=Carry;
--- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) + Right.Number(I) +Temp;
--- if Result.Number(I) < Word'Max(Left.Number(I), Right.Number(I))
--- then Carry := 1;
--- else Carry := 0;
--- end if;
--- end loop;
--- if Carry =1 and M < Max_Length then
--- Result.Number(M+1) := 1;
--- Result.Last_Index := M+1;
--- else
--- -- Set Result.Last_Index
--- for I in reverse 0..M loop
--- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
--- Result.Last_Index := I;
--- return Result;
--- end if;
--- end loop;
--- end if;
--- return Result;
--- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Right : Constant Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Right, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Left + Big_Right;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Left : constant Big_Unsigned := (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Left, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Big_Left + Right;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- -- Add the modulus if Right > Left
- if Right > Left then
- return Big_Unsigned_Last - Right + Left + 1;
--- raise Big_Unsigned_Negative; -- RSA does not run
- else
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- Carry : Word:=0;
- begin
- -- Remember: Left => Right
- for I in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) - Right.Number(I) - Carry;
- if (Right.Number(I) > Left.Number(I)) or
- (Carry= 1 and Right.Number(I) = Left.Number(I))
- then Carry :=1;
- else Carry :=0;
- end if;
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end if;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Right : constant Big_Unsigned := (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Right, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Left - Big_Right;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Left : constant Big_Unsigned := (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Left, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Big_Left - Right;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(X : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if X /= Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return Big_Unsigned_Last-X-1;
- else
- return X;
- end if;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "*"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned ;
- L : constant Natural := Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right);
- begin
- if L <= Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- elsif L > 2800 and L <= 3600 then
- Result := Karatsuba_P(Left, Right);
- elsif L > 3600 then
- Result := Toom_Cook_P(Left, Right);
- else
- declare
- Temp : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- Temp := Left.Number(I) * Right;
- Temp := Shift_Left(Temp, (I*Word'Size));
- Result := Result + Temp;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "*";
- function Russ (Left,Right : Big_Unsigned)return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned ;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) <= Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- AA : Big_Unsigned := Left;
- BB : Big_Unsigned := Right;
- begin
- while AA > Big_Unsigned_Zero loop
- if (AA and Big_Unsigned_One) = 1 then
- Result := Result + BB;
- AA := AA - 1;
- end if;
- AA := Shift_Right(AA, 1);
- BB := Shift_Left(BB, 1);
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Russ;
- function Karatsuba (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- Left_1, Left_2 : Big_Unsigned;
- Right_1, Right_2 : Big_Unsigned;
- P_1, P_2 : Big_Unsigned;
- N : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left)
- , Bit_Length(Right))/2;
- begin
- Left_1 := Shift_Right(Left, N);
- Left_2 := Left - Shift_Left( Left_1, N );
- Right_1 := Shift_Right(Right, N);
- Right_2 := Right - Shift_Left( Right_1, N );
- P_1 := Left_1 * Right_1;
- P_2 := Left_2 * Right_2;
- Result := Shift_Left(P_1, 2*N)
- + Shift_Left(((Left_1 + Left_2)*(Right_1 + Right_2)) - P_1 - P_2, N)
- + P_2;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Karatsuba;
- function Karatsuba_P (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- Left_1, Left_2 : Big_Unsigned:= Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- Right_1, Right_2 : Big_Unsigned:= Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- P_1, P_2, P_3 : Big_Unsigned:= Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- N : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left),
- Bit_Length(Right))/2;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- task type Karatsuba_Task_Type is
- entry Input (Left, Right : in Big_Unsigned);
- entry Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned);
- end Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- task body Karatsuba_Task_Type is
- X : Big_Unsigned;
- Left_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- Right_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- accept Input (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) do
- Left_Local := Left;
- Right_Local := Right;
- end Input;
--- X := Karatsuba(Left_Local, Right_Local);
- X := Left_Local * Right_Local;
- accept Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned) do
- Result := X;
- end Output;
- end Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- Task_1 : Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- Task_2 : Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- Task_3 : Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- begin
- Left_1 := Shift_Right(Left, N);
- Left_2 := Left - Shift_Left( Left_1, N );
- Right_1 := Shift_Right(Right, N);
- Right_2 := Right - Shift_Left( Right_1, N );
- Task_1.Input(Left_1, Right_1);
- Task_2.Input(Left_2, Right_2);
- Task_3.Input((Left_1 + Left_2), (Right_1 + Right_2));
- Task_1.Output(Result => P_1);
- Task_2.Output(Result => P_2);
- Task_3.Output(Result => P_3);
- Result := Shift_Left(P_1, 2*N)
- + Shift_Left((P_3 - P_1 - P_2), N)
- + P_2;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Karatsuba_P;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Toom_Cook(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- knuth_1 : Array (1..5) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_2 : Array (1..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_3 : Array (1..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_4 : Array (1..2) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_5_1 : Big_Unsigned;
- L, R : Array (0..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- F_Left, F_Right : Array (2..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Z : Array (0..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Length : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left) ,
- Bit_Length(Right) );
- N : constant Natural := Length / 3;
- DN : constant Natural := 2 * N;
- begin
- -- SPLITTING .............................................................
- L(0) := Shift_Right( Left, DN);
- L(1) := Shift_Right( Left, N ) - Shift_Left( L(0), N );
- L(2) := Left - Shift_Left( L(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( L(1), N );
- R(0) := Shift_Right( Right, DN);
- R(1) := Shift_Right( Right, N ) - Shift_Left( R(0), N );
- R(2) := Right - Shift_Left( R(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( R(1), N );
- F_Left(2) := Shift_Left(L(0),2) + Shift_Left(L(1),1) + L(2);
- F_Right(2) := Shift_Left(R(0),2) + Shift_Left(R(1),1) + R(2);
- F_Left(3) := (Shift_Left(L(0),3) + L(0)) + (Shift_Left(L(1),1)+L(1)) + L(2);
- F_Right(3) := (Shift_Left(R(0),3) + R(0)) + (Shift_Left(R(1),1)+R(1)) + R(2);
- F_Left(4) := Shift_Left(L(0),4) + Shift_Left(L(1),2) + L(2);
- F_Right(4) := Shift_Left(R(0),4) + Shift_Left(R(1),2) + R(2);
- -- INTERPOLATION with POINTWISE MULT .....................................
- knuth_1(1) := L(2)* R(2);
- knuth_1(2) := (L(0) + L(1) + L(2)) * (R(0) + R(1) + R(2));
- knuth_1(3) := F_Left(2) * F_Right(2);
- knuth_1(4) := F_Left(3) * F_Right(3);
- knuth_1(5) := F_Left(4) * F_Right(4);
- knuth_2(1) := knuth_1(2) - knuth_1(1);
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_1(3) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_2(3) := knuth_1(4) - knuth_1(3);
- knuth_2(4) := knuth_1(5) - knuth_1(4);
- knuth_3(1) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(2) - knuth_2(1)),1);
- knuth_3(2) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(3) - knuth_2(2)),1);
- knuth_3(3) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(4) - knuth_2(3)),1);
- knuth_4(1) := (knuth_3(2) - knuth_3(1)) / 3;
- knuth_4(2) := (knuth_3(3) - knuth_3(2)) / 3;
- knuth_5_1 := Shift_Right(knuth_4(2) - knuth_4(1),2);
- Z(0) := knuth_5_1;
- Z(1) := knuth_4(1);
- Z(2) := knuth_3(1);
- Z(3) := knuth_2(1);
- Z(4) := knuth_1(1);
- -- RECOMPOSITION ............................................................
- knuth_1(1) := Z(1) - (Z(0) + Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(2) := knuth_1(1) - (Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(3) := knuth_1(2) - Z(0);
- knuth_2(1) := Z(2) - (Shift_Left(knuth_1(1),1));
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_2(1) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_3(1) := Z(3) - knuth_2(1);
- Result := Shift_Left( Z(0), DN*2)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_1(3), DN+N)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_2(2), DN)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_3(1), N)
- + Z(4);
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Toom_Cook;
- function Toom_Cook_P(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- knuth_1 : Array (1..5) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_2 : Array (1..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_3 : Array (1..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_4 : Array (1..2) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_5_1 : Big_Unsigned;
- L, R : Array (0..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- F_Left, F_Right : Array (2..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Z : Array (0..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Length : constant Natural := Natural'Max(Bit_Length(Left) ,
- Bit_Length(Right) );
- N : constant Natural := Length / 3;
- DN : constant Natural := 2 * N;
- task type Toom_Cook_Task_Type is
- entry Input (Left, Right : in Big_Unsigned);
- entry Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned);
- end Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- task body Toom_Cook_Task_Type is
- X : Big_Unsigned;
- Left_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- Right_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- accept Input (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) do
- Left_Local := Left;
- Right_Local := Right;
- end Input;
- X := Left_Local * Right_Local;
- accept Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned) do
- Result := X;
- end Output;
- end Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_1 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_2 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_3 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_4 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_5 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- begin
- -- SPLITTING .............................................................
- L(0) := Shift_Right( Left, DN);
- L(1) := Shift_Right( Left, N ) - Shift_Left( L(0), N );
- L(2) := Left - Shift_Left( L(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( L(1), N );
- R(0) := Shift_Right( Right, DN);
- R(1) := Shift_Right( Right, N ) - Shift_Left( R(0), N );
- R(2) := Right - Shift_Left( R(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( R(1), N );
- -- EVALUATION ............................................................
- F_Left(2) := Shift_Left(L(0),2) + Shift_Left(L(1),1) + L(2);
- F_Right(2) := Shift_Left(R(0),2) + Shift_Left(R(1),1) + R(2);
- F_Left(3) := (Shift_Left(L(0),3) + L(0))
- + (Shift_Left(L(1),1)+L(1)) + L(2);
- F_Right(3) := (Shift_Left(R(0),3) + R(0))
- + (Shift_Left(R(1),1)+R(1)) + R(2);
- F_Left(4) := Shift_Left(L(0),4) + Shift_Left(L(1),2) + L(2);
- F_Right(4) := Shift_Left(R(0),4) + Shift_Left(R(1),2) + R(2);
- -- INTERPOLATION with POINTWISE MULT .....................................
- Task_1.Input( L(2), R(2) );
- Task_2.Input(L(0) + L(1) + L(2), R(0) + R(1) + R(2));
- Task_3.Input(F_Left(2), F_Right(2));
- Task_4.Input(F_Left(3), F_Right(3));
- Task_5.Input(F_Left(4), F_Right(4));
- Task_1.Output(Result => knuth_1(1));
- Task_2.Output(Result => knuth_1(2));
- Task_3.Output(Result => knuth_1(3));
- Task_4.Output(Result => knuth_1(4));
- Task_5.Output(Result => knuth_1(5));
- knuth_2(1) := knuth_1(2) - knuth_1(1);
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_1(3) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_2(3) := knuth_1(4) - knuth_1(3);
- knuth_2(4) := knuth_1(5) - knuth_1(4);
- knuth_3(1) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(2) - knuth_2(1)),1);
- knuth_3(2) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(3) - knuth_2(2)),1);
- knuth_3(3) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(4) - knuth_2(3)),1);
- knuth_4(1) := (knuth_3(2) - knuth_3(1)) / 3;
- knuth_4(2) := (knuth_3(3) - knuth_3(2)) / 3;
- knuth_5_1 := Shift_Right(knuth_4(2) - knuth_4(1),2);
- Z(0) := knuth_5_1;
- Z(1) := knuth_4(1);
- Z(2) := knuth_3(1);
- Z(3) := knuth_2(1);
- Z(4) := knuth_1(1);
- -- RECOMPOSITION .........................................................
- knuth_1(1) := Z(1) - (Z(0) + Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(2) := knuth_1(1) - (Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(3) := knuth_1(2) - Z(0);
- knuth_2(1) := Z(2) - (Shift_Left(knuth_1(1),1));
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_2(1) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_3(1) := Z(3) - knuth_2(1);
- Result := Shift_Left( Z(0), DN*2)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_1(3), DN+N)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_2(2), DN)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_3(1), N)
- + Z(4);
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Toom_Cook_P;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "*"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Right = 0 or Left = Big_Unsigned_Zero then return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- elsif Right = 1 then return Left;
- end if;
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in 0..Word'Size loop
- if (Shift_Right(Right,I) mod 2) = 1 then
- Result:= Result + Shift_Left(Left,I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end "*";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "*"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- return Right * Left;
- end "*";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "**"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Left = Big_Unsigned_Zero or Left = Big_Unsigned_One then
- return Left;
- end if;
- -- Square_And_Multiply
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_One;
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..Bit_Length(Right)-1 loop
- Result := Result * Result;
- if (Shift_Right(Right, I) mod 2) = Big_Unsigned_One then
- Result := Result * Left;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end "**";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "/"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Big_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- return Q;
- end "/";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "/"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Left: constant Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0=> Left, others => 0));
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Big_Div(Big_Left,Right,Q,R);
- return Q;
- end "/";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "/"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Word;
- begin
- Short_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- return Q;
- end "/";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "mod"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Big_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- return R;
- end "mod";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "mod"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Word;
- begin
- Short_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- declare
- Result: constant Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => R, others => 0));
- begin
- return Result;
- end;
- end "mod";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- This is a helper function
- -- This procedure computes/adjust the Last_Index of B
- procedure Last_Index(B : in out Big_Unsigned; M : in M_Len:=Max_Length) is
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..M loop
- if B.Number(I) /= 0 then
- B.Last_Index := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Last_Index; pragma Inline (Last_Index);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural:= Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- begin
- -- xor
- for I in 0..M loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) xor Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- -- compute the Last_Index
- Last_Index(Result,M);
- return Result;
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural:= Natural'Min(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- begin
- --and
- for I in 0..M loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) and Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, M);
- return Result;
- end "and";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned
- is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) and Right;
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, 0);
- return Result;
- end "and";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned
- is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Result.Number(0) := Left and Right.Number(0);
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, 0);
- return Result;
- end "and";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "or"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural:= Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- begin
- -- or
- for I in 0..M loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) or Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, M);
- return Result;
- end "or";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if Size mod Word'Size /= 0 then
- Put("Size must be a multiple of " & Word'Image(Word'Size));
- raise Constraint_Size_Error;
- end if;
-end Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers;