path: root/src
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2017-02-13 18:27:13 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2017-02-13 18:27:13 +1100
commit2b8b55de4a18757e8d6769e458c84f7c1df1e261 (patch)
treecbd62219babccc04e57fa7708f88385a7f6413d3 /src
parent2b842cb65ce29071d5786bdecc834c026d1f2db2 (diff)
Swapped out crypto package for something smaller, revised other code and readme/notes slightly
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
26 files changed, 2197 insertions, 5086 deletions
diff --git a/src/bundles-containers.adb b/src/bundles-containers.adb
index 8ba0d30..029d7c0 100644
--- a/src/bundles-containers.adb
+++ b/src/bundles-containers.adb
@@ -20,24 +20,15 @@ package body Bundles.Containers is
use type Bundle_Maps.Cursor;
use type Bundle_Vectors.Vector;
- procedure Update_Bundle
- (B : in out Bundle) is
- begin
- Add (B, Item);
- end Update_Bundle;
- procedure Update_Vector
- (C : in Candidates.CandidateID;
- V : in out Bundle_Vectors.Vector) is
- begin
- V.Update_Element (V.First_Index, Update_Bundle'Access);
- end Update_Vector;
Place : Candidates.CandidateID := Item (Given_Prefs.Preference_Range'First);
Current_Cursor : Bundle_Maps.Cursor := BMap.Find (Place);
if Current_Cursor /= Bundle_Maps.No_Element then
- BMap.Update_Element (Current_Cursor, Update_Vector'Access);
+ declare
+ Vec_Ref : Bundle_Maps.Reference_Type := BMap.Reference (Current_Cursor);
+ begin
+ Add (Vec_Ref.Reference (Vec_Ref.First_Index), Item);
+ end;
New_Bundle : Bundle := Empty_Bundle;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 66eba8e..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Crypto.Types;
-use Crypto.Types;
-package Crypto.Asymmetric.Prime_Tables is
- One_Digit_Primes : constant array(Natural range <>) of Natural :=
- (2, 3, 5, 7);
- Two_Digit_Primes : constant array(Natural range <>) of Natural :=
- (11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47,
- 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97);
- Three_Digit_Primes : constant array(Natural range <>) of Natural :=
- ( 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163,
- 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233,
- 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311,
- 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389,
- 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463,
- 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563,
- 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641,
- 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727,
- 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821,
- 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907,
- 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997);
- Four_Digit_Primes : constant array(Natural range <>) of Natural :=
- ( 1009, 1013, 1019, 1021, 1031, 1033, 1039, 1049, 1051, 1061, 1063,
- 1069, 1087, 1091, 1093, 1097, 1103, 1109, 1117, 1123, 1129, 1151,
- 1153, 1163, 1171, 1181, 1187, 1193, 1201, 1213, 1217, 1223, 1229,
- 1231, 1237, 1249, 1259, 1277, 1279, 1283, 1289, 1291, 1297, 1301,
- 1303, 1307, 1319, 1321, 1327, 1361, 1367, 1373, 1381, 1399, 1409,
- 1423, 1427, 1429, 1433, 1439, 1447, 1451, 1453, 1459, 1471, 1481,
- 1483, 1487, 1489, 1493, 1499, 1511, 1523, 1531, 1543, 1549, 1553,
- 1559, 1567, 1571, 1579, 1583, 1597, 1601, 1607, 1609, 1613, 1619,
- 1621, 1627, 1637, 1657, 1663, 1667, 1669, 1693, 1697, 1699, 1709,
- 1721, 1723, 1733, 1741, 1747, 1753, 1759, 1777, 1783, 1787, 1789,
- 1801, 1811, 1823, 1831, 1847, 1861, 1867, 1871, 1873, 1877, 1879,
- 1889, 1901, 1907, 1913, 1931, 1933, 1949, 1951, 1973, 1979, 1987,
- 1993, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2011, 2017, 2027, 2029, 2039, 2053, 2063,
- 2069, 2081, 2083, 2087, 2089, 2099, 2111, 2113, 2129, 2131, 2137,
- 2141, 2143, 2153, 2161, 2179, 2203, 2207, 2213, 2221, 2237, 2239,
- 2243, 2251, 2267, 2269, 2273, 2281, 2287, 2293, 2297, 2309, 2311,
- 2333, 2339, 2341, 2347, 2351, 2357, 2371, 2377, 2381, 2383, 2389,
- 2393, 2399, 2411, 2417, 2423, 2437, 2441, 2447, 2459, 2467, 2473,
- 2477, 2503, 2521, 2531, 2539, 2543, 2549, 2551, 2557, 2579, 2591,
- 2593, 2609, 2617, 2621, 2633, 2647, 2657, 2659, 2663, 2671, 2677,
- 2683, 2687, 2689, 2693, 2699, 2707, 2711, 2713, 2719, 2729, 2731,
- 2741, 2749, 2753, 2767, 2777, 2789, 2791, 2797, 2801, 2803, 2819,
- 2833, 2837, 2843, 2851, 2857, 2861, 2879, 2887, 2897, 2903, 2909,
- 2917, 2927, 2939, 2953, 2957, 2963, 2969, 2971, 2999, 3001, 3011,
- 3019, 3023, 3037, 3041, 3049, 3061, 3067, 3079, 3083, 3089, 3109,
- 3119, 3121, 3137, 3163, 3167, 3169, 3181, 3187, 3191, 3203, 3209,
- 3217, 3221, 3229, 3251, 3253, 3257, 3259, 3271, 3299, 3301, 3307,
- 3313, 3319, 3323, 3329, 3331, 3343, 3347, 3359, 3361, 3371, 3373,
- 3389, 3391, 3407, 3413, 3433, 3449, 3457, 3461, 3463, 3467, 3469,
- 3491, 3499, 3511, 3517, 3527, 3529, 3533, 3539, 3541, 3547, 3557,
- 3559, 3571, 3581, 3583, 3593, 3607, 3613, 3617, 3623, 3631, 3637,
- 3643, 3659, 3671, 3673, 3677, 3691, 3697, 3701, 3709, 3719, 3727,
- 3733, 3739, 3761, 3767, 3769, 3779, 3793, 3797, 3803, 3821, 3823,
- 3833, 3847, 3851, 3853, 3863, 3877, 3881, 3889, 3907, 3911, 3917,
- 3919, 3923, 3929, 3931, 3943, 3947, 3967, 3989, 4001, 4003, 4007,
- 4013, 4019, 4021, 4027, 4049, 4051, 4057, 4073, 4079, 4091, 4093,
- 4099, 4111, 4127, 4129, 4133, 4139, 4153, 4157, 4159, 4177, 4201,
- 4211, 4217, 4219, 4229, 4231, 4241, 4243, 4253, 4259, 4261, 4271,
- 4273, 4283, 4289, 4297, 4327, 4337, 4339, 4349, 4357, 4363, 4373,
- 4391, 4397, 4409, 4421, 4423, 4441, 4447, 4451, 4457, 4463, 4481,
- 4483, 4493, 4507, 4513, 4517, 4519, 4523, 4547, 4549, 4561, 4567,
- 4583, 4591, 4597, 4603, 4621, 4637, 4639, 4643, 4649, 4651, 4657,
- 4663, 4673, 4679, 4691, 4703, 4721, 4723, 4729, 4733, 4751, 4759,
- 4783, 4787, 4789, 4793, 4799, 4801, 4813, 4817, 4831, 4861, 4871,
- 4877, 4889, 4903, 4909, 4919, 4931, 4933, 4937, 4943, 4951, 4957,
- 4967, 4969, 4973, 4987, 4993, 4999, 5003, 5009, 5011, 5021, 5023,
- 5039, 5051, 5059, 5077, 5081, 5087, 5099, 5101, 5107, 5113, 5119,
- 5147, 5153, 5167, 5171, 5179, 5189, 5197, 5209, 5227, 5231, 5233,
- 5237, 5261, 5273, 5279, 5281, 5297, 5303, 5309, 5323, 5333, 5347,
- 5351, 5381, 5387, 5393, 5399, 5407, 5413, 5417, 5419, 5431, 5437,
- 5441, 5443, 5449, 5471, 5477, 5479, 5483, 5501, 5503, 5507, 5519,
- 5521, 5527, 5531, 5557, 5563, 5569, 5573, 5581, 5591, 5623, 5639,
- 5641, 5647, 5651, 5653, 5657, 5659, 5669, 5683, 5689, 5693, 5701,
- 5711, 5717, 5737, 5741, 5743, 5749, 5779, 5783, 5791, 5801, 5807,
- 5813, 5821, 5827, 5839, 5843, 5849, 5851, 5857, 5861, 5867, 5869,
- 5879, 5881, 5897, 5903, 5923, 5927, 5939, 5953, 5981, 5987, 6007,
- 6011, 6029, 6037, 6043, 6047, 6053, 6067, 6073, 6079, 6089, 6091,
- 6101, 6113, 6121, 6131, 6133, 6143, 6151, 6163, 6173, 6197, 6199,
- 6203, 6211, 6217, 6221, 6229, 6247, 6257, 6263, 6269, 6271, 6277,
- 6287, 6299, 6301, 6311, 6317, 6323, 6329, 6337, 6343, 6353, 6359,
- 6361, 6367, 6373, 6379, 6389, 6397, 6421, 6427, 6449, 6451, 6469,
- 6473, 6481, 6491, 6521, 6529, 6547, 6551, 6553, 6563, 6569, 6571,
- 6577, 6581, 6599, 6607, 6619, 6637, 6653, 6659, 6661, 6673, 6679,
- 6689, 6691, 6701, 6703, 6709, 6719, 6733, 6737, 6761, 6763, 6779,
- 6781, 6791, 6793, 6803, 6823, 6827, 6829, 6833, 6841, 6857, 6863,
- 6869, 6871, 6883, 6899, 6907, 6911, 6917, 6947, 6949, 6959, 6961,
- 6967, 6971, 6977, 6983, 6991, 6997, 7001, 7013, 7019, 7027, 7039,
- 7043, 7057, 7069, 7079, 7103, 7109, 7121, 7127, 7129, 7151, 7159,
- 7177, 7187, 7193, 7207, 7211, 7213, 7219, 7229, 7237, 7243, 7247,
- 7253, 7283, 7297, 7307, 7309, 7321, 7331, 7333, 7349, 7351, 7369,
- 7393, 7411, 7417, 7433, 7451, 7457, 7459, 7477, 7481, 7487, 7489,
- 7499, 7507, 7517, 7523, 7529, 7537, 7541, 7547, 7549, 7559, 7561,
- 7573, 7577, 7583, 7589, 7591, 7603, 7607, 7621, 7639, 7643, 7649,
- 7669, 7673, 7681, 7687, 7691, 7699, 7703, 7717, 7723, 7727, 7741,
- 7753, 7757, 7759, 7789, 7793, 7817, 7823, 7829, 7841, 7853, 7867,
- 7873, 7877, 7879, 7883, 7901, 7907, 7919, 7927, 7933, 7937, 7949,
- 7951, 7963, 7993, 8009, 8011, 8017, 8039, 8053, 8059, 8069, 8081,
- 8087, 8089, 8093, 8101, 8111, 8117, 8123, 8147, 8161, 8167, 8171,
- 8179, 8191, 8209, 8219, 8221, 8231, 8233, 8237, 8243, 8263, 8269,
- 8273, 8287, 8291, 8293, 8297, 8311, 8317, 8329, 8353, 8363, 8369,
- 8377, 8387, 8389, 8419, 8423, 8429, 8431, 8443, 8447, 8461, 8467,
- 8501, 8513, 8521, 8527, 8537, 8539, 8543, 8563, 8573, 8581, 8597,
- 8599, 8609, 8623, 8627, 8629, 8641, 8647, 8663, 8669, 8677, 8681,
- 8689, 8693, 8699, 8707, 8713, 8719, 8731, 8737, 8741, 8747, 8753,
- 8761, 8779, 8783, 8803, 8807, 8819, 8821, 8831, 8837, 8839, 8849,
- 8861, 8863, 8867, 8887, 8893, 8923, 8929, 8933, 8941, 8951, 8963,
- 8969, 8971, 8999, 9001, 9007, 9011, 9013, 9029, 9041, 9043, 9049,
- 9059, 9067, 9091, 9103, 9109, 9127, 9133, 9137, 9151, 9157, 9161,
- 9173, 9181, 9187, 9199, 9203, 9209, 9221, 9227, 9239, 9241, 9257,
- 9277, 9281, 9283, 9293, 9311, 9319, 9323, 9337, 9341, 9343, 9349,
- 9371, 9377, 9391, 9397, 9403, 9413, 9419, 9421, 9431, 9433, 9437,
- 9439, 9461, 9463, 9467, 9473, 9479, 9491, 9497, 9511, 9521, 9533,
- 9539, 9547, 9551, 9587, 9601, 9613, 9619, 9623, 9629, 9631, 9643,
- 9649, 9661, 9677, 9679, 9689, 9697, 9719, 9721, 9733, 9739, 9743,
- 9749, 9767, 9769, 9781, 9787, 9791, 9803, 9811, 9817, 9829, 9833,
- 9839, 9851, 9857, 9859, 9871, 9883, 9887, 9901, 9907, 9923, 9929,
- 9931, 9941, 9949, 9967, 9973);
- -- binary field squaring tables
- T8 : constant array (0..15) of Byte :=
- (0, 1, 4, 5, 16, 17, 20, 21, 64, 65, 68, 69, 80, 81, 84, 85);
- T16 : constant array (Byte) of DByte :=
- (
- 0, 1, 4, 5, 16, 17, 20, 21,
- 64, 65, 68, 69, 80, 81, 84, 85,
- 256, 257, 260, 261, 272, 273, 276, 277,
- 320, 321, 324, 325, 336, 337, 340, 341,
- 1024, 1025, 1028, 1029, 1040, 1041, 1044, 1045,
- 1088, 1089, 1092, 1093, 1104, 1105, 1108, 1109,
- 1280, 1281, 1284, 1285, 1296, 1297, 1300, 1301,
- 1344, 1345, 1348, 1349, 1360, 1361, 1364, 1365,
- 4096, 4097, 4100, 4101, 4112, 4113, 4116, 4117,
- 4160, 4161, 4164, 4165, 4176, 4177, 4180, 4181,
- 4352, 4353, 4356, 4357, 4368, 4369, 4372, 4373,
- 4416, 4417, 4420, 4421, 4432, 4433, 4436, 4437,
- 5120, 5121, 5124, 5125, 5136, 5137, 5140, 5141,
- 5184, 5185, 5188, 5189, 5200, 5201, 5204, 5205,
- 5376, 5377, 5380, 5381, 5392, 5393, 5396, 5397,
- 5440, 5441, 5444, 5445, 5456, 5457, 5460, 5461,
- 16384, 16385, 16388, 16389, 16400, 16401, 16404, 16405,
- 16448, 16449, 16452, 16453, 16464, 16465, 16468, 16469,
- 16640, 16641, 16644, 16645, 16656, 16657, 16660, 16661,
- 16704, 16705, 16708, 16709, 16720, 16721, 16724, 16725,
- 17408, 17409, 17412, 17413, 17424, 17425, 17428, 17429,
- 17472, 17473, 17476, 17477, 17488, 17489, 17492, 17493,
- 17664, 17665, 17668, 17669, 17680, 17681, 17684, 17685,
- 17728, 17729, 17732, 17733, 17744, 17745, 17748, 17749,
- 20480, 20481, 20484, 20485, 20496, 20497, 20500, 20501,
- 20544, 20545, 20548, 20549, 20560, 20561, 20564, 20565,
- 20736, 20737, 20740, 20741, 20752, 20753, 20756, 20757,
- 20800, 20801, 20804, 20805, 20816, 20817, 20820, 20821,
- 21504, 21505, 21508, 21509, 21520, 21521, 21524, 21525,
- 21568, 21569, 21572, 21573, 21584, 21585, 21588, 21589,
- 21760, 21761, 21764, 21765, 21776, 21777, 21780, 21781,
- 21824, 21825, 21828, 21829, 21840, 21841, 21844, 21845
- );
- end Crypto.Asymmetric.Prime_Tables;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34fbc30..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
---with Crypto;
-package Crypto.Asymmetric is
- Invalid_Public_Key_Error : exception;
- Invalid_Private_Key_Error : exception;
- Plaintext_Too_Long_Error : exception;
- Decrypt_Error : exception;
-end Crypto.Asymmetric;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-binfield_utils.adb b/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-binfield_utils.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5835b6d..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-binfield_utils.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
--- Most algorithms based on Kankerson, Menezes and Vanstones
--- "Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptograpyh" (ISBN: 0-387-95273-x)
--- f(z) = 2^m + r(z)
--- R is the binary representation of r(z)
-with Crypto.Asymmetric.Prime_Tables;
-package body Binfield_Utils is
- function B_Mod(Left : D_Big_Unsigned; Right : Big_Unsigned)
- return Big_Unsigned;
- function "xor"(Left, Right: D_Big_Unsigned) return D_Big_Unsigned;
- procedure Set_Last_Index(X : in out D_Big_Unsigned);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pragma Optimize (Time);
- use Crypto.Asymmetric.Prime_Tables;
- -- compute: a(z) + b(z) mod f(z)
- function B_Add(Left,Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- N : constant Natural := Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- C : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in 0..N loop
- C.Number(I) := Left.Number(i) xor Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- for I in reverse 0..N loop
- if C.Number(I) /= 0 then
- C.Last_Index :=I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return C;
- end B_Add;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- compute: a(z) - b(z) mod f(z)
- -- in binary field is -a = a. so a - b = a + (-b) = a + b
- function B_Sub(Left,Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- return B_Add(Left,Right);
- end B_Sub;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- compute: a(z)* z mod f(Z)
- function B_Mult(A, F : Big_Unsigned)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- C : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Positive := Bit_Length(F)-1;
- N : Natural:= M/Word'Size;
- begin
- C := Shift_Left(A,1);
- if C.Last_Index = N then
- N:=M mod Word'Size;
- if (Shift_Right(C.Number(C.Last_Index),N)) = 1 then
- C := B_Add(C,F);
- end if;
- end if;
- return C;
- end B_Mult;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --Algorithm 2.34: Right to left comb method for polynominal multiplication
- -- compute: a(z)*b(z) mod f(Z)
- function B_Mult(Left, Right, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- C : D_Big_Unsigned;
- B : Big_Unsigned := Right;
- -- N : constant Natural := Bit_Length(F);
- begin
- for K in 0..Word'Size-1 loop
- for J in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- if (Shift_Right(Left.Number(J),K) and 1) = 1 then
- -- add B to C{i}
- for I in J..(J+B.Last_Index) loop
- C.Number(I) := C.Number(I) xor B.Number(I-J);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if K /= Word'Size-1 then
- B:=B_Mult(B,F);
- end if;
- end loop;
- Set_Last_Index(C);
- return B_Mod(C,F);
- end B_Mult;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Algorithm 2.39: Polynominal squaring (with wordlength W=8)
- -- compute a(z)**2 mod f(z) on a 8 bit processor
- -- function B_Square8(A, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- -- C : D_Big_Unsigned;
- -- L : Natural;
- -- begin
- -- for I in 0..A.Last_Index loop
- -- L := 2*I;
- -- C.Number(L) := Word(T8(Natural(A.Number(I) and 15)));
- -- L:= L+1;
- -- C.Number(L) :=
- -- Word(T8(Natural(Shift_Right(A.Number(I),4) and 15)));
- -- end loop;
- -- Set_Last_Index(C);
- -- return B_Mod(C,F);
- -- end B_Square8;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Algorithm 2.39: Polynominal squaring (with word length W=n*8 for n=>0)
- -- compute a(z)**2 mod f(z)
- function B_Square(A, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- K : constant Natural := Word'Size/8;
- N : constant Natural := K/2-1;
- --M : constant Natural := Bit_Length(F);
- L : Natural;
- C : D_Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in 0..A.Last_Index loop
- L := 2*I;
- for J in reverse 0..N loop
- C.Number(L) := Shift_Left(C.Number(L),16) xor
- Word(T16(Byte(Shift_Right(A.Number(I),8*J) and 255)));
- end loop;
- L:= L+1;
- for J in reverse K/2..K-1 loop
- C.Number(L) := Shift_Left(C.Number(L),16) xor
- Word(T16(Byte(Shift_Right(A.Number(I),8*J) and 255)));
- end loop;
- end loop;
- Set_Last_Index(C);
- return B_Mod(C,F);
- end B_Square;
- -- It' my own secret "blow and cut" technic. ;-)
- -- compute left(z) mod right(z)
- function B_Mod(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- A : Natural := Bit_Length(Left);
- B : constant Natural := Bit_Length(Right);
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if A < B or B=0 then
- Result.Last_Index := Left.Last_Index;
- Result.Number(0..Left.Last_Index) := Left.Number(0..Left.Last_Index);
- else
- while A >= B loop
- Result := Shift_Left(Right,A-B) xor Right;
- A := Bit_Length(Result);
- end loop;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end B_Mod;
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Algorithm 2.49: Binary algorithm for inversion in F_{2^m}
- -- computes a(z)^{-1}
- function B_Inverse(X, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- U : Big_Unsigned := X;
- V : Big_Unsigned := F;
- G1 : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_One;
- G2 : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if X = Big_Unsigned_Zero or F = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return F;
- end if;
- while U /= Big_Unsigned_One and V /= Big_Unsigned_One loop
- while Is_Even(U) loop
- U := Shift_Right(U,1);
- if Is_Even(G1) then
- G1 := Shift_Right(G1,1);
- else
- G1 := Shift_Right(B_Add(G1,F),1);
- end if;
- end loop;
- while Is_Even(V) loop
- V := Shift_Right(V,1);
- if Is_Even(G2) then
- G2 := Shift_Right(G2,1);
- else
- G2 := Shift_Right(B_Add(G2,F),1);
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Bit_Length(U) > Bit_Length(V) then
- U := B_Add(U,V);
- G1 := B_Add(G1,G2);
- else
- V := B_Add(V,U);
- G2 := B_Add(G2,G1);
- end if;
- end loop;
- if U = Big_Unsigned_One then
- return G1;
- else
- return G2;
- end if;
- end B_Inverse;
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function B_Div(Left, Right, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- R : constant Big_Unsigned := B_Inverse(Right, F);
- begin
- return B_Mult(Left,R,F);
- end B_Div;
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function B_Mod(Left : D_Big_Unsigned; Right : Big_Unsigned)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- A : Natural := Bit_Length(Left);
- B : constant Natural := Bit_Length(Right);
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if A < B or B=0 then
- Result.Last_Index := Left.Last_Index;
- Result.Number(0..Left.Last_Index) := Left.Number(0..Left.Last_Index);
- else
- declare
- T : D_Big_Unsigned := Left;
- Z : D_Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Z.Last_Index := Right.Last_Index;
- Z.Number(0..Right.Last_Index) := Right.Number(0..Right.Last_Index);
- while A >= B loop
- T := Shift_Left(Z,A-B) xor T;
- A := Bit_Length(T);
- end loop;
- Result.Last_Index := T.Last_Index;
- Result.Number(0..T.Last_Index) := T.Number(0..T.Last_Index);
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end B_Mod;
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right: D_Big_Unsigned) return D_Big_Unsigned is
- Result : D_Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural:= Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- begin
- for I in 0..M loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) xor Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- Set_Last_Index(Result);
- return Result;
- end "xor";
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Set_Last_Index(X : in out D_Big_Unsigned) is
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..D_Max_Length loop
- if X.Number(I) /= 0 then
- X.Last_Index :=I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Set_Last_Index; pragma Inline(Set_Last_Index);
-end Binfield_Utils;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-mod_utils.adb b/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-mod_utils.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c02df1..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-mod_utils.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Crypto.Types.Random;
-with Crypto.Asymmetric.Prime_Tables;
---with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-package body Mod_Utils is
- pragma Optimize (Time);
- use Crypto.Asymmetric.Prime_Tables;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Patch(Item, N : Big_Unsigned)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- Diff : constant Big_Unsigned:=((Big_Unsigned_Last - N) + 1) mod N;
- begin
- return Add(Item,Diff,N);
- end Patch; pragma Inline(Patch);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Add(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- L : constant Big_Unsigned := Left mod N;
- R : constant Big_Unsigned := Right mod N;
- Result : constant Big_Unsigned := L + R;
- begin
- if Result < Max(L,R) then
- return Patch(Result,N);
- else return
- Result mod N;
- end if;
- end Add;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Sub(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- L : constant Big_Unsigned := Left mod N;
- R : constant Big_Unsigned := Right mod N;
- begin
- if R > L then
- return N - R + L;
- else return L-R;
- end if;
- end Sub;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Div(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- return Mult(Left,Inverse(Right,N),N);
- end Div; pragma Inline(Div);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --from Erik-Zenners handout "Zahlentheoretische Algorithmen"
- function Pow(Base, Exponent, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- L : constant Big_Unsigned := Base mod N;
- R : constant Big_Unsigned := Exponent;
- Result : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_One;
- begin
- if L = Big_Unsigned_Zero or L = Big_Unsigned_One then
- return L;
- elsif R = Big_Unsigned_Zero then return Big_Unsigned_One;
- else
- -- Square_And_Muliply
- for I in reverse 0..Bit_Length(R)-1 loop
- Result := Mult(Result,Result,N);
- if (Shift_Right(R, I) mod 2) = Big_Unsigned_One then
- Result := Mult(Result,L,N);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result mod N;
- end if;
- end Pow;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --based on Erik-Zenners handout "Zahlentheoretische Algorithmen"
- -- (ext. Euklid)
- -- This function returns Big_unsigned_Zero if X have no inverse mod n
- function Inverse(X, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- B : Big_Unsigned := X mod N;
- A : Big_Unsigned := N;
- begin
- -- if gcd(A,B) /= 1 then A have no inverse mod B
- if B = Big_Unsigned_Zero or A = Big_Unsigned_Zero or
- Gcd(A,B) /= Big_Unsigned_One then
- return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- end if;
- declare
- T : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_One;
- Tstrich, Tempt : Big_Unsigned;
- Q, R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- loop
- Big_Div(A,B,Q,R);
- if(R = Big_Unsigned_Zero) then
- return T;
- end if;
- A:=B;
- B:=R;
- Tempt:=T;
- T:=Sub(Tstrich,Mult(Q,T,N),N);
- Tstrich:=Tempt;
- end loop;
- end;
- end Inverse;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Get_Random(N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Random.Read(Result.Number);
- for I in reverse 0..N.Last_Index loop
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result mod N ;
- end Get_Random;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- this function returns true if X is a Mersenne prim number
- function Lucas_Lehmer_Test(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- Is_Mp : Boolean := false;
- begin
- if X.Last_Index = 0 then
- for I in 2..Word'Size-1 loop
- if X.Number(0) = Shift_Left(2,I)-1 then
- Is_Mp := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Is_Mp = False then return False;
- end if;
- else
- for I in 0..X.Last_Index loop
- if X.Number(I) /= Word'Last then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- declare
- P : constant Word := Word(Bit_Length(X)-1);
- S : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_Two+2; --S(1) = 4;
- begin
- for I in 2..P-1 loop
- S := (Mult(S,S,X) - 2) mod X;
- end loop;
- if S = Big_Unsigned_Zero then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end;
- end Lucas_Lehmer_Test;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --from Erik-Zenners handout "Zahlentheoretische Algorithmen"
- function Is_Miller_Rabin_Witness(Wit, X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- B : constant Big_Unsigned := X-1;
- Result : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_One;
- Root : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..Bit_Length(B)-1 loop
- Root := Result;
- Result := Mult(Result, Result, X);
- if ((Result = Big_Unsigned_One) and
- (Root /= Big_Unsigned_One and Root /= B)) then return True;
- elsif (Shift_Right(B,I) mod 2) = Big_Unsigned_One then
- Result := Mult(Result, Wit, X);
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Result /= Big_Unsigned_One then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Miller_Rabin_Witness;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Test if Wit is a witness for N
- -- If Wit is a wittness then N is no prime
- function Is_Simple_Witness(Wit, N : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- -- is Wit a "Miller-Rabin"-witness
- if (Wit /= (N-Big_Unsigned_One)) and (Wit /= Big_Unsigned_One) and
- Mult(Wit,Wit,N) = Big_Unsigned_One then return True;
- elsif Gcd(Wit,N) /= Big_Unsigned_One then return True;
- -- is Wit a "Fermat-Witness"
- -- elsif Pow(Wit,N-1,N) /= Big_Unsigned_One then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Simple_Witness;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Returns true if N passes the specified number of Miller-Rabin tests.
- function Passed_Miller_Rabin_Test(X : Big_Unsigned; S : Positive)
- return Boolean is
- Witness : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- -- Do the tests
- for I in 1..S loop
- -- Generate a uniform random on (1, X)
- loop
- Witness := Get_Random(X);
- exit when Witness > Big_Unsigned_One;
- end loop;
- if Is_Miller_Rabin_Witness(Witness, X) then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return true;
- end Passed_Miller_Rabin_Test;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Pass_Prime_Test(X : Big_Unsigned; Status : Hardness)
- return Boolean is
- Rounds : Natural;
- X_Bit_Size : constant Natural := Bit_Length(X);
- begin
- if X < Big_Unsigned_Two then return False;
- elsif Is_Even(X) then
- if X = Big_Unsigned_Two then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end if;
- --X is odd
- for I in One_Digit_Primes'First+1..One_Digit_Primes'Last loop
- if X = Word(One_Digit_Primes(I)) then return true;
- elsif X mod Word(One_Digit_Primes(I)) = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- for I in Two_Digit_Primes'Range loop
- if X = Word(Two_Digit_Primes(I)) then return true;
- elsif X mod Word(Two_Digit_Primes(I)) = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Lucas_Lehmer_Test(X) then
- return True;
- end if;
- for I in Three_Digit_Primes'Range loop
- if X = Word(Three_Digit_Primes(I)) then return true;
- elsif X mod Word(Three_Digit_Primes(I)) = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- The relationship between the certainty and the number of rounds
- -- we perform is given in the draft standard ANSI X9.80, "PRIME
- -- Comment:
- -- I don't have a look on this paper. =:) I borrowed this
- -- "algorithmen" from the j2sdk1.4.1 library (java/math/
- -- If you have the permission to send me the draft standard ANSI X9.80
- -- then send it, please!
- -- I'm a student. I have no money for ANSI or IEEE drafts. :-(
- -- It's right to require money to read a draft?
- -- This really really sucks! SCNR!
- if (X_Bit_Size < 100) then Rounds := 50;
- elsif (X_Bit_Size < 256) then Rounds := 27;
- elsif (X_Bit_Size < 512) then Rounds := 15;
- elsif (X_Bit_Size < 768) then Rounds := 8;
- elsif (X_Bit_Size < 1024) then Rounds := 4;
- else Rounds := 2;
- end if;
- declare
- Witness : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Status = Weak then
- for I in 1..Rounds loop
- loop
- Witness := Get_Random(X);
- exit when Witness > Big_Unsigned_Two;
- end loop;
- if Is_Simple_Witness(Witness,X) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- else
- for I in 1..Rounds loop
- loop
- Witness := Get_Random(X);
- exit when Witness > Big_Unsigned_Two;
- end loop;
- if Is_Miller_Rabin_Witness(Witness,X) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
- return True;
- end Pass_Prime_Test;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Is_Prime(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Pass_Prime_Test(X, Strong);
- end Is_Prime; pragma Inline (Is_Prime);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- This function is faster then Is_prime but a lot of no strong pseudo
- -- primes pass this test
- function Looks_Like_A_Prime(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Pass_Prime_Test(X, Weak);
- end Looks_Like_A_Prime; pragma Inline(Looks_Like_A_Prime);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Get_Prime(N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned := Get_Random(N);
- begin
- if N <= Big_Unsigned_Two then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- -- make sure that Result is odd
- Result.Number(0) := Result.Number(0) or 1;
- loop
- if Is_Prime(Result) then return Result;
- else Result := (Result+2) mod N ;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Get_Prime;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "mod"(Left : D_Big_Unsigned; Right : Big_Unsigned)
- return Big_Unsigned;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Result = Left * Right (mod N)
- function Mult(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- T : DWord;
- Carry : Word := 0;
- R : D_Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- for J in 0..Right.Last_Index loop
- T := DWord(Left.Number(I)) * DWord(Right.Number(J))
- + DWord(R.Number(I+J)) + DWord(Carry);
- R.Number(I+J) := Word(T and DWord(Word'Last));
- Carry:= Word(Shift_Right(T,Word'Size));
- end loop;
- R.Number(I+Right.Last_Index+1) := Carry +
- R.Number(I+Right.Last_Index+1);
- Carry := 0;
- end loop;
- for I in reverse 0..D_Max_Length loop
- if R.Number(I) /= 0 then
- R.Last_Index := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return R mod N;
- end Mult;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Returns a probability N-bit prime (Result).
- function Get_N_Bit_Prime(N : Positive) return Big_Unsigned is
- J : Big_Unsigned := Get_Random(Shift_Left(Big_Unsigned_One,N-2));
- Index : constant Natural := (N-1)/Word'Size;
- Amount : constant Natural := (N-1) mod Word'Size;
- Result : Big_Unsigned := Shift_Left(J,1);
- begin
- if N = 1 or N > Size then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- loop
- -- Make sure that Result is an odd
- Set_Least_Significant_Bit (Result);
- -- Make sure that Result is a N-Bit-Number;
- Result.Number (Index) := Result.Number (Index) or
- Shift_Left (Word (1), Amount);
- if Amount = 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := Index;
- end if;
- if Is_Prime(Result) then
- return Result;
- else
- Result:=Result-2;
- if Is_Prime(Result) then
- return Result;
- end if;
- end if;
- J := Get_Random (Shift_Left (Big_Unsigned_One, N - 2));
- Result := Shift_Left (J, 1);
- end loop;
- end Get_N_Bit_Prime;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- computes the jacobi-symbol
- -- return value:
- -- 0 : if X mod N = 0
- -- 1 : if X is a quadratic resuide mod N
- -- -1 : if X is a quadratic non-resuide mod N
- function Jacobi(X, N : Big_Unsigned) return Integer is
- A : Big_Unsigned := X mod N;
- begin
- if Is_Even(N) then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- if N = Big_Unsigned_One then return 1;
- elsif A = Big_Unsigned_Zero then return 0;
- elsif A = Big_Unsigned_One then return 1;
- end if;
- while (A mod 4) = Big_Unsigned_Zero loop
- exit when (A mod 4) = Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- A := Shift_Right(A,2);
- end loop;
- if Is_Even(A) then
- if (N mod 8 = 1) or (N mod 8 = 7) then
- return Jacobi(Shift_Right(A,1),N);
- else return -1*Jacobi(Shift_Right(A,1),N);
- end if;
- else
- if (A mod 4 = 1) or (N mod 4 = 1) then
- return Jacobi(N mod A, A);
- else return -1*Jacobi(N mod A, A);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Jacobi;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------DOUBLE_SIZE------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --only needed for multiplication mod N
- --here we need 2*Size-bit numbers to avoid an overflow because
- --if one of our provisional result t > BIG_Unsigned_Last
- --then there ist no well known algortihm to compute the
- -- result of an multiplication mod m
- -- same algorithm for D_Big_Unsigned as for Big_Unsigned
- function "="(Left, Right : D_Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index = Right.Last_Index then
- for I in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- if Left.Number(I) /= Right.Number(I) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- else return False;
- end if;
- return True;
- end"=";
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Left(Value : D_Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return D_Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Amount >= (D_Max_Length+1)*Word'Size or
- Value = D_Big_Unsigned_Zero
- then return D_Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- elsif Amount = 0 then return Value;
- end if;
- declare
- Result : D_Big_Unsigned;
- Temp : DLimbs :=(others => 0);
- L : constant Natural := Amount mod Word'Size;
- R : constant Natural := Word'Size-L;
- M : constant Natural := Amount/Word'Size;
- begin
- Temp(0) := Shift_Left(Value.Number(0), L);
- for I in 1..Value.Last_Index loop
- Temp(I) := Shift_Right(Value.Number(I-1), R) +
- Shift_Left(Value.Number(I), L);
- end loop;
- if Value.Last_Index /= D_Max_Length then
- Temp(Value.Last_Index+1):=
- Shift_Right(Value.Number(Value.Last_Index), R);
- end if;
- for I in Temp'Range loop
- if (I+M) > D_Max_Length then
- exit;
- end if;
- Result.Number(I+M):= Temp(I);
- end loop;
- for I in reverse 0..D_Max_Length loop
- if Result.Number(I) /=0 then
- Result.Last_Index:=I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end Shift_Left; pragma Inline (Shift_Left);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Bit_Length(X : D_Big_Unsigned) return Natural is
- begin
- if X = D_Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return 0;
- end if;
- for I in reverse 0..Word'Size-1 loop
- if Shift_Left(1,I) <= X.Number(X.Last_Index) then
- return Word'Size * X.Last_Index + I + 1 ;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return X.Last_Index * Word'Size;
- end Bit_Length; pragma Inline (Bit_Length);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<"(Left, Right : D_Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index < Right.Last_Index then return True;
- elsif Left.Last_Index > Right.Last_Index then return False;
- else
- for I in reverse 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- if Left.Number(I) < Right.Number(I) then return True;
- elsif Left.Number(I) > Right.Number(I) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return False;
- end "<"; pragma Inline ("<");
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">"(Left, Right : D_Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right < Left;
- end ">"; pragma Inline (">");
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">="(Left, Right : D_Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not(Left < Right);
- end ">="; pragma Inline (">=");
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left, Right : D_Big_Unsigned) return D_Big_Unsigned;
- function "-"(Left, Right : D_Big_Unsigned) return D_Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Left = Right then return D_Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- elsif Left = Right+D_Big_Unsigned_One then return D_Big_Unsigned_One;
- elsif Left+D_Big_Unsigned_One = Right then return D_Big_Unsigned_Last;
- -- add the modulus if Right > Left
- elsif Right > Left then
- return D_Big_Unsigned_Last - Right + Left + D_Big_Unsigned_One;
- else
- declare
- Result : D_Big_Unsigned;
- Carry : Word:=0;
- begin
- -- Remember Left > Right
- for I in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) - Right.Number(I) - Carry;
- if (Right.Number(I) > Left.Number(I)) or
- (Carry= 1 and Right.Number(I) = Left.Number(I))
- then Carry :=1;
- else Carry :=0;
- end if;
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end if;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "mod"(Left : D_Big_Unsigned; Right : Big_Unsigned)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index <= Max_Length then
- declare
- L : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- L.Last_Index := Left.Last_Index;
- L.Number(0..Left.Last_Index) := Left.Number(0..Left.Last_Index);
- return L mod Right;
- end;
- end if;
- if Right = Big_Unsigned_Zero then raise Division_By_Zero;
- --elsif Right = Big_Unsigned_One then return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- end if;
- -- Now, there is only the case where (Left > Right), (Right /= 0)
- -- and |Left|>|Right|.
- declare
- Remainder : D_Big_Unsigned:=Left;
- Temp_Right, R : D_Big_Unsigned;
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- Diff: Natural;
- begin
- Temp_Right.Last_Index := Right.Last_Index;
- Temp_Right.Number(0..Right.Last_Index) :=
- Right.Number(0..Right.Last_Index);
- R:=Temp_Right;
- while(Remainder >= R) loop
- Diff := Bit_Length(Remainder) - Bit_Length(R);
- if Diff = 0 then
- Remainder := Remainder-R;
- exit;
- else Diff:=Diff-1;
- end if;
- Temp_Right := Shift_Left(R, Diff);
- Remainder := Remainder-Temp_Right;
- end loop;
- Result.Last_Index := Remainder.Last_Index;
- Result.Number(0..Result.Last_Index) :=
- Remainder.Number(0..Result.Last_Index);
- return Result;
- end;
- end "mod";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left, Right : D_Big_Unsigned) return D_Big_Unsigned is
- Result : D_Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural := Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- Temp : Word;
- Carry : Word :=0;
- begin
- for I in 0..M loop
- Temp :=Carry;
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) + Right.Number(I) +Temp;
- if Result.Number(I) < Word'Max(Left.Number(I), Right.Number(I))
- then Carry := 1;
- else Carry := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Carry =1 and M < Max_Length then
- Result.Number(M+1) := 1;
- Result.Last_Index := M+1;
- else
- -- Set Result.Last_Index
- for I in reverse 0..M loop
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- return Result;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-end Mod_Utils;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb b/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 313ce9b..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers-utils.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
---with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
---with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
-with Crypto.Types.Random;
-package body Utils is
- pragma Optimize (Time);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Swap(X, Y : in out Big_Unsigned) is
- Temp : constant Big_Unsigned := X;
- begin
- X := Y;
- Y := Temp;
- end Swap; pragma Inline (Swap);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Set_Least_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
- begin
- X.Number(0) := X.Number(0) or 1;
- end Set_Least_Significant_Bit; pragma Inline(Set_Least_Significant_Bit);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Is_Odd(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if (X.Number(0) and 1) = 1 then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Odd; pragma Inline(Is_Odd);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Is_Even(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if (X.Number(0) and 1) = 0 then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Even; pragma Inline(Is_Even);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Set_Most_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
- begin
- X.Last_Index := Max_Length;
- X.Number(Max_Length) := X.Number(Max_Length) or
- Shift_Left(Word(1), Word'Size-1);
- end Set_Most_Significant_Bit; pragma Inline(Set_Most_Significant_Bit);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Bit_Length(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural is
- begin
- if X = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return 0;
- end if;
- for I in reverse 0..Word'Size-1 loop
- if Shift_Left(1,I) <= X.Number(X.Last_Index) then
- return Word'Size * X.Last_Index + I + 1 ;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return X.Last_Index * Word'Size;
- end Bit_Length; pragma Inline(Bit_Length);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Lowest_Set_Bit(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural is
- begin
- if X = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- raise Is_Zero_Error;
- end if;
- for I in 0..X.Last_Index loop
- if X.Number(I) /= 0 then
- for J in 0..Word'Size-1 loop
- if (Shift_Right(X.Number(I),J) and 1) = 1 then
- return I*Word'Size+J+1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Size+1; --X = Big_unsgned_Zero = 2**(Size+1)
- end Lowest_Set_Bit; pragma Inline (Lowest_Set_Bit);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Inc(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
- begin
- if X = Big_Unsigned_Last then
- X := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- else
- X.Number(0) := X.Number(0) + 1;
- for I in 0..X.Last_Index loop
- if X.Number(I) /= 0 then
- exit;
- else X.Number(I+1) := X. Number(I+1) + 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- if an mod_type overflow occure then we have some extra work do
- if X.Number(X.Last_Index) = 0 then
- X.Last_Index := X.Last_Index + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Inc; pragma Inline(Inc);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Dec(X : in out Big_Unsigned) is
- begin
- if X = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- X := Big_Unsigned_Last;
- else
- X.Number(0) := X.Number(0) - 1;
- for I in 0..X.Last_Index loop
- if X.Number(I) /= Word'Last then
- exit;
- else X.Number(I+1) := X.Number(I+1) - 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- check if we must dec the Last_index too
- if X.Number(X.Last_Index) = 0 and X.Last_Index /= 0 then
- X.Last_Index := X.Last_Index - 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Dec; pragma Inline(Dec);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Amount >= (Max_Length+1)*Word'Size or Value = Big_Unsigned_Zero
- then return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- elsif Amount = 0 then return Value;
- end if;
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- Temp : Limbs:=(others => 0);
- L : constant Natural := Amount mod Word'Size;
- R : constant Natural := Word'Size-L;
- M : constant Natural := Amount/Word'Size;
- begin
- Temp(0) := Shift_Left(Value.Number(0), L);
--- for I in 1..Value.Last_Index loop
--- Temp(I) := Shift_Right(Value.Number(I-1), R) +
--- Shift_Left(Value.Number(I), L);
--- end loop;
- for I in 1..Value.Last_Index loop
- Temp(I) := Shift_Right(Value.Number(I-1), R) xor
- Shift_Left(Value.Number(I), L);
- end loop;
- if Value.Last_Index /= Max_Length then
- Temp(Value.Last_Index+1):=
- Shift_Right(Value.Number(Value.Last_Index), R);
- end if;
- for I in Temp'Range loop
- if (I+M) > Max_Length then
- exit;
- end if;
- Result.Number(I+M):= Temp(I);
- end loop;
- for I in reverse 0..Max_Length loop
- if Result.Number(I) /=0 then
- Result.Last_Index:=I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end Shift_Left; -- pragma Inline (Shift_Left);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Amount >= (Max_Length+1)*Word'Size or Value = Big_Unsigned_Zero
- then return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- elsif Amount = 0 then return Value;
- end if;
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned:=Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- Temp : Limbs :=(others => 0);
- R : constant Natural := Amount mod Word'Size;
- L : constant Natural := Word'Size-R;
- M : constant Natural := Amount/Word'Size;
- begin
- Temp(Value.Last_Index) :=
- Shift_Right(Value.Number(Value.Last_Index), R);
--- for I in reverse 0..Value.Last_Index-1 loop
--- Temp(I) := Shift_Left(Value.Number(I+1), L) +
--- Shift_Right(Value.Number(I), R);
--- end loop;
- for I in reverse 0..Value.Last_Index-1 loop
- Temp(I) := Shift_Left(Value.Number(I+1), L) xor
- Shift_Right(Value.Number(I), R);
- end loop;
- for I in reverse Temp'Range loop
- if (I-M) < 0 then
- exit;
- end if;
- Result.Number(I-M):= Temp(I);
- end loop;
- for I in reverse 0..Value.Last_Index loop
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 or I = 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end Shift_Right; --pragma Inline (Shift_Right);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Rotate_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- L : constant Natural := Amount mod Size;
- begin
- if Value = Big_Unsigned_Last then
- return Big_Unsigned_Last;
- end if;
- return Shift_Left(Value,L) xor Shift_Right(Value, Size-L);
- end Rotate_Left; pragma Inline (Rotate_Left);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Rotate_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned is
- R : constant Natural := Amount mod Size;
- begin
- if Value = Big_Unsigned_Last then
- return Big_Unsigned_Last;
- end if;
- return Shift_Right(Value,R) xor Shift_Left(Value, Size-R);
- end Rotate_Right; pragma Inline (Rotate_Right);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Gcd(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- A : Big_Unsigned := Max(Left,Right);
- B : Big_Unsigned := Min(Left,Right);
- R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- while B /= Big_Unsigned_Zero loop
- R := A mod B;
- A := B;
- B := R;
- end loop;
- return A;
- end Gcd; pragma Inline (Gcd);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Get_Random return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Random.Read(Result.Number);
- return Result;
- end Get_Random; pragma Inline (Get_Random);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Length_In_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural is
- Len : constant Natural := Bit_Length(X);
- begin
- if Len mod Byte'Size = 0 then return (Len / Byte'Size);
- else return (Len / Byte'Size) + 1;
- end if;
- end Length_In_Bytes; pragma Inline (Length_In_Bytes);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : constant Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => X, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Result;
- end To_Big_Unsigned; pragma Inline (To_Big_Unsigned);
- function To_Words(X : Big_Unsigned) return Words is
- begin
- return X.Number(0..X.Last_Index);
- end To_Words; pragma Inline (To_Words);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Max(Left, Right : Integer) return Integer is
- begin
- if Left < Right then
- return Right;
- else
- return Left;
- end if;
- end Max;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Bytes is
- L : constant Natural := Max(Length_In_Bytes(X)-1,0);
- M : constant Natural := 3; --(Word'Size / Byte'Size) - 1;
- E : constant Integer := ((L+1) mod 4) - 1;
- B : Bytes(0..L);
- begin
- for I in 0..X.Last_Index-1 loop
- for J in 0..M loop
- B(L-I*(M+1)-J) := Byte(Shift_Right(X.Number(I), J*Byte'Size) and
- Word(Byte'Last));
- end loop;
- end loop;
- if E >= 0 then
- for I in 0..E loop
- B(I) := Byte(Shift_Right(X.Number(X.Last_Index), (E-I)*Byte'Size)
- and Word(Byte'Last));
- end loop;
- else
- for J in 0..M loop
- B(M-J) := Byte(Shift_Right(X.Number(X.Last_Index), J*Byte'Size)
- and Word(Byte'Last));
- end loop;
- end if;
- return B;
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Words) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if X'Length > Max_Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- else
- Result.Number(0..X'Last-X'First) := X;
- end if;
- for I in reverse 0..Max_Length loop
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end To_Big_Unsigned;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Bytes) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural := Word'Size / Byte'Size; -- Bytes per Word
- Shift_Amount, counter : Natural:=0;
- begin
- if X'Length*Byte'Size > Size then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- for I in reverse X'Range loop
- Result.Number(Counter/M) := Result.Number(Counter/M) or
- Shift_Left(Word(X(I)), Shift_Amount*Byte'Size);
- Shift_Amount := (Shift_Amount + 1) mod M;
- Counter:=Counter+1;
- end loop;
- for I in reverse 0..Max_Length loop
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end To_Big_Unsigned;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Big_Div(Dividend, Divisor : in Big_Unsigned;
- Quotient, Remainder : out Big_Unsigned) is
- Last_Divisor : constant Natural := Divisor.Last_Index;
- begin
- if (Last_Divisor = 0) then
- case Divisor.Number(0) is
- when 0 => raise Division_By_Zero;
- when 1 => Quotient := Dividend;
- Remainder := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- return;
- when others => declare
- Temp_Remainder : Word;
- Temp_Divisor : constant Word := Divisor.Number(0);
- begin
- -- We use the function Short_Div, which is faster.
- -- See below for the implementation of Short_Div.
- Short_Div(Dividend, Temp_Divisor, Quotient, Temp_Remainder);
- Remainder := (Last_Index => 0,
- Number => (Temp_Remainder, others => 0));
- return;
- end;
- end case;
- elsif (Dividend < Divisor) then
- Quotient := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- Remainder := Dividend;
- return;
- elsif Dividend = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- Quotient := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- Remainder := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- return;
- elsif (Bit_Length(Dividend) = Bit_Length(Divisor)) then
- -- Dividend > Divisor and Divisor /= 0 and
- -- |Dividend|=|Divisor| => Dividend/Divisor=1
- Quotient:=Big_Unsigned_One;
- Remainder:=Dividend-Divisor;
- return;
- end if;
- -- Now, there is only the case where (Dividend > Divisor), (Divisor /= 0)
- -- and |Dividend|>|Divisor|.
- declare
- Temp_Divisor: Big_Unsigned :=Divisor;
- Diff: Natural;
- begin
- Remainder:= Dividend;
- Quotient:=Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- while(Remainder >= Divisor) loop
- Diff := Bit_Length(Remainder) - Bit_Length(Divisor);
- if Diff = 0 then
- Quotient:=Quotient+1;
- Remainder:=Remainder-Divisor;
- return;
- else Diff:=Diff-1;
- end if;
- Temp_Divisor := Shift_Left(Divisor, Diff);
- Remainder := Remainder-Temp_Divisor;
- Quotient := Quotient + Shift_Left(Big_Unsigned_One, Diff);
- end loop;
- end;
- end Big_Div;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Short_Div(Dividend : in Big_Unsigned;
- Divisor : in Word;
- Quotient : out Big_Unsigned;
- Remainder : out Word) is
- begin
- -- simple cases
- if (Dividend < Divisor) then
- Remainder := Dividend.Number(0);
- Quotient := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- return;
- elsif (Divisor = 0) then
- raise Division_By_Zero;
- elsif (Divisor = 1) then
- Quotient := Dividend;
- Remainder := 0;
- return;
- elsif (Dividend = Divisor) then
- Quotient := Big_Unsigned_One;
- Remainder := 0;
- return;
- end if;
- declare
- Last_Dividend : constant Natural := Dividend.Last_Index;
- Temp_Quotient : Big_Unsigned;
- Carry : Largest_Unsigned := 0;
- Temp : Largest_Unsigned;
- Temp_Divisor : constant Largest_Unsigned :=
- Largest_Unsigned(Divisor);
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..Last_Dividend loop
- Temp := Largest_Unsigned(Dividend.Number(I))
- + Shift_Left(Carry, Word'Size);
- Temp_Quotient.Number(I) := Word(Temp / Temp_Divisor);
- Carry := Temp mod Temp_Divisor;
- end loop;
- if (Last_Dividend > 0) and then
- (Temp_Quotient.Number(Last_Dividend) = 0) then
- Temp_Quotient.Last_Index := Last_Dividend - 1;
- else
- Temp_Quotient.Last_Index := Last_Dividend;
- end if;
- Quotient := Temp_Quotient;
- Remainder := Word(Carry);
- end;
- end Short_Div;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- package IIO renames Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
--- package UIO renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_String(Item : Big_Unsigned;
- Base : Number_Base := 10) return String is
- S : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
- Remainder : Word:=0;
- Temp_Item : Big_Unsigned := Item;
- Trans : constant array(Word range 0..15) of Character :=
- ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
- Base_Img : constant String := Base'Img;
- begin
- if Item = Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- if Base = 10 then return "0";
- else
- S := "#0#" & S;
- S := Base_Img & S;
- return Slice(S,2,Length(S));
- end if;
- else
- if Base /= 10 then
- S := "#" & S;
- end if;
- while (Temp_Item /= Big_Unsigned_Zero) loop
- Short_Div(Temp_Item, Word(Base), Temp_Item, Remainder);
- S := Trans(Remainder) & S;
- end loop;
- if Base /= 10 then
- S := "#" & S;
- S := Base_Img & S;
- return Slice(S,2,Length(S));
- end if;
- end if;
- return To_String(S);
- end To_String;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Put(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10) is
- begin
- Put(To_String(Item, Base));
- end Put; --pragma Inline(Put);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Put_Line(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10) is
- begin
- Put(To_String(Item, Base)); New_Line;
- end Put_Line; --pragma Inline(Put_Line);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Get_Digit(C : Character) return Word is
- begin
- case C is
- when '0'..'9' => return Character'Pos(C) - Character'Pos('0');
- when 'A'..'F' => return Character'Pos(C) - Character'Pos('A') + 10;
- when others => raise Conversion_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Digit; pragma Inline(Get_Digit);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Big_Unsigned(S : String) return Big_Unsigned is
- Fence_Count: Natural := 0;
- Temp : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
- M_B : Natural:=0;
- begin
- if S'Length = 0 then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- else
- for I in reverse S'Range loop
- case S(I) is
- when '0' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,0);
- when '1' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,1);
- when '2' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,2);
- when '3' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,3);
- when '4' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,4);
- when '5' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,5);
- when '6' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,6);
- when '7' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,7);
- when '8' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,8);
- when '9' => Temp:= S(I) & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,9);
- when 'a' | 'A' => Temp:= 'A' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,11);
- when 'b' | 'B' => Temp:= 'B' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,12);
- when 'c' | 'C' => Temp:= 'C' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,13);
- when 'd' | 'D' => Temp:= 'D' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,14);
- when 'e' | 'E' => Temp:= 'E' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,15);
- when 'f' | 'F' => Temp:= 'F' & Temp; M_B:=Natural'Max(M_B,16);
- when '_' | ' ' => null;
- when '#' => Fence_Count := Fence_Count+1; Temp:= S(I) & Temp;
- when others => raise Conversion_Error;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end if;
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- S2 : constant String := To_String(Temp);
- begin
- -- Base = 10
- if Fence_Count = 0 then
- if M_B > 10 then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end if;
- for I in S2'Range loop
- Result := Result * 10 + Get_Digit(S2(I));
- end loop;
- return Result;
- -- Base /= 10
- -- check fences and size (Min_Size=|2#0#|=4)
- elsif Fence_Count /= 2 or S2(S2'Last) /= '#' or S2(S2'First) = '#'
- or S2'Length < 4 then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end if;
- declare
- Base : Number_Base;
- begin
- --Compute and check Base
- if S2(S2'First+1) /= '#' then
- if S2(S2'First+2) /= '#' then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end if;
- Base := Number_Base(Get_Digit(S2(S2'First)) * 10
- + Get_Digit(S2(S2'First+1)));
- else Base := Number_Base(Get_Digit(S2(S2'First)));
- end if;
- -- Check if all Characters are valid to the base
- if M_B > Base then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end if;
- --Time to compute the Big_Unsigned
- if Base > 10 then
- for I in S2'First+3..S2'Last-1 loop
- Result := Result * Word(Base) + Get_Digit(S2(I));
- end loop;
- else
- for I in S2'First+2..S2'Last-1 loop
- Result := Result * Word(Base) + Get_Digit(S2(I));
- end loop;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end;
- end;
- end To_Big_Unsigned;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end Utils;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb b/src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index b69e55b..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-big_numbers.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,921 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-package body Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers is
- -- package MIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (Word);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------SEPARATED_BODYS-------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package body Utils is separate;
- use Utils;
- package body Mod_Utils is separate;
- use Mod_Utils;
- package body Binfield_Utils is separate;
- use Binfield_Utils;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------COMPARE_FUNCTIONS--------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- compare: Big_Unsigned with Big_Unsigned --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index = Right.Last_Index then
- for I in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- if Left.Number(I) /= Right.Number(I) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- else return False;
- end if;
- return True;
- end "=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index < Right.Last_Index then return True;
- elsif Left.Last_Index > Right.Last_Index then return False;
- else
- for I in reverse 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- if Left.Number(I) < Right.Number(I) then return True;
- elsif Left.Number(I) > Right.Number(I) then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return False;
- end "<";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right < Left;
- end ">";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Right < Left);
- end "<=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Left < Right);
- end ">=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Min(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if (X < Y) then return X;
- else return Y;
- end if;
- end Min;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Max(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if (X < Y) then return Y;
- else return X;
- end if;
- end Max;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- compare: Big_Unsigned with Word --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index=0 and Left.Number(0) = Right then return True;
- else return False;
- end if;
- end "=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right = Left;
- end "=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Last_Index > 0 then return False;
- else return Left.Number(Left.Last_Index) < Right;
- end if;
- end "<";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Right.Last_Index > 0 then return True;
- else return Left < Right.Number(Right.Last_Index);
- end if;
- end "<";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right < Left;
- end ">";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Right < Left;
- end ">";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Right < Left);
- end "<=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "<="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Right < Left);
- end "<=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Left < Right);
- end ">=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ">="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean is
- begin
- return not (Left < Right);
- end ">=";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------BASE_FUNCTIONS---------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- L : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left), Bit_Length(Right));
- begin
- if L + 1 <= Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) + Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- Carry : Big_Unsigned;
- Temp : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Carry := Left and Right;
- Result := Left xor Right;
- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
- loop
- Temp := Result and Carry;
- Result := Result xor Carry;
- Carry := Temp;
- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
- exit when Carry = Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "+";
--- function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
--- Result: Big_Unsigned;
--- Carry : Big_Unsigned;
--- Temp : Big_Unsigned;
--- begin
--- Carry := Left and Right;
--- Result := Left xor Right;
--- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
--- --ADA Do_While
--- loop
--- Temp := Result and Carry;
--- Result := Result xor Carry;
--- Carry := Temp;
--- Carry := Shift_Left(Carry,1);
--- exit when Carry = Big_Unsigned_Zero;
--- end loop;
--- return Result;
--- end "+";
--- function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
--- Result : Big_Unsigned;
--- M : constant Natural := Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
--- Temp : Word;
--- Carry : Word :=0;
--- begin
--- for I in 0..M loop
--- Temp :=Carry;
--- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) + Right.Number(I) +Temp;
--- if Result.Number(I) < Word'Max(Left.Number(I), Right.Number(I))
--- then Carry := 1;
--- else Carry := 0;
--- end if;
--- end loop;
--- if Carry =1 and M < Max_Length then
--- Result.Number(M+1) := 1;
--- Result.Last_Index := M+1;
--- else
--- -- Set Result.Last_Index
--- for I in reverse 0..M loop
--- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
--- Result.Last_Index := I;
--- return Result;
--- end if;
--- end loop;
--- end if;
--- return Result;
--- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Right : Constant Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Right, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Left + Big_Right;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Left : constant Big_Unsigned := (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Left, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Big_Left + Right;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- -- Add the modulus if Right > Left
- if Right > Left then
- return Big_Unsigned_Last - Right + Left + 1;
--- raise Big_Unsigned_Negative; -- RSA does not run
- else
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- Carry : Word:=0;
- begin
- -- Remember: Left => Right
- for I in 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) - Right.Number(I) - Carry;
- if (Right.Number(I) > Left.Number(I)) or
- (Carry= 1 and Right.Number(I) = Left.Number(I))
- then Carry :=1;
- else Carry :=0;
- end if;
- if Result.Number(I) /= 0 then
- Result.Last_Index := I;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end if;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Right : constant Big_Unsigned := (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Right, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Left - Big_Right;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Left : constant Big_Unsigned := (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => Left, OTHERS => 0));
- begin
- return Big_Left - Right;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "-"(X : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if X /= Big_Unsigned_Zero then
- return Big_Unsigned_Last-X-1;
- else
- return X;
- end if;
- end "-";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "*"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned ;
- L : constant Natural := Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right);
- begin
- if L <= Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- elsif L > 2800 and L <= 3600 then
- Result := Karatsuba_P(Left, Right);
- elsif L > 3600 then
- Result := Toom_Cook_P(Left, Right);
- else
- declare
- Temp : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..Left.Last_Index loop
- Temp := Left.Number(I) * Right;
- Temp := Shift_Left(Temp, (I*Word'Size));
- Result := Result + Temp;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "*";
- function Russ (Left,Right : Big_Unsigned)return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned ;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) <= Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- AA : Big_Unsigned := Left;
- BB : Big_Unsigned := Right;
- begin
- while AA > Big_Unsigned_Zero loop
- if (AA and Big_Unsigned_One) = 1 then
- Result := Result + BB;
- AA := AA - 1;
- end if;
- AA := Shift_Right(AA, 1);
- BB := Shift_Left(BB, 1);
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Russ;
- function Karatsuba (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- Left_1, Left_2 : Big_Unsigned;
- Right_1, Right_2 : Big_Unsigned;
- P_1, P_2 : Big_Unsigned;
- N : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left)
- , Bit_Length(Right))/2;
- begin
- Left_1 := Shift_Right(Left, N);
- Left_2 := Left - Shift_Left( Left_1, N );
- Right_1 := Shift_Right(Right, N);
- Right_2 := Right - Shift_Left( Right_1, N );
- P_1 := Left_1 * Right_1;
- P_2 := Left_2 * Right_2;
- Result := Shift_Left(P_1, 2*N)
- + Shift_Left(((Left_1 + Left_2)*(Right_1 + Right_2)) - P_1 - P_2, N)
- + P_2;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Karatsuba;
- function Karatsuba_P (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- Left_1, Left_2 : Big_Unsigned:= Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- Right_1, Right_2 : Big_Unsigned:= Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- P_1, P_2, P_3 : Big_Unsigned:= Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- N : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left),
- Bit_Length(Right))/2;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- task type Karatsuba_Task_Type is
- entry Input (Left, Right : in Big_Unsigned);
- entry Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned);
- end Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- task body Karatsuba_Task_Type is
- X : Big_Unsigned;
- Left_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- Right_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- accept Input (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) do
- Left_Local := Left;
- Right_Local := Right;
- end Input;
--- X := Karatsuba(Left_Local, Right_Local);
- X := Left_Local * Right_Local;
- accept Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned) do
- Result := X;
- end Output;
- end Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- Task_1 : Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- Task_2 : Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- Task_3 : Karatsuba_Task_Type;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- begin
- Left_1 := Shift_Right(Left, N);
- Left_2 := Left - Shift_Left( Left_1, N );
- Right_1 := Shift_Right(Right, N);
- Right_2 := Right - Shift_Left( Right_1, N );
- Task_1.Input(Left_1, Right_1);
- Task_2.Input(Left_2, Right_2);
- Task_3.Input((Left_1 + Left_2), (Right_1 + Right_2));
- Task_1.Output(Result => P_1);
- Task_2.Output(Result => P_2);
- Task_3.Output(Result => P_3);
- Result := Shift_Left(P_1, 2*N)
- + Shift_Left((P_3 - P_1 - P_2), N)
- + P_2;
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Karatsuba_P;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Toom_Cook(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- knuth_1 : Array (1..5) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_2 : Array (1..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_3 : Array (1..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_4 : Array (1..2) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_5_1 : Big_Unsigned;
- L, R : Array (0..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- F_Left, F_Right : Array (2..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Z : Array (0..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Length : constant Natural := Natural'Max( Bit_Length(Left) ,
- Bit_Length(Right) );
- N : constant Natural := Length / 3;
- DN : constant Natural := 2 * N;
- begin
- -- SPLITTING .............................................................
- L(0) := Shift_Right( Left, DN);
- L(1) := Shift_Right( Left, N ) - Shift_Left( L(0), N );
- L(2) := Left - Shift_Left( L(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( L(1), N );
- R(0) := Shift_Right( Right, DN);
- R(1) := Shift_Right( Right, N ) - Shift_Left( R(0), N );
- R(2) := Right - Shift_Left( R(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( R(1), N );
- F_Left(2) := Shift_Left(L(0),2) + Shift_Left(L(1),1) + L(2);
- F_Right(2) := Shift_Left(R(0),2) + Shift_Left(R(1),1) + R(2);
- F_Left(3) := (Shift_Left(L(0),3) + L(0)) + (Shift_Left(L(1),1)+L(1)) + L(2);
- F_Right(3) := (Shift_Left(R(0),3) + R(0)) + (Shift_Left(R(1),1)+R(1)) + R(2);
- F_Left(4) := Shift_Left(L(0),4) + Shift_Left(L(1),2) + L(2);
- F_Right(4) := Shift_Left(R(0),4) + Shift_Left(R(1),2) + R(2);
- -- INTERPOLATION with POINTWISE MULT .....................................
- knuth_1(1) := L(2)* R(2);
- knuth_1(2) := (L(0) + L(1) + L(2)) * (R(0) + R(1) + R(2));
- knuth_1(3) := F_Left(2) * F_Right(2);
- knuth_1(4) := F_Left(3) * F_Right(3);
- knuth_1(5) := F_Left(4) * F_Right(4);
- knuth_2(1) := knuth_1(2) - knuth_1(1);
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_1(3) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_2(3) := knuth_1(4) - knuth_1(3);
- knuth_2(4) := knuth_1(5) - knuth_1(4);
- knuth_3(1) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(2) - knuth_2(1)),1);
- knuth_3(2) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(3) - knuth_2(2)),1);
- knuth_3(3) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(4) - knuth_2(3)),1);
- knuth_4(1) := (knuth_3(2) - knuth_3(1)) / 3;
- knuth_4(2) := (knuth_3(3) - knuth_3(2)) / 3;
- knuth_5_1 := Shift_Right(knuth_4(2) - knuth_4(1),2);
- Z(0) := knuth_5_1;
- Z(1) := knuth_4(1);
- Z(2) := knuth_3(1);
- Z(3) := knuth_2(1);
- Z(4) := knuth_1(1);
- -- RECOMPOSITION ............................................................
- knuth_1(1) := Z(1) - (Z(0) + Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(2) := knuth_1(1) - (Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(3) := knuth_1(2) - Z(0);
- knuth_2(1) := Z(2) - (Shift_Left(knuth_1(1),1));
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_2(1) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_3(1) := Z(3) - knuth_2(1);
- Result := Shift_Left( Z(0), DN*2)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_1(3), DN+N)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_2(2), DN)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_3(1), N)
- + Z(4);
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Toom_Cook;
- function Toom_Cook_P(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- if Bit_Length(Left)+Bit_Length(Right) < Word'Size then
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) * Right.Number(0);
- else
- declare
- knuth_1 : Array (1..5) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_2 : Array (1..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_3 : Array (1..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_4 : Array (1..2) of Big_Unsigned;
- knuth_5_1 : Big_Unsigned;
- L, R : Array (0..3) of Big_Unsigned;
- F_Left, F_Right : Array (2..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Z : Array (0..4) of Big_Unsigned;
- Length : constant Natural := Natural'Max(Bit_Length(Left) ,
- Bit_Length(Right) );
- N : constant Natural := Length / 3;
- DN : constant Natural := 2 * N;
- task type Toom_Cook_Task_Type is
- entry Input (Left, Right : in Big_Unsigned);
- entry Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned);
- end Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- task body Toom_Cook_Task_Type is
- X : Big_Unsigned;
- Left_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- Right_Local : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- accept Input (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) do
- Left_Local := Left;
- Right_Local := Right;
- end Input;
- X := Left_Local * Right_Local;
- accept Output(Result : out Big_Unsigned) do
- Result := X;
- end Output;
- end Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_1 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_2 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_3 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_4 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- Task_5 : Toom_Cook_Task_Type;
- begin
- -- SPLITTING .............................................................
- L(0) := Shift_Right( Left, DN);
- L(1) := Shift_Right( Left, N ) - Shift_Left( L(0), N );
- L(2) := Left - Shift_Left( L(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( L(1), N );
- R(0) := Shift_Right( Right, DN);
- R(1) := Shift_Right( Right, N ) - Shift_Left( R(0), N );
- R(2) := Right - Shift_Left( R(0), DN ) - Shift_Left( R(1), N );
- -- EVALUATION ............................................................
- F_Left(2) := Shift_Left(L(0),2) + Shift_Left(L(1),1) + L(2);
- F_Right(2) := Shift_Left(R(0),2) + Shift_Left(R(1),1) + R(2);
- F_Left(3) := (Shift_Left(L(0),3) + L(0))
- + (Shift_Left(L(1),1)+L(1)) + L(2);
- F_Right(3) := (Shift_Left(R(0),3) + R(0))
- + (Shift_Left(R(1),1)+R(1)) + R(2);
- F_Left(4) := Shift_Left(L(0),4) + Shift_Left(L(1),2) + L(2);
- F_Right(4) := Shift_Left(R(0),4) + Shift_Left(R(1),2) + R(2);
- -- INTERPOLATION with POINTWISE MULT .....................................
- Task_1.Input( L(2), R(2) );
- Task_2.Input(L(0) + L(1) + L(2), R(0) + R(1) + R(2));
- Task_3.Input(F_Left(2), F_Right(2));
- Task_4.Input(F_Left(3), F_Right(3));
- Task_5.Input(F_Left(4), F_Right(4));
- Task_1.Output(Result => knuth_1(1));
- Task_2.Output(Result => knuth_1(2));
- Task_3.Output(Result => knuth_1(3));
- Task_4.Output(Result => knuth_1(4));
- Task_5.Output(Result => knuth_1(5));
- knuth_2(1) := knuth_1(2) - knuth_1(1);
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_1(3) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_2(3) := knuth_1(4) - knuth_1(3);
- knuth_2(4) := knuth_1(5) - knuth_1(4);
- knuth_3(1) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(2) - knuth_2(1)),1);
- knuth_3(2) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(3) - knuth_2(2)),1);
- knuth_3(3) := Shift_Right((knuth_2(4) - knuth_2(3)),1);
- knuth_4(1) := (knuth_3(2) - knuth_3(1)) / 3;
- knuth_4(2) := (knuth_3(3) - knuth_3(2)) / 3;
- knuth_5_1 := Shift_Right(knuth_4(2) - knuth_4(1),2);
- Z(0) := knuth_5_1;
- Z(1) := knuth_4(1);
- Z(2) := knuth_3(1);
- Z(3) := knuth_2(1);
- Z(4) := knuth_1(1);
- -- RECOMPOSITION .........................................................
- knuth_1(1) := Z(1) - (Z(0) + Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(2) := knuth_1(1) - (Shift_Left(Z(0),1));
- knuth_1(3) := knuth_1(2) - Z(0);
- knuth_2(1) := Z(2) - (Shift_Left(knuth_1(1),1));
- knuth_2(2) := knuth_2(1) - knuth_1(2);
- knuth_3(1) := Z(3) - knuth_2(1);
- Result := Shift_Left( Z(0), DN*2)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_1(3), DN+N)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_2(2), DN)
- + Shift_Left(knuth_3(1), N)
- + Z(4);
- end;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Toom_Cook_P;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "*"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Right = 0 or Left = Big_Unsigned_Zero then return Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- elsif Right = 1 then return Left;
- end if;
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- for I in 0..Word'Size loop
- if (Shift_Right(Right,I) mod 2) = 1 then
- Result:= Result + Shift_Left(Left,I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end "*";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "*"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- return Right * Left;
- end "*";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "**"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- begin
- if Left = Big_Unsigned_Zero or Left = Big_Unsigned_One then
- return Left;
- end if;
- -- Square_And_Multiply
- declare
- Result : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_One;
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..Bit_Length(Right)-1 loop
- Result := Result * Result;
- if (Shift_Right(Right, I) mod 2) = Big_Unsigned_One then
- Result := Result * Left;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end "**";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "/"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Big_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- return Q;
- end "/";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "/"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Big_Left: constant Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0=> Left, others => 0));
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Big_Div(Big_Left,Right,Q,R);
- return Q;
- end "/";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "/"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Word;
- begin
- Short_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- return Q;
- end "/";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "mod"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Big_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- return R;
- end "mod";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "mod"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned is
- Q : Big_Unsigned;
- R : Word;
- begin
- Short_Div(Left,Right,Q,R);
- declare
- Result: constant Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => R, others => 0));
- begin
- return Result;
- end;
- end "mod";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- This is a helper function
- -- This procedure computes/adjust the Last_Index of B
- procedure Last_Index(B : in out Big_Unsigned; M : in M_Len:=Max_Length) is
- begin
- for I in reverse 0..M loop
- if B.Number(I) /= 0 then
- B.Last_Index := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Last_Index; pragma Inline (Last_Index);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural:= Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- begin
- -- xor
- for I in 0..M loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) xor Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- -- compute the Last_Index
- Last_Index(Result,M);
- return Result;
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural:= Natural'Min(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- begin
- --and
- for I in 0..M loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) and Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, M);
- return Result;
- end "and";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned
- is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Result.Number(0) := Left.Number(0) and Right;
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, 0);
- return Result;
- end "and";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned
- is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- begin
- Result.Number(0) := Left and Right.Number(0);
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, 0);
- return Result;
- end "and";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "or"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned is
- Result : Big_Unsigned;
- M : constant Natural:= Natural'Max(Left.Last_Index, Right.Last_Index);
- begin
- -- or
- for I in 0..M loop
- Result.Number(I) := Left.Number(I) or Right.Number(I);
- end loop;
- -- compute last index
- Last_Index(Result, M);
- return Result;
- end "or";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if Size mod Word'Size /= 0 then
- Put("Size must be a multiple of " & Word'Image(Word'Size));
- raise Constraint_Size_Error;
- end if;
-end Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index f75ad6b..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
--- With this packet you can generate (unsigned) n-Bit Numbers (Big_Unsigned).
--- You can only create k*m Bit-Numbers where 1 < k < 2**32 and m is the
--- size of a CPU-Word. For further informations read the ACL documentation.
--- The look and feel is "borrowed" from J. Delcourt BIG_NUMBER package.
--- First I want to use Delcourts package directly, but then I decided to
--- rewrite it completly form scratch. ;-)
-with System;
-with Crypto.Types;
-use Crypto.Types;
- Size : Positive;
-package Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers is
- type Big_Unsigned is private;
- subtype Number_Base is Integer range 2 .. 16;
- -- Do not use this type. This one is only needed for internal purpose.
- type D_Big_Unsigned is private;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------Constants---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- A few constants
- Big_Unsigned_Zero : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 0
- Big_Unsigned_One : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 1
- Big_Unsigned_Two : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 2
- Big_Unsigned_Three : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 3
- Big_Unsigned_Four : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 4
- Big_Unsigned_Ten : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 10
- Big_Unsigned_Sixteen : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 16
- Big_Unsigned_First : constant Big_Unsigned; -- 0
- Big_Unsigned_Last : constant Big_Unsigned; -- "Big_Unsigned'Last"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------Compare----------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- compare: Big Unsigned with Big_Unsigned
- function "="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function "<"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function ">"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function "<="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function ">="(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function Min(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Max(X, Y : in Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- -- compare: Big Unsigned with Word
- function "="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
- function "="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function "<"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
- function "<"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function ">"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
- function ">"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function "<="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
- function "<="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- function ">="(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Boolean;
- function ">="(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------Basic-----------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "+"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "+"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "-"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "-"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "-"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "-"(X : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "*"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Russ (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Karatsuba (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Karatsuba_P (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
--- function Karatsuba_Prot (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Toom_Cook (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Toom_Cook_P (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "*"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "*"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "/"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "/"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "/"(Left : Word; Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "or" (Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "and"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "and"(Left: Big_Unsigned; Right: Word) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "and"(Left: Word; Right: Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "**"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "mod"(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function "mod"(Left : Big_Unsigned; Right : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------Utils------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package Utils is
- procedure Swap(X, Y : in out Big_Unsigned);
- procedure Set_Least_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
- procedure Set_Most_Significant_Bit(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
- -- Returns true if X is odd .
- function Is_Odd(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- -- Returns true if X is even.
- function Is_Even(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- -- Caution: All operations are mod Big_unsigned_Last+1.
- -- X = Big_unsigned_Zero
- -- Inc(X)
- -- X = Big_Unsigned_Last
- -- Dec(X)
- -- X = Big_unsigned_Zero
- procedure Inc(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
- procedure Dec(X : in out Big_Unsigned);
- function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Word) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Shift_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned;
- function Shift_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned;
- function Rotate_Left(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned;
- function Rotate_Right(Value : Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Big_Unsigned;
- function Get_Random return Big_Unsigned;
- function Bit_Length(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
- function Lowest_Set_Bit(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
- function Length_In_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
- function Gcd(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function To_Bytes(X : Big_Unsigned) return Bytes;
- function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Bytes) return Big_Unsigned;
- function To_Words(X : Big_Unsigned) return Words;
- function To_Big_Unsigned(X : Words) return Big_Unsigned;
- function To_String(Item : Big_Unsigned;
- Base : Number_Base := 10) return String;
- function To_Big_Unsigned(S : String) return Big_Unsigned;
- procedure Put(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10);
- procedure Put_Line(Item : in Big_Unsigned; Base : in Number_Base := 10);
- procedure Big_Div(Dividend, Divisor : in Big_Unsigned;
- Quotient, Remainder : out Big_Unsigned);
- procedure Short_Div(Dividend : in Big_Unsigned;
- Divisor : in Word;
- Quotient : out Big_Unsigned;
- Remainder : out Word);
- end Utils;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------Mod_Utils----------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package Mod_Utils is
- -- All operations in this package are mod N
- function Add (Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Sub (Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Div (Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Mult(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
--- function Barrett(Left, Right, M : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
--- function Mult_School(Left, Right, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Pow (Base, Exponent, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- -- Returns a random Big_Unsigned mod N
- function Get_Random (N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function Inverse (X, N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- -- This function returns with an overwhelming probability a prim
- function Get_Prime(N : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- -- This function returns with an overwhelming probability a n-bit prim
- function Get_N_Bit_Prime(N : Positive) return Big_Unsigned;
- -- This function returns true if X is a prim and
- -- with an overwhelming probability false if X is not prime
- -- The change that a snowball survive one day in hell are greater that
- -- this function returns true if X is no prim.
- -- functionality:
- -- 1. Test if a one digit prime (2,3,5,7) divides X
- -- 2. Test if a two digit prime number divides X
- -- 3. Test if X is a "Lucas-Lehmer" prime
- -- 4. Test if a three digit prime number divides X
- -- 5. compute N random Big_Unsigneds and test if one
- -- of those is an Miller-Rabin wittness ( 1 < N < 51)
- -- (N depends on the Bit_Length of X).
- function Is_Prime(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- -- a weaker but faster prime test
- function Looks_Like_A_Prime(X : Big_Unsigned) return Boolean;
- -- Returns only true if X passed n iterations of the
- -- Miller-Rabin tests. This test is taken from the DSA spec (NIST FIPS
- -- 186-2).The execution time of this function is proportional
- -- to the value of this parameter.
- -- The probability that a pseudoprim pass this test is < (1/(2**(2*S)))
- function Passed_Miller_Rabin_Test(X : Big_Unsigned;
- S : Positive) return Boolean;
- function Jacobi(X, N : Big_Unsigned) return Integer;
- -- internal functions for Binfield_Utils. Please, DON'T use them.
- function Shift_Left(Value : D_Big_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return D_Big_Unsigned;
- function Bit_Length(X : D_Big_Unsigned) return Natural;
- end Mod_Utils;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package Binfield_Utils is
- -- binary field operations
- -- F is the irreducible polynom with f(z)=2^m + r(z)
- -- Remember all operations are in GF(2^m)
- function B_Add(Left,Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function B_Sub(Left,Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function B_Mult(Left, Right, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function B_Div (Left, Right, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function B_Square(A, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function B_Mod(Left, Right : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- function B_Inverse(X, F : Big_Unsigned) return Big_Unsigned;
- end Binfield_Utils;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------Exceptions------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Constraint_Size_Error : exception;
- Division_By_Zero : exception;
- Conversion_Error : exception;
- Is_Zero_Error : exception;
--- Big_Unsigned_Overflow : exception;
--- Big_Unsigned_Negative : exception;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------PRIVATE------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type Largest_Unsigned is mod System.Max_Binary_Modulus;
- Max_Length : Natural := (Size/Word'Size)-1;
- D_Max_Length : Positive := 2*Max_Length+1;
- subtype Limbs is Words(0..Max_Length);
- subtype DLimbs is Words(0..D_Max_Length);
- subtype M_Len is Natural range Limbs'Range;
- -- This is our Big_Unsigned
- -- It represents a Size*Word'Size-bit number
- -- Last_Index is the Number of the last slice who
- -- contains the most significant bit of the current number.
- -- Ex.:
- -- Word'Size = 24
- -- Our Big_Unsigned A is equal to 2**100-7
- -- Big_Unsignesd_Last = 2**240-1
- -- So only Slice 0-4 contains a part of the current 99-Bit number (2**100-7)
- -- In this case A.Last_Index = 4 because A.X(5)=...=A.X(9)=0
- type Big_Unsigned is record
- Last_Index : Natural:=0;
- Number : Limbs:=(others => 0);
- end record;
- type D_Big_Unsigned is record
- Last_Index : Natural:=0;
- Number : DLimbs:=(others => 0);
- end record;
- -- prime test
- type Hardness is (Weak, Strong);
- -- Constants definitions
- Big_Unsigned_Zero : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (OTHERS => 0));
- Big_Unsigned_One : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 1, OTHERS => 0));
- Big_Unsigned_Two : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 2, OTHERS => 0));
- Big_Unsigned_Three : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 3, OTHERS => 0));
- Big_Unsigned_Four : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 4, OTHERS => 0));
- Big_Unsigned_Ten : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 10, OTHERS => 0));
- Big_Unsigned_Sixteen : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 16, OTHERS => 0));
- Big_Unsigned_First : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- Big_Unsigned_Last : CONSTANT Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => Max_Length, Number => (OTHERS => Word'Last));
- D_Big_Unsigned_Zero : CONSTANT D_Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (OTHERS => 0));
- D_Big_Unsigned_One : CONSTANT D_Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => 0, Number => (0 => 1, OTHERS => 0));
- D_Big_Unsigned_Last : CONSTANT D_Big_Unsigned :=
- (Last_Index => D_Max_Length, Number => (OTHERS => Word'Last));
- -- Shifting
- function Shift_Left (Value : Largest_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Largest_Unsigned;
- function Shift_Right (Value : Largest_Unsigned; Amount : Natural)
- return Largest_Unsigned;
- --pragma Inline("-", "/", "**", "mod", "xor", "and", "or");
- pragma Inline("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", Min, Max);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
- pragma Optimize (Time);
-end Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-random.adb b/src/crypto-types-random.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eb6aca..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-random.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
---with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
-with Crypto;
-with Crypto.Types.Random_Source.File;
-package body Crypto.Types.Random is
- Dev_Random : Crypto.Types.Random_Source.File.Random_Source_File;
- Rnd_Src : aliased Crypto.Types.Random_Source.Random_Source'Class
- := Crypto.Types.Random_Source.Random_Source'Class(Dev_Random);
- procedure Set(Source : in Crypto.Types.Random_Source.Random_Source'Class) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src := Source;
- end Set;
- procedure Read(B : out Byte) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src.Read(B);
- end Read;
- procedure Read(Byte_Array : out Bytes) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src.Read(Byte_Array);
- end Read;
- procedure Read(B : out B_Block128) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src.Read(B);
- end Read;
- procedure Read(W : out Word) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src.Read(W);
- end Read;
- procedure Read(Word_Array : out Words) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src.Read(Word_Array);
- end Read;
- procedure Read(D : out DWord) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src.Read(D);
- end Read;
- procedure Read(DWord_Array : out DWords) is
- begin
- Rnd_Src.Read(DWord_Array);
- end Read;
-end Crypto.Types.Random;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e0b37..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Crypto.Types.Random_Source;
-use Crypto.Types;
-package Crypto.Types.Random is
- procedure Set(Source : in Crypto.Types.Random_Source.Random_Source'Class);
- procedure Read(B : out Byte);
- procedure Read(Byte_Array : out Bytes);
- procedure Read(B : out B_Block128);
- procedure Read(W : out Word);
- procedure Read(Word_Array : out Words);
- procedure Read(D : out DWord);
- procedure Read(DWord_Array : out DWords);
- pragma Inline (Read);
- pragma Optimize (Time);
-end Crypto.Types.Random;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-random_source-file.adb b/src/crypto-types-random_source-file.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index e665990..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-random_source-file.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-package body Crypto.Types.Random_Source.File is
- use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
- use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------ Initialization -----------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Initialize(This : in out Random_Source_File) is
- Path : constant String := "/dev/random";
- Mode : constant File_Mode := In_File;
- begin
- if This.Source_File = null then
- This.Source_File := new Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type;
- end if;
- if not Is_Open(This.Source_File.all) then
- Open(This.Source_File.all, Mode, Path, "shared=yes");
- This.Source_Path := To_Unbounded_String(Path);
- end if;
- end Initialize;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Initialize(This : in out Random_Source_File;
- File_Path : in String) is
- Mode : constant File_Mode := In_File;
- begin
- if Is_Open(This.Source_File.all) then
- Close(This.Source_File.all);
- end if;
- if not Is_Open(This.Source_File.all) then
- Open(This.Source_File.all, Mode, File_Path, "shared=yes");
- This.Source_Path := To_Unbounded_String(File_Path);
- end if;
- end Initialize;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- Read Byte ---------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; B : out Byte) is
- begin
- if not Path_Starts_With(This, "/dev/") and then End_Of_File(This.Source_File.all) then
- raise RANDOM_SOURCE_READ_ERROR with To_String(This.Source_Path);
- else
- Byte'Read(Stream(This.Source_File.all), B);
- end if;
- end Read;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; Byte_Array : out Bytes) is
- begin
- if not Path_Starts_With(This, "/dev/") and then End_Of_File(This.Source_File.all) then
- raise RANDOM_SOURCE_READ_ERROR with To_String(This.Source_Path);
- else
- Bytes'Read(Stream(This.Source_File.all), Byte_Array);
- end if;
- end Read;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; B : out B_Block128) is
- begin
- if not Path_Starts_With(This, "/dev/") and then End_Of_File(This.Source_File.all) then
- raise RANDOM_SOURCE_READ_ERROR with To_String(This.Source_Path);
- else
- B_Block128'Read(Stream(This.Source_File.all), B);
- end if;
- end Read;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- Read Word ---------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; W : out Word) is
- begin
- if not Path_Starts_With(This, "/dev/") and then End_Of_File(This.Source_File.all) then
- raise RANDOM_SOURCE_READ_ERROR with To_String(This.Source_Path);
- else
- Word'Read(Stream(This.Source_File.all), W);
- end if;
- end Read;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; Word_Array : out Words) is
- begin
- if not Path_Starts_With(This, "/dev/") and then End_Of_File(This.Source_File.all) then
- raise RANDOM_SOURCE_READ_ERROR with To_String(This.Source_Path);
- else
- Words'Read(Stream(This.Source_File.all), Word_Array);
- end if;
- end Read;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- Read DWord --------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; D : out DWord) is
- begin
- if not Path_Starts_With(This, "/dev/") and then End_Of_File(This.Source_File.all) then
- raise RANDOM_SOURCE_READ_ERROR with To_String(This.Source_Path);
- else
- DWord'Read(Stream(This.Source_File.all), D);
- end if;
- end Read;
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; DWord_Array : out DWords) is
- begin
- if not Path_Starts_With(This, "/dev/") and then End_Of_File(This.Source_File.all) then
- raise RANDOM_SOURCE_READ_ERROR with To_String(This.Source_Path);
- else
- DWords'Read(Stream(This.Source_File.all), DWord_Array);
- end if;
- end Read;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- Finalize ----------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Finalize(This : in out Random_Source_File) is
- begin
- if Is_Open(This.Source_File.all) then
- Close(This.Source_File.all);
- end if;
- end Finalize;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------- Path_Starts_With ------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Path_Starts_With(This : Random_Source_File; S : String) return Boolean is
- Path : constant String := To_String(This.Source_Path);
- begin
- return Path(Path'First..S'Last) = S;
- end;
-end Crypto.Types.Random_Source.File;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3e960..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-package Crypto.Types.Random_Source.File is
- package Rnd renames Crypto.Types.Random_Source;
- type Random_Source_File is new Rnd.Random_Source with private;
- type Random_Source_File_Access is access Random_Source_File;
- Overriding
- procedure Finalize(This : in out Random_Source_File);
- Overriding
- procedure Initialize(This : in out Random_Source_File);
- procedure Initialize(This : in out Random_Source_File;
- File_Path : in String);
- Overriding
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; B : out Byte);
- Overriding
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; Byte_Array : out Bytes);
- Overriding
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; B : out B_Block128);
- Overriding
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; W : out Word);
- Overriding
- Procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; Word_Array : out Words);
- Overriding
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; D : out DWord);
- Overriding
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source_File; DWord_Array : out DWords);
- type File_Access is access Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type;
- type Random_Source_File is new Rnd.Random_Source with
- record
- Source_Path : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
- Source_File : File_Access;
- end record;
- function Path_Starts_With(This : Random_Source_File; S : String)
- return Boolean;
-end Crypto.Types.Random_Source.File;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types-random_source.adb b/src/crypto-types-random_source.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd4dbb..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types-random_source.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package body Crypto.Types.Random_Source is
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; Byte_Array : out Bytes) is
- begin
- for I in Byte_Array'Range loop
- Read(Random_Source'class(This),Byte_Array(I));
- end loop;
- end Read;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; B : out B_Block128) is
- begin
- for I in B'Range loop
- Read(Random_Source'class(This),B(I));
- end loop;
- end Read;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; W : out Word) is
- B : Byte_Word;
- begin
- This.Read(Bytes(B));
- W := To_Word(B);
- end Read;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; Word_Array : out Words) is
- begin
- for I in Word_Array'Range loop
- This.Read(Word_Array(I));
- end loop;
- end Read;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; D : out DWord) is
- B : Byte_DWord;
- begin
- This.Read(Bytes(B));
- D := To_DWord(B);
- end Read;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; DWord_Array : out DWords) is
- begin
- for I in DWord_Array'Range loop
- This.Read(DWord_Array(I));
- end loop;
- end Read;
-end Crypto.Types.Random_Source;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ad55f6..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-with Ada.Finalization;
-package Crypto.Types.Random_Source is
- use Crypto.Types;
- package Fin renames Ada.Finalization;
- type Random_Source is abstract new Fin.Controlled with null record;
- type Random_Source_Access is access Random_Source;
- Random_Source_Read_Error : exception;
- procedure Initialize (This: in out Random_Source) is abstract;
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; B : out Byte) is abstract;
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; Byte_Array : out Bytes);
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; B : out B_Block128);
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; W : out Word);
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; Word_Array : out Words);
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; D : out DWord);
- procedure Read(This : in out Random_Source; DWord_Array : out DWords);
- pragma Inline(Read);
-end Crypto.Types.Random_Source;
diff --git a/src/crypto-types.adb b/src/crypto-types.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9afc2..0000000
--- a/src/crypto-types.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
---pragma Elaborate_All(Generic_Mod_Aux);
-package body Crypto.Types is
- package body Generic_Mod_Aux is
- function "xor"(Left, Right : T_A) return T_A is
- Result : T_A(0..Left'Length-1);
- begin
- if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- for I in 0..Left'Length-1 loop
- Result(I) := Left(Left'First+I) xor Right(Right'First+I);
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end "xor";
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left : T_A; Right : T) return T_A is
- Result : T_A := Left;
- begin
- Result(Result'Last) := Left(Result'Last) xor Right;
- return Result;
- end "xor";
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left : T; Right : T_A) return T_A is
- begin
- return Right xor Left;
- end "xor";
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left, Right : T_A) return T_A is
- Result : T_A(0..Left'Length-1);
- begin
- if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- for I in 0..Left'Length-1 loop
- Result(I) := Left(Left'First+I) and Right(Right'First+I);
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end "and";
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : T_A; Right : T) return T_A is
- Result: T_A(Left'Range) := Left;
- begin
- Result(Left'Last) := Left(Left'Last) + Right;
- -- overflow?
- if Result(Left'Last) < Left(Left'Last) then
- for I in reverse Left'First..Left'Last-1 loop
- Result(I):=Result(I)+1;
- if Result(I) /= 0 then
- return Result;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "+";
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : T; Right : T_A) return T_A is
- begin
- return Right + Left;
- end "+";
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Is_Zero(Item : T_A) return Boolean is
- begin
- for I in Item'Range loop
- if Item(I) /= 0 then return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return True;
- end Is_Zero;
- function Left_Part(Block : in T_A) return T_A is
- Len : constant Natural := ((Block'Length+1)/2)-1;
- Left : constant T_A(0..Len) := Block(Block'First..(Block'First+Len));
- begin
- return Left;
- end Left_Part;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Right_Part(Block : in T_A) return T_A is
- Len : constant Natural := Block'Length/2;
- Right : constant T_A(0..Len-1) := Block(Block'Last-Len+1..Block'Last);
- begin
- return Right;
- end Right_Part;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Left(Value : T_A; Amount : Natural) return T_A is
- Result : T_A(Value'Range) := (others => 0);
- L : constant Natural := Amount mod T'Size;
- M : constant Natural := Value'First+(Amount/T'Size);
- begin
- if Amount >= Value'Size then
- return Result;
- elsif Amount = 0 then
- return Value;
- end if;
- Result(Value'Last-M) := Shift_Left(Value(Value'Last),L);
- for I in reverse Value'First..Value'Last-(M+1) loop
- Result(I) := Shift_Left(Value(I),L)
- xor Shift_Right(Value(I+1),T'Size-L);
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end Shift_Left;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Right(Value : T_A; Amount : Natural) return T_A is
- Result : T_A(Value'Range) := (others => 0);
- L : constant Natural := Amount mod T'Size;
- M : constant Natural := Value'First+(Amount/T'Size);
- begin
- if Amount >= Value'Size then
- return Result;
- elsif Amount = 0 then
- return Value;
- end if;
- Result(Value'Last-M) := Shift_Right(Value(Value'Last),L);
- for I in reverse Value'First..Value'Last-(M+1) loop
- Result(I) := Shift_Right(Value(I),L)
- xor Shift_Left(Value(I+1),T'Size-L);
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end Shift_Right;
- end Generic_Mod_Aux;
- function Cast is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Byte_Word, Word);
- function Cast is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Word, Byte_Word);
- function DCast is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Byte_DWord, DWord);
- function DCast is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (DWord, Byte_DWord);
- pragma Inline (Cast, DCast);
- package Aux_Byte is new Generic_Mod_Aux(Byte,Bytes);
- package Aux_Word is new Generic_Mod_Aux(Word,Words);
- package Aux_DWord is new Generic_Mod_Aux(Dword,DWords);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Word(A,B,C,D : Character) return Word is
- begin
- return Cast((Byte(Character'Pos(D)), Byte(Character'Pos(C)),
- Byte(Character'Pos(B)), Byte(Character'Pos(A))));
- end To_Word;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Word(A,B,C,D : Byte) return Word is
- begin
- return Cast((D, C, B, A));
- end To_Word;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Word (X : Byte_Word) return Word is
- begin
- return Cast((X(3), X(2), X(1), X(0)));
- end To_Word;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function R_To_Word (X : Byte_Word) return Word is
- begin
- return Cast(X);
- end R_To_Word;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes (X : Word) return Byte_Word is
- begin
- return (Cast(X)(3), Cast(X)(2), Cast(X)(1), Cast(X)(0));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function R_To_Bytes (X : Word) return Byte_Word is
- begin
- return Cast(X);
- end R_To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte0 (W : Word) return Byte is
- begin
- return Cast(W)(3);
- end Byte0;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte1 (W : Word) return Byte is
- begin
- return Cast(W)(2);
- end Byte1;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte2 (W : Word) return Byte is
- begin
- return Cast(W)(1);
- end Byte2;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte3 (W : Word) return Byte is
- begin
- return Cast(W)(0);
- end Byte3;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_DWord (X : Byte_DWord) return DWord is
- begin
- return DCast((X(7), X(6), X(5), X(4), X(3), X(2), X(1), X(0)));
- end To_DWord;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function R_To_DWord (X : Byte_DWord) return DWord is
- begin
- return DCast(X);
- end R_To_DWord;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes (X : DWord) return Byte_DWord is
- begin
- return (DCast(X)(7), DCast(X)(6), DCast(X)(5), DCast(X)(4),
- DCast(X)(3), DCast(X)(2), DCast(X)(1), DCast(X)(0));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function R_To_Bytes (X : DWord) return Byte_DWord is
- begin
- return DCast(X);
- end R_To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte0 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(7);
- end Byte0;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte1 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(6);
- end Byte1;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte2 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(5);
- end Byte2;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte3 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(4);
- end Byte3;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte4 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(3);
- end Byte4;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte5 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(2);
- end Byte5;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte6 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(1);
- end Byte6;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Byte7 (D : DWord) return Byte is
- begin
- return DCast(D)(0);
- end Byte7;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Bytes) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte."xor"(Left,Right);
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left : Bytes; Right : Byte) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte."xor"(Left,Right);
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Bytes; Right : Byte) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte."+"(Left,Right);
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Byte; Right : Bytes) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Right + Left;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "and"(Left, Right : Bytes) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte."and"(Left,Right);
- end "and";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Words) return Words is
- begin
- return Aux_Word."xor"(Left,Right);
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Words; Right : Word) return Words is
- begin
- return Aux_Word."+"(Left,Right);
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Word; Right : Words) return Words is
- begin
- return Right + Left;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : Words; Right : Byte) return Words is
- Result: Words(Left'Range) := Left;
- begin
- Result(Left'Last) := Left(Left'Last) + Word(Right);
- -- overflow?
- if Result(Left'Last) < Left(Left'Last) then
- for I in reverse Left'First..Left'Last-1 loop
- Result(I):=Result(I)+1;
- if Result(I) /= 0 then
- return Result;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DWords) return DWords is
- begin
- return Aux_DWord."xor"(Left,Right);
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : DWords; Right : DWord) return DWords is
- begin
- return Aux_DWord."+"(Left,Right);
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : DWord; Right : DWords) return DWords is
- begin
- return Right + Left;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : DWords; Right : Byte) return DWords is
- Result: DWords(Left'Range) := Left;
- begin
- Result(Left'Last) := Left(Left'Last) + DWord(Right);
- -- overflow?
- if Result(Left'Last) < Left(Left'Last) then
- for I in reverse Left'First..Left'Last-1 loop
- Result(I):=Result(I)+1;
- if Result(I) /= 0 then
- return Result;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Words(Byte_Array : Bytes) return Words is
- L : constant Natural :=
- Natural(Float'Ceiling(Float(Byte_Array'Length)/4.0))-1;
- W : Words(0..L) := (others => 0);
- N : Integer := Byte_Array'First;
- S : Natural :=24;
- begin
- for I in 0..(Byte_Array'Length/4)-1 loop
- W(I) := To_Word(Byte_Array(N..N+3));
- N := N+4;
- end loop;
- for I in 1..(Byte_Array'Length mod 4) loop
- W(L):= W(L) or Shift_Left(Word(Byte_Array(N)),S);
- N := N+1;
- S := S-8;
- end loop;
- return W;
- end To_Words;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(Word_Array : Words) return Bytes is
- B : Bytes(1..Word_Array'Length*4);
- C : Natural := 1;
- begin
- for I in Word_Array'Range loop
- B(C..C+3) := To_Bytes(Word_Array(I));
- C:=C+4;
- end loop;
- return B;
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_DWords(Byte_Array : Bytes) return DWords is
- L : constant Natural :=
- Natural(Float'Ceiling(Float(Byte_Array'Length)/8.0))-1;
- W : DWords(0..L):=(others => 0);
- N : Natural := Byte_Array'First;
- S : Natural := 56;
- begin
- for I in 0..(Byte_Array'Length/8)-1 loop
- W(I) := To_DWord(Byte_Array(N..N+7));
- N := N+8;
- end loop;
- for I in 1..(Byte_Array'Length mod 8) loop
- W(L):= W(L) or Shift_Left(DWord(Byte_Array(N)),S);
- N := N+1;
- S := S-8;
- end loop;
- return W;
- end To_DWords;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(DWord_Array : DWords) return Bytes is
- B : Bytes(1..DWord_Array'Length*8);
- C : Natural := 1;
- begin
- for I in DWord_Array'Range loop
- B(C..C+7) := To_Bytes(DWord_Array(I));
- C:=C+8;
- end loop;
- return B;
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Hex(B : Byte) return Hex_Byte is
- S : constant String := "0123456789ABCDEF";
- H : Hex_Byte;
- begin
- H(2) := S(Natural(B and 15)+1);
- H(1) := S(Natural(Shift_Right(B,4)+1));
- return H;
- end To_Hex;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Hex(W : Word) return Hex_Word is
- S : constant String := "0123456789ABCDEF";
- H : Hex_Word;
- T : Word := W;
- begin
- for I in reverse H'Range loop
- H(I) := S(Natural(T and 15)+1);
- T := Shift_Right(T,4);
- end loop;
- return H;
- end To_Hex;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Hex(D : DWord) return Hex_DWord is
- S : constant String := "0123456789ABCDEF";
- H : Hex_DWord;
- T : DWord := D;
- begin
- for I in reverse H'Range loop
- H(I) := S(Natural(T and 15)+1);
- T := Shift_Right(T,4);
- end loop;
- return H;
- end To_Hex;
- function Hex_To_Bytes(Hex : String) return Bytes is
- Return_Bytes : Bytes(0..Hex'Length/2 -1);
- begin
- for I in Return_Bytes'Range loop
- case Hex(Hex'First + 2*i) is
- when '0' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#00#;
- when '1' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#01#;
- when '2' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#02#;
- when '3' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#03#;
- when '4' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#04#;
- when '5' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#05#;
- when '6' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#06#;
- when '7' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#07#;
- when '8' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#08#;
- when '9' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#09#;
- when 'A' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#0A#;
- when 'B' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#0B#;
- when 'C' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#0C#;
- when 'D' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#0D#;
- when 'E' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#0E#;
- when 'F' => Return_Bytes(i):=16#0F#;
- when others => null;
- end case;
- case Hex(Hex'First + 2*i + 1) is
- when '0' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#00#;
- when '1' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#10#;
- when '2' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#20#;
- when '3' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#30#;
- when '4' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#40#;
- when '5' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#50#;
- when '6' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#60#;
- when '7' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#70#;
- when '8' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#80#;
- when '9' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#90#;
- when 'A' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#A0#;
- when 'B' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#B0#;
- when 'C' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#C0#;
- when 'D' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#D0#;
- when 'E' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#E0#;
- when 'F' => Return_Bytes(i):= Return_Bytes(i) + 16#F0#;
- when others => null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- return Return_Bytes;
- end Hex_To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Is_Zero(Byte_Array : Bytes) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte.Is_Zero(Byte_Array);
- end Is_Zero;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Is_Zero(Word_Array : Words) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Aux_Word.Is_Zero(Word_Array);
- end Is_Zero;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Is_Zero(DWord_Array : Dwords) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Aux_DWord.Is_Zero(DWord_Array);
- end Is_Zero;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(Message : String) return Bytes is
- B : Bytes(Message'Range);
- begin
- for I in Message'Range loop
- B(I) := Character'Pos(Message(I));
- end loop;
- return B;
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_String(ASCII : Bytes) return String is
- S : String(1..ASCII'Length);
- J : Integer:=1;
- begin
- for I in ASCII'Range loop
- S(J) := Character'Val(ASCII(I));
- J:=J+1;
- end loop;
- return S;
- end To_String;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Left_Part(Block : in Bytes) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte.Left_Part(Block);
- end Left_Part;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Right_Part(Block : in Bytes) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte.Right_Part(Block);
- end Right_Part;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block64) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Bytes(B);
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block128) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Bytes(B);
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block192) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Bytes(B);
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block256) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Bytes(B);
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block160) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(Words(W));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block256) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(Words(W));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block512) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(Words(W));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block256) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(DWords(D));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block384) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(DWords(D));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block512) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(DWords(D));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block1024) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(DWords(D));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block8192) return Bytes is
- begin
- return To_Bytes(DWords(D));
- end To_Bytes;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_B_Block64(B : Bytes) return B_Block64 is
- begin
- return B_Block64(B);
- end To_B_Block64;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_B_Block128(B : Bytes) return B_Block128 is
- begin
- return B_Block128(B);
- end To_B_Block128;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_B_Block192(B : Bytes) return B_Block192 is
- begin
- return B_Block192(B);
- end To_B_Block192;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_B_Block256(B : Bytes) return B_Block256 is
- begin
- return B_Block256(B);
- end To_B_Block256;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_W_Block160(B : Bytes) return W_Block160 is
- begin
- return W_Block160(To_Words(B));
- end To_W_Block160;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_W_Block256(B : Bytes) return W_Block256 is
- begin
- return W_Block256(To_Words(B));
- end To_W_Block256;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_W_Block512(B : Bytes) return W_Block512 is
- begin
- return W_Block512(To_Words(B));
- end To_W_Block512;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_DW_Block256(B : Bytes) return DW_Block256 is
- begin
- return DW_Block256(To_DWords(B));
- end To_DW_Block256;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_DW_Block384(B : Bytes) return DW_Block384 is
- begin
- return DW_Block384(To_DWords(B));
- end To_DW_Block384;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_DW_Block512(B : Bytes) return DW_Block512 is
- begin
- return DW_Block512(To_DWords(B));
- end To_DW_Block512;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_DW_Block1024(B : Bytes) return DW_Block1024 is
- begin
- return DW_Block1024(To_DWords(B));
- end To_DW_Block1024;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function To_DW_Block8192(B : Bytes) return DW_Block8192 is
- begin
- return DW_Block8192(To_DWords(B));
- end To_DW_Block8192;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block160) return W_Block160 is
- begin
- return W_Block160(Words(Left) xor Words(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block256) return W_Block256 is
- begin
- return W_Block256(Words(Left) xor Words(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block512) return W_Block512 is
- begin
- return W_Block512(Words(Left) xor Words(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block512) return DW_Block512 is
- begin
- return DW_Block512(DWords(Left) xor DWords(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block1024) return DW_Block1024 is
- begin
- return DW_Block1024(DWords(Left) xor DWords(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block8192) return DW_Block8192 is
- begin
- return DW_Block8192(DWords(Left) xor DWords(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : B_Block128) return B_Block128 is
- begin
- return B_Block128(Bytes(Left) xor Bytes(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "xor"(Left, Right : B_Block64) return B_Block64 is
- begin
- return B_Block64(Bytes(Left) xor Bytes(Right));
- end "xor";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function "+"(Left : B_Block128; Right : Byte) return B_Block128 is
- begin
- return B_Block128(Bytes(Left) + Right);
- end "+";
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Left(Value : Bytes; Amount : Natural) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte.Shift_Left(Value,Amount);
- end Shift_Left;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Left(Value : B_Block128; Amount :Natural) return B_Block128 is
- begin
- return B_Block128(Aux_Byte.Shift_Left(Bytes(Value),Amount));
- end Shift_Left;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Right(Value : Bytes; Amount : Natural) return Bytes is
- begin
- return Aux_Byte.Shift_Right(Value,Amount);
- end Shift_Right;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Right(Value : B_Block128; Amount :Natural)return B_Block128 is
- begin
- return B_Block128(Aux_Byte.Shift_Right(Bytes(Value),Amount));
- end Shift_Right;
- end Crypto.Types;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index ebcd6dc..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-package Crypto.Types is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------TYPES-------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- primary types;
- type Bit is mod 2;
- for Bit'Size use 1;
- type Byte is mod 2 ** 8;
- for Byte'Size use 8;
- type DByte is mod 2 ** 16;
- for DByte'Size use 16;
- type TByte is mod 2 ** 24 with Size => 24;
- type Word is mod 2 ** 32;
- for Word'Size use 32;
- type DWord is mod 2 ** 64;
- for DWord'Size use 64;
- --package BIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (Byte);
- --package WIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (Word);
- --package DIO is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_IO (DWord);
- -- Arrays of primary types
- type Bits is array (Integer range <>) of Bit;
- type Bytes is array (Integer range <>) of Byte;
- type DBytes is array (Integer range <>) of DByte;
- type Words is array (Integer range <>) of Word;
- type DWords is array (Integer range <>) of DWord;
- subtype Byte_Word_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype Byte_DWord_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype Byte_Word is Bytes (Byte_Word_Range);
- subtype Byte_DWord is Bytes (Byte_DWord_Range);
- -- N : #bits
- -- byte-blocks (B_BlockN): array of N/8 bytes
- subtype B_Block32_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype B_Block48_Range is Natural range 0..5;
- subtype B_Block56_Range is Natural range 0..6;
- subtype B_Block64_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype B_Block128_Range is Natural range 0..15;
- subtype B_Block160_Range is Natural range 0..19;
- subtype B_Block192_Range is Natural range 0..23;
- subtype B_Block256_Range is Natural range 0..31;
- type B_Block32 is array(B_Block32_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block48 is array(B_Block48_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block56 is array(B_Block56_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block64 is array(B_Block64_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block128 is array(B_Block128_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block160 is array(B_Block160_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block192 is array(B_Block192_Range) of Byte;
- type B_Block256 is array(B_Block256_Range) of Byte;
- -- word blocks (W_BlockN): array of N/32 Words
- subtype W_Block128_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype W_Block160_Range is Natural range 0..4;
- subtype W_Block192_Range is Natural range 0..5;
- subtype W_Block256_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype W_Block512_Range is Natural range 0..15;
- type W_Block128 is array(W_Block128_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block160 is array(W_Block160_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block192 is array(W_Block192_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block256 is array(W_Block256_Range) of Word;
- type W_Block512 is array(W_Block512_Range) of Word;
- -- double wordblocks (DW_BlockN): array of N/64 Words
- subtype DW_Block128_Range is Natural range 0..1;
- subtype DW_Block256_Range is Natural range 0..3;
- subtype DW_Block384_Range is Natural range 0..5;
- subtype DW_Block512_Range is Natural range 0..7;
- subtype DW_Block1024_Range is Natural range 0..15;
- subtype DW_Block8192_Range is Natural range 0..127;
- type DW_Block128 is array(DW_Block128_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block256 is array(DW_Block256_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block384 is array(DW_Block384_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block512 is array(DW_Block512_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block1024 is array(DW_Block1024_Range) of DWord;
- type DW_Block8192 is array(DW_Block8192_Range) of DWord;
- subtype Hex_Byte_Range is Natural range 1..2;
- subtype Hex_Word_Range is Natural range 1..8;
- subtype Hex_DWord_Range is Natural range 1..16;
- subtype Hex_Byte is String (Hex_Byte_Range);
- subtype Hex_Word is String (Hex_Word_Range);
- subtype Hex_DWord is String (Hex_DWord_Range);
- subtype Message_Block_Length256 is Natural range 0 .. 32;
- subtype Message_Block_Length512 is Natural range 0 .. 64;
- subtype Message_Block_Length1024 is Natural range 0 .. 128;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Shift_Left (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Shift_Right (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : Byte; Amount : Natural) return Byte;
- function Shift_Left (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Shift_Right (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : DByte; Amount : Natural) return DByte;
- function Shift_Left (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Shift_Right (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : Word; Amount : Natural) return Word;
- function Shift_Left (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- function Shift_Right (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- function Rotate_Left (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- function Rotate_Right (Value : DWord; Amount : Natural) return DWord;
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
- function Shift_Left (Value : Bytes; Amount : Natural) return Bytes;
- function Shift_Left (Value : B_Block128; Amount : Natural) return B_Block128;
- function Shift_Right(Value : Bytes; Amount : Natural) return Bytes;
- function Shift_Right(Value : B_Block128; Amount : Natural) return B_Block128;
- --Operations for Bytes
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Bytes) return Bytes;
- function "xor"(Left : Bytes; Right : Byte) return Bytes;
- function "+"(Left : Bytes; Right : Byte) return Bytes;
- function "+"(Left : Byte; Right : Bytes) return Bytes;
- function "and"(Left, Right : Bytes) return Bytes;
- -- Operations for Words
- function "xor"(Left, Right : Words) return Words;
- function "+"(Left : Words; Right : Word) return Words;
- function "+"(Left : Word; Right : Words) return Words;
- function "+"(Left : Words; Right : Byte) return Words;
- -- Operations for DWords
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DWords) return DWords;
- function "+"(Left : DWords; Right : DWord) return DWords;
- function "+"(Left : DWord; Right : DWords) return DWords;
- function "+"(Left : DWords; Right : Byte) return DWords;
- -- Bytes to Word
- function To_Word (A,B,C,D : Byte) return Word;
- function To_Word (X : Byte_Word) return Word;
- function R_To_Word (X : Byte_Word) return Word; -- reverse
- function To_Words(Byte_Array : Bytes) return Words;
- -- Word to Bytes
- function To_Bytes (X : Word) return Byte_Word;
- function R_To_Bytes (X : Word) return Byte_Word; --reverse
- function To_Bytes(Word_Array : Words) return Bytes;
- --Word = b_0 b_1 b2 b_3
- -- ByteX returns b_n
- function Byte0 (W : Word) return Byte;
- function Byte1 (W : Word) return Byte;
- function Byte2 (W : Word) return Byte;
- function Byte3 (W : Word) return Byte;
- -- Bytes to DWord
- function To_DWord (X : Byte_DWord) return DWord;
- function R_To_DWord (X : Byte_DWord) return DWord;
- function To_DWords (Byte_Array : Bytes) return DWords;
- -- DWord to Bytes
- function To_Bytes (X : DWord) return Byte_DWord;
- function R_To_Bytes (X : DWord) return Byte_DWord;
- function To_Bytes (DWord_Array : DWords) return Bytes;
- --DWord = b_0 b_1 b2 b_3 b_4 b_5 b_6 b_7
- -- ByteX returns b_n
- function Byte0 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte1 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte2 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte3 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte4 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte5 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte6 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- function Byte7 (D : DWord) return Byte;
- -- To_Word
- function To_Word (A,B,C,D : Character) return Word;
- -- String to Bytes
- function To_Bytes(Message : String) return Bytes;
- -- Bytes to String
- function To_String(ASCII : Bytes) return String;
- -- To_Hex
- function To_Hex(B : Byte) return Hex_Byte;
- function To_Hex(W : Word) return Hex_Word;
- function To_Hex(D : DWord) return Hex_DWord;
- -- To_Bytes
- function Hex_To_Bytes(Hex : String) return Bytes;
- -- Is_Zero
- -- returns only true if the "input array" X = (others => 0)
- function Is_Zero(Byte_Array : Bytes) return Boolean;
- function Is_Zero(Word_Array : Words) return Boolean;
- function Is_Zero(DWord_Array : DWords) return Boolean;
- -- Byte Blocks To Bytes.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block64) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block128) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block192) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(B : B_Block256) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block160) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block256) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(W : W_Block512) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block256) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block384) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block512) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block1024) return Bytes;
- function To_Bytes(D : DW_Block8192) return Bytes;
- -- Bytes To block of Bytes.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_B_Block64(B : Bytes) return B_Block64;
- function To_B_Block128(B : Bytes) return B_Block128;
- function To_B_Block192(B : Bytes) return B_Block192;
- function To_B_Block256(B : Bytes) return B_Block256;
- -- Bytes To block of words.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_W_Block160(B : Bytes) return W_Block160;
- function To_W_Block256(B : Bytes) return W_Block256;
- function To_W_Block512(B : Bytes) return W_Block512;
- -- Bytes To block of double words.
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function To_DW_Block256(B : Bytes) return DW_Block256;
- function To_DW_Block384(B : Bytes) return DW_Block384;
- function To_DW_Block512(B : Bytes) return DW_Block512;
- function To_DW_Block1024(B : Bytes) return DW_Block1024;
- function To_DW_Block8192(B : Bytes) return DW_Block8192;
- -- Needed for generic packages to convert a specific byte block.
- function "xor"(Left, Right : B_Block64) return B_Block64;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : B_Block128) return B_Block128;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block160) return W_Block160;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block256) return W_Block256;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : W_Block512) return W_Block512;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block512) return DW_Block512;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block1024) return DW_Block1024;
- function "xor"(Left, Right : DW_Block8192) return DW_Block8192;
- function "+"(Left : B_Block128; Right : Byte) return B_Block128;
- -- Splits byte array of length n into a left part of length
- -- ceiling(n/2) and a right part of length floor(n/2).
- function Left_Part(Block : in Bytes) return Bytes;
- function Right_Part(Block : in Bytes) return Bytes;
- -- Nested generic package
- generic
- type T is mod <>;
- type T_A is array (Integer range <>) of T;
- with function Shift_Left (Value : T; Amount : Natural) return T is <>;
- with function Shift_Right (Value : T; Amount : Natural) return T is <>;
- package Generic_Mod_Aux is
- function "xor"(Left, Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function "xor"(Left : T_A; Right : T) return T_A;
- function "xor"(Left : T; Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function "and"(Left, Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function "+"(Left : T_A; Right : T) return T_A;
- function "+"(Left : T; Right : T_A) return T_A;
- function Is_Zero(Item : T_A) return Boolean;
- function Left_Part (Block : in T_A) return T_A;
- function Right_Part(Block : in T_A) return T_A;
- function Shift_Left(Value : T_A; Amount : Natural) return T_A;
- function Shift_Right(Value : T_A; Amount : Natural) return T_A;
- end Generic_Mod_Aux;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------PRIVATE-------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pragma Inline (To_B_Block128,To_B_Block192,To_B_Block256);
- pragma Inline ("xor","+");
- pragma Inline (R_To_Bytes, To_Bytes);
- pragma Inline (To_Word, Byte0, Byte1, Byte2, Byte3);
- pragma Inline (Byte4, Byte5, Byte6, Byte7);
- pragma Inline (To_DWord, R_To_DWord);
- pragma Inline (Is_Zero);
- pragma Inline (Left_Part, Right_Part);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Rotate_Left);
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Rotate_Right);
- pragma Optimize(Time);
-end Crypto.Types;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f0ed3c..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
--- License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
--- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
--- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
--- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
--- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
--- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
-package Crypto is
-end Crypto;
diff --git a/src/multi_precision_integers-check.adb b/src/multi_precision_integers-check.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac0efc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multi_precision_integers-check.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+-- !! will disappear in favour of Ada.Exceptions
+with Multi_precision_integers.IO;
+package body Multi_precision_integers.Check is
+ package IOi renames Multi_precision_integers.IO;
+ -- Don't be afraid by the bug reporting tools,
+ -- they are unlikely to pop out of a programme ;-)
+ Bug_file: Ada.Text_IO.File_type;
+ Bug_file_name: constant String:= "mupreint.bug";
+ -- The flaw detection (DEBUG mode) could suffer from
+ -- a chicken-and-egg problem: e.g. "*" works, but the "/"
+ -- to verify it doesn't !
+ Multiply_flawed_div1_has_rest : exception;
+ Multiply_flawed_div1_wrong_quotient : exception;
+ Multiply_flawed_div2_has_rest : exception;
+ Multiply_flawed_div2_wrong_quotient : exception;
+ Div_Rem_flawed : exception;
+ procedure Open_Bug_Report is
+ begin
+ Create( Bug_file, out_file, Bug_file_name );
+ Put_Line( Bug_file, "Bug in Multi_precision_integers");
+ end Open_Bug_Report;
+ procedure Close_Bug_Report is
+ begin
+ Close( Bug_file );
+ -- These console messages can provoke a silent quit in GUI apps,
+ -- so we put them after closing the report.
+ Put_Line( "Bug in Multi_precision_integers !");
+ Put_Line( "For details, read file: " & Bug_file_name);
+ end Close_Bug_Report;
+ procedure Test( m: multi_int; test_last: Boolean:= True ) is
+ last_nz: index_int:= 0;
+ Negative_block,
+ Last_index_has_zero,
+ Field_last_outside_range, Field_last_is_negative: exception;
+ begin
+ if then return; end if; -- 0, nothing to test
+ if m.last_used > m.n then raise Field_last_outside_range; end if;
+ if m.last_used < 0 then raise Field_last_is_negative; end if;
+ for i in 0 .. m.last_used loop
+ if m.blk(i) < 0 then
+ raise Negative_block;
+ end if;
+ if m.blk(i) /= 0 then
+ last_nz:= i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if test_last and then 0 < last_nz and then last_nz < m.last_used then
+ raise Last_index_has_zero;
+ end if;
+ end Test;
+ procedure Check_Multiplication(i1,i2,i3: in multi_int) is
+ jeu: constant:= 5; -- 0 suffit
+ q1: Multi_int( i2.last_used + jeu );
+ r1: Multi_int( i1.last_used + i2.last_used + jeu );
+ q2: Multi_int( jeu );
+ r2: Multi_int( i2.last_used + jeu );
+ procedure Bug_Report is
+ begin
+ Open_Bug_Report;
+ Put_Line( Bug_file, "Multiply_and_verify");
+ Put( Bug_file, "i1 ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, i1); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ Put( Bug_file, "i2 ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, i2); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ Put( Bug_file, "i3 ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, i3); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ end Bug_Report;
+ begin
+ Test(i1);
+ Test(i2);
+ if not ( or then
+ -- Now we divide i3 by i1, q1 should be = i2
+ Div_Rem_internal_both_export(i3,i1, q1,r1);
+ if not then
+ Bug_Report;
+ Close_Bug_Report;
+ raise Multiply_flawed_div1_has_rest;
+ end if;
+ if not Equal( q1, i2 ) then
+ Bug_Report;
+ Put( Bug_file, "q1 ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, q1); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ Close_Bug_Report;
+ raise Multiply_flawed_div1_wrong_quotient;
+ end if;
+ -- Now we divide q1 by i2, should be = 1
+ Div_Rem_internal_both_export(q1,i2, q2,r2);
+ if not then
+ Bug_Report;
+ Close_Bug_Report;
+ raise Multiply_flawed_div2_has_rest;
+ end if;
+ if not Equal( q2, Multi(1) ) then
+ Bug_Report;
+ Put( Bug_file, "q2 ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, q1); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ Close_Bug_Report;
+ raise Multiply_flawed_div2_wrong_quotient;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Multiplication;
+ procedure Check_Div_Rem(i1,i2,q,r: in multi_int) is
+ procedure Bug_Report is
+ begin
+ Open_Bug_Report;
+ Put_Line( Bug_file, "Div_Rem_and_verify");
+ Put( Bug_file, "i1 ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, i1); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ Put( Bug_file, "i2 ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, i2); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ Put( Bug_file, "q ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, q); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ Put( Bug_file, "r ="); IOi.Put_in_blocks(Bug_file, r); New_Line(Bug_file);
+ end Bug_Report;
+ begin
+ Test(i1);
+ Test(i2);
+ if not Equal( i1, i2*q + r ) then
+ Bug_Report;
+ Close_Bug_Report;
+ raise Div_Rem_flawed;
+ end if;
+ Test(q);
+ Test(r);
+ end Check_Div_Rem;
+end Multi_precision_integers.Check;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60895ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package Multi_precision_integers.Check is
+ -- check integrity
+ procedure Test (m: Multi_int; test_last: Boolean:= True );
+ -- i3 must be = i1 * i2
+ procedure Check_Multiplication (i1, i2,i3: in Multi_int);
+ -- i1 must be = i2 * q + r
+ procedure Check_Div_Rem (i1, i2,q,r: in Multi_int);
+end Multi_precision_integers.Check;
diff --git a/src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb b/src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8f1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multi_precision_integers-io.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+-- File: muprinio.adb; see specification (
+package body Multi_precision_integers.IO is
+ package IIO is new Integer_IO( index_int );
+ table: constant array(basic_int'(0)..15) of Character:=
+ ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
+ -- 15-Feb-2002: Bugfix case i=0. Spotted by Duncan Sands
+ function Chiffres_i_non_nul(i: multi_int; base: number_base:= 10) return Natural is
+ nombre: multi_int(i.last_used);
+ la_base : constant basic_int := basic_int(base);
+ nchiffres: Natural:= 1;
+ procedure Comptage_rapide( C: Positive ) is
+ test : multi_int(i.n);
+ base_puiss_C: constant multi_int:= Multi( basic_int(base) ) ** C;
+ begin
+ loop
+ Fill(test, nombre / base_puiss_C );
+ exit when;
+ -- quotient non nul, donc on a au moins C chiffres
+ Fill(nombre, test);
+ nchiffres:= nchiffres + C;
+ end loop;
+ end Comptage_rapide;
+ begin
+ Fill(nombre, i);
+ Comptage_rapide( 400 );
+ Comptage_rapide( 20 );
+ loop
+ Fill(nombre, nombre / la_base);
+ exit when;
+ nchiffres:= nchiffres + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return nchiffres;
+ end Chiffres_i_non_nul;
+ function Number_of_digits(i: multi_int; base: number_base:= 10) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if then
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return Chiffres_i_non_nul(i,base);
+ end if;
+ end Number_of_digits;
+ function Str(i: multi_int; base: number_base:= 10) return String is
+ res: String(1..1 + Number_of_digits(i,base)):= (others=> 'x');
+ nombre : multi_int(i.n):= i;
+ chiffre: basic_int;
+ la_base: constant basic_int := basic_int(base);
+ begin
+ if or else not nombre.neg then
+ res(1):= ' ';
+ else
+ res(1):= '-';
+ end if;
+ nombre.neg:= False;
+ -- maintenant nombre et base sont >=0, MOD=REM
+ for k in reverse 2 .. res'Last loop
+ Div_Rem( nombre, la_base, nombre, chiffre );
+ res(k):= table( chiffre );
+ exit when;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end Str;
+-- !!! recursion !!!
+ function Val(s: String) return multi_int is
+ formatting_error: exception;
+ begin
+ if s="" then
+ return Multi(0);
+ elsif s(s'First)='-' then
+ return -Val(s(s'First+1..s'Last));
+ elsif s(s'First)='+' then
+ return Val(s(s'First+1..s'Last));
+ elsif s(s'Last) in '0'..'9' then
+ return basic_int'Value(s(s'Last..s'Last)) + 10 *
+ Val(s(s'First..s'Last-1));
+ else
+ raise formatting_error;
+ end if;
+ end Val;
+ procedure Put_in_blocks(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : in multi_int) is
+ begin
+ if Item.neg then put(File,'-'); else put(File,'+'); end if;
+ Put(File, " [ ");
+ IIO.Put(File, 1+Item.n , 3);
+ Put(File, " blocks ]: ");
+ Put(File,'{');
+ if Item.n > Item.last_used then
+ IIO.Put(File, Item.n - Item.last_used, 3);
+ Put(File, " unused |");
+ end if;
+ for k in reverse 0 .. Item.last_used loop
+ Put(File, Block_type'Image(Item.blk(k)));
+ if k>0 then Put(File,'|'); end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put(File,'}');
+ end Put_in_blocks;
+ procedure Put_in_blocks(Item : in multi_int) is
+ begin
+ Put_in_blocks( Standard_Output, Item );
+ end Put_in_blocks;
+ procedure Get(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : out multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0) is
+ begin
+ null; -- !!!
+ end Get;
+ procedure Get(Item : out multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0) is
+ begin
+ Get(Standard_Input, Item, Width);
+ end Get;
+ procedure Put(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : in multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base) is
+ begin
+ if Width = 0 then -- No padding required (default)
+ Put(File, Str(Item, Base));
+ else -- Left padding required -> slow
+ declare
+ la_chaine: String(1..Width);
+ begin
+ Put(la_chaine, Item, Base);
+ Put(File, la_chaine);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put(Item : in multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base) is
+ begin
+ Put(Standard_Output, Item, Width, Base);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Get(From : in String;
+ Item : out multi_int;
+ Last : out Positive) is
+ begin
+ Last:= 1;
+ null; -- !!!
+ end Get;
+ procedure Put(To : out String;
+ Item : in multi_int;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base) is
+ nchiffres: constant Natural:= Number_of_digits(Item, Base);
+ blancs: constant String(To'Range):= (others=> ' ');
+ begin
+ if nchiffres > To'Length then
+ raise Layout_Error;
+ else
+ To:= blancs;
+ To( To'Last - nchiffres .. To'Last ):= Str(Item, Base);
+ end if;
+ end Put;
+end Multi_precision_integers.IO;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1544d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- File:
+-- Description: Child of package 'Multi_precision_integers: I/O
+-- Date/version: 2006 ; 15-Feb-2002 / 22.XI.1999 / 22.12.1996
+-- Author: Gautier de Montmollin
+with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
+package Multi_precision_integers.IO is
+ Default_Base: Number_Base := 10;
+ -- Returns the number of digits in the specified base:
+ function Number_of_digits(i: Multi_int; base: Number_Base:= 10) return Natural;
+ -- Returns the image of i in the specified base:
+ function Str(i: Multi_int; base: Number_Base:= 10) return String;
+ -- Returns the value of number in string:
+ function Val(s: String) return Multi_int;
+ -- Output to file, in block format:
+ procedure Put_in_blocks(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : in Multi_int);
+ -- Output to standard input, in block format:
+ procedure Put_in_blocks(Item : in Multi_int);
+ ---- The following mimic the Text_IO.Integer_IO
+ -- Get from file:
+ procedure Get(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : out Multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0);
+ -- Get from standard input:
+ procedure Get(Item : out Multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0);
+ -- Put to file:
+ procedure Put(File : in File_Type;
+ Item : in Multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base);
+ -- Width=0 : no default formatting, since inpredicatble length
+ -- Put to standard output:
+ procedure Put(Item : in Multi_int;
+ Width : in Field := 0;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base);
+ -- Width=0 : no default formatting, since inpredicatble length
+ -- Get from string:
+ procedure Get(From : in String;
+ Item : out Multi_int;
+ Last : out Positive);
+ -- Put to string:
+ procedure Put(To : out String;
+ Item : in Multi_int;
+ Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base);
+end Multi_precision_integers.IO;
diff --git a/src/multi_precision_integers.adb b/src/multi_precision_integers.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d8d876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multi_precision_integers.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1500 @@
+-- File: mupreint.adb; see specification (
+-- Aug-2007: - No more generics (Long_Block_type,
+-- Block_type,... always the largest possible idea: J.C.)
+-- - Fixed Basic(...) (based on J.C.'s remarks)
+-- Nov-2006: - Multiply_internal with/without copy of result (automatic
+-- detection of when it is needed)
+-- - Explicit Multiply_internal for Multi_int * Basic_int
+-- - Multiply(multi,basic,multi) available as procedure
+-- - useless zeroing of quotient removed
+-- - useless zeroing of blocks removed for indices
+-- above last possible used in *
+-- 24-Feb-2002: Div_Rem(u, v, v, r) also possible
+-- 23-Feb-2002: DEBUG: +: multiplications are verified by dividing the result
+-- +: divisions are verified by comparing i2*q+r and i1
+-- 15-Feb-2002: "zero" and 1st index in Divide_absolute_normalized
+-- bugs fixed by Duncan Sands (D.S.)
+-- To-do/bug symbol: !!
+with Multi_precision_integers.Check;
+-- with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+package body Multi_precision_integers is
+ function Shift_Left
+ (Value : Block_type;
+ Amount : Natural) return Block_type;
+ function Shift_Right
+ (Value : Block_type;
+ Amount : Natural) return Block_type;
+ function Shift_Left
+ (Value : Long_Block_type;
+ Amount : Natural) return Long_Block_type;
+ function Shift_Right
+ (Value : Long_Block_type;
+ Amount : Natural) return Long_Block_type;
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
+ package Check_internal renames Multi_precision_integers.Check;
+ -- Internal_error: exception;
+ -- Not_done: exception;
+ type compar is (smaller, equal, greater);
+ function Min (a,b: Index_int) return Index_int is
+ begin if a < b then return a; else return b; end if; end Min;
+ function Max (a,b: Index_int) return Index_int is
+ begin if a > b then return a; else return b; end if; end Max;
+ procedure Reduce_last_nonzero ( n: in out Multi_int ) is
+ old_last : constant Index_int:= n.last_used;
+ begin
+ if Debug then Check_internal.Test(n, test_last=> False); end if;
+ if then -- We avoid de-zeroing accidentally
+ return; -- and returning a false non-zero with rubbish :-)
+ end if;
+ := True;
+ for i in 0 .. old_last loop -- after old_last it *is* rubbish anyway.
+ if n.blk(i) /= 0 then
+ := False;
+ n.last_used := i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Reduce_last_nonzero;
+ function Compare_absolute (i1, i2: Multi_int) return compar is
+ l1, l2 : Index_int;
+ begin
+ -- On ne compare que ABS(i1) et ABS(i2)
+ l1:= i1.last_used;
+ l2:= i2.last_used;
+ if l1 > l2 then -- i1 a plus de blocs non nuls
+ return greater;
+ elsif l1 < l2 then -- i1 a moins de blocs non nuls
+ return smaller;
+ else -- i1 et i2 ont le meme nb de blocs
+ for i in reverse 0 .. l1 loop -- on parcourt du + signifiant au -
+ if i1.blk(i) > i2.blk(i) then -- <<chiffre>> de i1 plus grand
+ return greater;
+ elsif i1.blk(i) < i2.blk(i) then -- <<chiffre>> de i1 plus petit
+ return smaller;
+ end if;
+ -- M\^emes chiffres -> au suivant!
+ end loop;
+ -- Bon, les 2 nombres sont egaux!
+ return equal;
+ end if;
+ end Compare_absolute;
+ ----- Informations, conversions
+ function Multi(small: Basic_int) return Multi_int is
+ abss: constant Long_Block_type:= Long_Block_type(abs small);
+ reste: Long_Block_type;
+ negs: constant Boolean:= small < 0;
+ Conversion_overflow : exception;
+ begin
+ if abss <= Long_Block_type(maxblock) then
+ return Multi_int'
+ ( n=> 0, -- 1 bloc suffit
+ blk=> (0=> Block_type(abss)), -- le bloc contient le nombre
+ neg=> negs,
+ zero=> small = 0,
+ last_used=> 0
+ );
+ else
+ reste:= Shift_Right(abss, Block_type_bits);
+ if reste <= Long_Block_type(maxblock) then
+ return ( n=> 1, -- il faut 2 blocs
+ blk=> (0=> Block_type(abss and maxblock), -- bloc 0
+ 1=> Block_type(reste)), -- bloc 1
+ neg=> negs,
+ zero=> False,
+ last_used=> 1
+ );
+ else
+ if Shift_Right(reste, Block_type_bits) > Long_Block_type(maxblock) then
+ raise Conversion_overflow;
+ end if;
+ return ( n=> 2, -- il faut 3 blocs (e.g. 31 bits 15+15+1)
+ blk=> (0=> Block_type(abss and maxblock), -- bloc 0
+ 1=> Block_type(reste and maxblock), -- bloc 1
+ 2=> Block_type(Shift_Right(reste, Block_type_bits)) -- bloc 2
+ ),
+ neg=> negs,
+ zero=> False,
+ last_used=> 2
+ );
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Multi;
+ zero: constant Multi_int:= Multi(0);
+ one : constant Multi_int:= Multi(1);
+ Blocks_Per_Basic : constant Positive :=
+ (Basic_int'Size + Block_type'Size - 1) / Block_type'Size;
+ -- Convert Multi_int to Basic_int (when possible, else: Cannot_fit raised)
+ -- 2007:
+ -- - correct code for block sizes smaller than Basic_int
+ -- - fixed usage of negative flag
+ function Basic(large: Multi_int) return Basic_int is
+ type Same_as_Basic_natural is mod 2 ** Basic_int'Size;
+ function Shift_Left
+ (Value : Same_as_Basic_natural;
+ Amount : Natural) return Same_as_Basic_natural;
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
+ result : Same_as_Basic_natural;
+ block_value: Block_type;
+ type Huge_int is mod System.Max_Binary_Modulus;
+ last_bit: Natural;
+ begin
+ if then -- <- 17-Feb-2002
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ -- Case: too many blocks (whatever sizes)
+ if 1 + large.last_used > Blocks_Per_Basic then
+ raise Cannot_fit;
+ end if;
+ -- Case: block size and contents larger than basic
+ block_value:= large.blk(large.last_used);
+ if Huge_int(block_value) > Huge_int(Basic_int'Last) then
+ raise Cannot_fit;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ tmp: Block_type:= block_value;
+ begin
+ last_bit:= 0;
+ while tmp /= 0 loop
+ tmp:= tmp / 2;
+ last_bit:= last_bit + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ result:= Same_as_Basic_natural(block_value);
+ -- If the following loop was on all blocks,
+ -- the shift by Block_type_bits in the loop could do meaningless
+ -- things the case Basic_int'Size <= Block_Type'Size
+ for b in reverse 0 .. large.last_used-1 loop
+ result:= Shift_Left(result, Block_type_bits);
+ -- An overflow is not detected by shifting (it's the way we want it!)
+ -- so we need to detect the overall overflow by locating the
+ -- last bit.
+ last_bit:= last_bit + Block_type_bits;
+ if last_bit > Basic_int'Size - 1 then
+ -- ^ "- 1" because of sign bit in Basic_int
+ raise Cannot_fit;
+ end if;
+ result:= result + Same_as_Basic_natural(large.blk(b));
+ end loop;
+ if large.neg then
+ return -Basic_int(result);
+ else
+ return Basic_int(result);
+ end if;
+ end Basic;
+ -- 14-Feb-2002: "zero" bug fixed by Duncan Sands
+ procedure Fill(what: out Multi_int; with_smaller:Multi_int) is
+ l: constant Index_int:= with_smaller.last_used;
+ begin
+ if Debug then Check_internal.Test(with_smaller); end if;
+ if then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if what.n < l then
+ raise Array_too_small; -- contenant trop petit
+ end if;
+ what.blk(0..l):= with_smaller.blk(0..l); -- copy contents
+ what.neg:= with_smaller.neg;
+ what.last_used:= l;
+ end Fill;
+ procedure Fill(what:out Multi_int; with_basic: Basic_int) is
+ begin
+ Fill( what, Multi(with_basic) );
+ end Fill;
+ function Bits_per_block return Positive is
+ begin
+ return Block_type_bits;
+ end Bits_per_block;
+ ---------------------------
+ ----- Unary operators -----
+ ---------------------------
+ function "+" (i: Multi_int) return Multi_int is begin return i; end "+";
+ procedure Opp(i: in out Multi_int) is
+ begin
+ i.neg:= not i.neg; -- -0 possible, anyway = True in such a case
+ end Opp;
+ function "-" (i: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ res: Multi_int(i.n):= i; -- copy + stack :-(
+ begin
+ Opp(res);
+ return res;
+ end "-";
+ procedure Abso(i: in out Multi_int) is
+ begin
+ i.neg:= False;
+ end Abso;
+ function "Abs" (i: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ abs_i: Multi_int(i.n):= i; -- copy + stack :-(
+ begin
+ if Debug then Check_internal.Test(i); end if;
+ abs_i.neg:= False;
+ return abs_i;
+ end "Abs";
+ function Sign(i: Multi_int) return Basic_int is
+ begin
+ if then return 0;
+ elsif i.neg then return -1;
+ else return +1;
+ end if;
+ end Sign;
+ function Even(i: Multi_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return or i.blk(0) mod 2 = 0;
+ end Even;
+ function Odd (i: Multi_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return (not and i.blk(0) mod 2 = 1;
+ end Odd;
+ ----------------------------
+ ----- Binary operators -----
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Internal algorithm to add two numbers AS POSITIVE ( > 0 ) !
+ procedure Add_absolute(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: out Multi_int) is
+ l1: constant Index_int:= i1.last_used;
+ l2: constant Index_int:= i2.last_used;
+ min_ind: constant Index_int:= Min( l1, l2 );
+ max_ind: constant Index_int:= Max( l1, l2 );
+ s: Long_Block_type:= 0;
+ retenue_finale: Block_type;
+ begin
+ if Debug then Check_internal.Test(i1); Check_internal.Test(i2); end if;
+ if max_ind > i3.n then
+ raise Result_undersized;
+ end if; -- 17-Feb-2002
+ -- (1) On additionne sur le <<support commun>>
+ for ind in 0 .. min_ind loop
+ s:= Long_Block_type(i1.blk(ind)) + Long_Block_type(i2.blk(ind)) +
+ Shift_Right(s, Block_type_bits); -- (retenue)
+ i3.blk(ind):= Block_type(s and maxblock);
+ -- NB: dans un cas de Add(a,b,a) ou Add(a,b,b),
+ -- i1.blk(ind) ou i2.blk(ind) est modifie en meme temps!
+ end loop;
+ -- (2) On poursuit au besoin si i1 a plus de blocs...
+ if l1 > min_ind then
+ for ind in min_ind+1 .. max_ind loop
+ s:= Long_Block_type(i1.blk(ind)) +
+ Shift_Right(s, Block_type_bits); -- (retenue)
+ i3.blk(ind):= Block_type(s and maxblock);
+ end loop;
+ -- ... ou bien si i2 en a plus.
+ elsif l2 > min_ind then
+ for ind in min_ind+1 .. max_ind loop
+ s:= Long_Block_type(i2.blk(ind)) +
+ Shift_Right(s, Block_type_bits); -- (retenue)
+ i3.blk(ind):= Block_type(s and maxblock);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- (3) Il peut rester une retenue
+ retenue_finale:= Block_type(Shift_Right(s, Block_type_bits));
+ if retenue_finale /= 0 then
+ if max_ind+1 > i3.n then
+ raise Result_undersized;
+ end if; -- 17-Feb-2002
+ i3.blk(max_ind+1):= retenue_finale;
+ i3.last_used:= max_ind+1;
+ else
+ i3.last_used:= max_ind;
+ end if;
+ -- (4) i3 = i1+i2 > 0
+ i3.neg:= False;
+ False;
+ end Add_absolute;
+ -- Internal algorithm to subtract two numbers AS POSITIVE ( > 0 ) !
+ procedure Sub_absolute(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int;
+ sgn: out Boolean) is
+ l1: constant Index_int:= i1.last_used;
+ l2: constant Index_int:= i2.last_used;
+ max_ind: constant Index_int:= Max( l1, l2 );
+ ai, bi: Long_Block_type;
+ s: Block_type;
+ retenue_finale: Long_Block_type;
+ begin
+ if Debug then Check_internal.Test(i1); Check_internal.Test(i2); end if;
+ if max_ind > i3.n then raise Result_undersized; end if; -- 17-Feb-2002
+ i3.last_used:= 0;
+ True;
+ s:= 0;
+ -- (1) Soustraction avec retenue
+ for ind in 0 .. max_ind loop
+ if ind <= l1 then
+ ai:= Long_Block_type(i1.blk(ind));
+ else
+ ai:= 0;
+ end if;
+ if ind <= l2 then
+ bi:= Long_Block_type(i2.blk(ind)) + Long_Block_type(s);
+ else
+ bi:= Long_Block_type(s);
+ end if;
+ if ai < bi then
+ ai:= ai + cardblock;
+ s:= 1;
+ else
+ s:= 0;
+ end if;
+ i3.blk(ind):= Block_type(ai-bi);
+ -- NB: dans un cas de Sub(a,b,a) ou Sub(a,b,b),
+ -- i1.blk(ind) ou i2.blk(ind) est modifie en meme temps!
+ if i3.blk(ind) /= 0 then -- au passage, on corrige .last_used et .zero
+ i3.last_used:= ind;
+ False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- (2) Traitement de la derni\`ere retenue
+ if s = 0 then
+ i3.neg := False;
+ sgn := False;
+ else
+ i3.neg := True;
+ sgn := True;
+ i3.last_used:= 0;
+ retenue_finale:= 1; -- on fait "9-chaque chiffre" et on ajoute 1 au tout
+ for i in 0 .. max_ind loop
+ retenue_finale:=
+ Long_Block_type(maxblock) -
+ Long_Block_type(i3.blk(i)) + retenue_finale;
+ i3.blk(i):= Block_type(retenue_finale and maxblock);
+ if i3.blk(i) /= 0 then
+ i3.last_used:= i;
+ end if;
+ retenue_finale:= Shift_Right(retenue_finale, Block_type_bits);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Sub_absolute;
+ procedure Add(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int) is
+ sgn: Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- (1) Les cas o\`u i1 ou i2 = 0
+ if and then
+ True;
+ elsif then
+ Fill( i3, i2 );
+ elsif then
+ Fill( i3, i1 );
+ -- (2) Maintenant: i1 /= 0 et i2 /= 0; on regarde les signes
+ -- (2.1) Facile: i1 et i2 de m\^eme signe
+ elsif i1.neg = i2.neg then
+ Add_absolute( i1,i2, i3 ); -- On fait comme si i1>0 et i2>0
+ i3.neg:= i1.neg; -- et on met le bon signe
+ -- (2.2) i1 < 0, i2 > 0, donc i3 = i2 - abs(i1)
+ elsif i1.neg and not i2.neg then
+ Sub_absolute( i2,i1, i3, sgn);
+ -- (2.3) i1 > 0, i2 < 0, donc i3 = i1 - abs(i2)
+ elsif i2.neg and not i1.neg then
+ Sub_absolute( i1,i2, i3, sgn );
+ end if;
+ end Add;
+ function "+" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ somme: Multi_int( Max(i1.n, i2.n) + 1 );
+ begin
+ Add( i1,i2, somme );
+ return somme;
+ end "+";
+ procedure Sub(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int) is
+ sgn: Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- (1) Les cas o\`u i1 ou i2 = 0
+ if and then True;
+ elsif then Fill( i3, i2 ); i3.neg:= not i2.neg;
+ elsif then Fill( i3, i1 );
+ -- (2) Maintenant: i1 /= 0 et i2 /= 0; on regarde les signes
+ -- (2.1) Facile: i1 et i2 de m\^eme signe
+ elsif i1.neg = i2.neg then
+ Sub_absolute( i1,i2, i3, sgn ); -- On fait comme si i1>0 et i2>0
+ -- et on met le bon signe
+ i3.neg:= i1.neg xor sgn;
+ -- 26-Mar-2002: equivalent a:
+ -- if i1.neg then
+ -- i3.neg:= NOT sgn;
+ -- else
+ -- i3.neg:= sgn;
+ -- end if;
+ -- (2.2) i1 < 0, i2 > 0, donc i3 = i1-i2 = - (abs(i1) + abs(i2))
+ elsif i1.neg and not i2.neg then
+ Add_absolute( i1,i2, i3 );
+ i3.neg:= True;
+ -- (2.3) i1 > 0, i2 < 0, donc i3 = i1-i2 = i1 + (-i2) = i1 + abs(i2)
+ elsif i2.neg and not i1.neg then
+ Add_absolute( i1,i2, i3 );
+ end if;
+ end Sub;
+ function "-" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ diff: Multi_int( Max(i1.n, i2.n) + 1); -- +1: retenue possible (add_abs.)
+ begin
+ Sub( i1,i2, diff );
+ return diff;
+ end "-";
+ function "+" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin return i1 + Multi(i2); end "+";
+ function "+" (i1: Basic_int; i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin return Multi(i1) + i2; end "+";
+ function "-" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin return i1 - Multi(i2); end "-";
+ function "-" (i1: Basic_int; i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin return Multi(i1) - i2; end "-";
+ ----- Begin of MULTIPLICATION part -----
+ -- Added 2006: choice to copy result into i3 or write directly into i3
+ generic
+ copy: Boolean;
+ procedure Multiply_internal_m_m(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int);
+ type p_Block_array is access Block_array;
+ procedure Dispose is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Block_array,p_Block_array);
+ -------------------
+ -- Multi * Multi --
+ -------------------
+ -- To do: implement a faster algorithm.
+ -- 1) Karatsuba's algorithm
+ -- Ada code for string arithm exists !!
+ --
+ -- 2) Better: Schönhage-Strassen algorithm (no Ada code)
+ procedure Multiply_internal_m_m(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int) is
+ l1: constant Index_int:= i1.last_used;
+ l2: constant Index_int:= i2.last_used;
+ last_max: constant Index_int:= l1 + l2 + 2;
+ prod,sum_carry,rk,i1j : Long_Block_type;
+ i,k: Index_int;
+ res: p_Block_array;
+ -- res: buffer used in the "copy" variant to avoid
+ -- problems with Multiply(i,j,i) or Multiply(j,i,i)
+ begin
+ if or then
+ True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if last_max > i3.n then
+ raise Result_undersized;
+ end if;
+ if copy then
+ res:= new Block_array( 0..last_max );
+ for k in res'Range loop res(k):= 0; end loop;
+ -- Seems slower :-( : res:= new Block_array'( 0..last_max => 0);
+ else
+ for k in 0..last_max loop i3.blk(k):= 0; end loop;
+ -- Slower :-( : i3.blk(0..last_max):= (others => 0);
+ end if;
+ False;
+ i3.last_used:= last_max;
+ -- NB: va changer i1.last_used ou i2.last_used si
+ -- i1 ou i2 et i3 sont les memes
+ for j in 0..l1 loop
+ i1j:= Long_Block_type(i1.blk(j));
+ sum_carry:= 0;
+ i:= 0;
+ k:= j;
+ loop
+ if i <= l2 then
+ prod:= i1j * Long_Block_type(i2.blk(i));
+ else
+ exit when sum_carry = 0; -- nothing more to add
+ prod:= 0;
+ end if;
+ if copy then
+ rk:= Long_Block_type(res(k));
+ else
+ rk:= Long_Block_type(i3.blk(k));
+ end if;
+ sum_carry:= rk + prod + sum_carry;
+ if copy then
+ res(k):= Block_type(sum_carry and maxblock); -- somme
+ else
+ i3.blk(k):= Block_type(sum_carry and maxblock); -- somme
+ end if;
+ sum_carry:= Shift_Right(sum_carry, Block_type_bits); -- retenue
+ i:= i + 1;
+ k:= k + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ if copy then
+ i3.blk(res'Range):= res.all;
+ Dispose(res);
+ end if;
+ Reduce_last_nonzero( i3 );
+ i3.neg:= i1.neg /= i2.neg;
+ end Multiply_internal_m_m;
+ procedure Multiply_internal_copy is
+ new Multiply_internal_m_m( copy => True );
+ procedure Multiply_internal_copy_export(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int)
+ renames Multiply_internal_copy;
+ -- ^ At least GNAT <= GPL 2006 requires the trick with renames...
+ -- ObjectAda 7.2.2 too -> there must be a good reason...
+ procedure Multiply_internal_no_copy is
+ new Multiply_internal_m_m( copy => False );
+ -------------------
+ -- Multi * Basic --
+ -- added 2006 --
+ -------------------
+ generic
+ copy: Boolean;
+ procedure Multiply_internal_m_b(i1: in Multi_int; i2: Basic_int; i3: in out Multi_int);
+ procedure Multiply_internal_m_b(i1: in Multi_int; i2: Basic_int; i3: in out Multi_int) is
+ l1: constant Index_int:= i1.last_used;
+ last_max: constant Index_int:= l1 + 2;
+ prod,sum_carry,rk,i2a : Long_Block_type;
+ k: Index_int;
+ res: p_Block_array;
+ -- res: buffer used in the "copy" variant to avoid
+ -- problems with Multiply(i,j,i) or Multiply(j,i,i)
+ begin
+ if or i2=0 then
+ True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if last_max > i3.n then
+ raise Result_undersized;
+ end if;
+ if copy then
+ res:= new Block_array( 0..last_max );
+ for k in res'Range loop res(k):= 0; end loop;
+ -- Seems slower :-( : res:= new Block_array'( 0..last_max => 0);
+ else
+ for k in 0..last_max loop i3.blk(k):= 0; end loop;
+ -- Slower :-( : i3.blk(0..last_max):= (others => 0);
+ end if;
+ False;
+ i3.last_used:= last_max;
+ -- NB: va changer i1.last_used ou i2.last_used si i1 ou i2 et i3 sont les memes
+ i2a:= Long_Block_type(abs i2);
+ for j in 0..l1 loop
+ k:= j;
+ sum_carry:= 0;
+ prod:= Long_Block_type(i1.blk(j)) * i2a;
+ loop
+ if copy then
+ rk:= Long_Block_type(res(k));
+ else
+ rk:= Long_Block_type(i3.blk(k));
+ end if;
+ sum_carry:= rk + prod + sum_carry;
+ if copy then
+ res(k):= Block_type(sum_carry and maxblock); -- somme
+ else
+ i3.blk(k):= Block_type(sum_carry and maxblock); -- somme
+ end if;
+ sum_carry:= Shift_Right(sum_carry, Block_type_bits); -- retenue
+ exit when sum_carry = 0; -- nothing more to add
+ prod:= 0;
+ k:= k + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ if copy then
+ i3.blk(res'Range):= res.all;
+ Dispose(res);
+ end if;
+ Reduce_last_nonzero( i3 );
+ i3.neg:= i1.neg /= (i2 < 0);
+ end Multiply_internal_m_b;
+ procedure Multiply_internal_copy is
+ new Multiply_internal_m_b( copy => True );
+ procedure Multiply_internal_no_copy is
+ new Multiply_internal_m_b( copy => False );
+ procedure Multiply(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int) is
+ use System;
+ begin
+ if Debug then
+ declare
+ m1: constant Multi_int:= i1;
+ m2: constant Multi_int:= i2;
+ begin
+ Multiply_internal_no_copy(m1,m2,i3);
+ Check_internal.Check_Multiplication(m1,m2,i3);
+ end;
+ else
+ if i1'Address = i3'Address or i2'Address = i3'Address then
+ -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("* with copy");
+ Multiply_internal_copy(i1,i2,i3);
+ else
+ -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("* without copy");
+ Multiply_internal_no_copy(i1,i2,i3);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Multiply;
+ procedure Multiply(i1: in Multi_int; i2: Basic_int; i3: in out Multi_int) is
+ use System;
+ begin
+ if Debug then
+ declare
+ m1: constant Multi_int:= i1;
+ m2: constant Basic_int:= i2;
+ begin
+ Multiply_internal_no_copy(m1,m2,i3);
+ Check_internal.Check_Multiplication(m1,Multi(m2),i3);
+ end;
+ else
+ if i1'Address = i3'Address or i2'Address = i3'Address then
+ -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("* with copy");
+ Multiply_internal_copy(i1,i2,i3);
+ else
+ -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("* without copy");
+ Multiply_internal_no_copy(i1,i2,i3);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Multiply;
+ function "*" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin
+ if or then
+ return zero;
+ else
+ declare
+ prod: Multi_int( i1.last_used + i2.last_used + 2 );
+ begin
+ Multiply( i1,i2, prod );
+ return prod;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end "*";
+ function "*" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin
+ if or i2=0 then
+ return zero;
+ else
+ declare
+ prod: Multi_int( i1.last_used + 4 );
+ begin
+ Multiply( i1,i2, prod );
+ return prod;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end "*";
+ function "*" (i1: Basic_int; i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin
+ if or i1=0 then
+ return zero;
+ else
+ declare
+ prod: Multi_int( i2.last_used + 4 );
+ begin
+ Multiply( i2,i1, prod );
+ return prod;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end "*";
+ ----- Begin of DIVISION part -----
+ -- Interne: Division et reste en 1 coup
+ procedure Div_Rem(a,b: Long_Block_type; q,r: out Long_Block_type) is
+ Conflict_with_REM: exception;
+ begin
+ q:= a / b;
+ r:= a - b*q;
+ if Debug and then r /= (a rem b) then
+ raise Conflict_with_REM;
+ end if;
+ end Div_Rem;
+ procedure Divide_absolute_normalized ( u: in out Multi_int; -- output: u = r
+ v: in Multi_int;
+ q: in out Multi_int ) is
+ qi: Index_int:= u.last_used - v.last_used - 1; -- was: q.n; D.S. Feb-2002
+ v1: constant Long_Block_type:= Long_Block_type(v.blk(v.last_used ));
+ v2: constant Long_Block_type:= Long_Block_type(v.blk(v.last_used-1));
+ vlast : constant Index_int:= v.last_used;
+ v1L : constant Long_Block_type := v1;
+ guess,
+ comparand : Long_Block_type ;
+ function Divide_subtract ( ustart: Index_int ) return Block_type is
+ ui : Index_int;
+ carry : Long_Block_type;
+ begin
+ if guess = 0 then
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ ui:= ustart;
+ carry:= 0;
+ -- On soustrait (le chiffre du quotient) * diviseur au dividende
+ for vi in 0 .. vlast loop
+ declare
+ prod: constant Long_Block_type := Long_Block_type(v.blk(vi)) * guess + carry;
+ bpro: constant Block_type:= Block_type(prod and maxblock);
+ diff: constant Long_Block_type_signed := Long_Block_type_signed(u.blk(ui)) - Long_Block_type_signed(bpro);
+ begin
+ if diff < 0 then
+ u.blk(ui) := Block_type(diff + cardblock);
+ carry := Shift_Right(prod, Block_type_bits) + 1;
+ else
+ u.blk(ui) := Block_type(diff);
+ carry := Shift_Right(prod, Block_type_bits);
+ end if;
+ ui:= ui + 1;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if carry = 0 then
+ return Block_type(guess and maxblock);
+ end if;
+ declare
+ diff: constant Long_Block_type_signed :=
+ Long_Block_type_signed(u.blk(ui)) - Long_Block_type_signed(carry and maxblock);
+ begin
+ if diff < 0 then
+ u.blk(ui) := Block_type(diff + cardblock); -- carry generated
+ else
+ u.blk(ui) := Block_type(diff);
+ return Block_type(guess and maxblock);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- Carry was generated
+ declare
+ icarry: Block_type := 0;
+ begin
+ ui := ustart;
+ for vi in 0 .. vlast loop
+ declare
+ sum: constant Long_Block_type :=
+ Long_Block_type(v.blk(vi)) +
+ Long_Block_type(u.blk(ui)) +
+ Long_Block_type(icarry);
+ begin
+ u.blk(ui) := Block_type(sum and maxblock);
+ ui:= ui + 1;
+ icarry := Block_type(Shift_Right(sum, Block_type_bits));
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if icarry = 1 then
+ u.blk(ui) := Block_type((Long_Block_type(u.blk(ui))+1) and maxblock);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return Block_type((guess-1) and maxblock);
+ end Divide_subtract;
+ is_q_zero: Boolean:= True;
+ begin -- Divide_absolute_normalized
+ -- for i in q.blk'Range loop q.blk(i):= 0; end loop;
+ --
+ -- ^ zeroing useless: q.last_used = u.last_used-v.last_used-1
+ -- and q.blk(0..q.last_used) is written below q.blk(qi) := ...
+ -- GM 4-nov-2006
+ q.last_used:= qi; -- was: q.n; D.S. Feb-2002
+ for j in reverse vlast+1 .. u.last_used loop
+ declare
+ uj : constant Long_Block_type := Long_Block_type(u.blk(j));
+ uj1: constant Long_Block_type := Long_Block_type(u.blk(j-1));
+ uj2: constant Long_Block_type := Long_Block_type(u.blk(j-2));
+ ujL: Long_Block_type;
+ rmL: Long_Block_type;
+ begin
+ ujL := Shift_Left(uj, Block_type_bits) + uj1;
+ Div_Rem( ujL, v1L, guess, rmL );
+ comparand := Shift_Left(rmL, Block_type_bits) + uj2;
+ while comparand < v2 * guess loop
+ guess:= guess - 1;
+ comparand:= comparand + Shift_Left(v1L, Block_type_bits);
+ exit when comparand > cardblock * cardblock;
+ end loop;
+ q.blk(qi) := Divide_subtract( j - vlast - 1 );
+ if q.blk(qi) /= 0 and then is_q_zero then -- n'arrive que 0 ou 1 fois
+ is_q_zero:= False;
+ q.last_used:= qi;
+ end if;
+ qi:= qi - 1;
+ end;
+ end loop; -- j
+ is_q_zero;
+ if Debug then Check_internal.Test(q); end if;
+ end Divide_absolute_normalized;
+ procedure Divide_absolute_big_small ( u: in Multi_int;
+ v: in Long_Block_type;
+ q: out Multi_int;
+ r: out Long_Block_type ) is
+ n: Long_Block_type;
+ Quotient_constraint_error: exception;
+ last_u_nz: constant Index_int:= u.last_used;
+ u_zero: constant Boolean:=;
+ -- in case u and q are the same variables
+ is_q_zero: Boolean:= True;
+ begin
+ if q.n < last_u_nz then raise Quotient_constraint_error; end if;
+ q.last_used:= 0;
+ q.neg:= False;
+ r:= 0;
+ if not u_zero then
+ for i in reverse 0 .. last_u_nz loop
+ n:= Long_Block_type(u.blk(i)) + Shift_Left(r, Block_type_bits);
+ r:= n mod v;
+ q.blk(i):= Block_type(n / v);
+ if q.blk(i)/= 0 and then is_q_zero then
+ is_q_zero:= False;
+ q.last_used:= i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ is_q_zero;
+ end if;
+ end Divide_absolute_big_small;
+ procedure Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem (i1n,i2n: in Boolean; qn,rn: out Boolean) is
+ begin
+ -- Invariant: i1= i2*q+r on cherche (pos) = (pos)*(pos)+(pos)
+ if i1n and i2n then -- i1<0; i2<0 (-i1) = (-i2) * q + (-r)
+ qn:= False; -- Quotient > 0
+ -- rn:= True; -- Reste < 0
+ elsif i1n then -- i1<0; i2>0 (-i1) = i2 *(-q) + (-r)
+ qn:= True; -- Quotient < 0
+ -- rn:= True; -- Reste < 0
+ elsif i2n then -- i1>0; i2<0 i1 = (-i2) *(-q) + r
+ qn:= True; -- Quotient < 0
+ -- rn:= False; -- Reste > 0
+ else -- i1>0; i2>0 i1 = i2 * q + r
+ qn:= False; -- Quotient > 0
+ -- rn:= False; -- Reste > 0
+ end if;
+ -- on observe que... "(A rem B) has the sign of A " ARM 4.5.5
+ -- en effet on peut mettre:
+ rn:= i1n;
+ end Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem;
+ procedure Div_Rem (i1: in Multi_int; i2: in Basic_int;
+ q : out Multi_int; r: out Basic_int) is
+ i1_neg: constant Boolean:= i1.neg;
+ -- in case i1 and q are the same variables
+ rneg: Boolean;
+ lai2, lr: Long_Block_type;
+ begin
+ if Debug then Check_internal.Test(i1); end if;
+ if i2=0 then raise Division_by_zero; end if;
+ if then -- 15-Feb-2002: 0/i2
+ True;
+ r:= 0;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ lai2:= Long_Block_type(abs i2);
+ Divide_absolute_big_small( i1, lai2, q, lr );
+ r:= Basic_int(lr);
+ Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem( i1_neg,i2<0, q.neg, rneg );
+ if rneg then r:= -r; end if;
+ end Div_Rem;
+ type Div_Rem_mode is (div_only, both);
+ generic
+ div_rem_output: Div_Rem_mode;
+ procedure Div_Rem_internal (i1,i2: in Multi_int; q,r: in out Multi_int);
+ procedure Div_Rem_internal (i1,i2: in Multi_int; q,r: in out Multi_int) is
+ -- Calculate u/v
+ procedure Divide_absolute ( u,v: in Multi_int;
+ q,r: in out Multi_int ) is
+ shift: Integer:= 0;
+ v1: Block_type:= v.blk(v.last_used);
+ v_zero, v1_zero: exception;
+ u_work: Multi_int(u.last_used+2);
+ use System;
+ procedure Normalization ( source: in Multi_int;
+ target: in out Multi_int ) is
+ carry: Block_type:= 0;
+ tl: constant Index_int:= target.last_used;
+ blk: Block_type;
+ begin
+ for i in 0 .. source.last_used loop
+ blk:= source.blk(i);
+ target.blk(i) := Shift_Left(blk, shift) + carry;
+ carry := Shift_Right(blk, Block_type_bits - shift);
+ end loop;
+ if source.last_used < tl then
+ target.blk(source.last_used+1):= carry;
+ end if;
+ for i in source.last_used+2 .. tl loop
+ target.blk(i):= 0;
+ end loop;
+ end Normalization;
+ procedure Unnormalization ( m: in out Multi_int) is
+ carry: Block_type:= 0;
+ blk: Block_type;
+ begin
+ for i in reverse 0 .. m.last_used loop
+ blk:= m.blk(i);
+ m.blk(i) := Shift_Right(blk, shift) + carry;
+ carry := Shift_Left(blk, Block_type_bits - shift);
+ end loop;
+ end Unnormalization;
+ begin -- Divide_absolute (multi u / multi v)
+ if Debug then
+ if then raise v_zero; end if;
+ if v1=0 then raise v1_zero; end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Calculate shift needed to normalize
+ u_work.last_used:= u_work.n;
+ False;
+ while v1 < 2**(Block_type_bits-1) loop
+ shift:= shift + 1;
+ v1:= v1 * 2;
+ end loop;
+ if shift = 0 then -- no shift needed
+ u_work.blk( 0..u.last_used ):= u.blk( 0..u.last_used );
+ u_work.blk( u.last_used+1 .. u_work.last_used):= (0,0);
+ -- Now, u is copied, so a Div_Rem(u, v, u, r) won't crash
+ if v'Address = q'Address then
+ declare
+ v_work: Multi_int(v.last_used);
+ begin
+ -- 23-Feb-2002: also copy v, in case of a Div_Rem(u, v, v, r)
+ v_work.blk( 0..v.last_used ):= v.blk( 0..v.last_used );
+ v_work.neg := v.neg;
+ :=;
+ v_work.last_used:= v.last_used;
+ -- Now, u is copied, so a Div_Rem(u, v, v, r) won't crash
+ -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("* divisor with copy");
+ Divide_absolute_normalized( u_work,v_work, q );
+ end;
+ else
+ -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("* divisor without copy");
+ Divide_absolute_normalized( u_work,v, q );
+ end if;
+ else -- shift needed
+ declare
+ v_work: Multi_int(v.last_used);
+ begin
+ v_work.last_used:= v_work.n;
+ Normalization( u, u_work );
+ Normalization( v, v_work );
+ Reduce_last_nonzero( v_work );
+ Divide_absolute_normalized( u_work,v_work, q );
+ end;
+ if div_rem_output /= div_only then
+ Unnormalization( u_work );
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ q.neg:= False; -- check friendly
+ if div_rem_output /= div_only then
+ u_work.neg:= False; -- check friendly
+ Reduce_last_nonzero( u_work );
+ Fill( r, u_work );
+ end if;
+ end Divide_absolute;
+ l1: constant Index_int:= i1.last_used;
+ l2: constant Index_int:= i2.last_used;
+ rl: Long_Block_type;
+ begin -- Div_Rem_internal
+ if then raise Division_by_zero; end if;
+ if then -- 15-Feb-2002: 0/i2
+ True;
+ True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if q.n < l1 - l2 then
+ -- 17-Feb-2002
+ raise Quotient_undersized;
+ end if;
+ if div_rem_output /= div_only and then r.n < Max( l1, l2 ) then
+ -- 17-Feb-2002
+ raise Remainder_undersized;
+ end if;
+ if l2 = 0 then
+ if l1 = 0 then -- On a affaire a une ridicule division d'entiers
+ q.blk(0):= i1.blk(0) / i2.blk(0);
+ if div_rem_output /= div_only then
+ r.blk(0):= Block_type(
+ abs(
+ Long_Block_type_signed(i1.blk(0))
+ - Long_Block_type_signed(i2.blk(0))
+ * Long_Block_type_signed(q.blk(0))
+ )
+ );
+ end if;
+ q.blk(0) = 0;
+ q.last_used:= 0;
+ else -- multi / entier
+ Divide_absolute_big_small( i1, Long_Block_type(i2.blk(0)), q, rl );
+ if div_rem_output /= div_only then
+ r.blk(0):= Block_type(rl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if div_rem_output /= div_only then
+ r.blk(0) = 0;
+ r.last_used:= 0;
+ end if;
+ else -- multi / multi
+ case Compare_absolute(i2 , i1) is
+ when greater =>
+ True; -- q:= 0;
+ q.last_used:= 0;
+ q.neg:= False;
+ if div_rem_output /= div_only then
+ Fill( r, i1 ); -- r:= i1, q:=0 car i1 = 0 * i2 (>i1 en v.abs) + r
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when equal =>
+ Fill( q, one ); -- Fill( q, Multi(1) );
+ True; -- Fill( r, Multi(0) );
+ when smaller => -- cas <<normal>>: diviseur < dividende
+ Divide_absolute( i1,i2, q,r );
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem( i1.neg,i2.neg, q.neg,r.neg );
+ end Div_Rem_internal;
+ procedure Div_Rem_internal_div_only is
+ new Div_Rem_internal( div_rem_output => div_only );
+ procedure Div_Rem_internal_both is
+ new Div_Rem_internal( div_rem_output => both );
+ procedure Div_Rem_internal_both_export(i1,i2: in Multi_int; q,r: in out Multi_int)
+ renames Div_Rem_internal_both;
+ procedure Div_Rem (i1,i2: in Multi_int; q,r: out Multi_int) is
+ begin
+ if Debug then
+ declare
+ m1: constant Multi_int:= i1;
+ m2: constant Multi_int:= i2;
+ begin
+ Div_Rem_internal_both(m1,m2,q,r);
+ Check_internal.Check_Div_Rem(m1,m2,q,r);
+ end;
+ else
+ Div_Rem_internal_both(i1,i2,q,r);
+ end if;
+ end Div_Rem;
+ procedure Divide (i1,i2: in Multi_int; q: out Multi_int) is
+ begin
+ if Debug then
+ declare
+ m1: constant Multi_int:= i1;
+ m2: constant Multi_int:= i2;
+ r: Multi_int( Max( i1.last_used, i2.last_used) + 2 );
+ begin
+ Div_Rem_internal_both(m1,m2,q,r);
+ Check_internal.Check_Div_Rem(m1,m2,q,r);
+ end;
+ else
+ declare
+ r: Multi_int(0); -- Fake
+ begin
+ Div_Rem_internal_div_only(i1,i2,q,r);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Divide;
+ function "/" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ q: Multi_int( Max( 0, i1.last_used - i2.last_used + 1) );
+ r: Multi_int( Max( i1.last_used, i2.last_used) + 2 );
+ begin
+ Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r);
+ return q;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int is
+ q: Multi_int(i1.last_used + 1);
+ r: Basic_int;
+ begin
+ Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r);
+ return q;
+ end "/";
+ function "rem" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ q: Multi_int(Max(0,i1.last_used - i2.last_used + 1));
+ r: Multi_int(Max(i1.last_used,i2.last_used) + 2);
+ begin
+ Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r);
+ return r;
+ end "rem";
+ function "rem" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin return i1 rem Multi(i2); end "rem";
+ function "rem" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Basic_int is
+ q: Multi_int(i1.last_used + 1);
+ r: Basic_int;
+ begin
+ Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r);
+ return r;
+ end "rem";
+ function "mod" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int is
+ q: Multi_int(Max(0,i1.last_used - i2.last_used + 1));
+ r: Multi_int(Max(i1.last_used,i2.last_used) + 2);
+ begin
+ -- Ada RM, 4.5.5 Multiplying Operators
+ -- (8)
+ -- The signed integer modulus operator is defined such that
+ -- the result of A mod B has the sign of B and an absolute value
+ -- less than the absolute value of B; in addition, for some signed
+ -- integer value N, this result satisfies the relation:
+ -- (9) A = B*N + (A mod B)
+ Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r);
+ if or else i2.neg = r.neg then -- (A rem B) est nul ou
+ return r; -- a le meme signe que B, donc (A mod B) = (A rem B)
+ else -- signe opposes
+ return i2+r; -- alors (B + (A rem B)) est le bon candidat
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ function "mod" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int is
+ begin return i1 mod Multi(i2); end "mod";
+ function "mod" (i1: Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Basic_int is
+ r: constant Basic_int:= i1 rem i2;
+ begin
+ if r=0 or else (i2<0) = (r<0) then -- (A rem B) est nul ou
+ return r; -- a le meme signe que B, donc (A mod B) = (A rem B)
+ else -- signe opposes
+ return i2+r; -- alors (B + (A rem B)) est le bon candidat
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+----- End of DIVISION part ------
+----- Begin of POWER part -------
+ procedure Power (i: Multi_int; n: Natural; ipn: out Multi_int) is
+ max_ipn_last: Index_int; -- 17-Feb-2002
+ begin
+ if then
+ if n=0 then
+ raise Zero_power_zero;
+ else
+ -- The 0**n = 0 case (17-Feb-2002).
+ True; -- 4-Nov-2006, was: Fill( ipn, Multi(0) );
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ max_ipn_last:= ((1+i.last_used) * Index_int(n)-1)+2;
+ if ipn.n < max_ipn_last then
+ raise Result_undersized;
+ end if;
+ case n is
+ when 0 => Fill( ipn, one ); -- the i**0 = 1 case
+ when 1 => Fill( ipn, i); -- the i**1 = i case
+ when others =>
+ declare
+ nn: Natural:= n-1;
+ i0, ii: Multi_int( max_ipn_last );
+ begin
+ Fill(i0, i);
+ Fill(ii, i0 );
+ while nn > 0 loop
+ if nn mod 2 = 0 then -- x^(2 c) = (x^2) ^c
+ Mult(i0,i0, i0);
+ nn:= nn / 2;
+ else
+ Mult(i0,ii, ii);
+ nn:= nn - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Fill( ipn, ii);
+ end;
+ end case;
+ end Power;
+ function "**" (i: Multi_int; n: Natural) return Multi_int is
+ ipn: Multi_int( (1+i.last_used) * Index_int(n)+2 );
+ begin
+ Power(i,n,ipn);
+ return ipn;
+ end "**";
+ procedure Power (i: Multi_int; n: Multi_int; ipn: out Multi_int;
+ modulo: Multi_int) is
+ max_ipn_last: Index_int;
+ begin
+ if then
+ if then
+ raise Zero_power_zero;
+ else
+ -- The 0**n = 0 case (17-Feb-2002).
+ True; -- 4-Nov-2006, was: Fill( ipn, Multi(0) );
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if n.neg then
+ raise Power_negative;
+ end if;
+ if or else (i.neg or modulo.neg) then
+ raise Power_modulo_non_positive;
+ end if;
+ max_ipn_last:= 2*modulo.last_used+2;
+ if ipn.n < max_ipn_last then
+ raise Result_undersized;
+ end if;
+ if then
+ Fill( ipn, one ); -- the i**0 = 1 case
+ elsif Equal( n, one ) then
+ Fill( ipn, i); -- the i**1 = i case
+ else
+ declare
+ nn: Multi_int(n.n):= n;
+ i0, ii, dummy: Multi_int( max_ipn_last );
+ dummy_b: Basic_int;
+ begin
+ Subtract( nn, one, nn ); -- nn:= nn - 1;
+ Fill(i0, i);
+ Fill(ii, i0 );
+ while nn > 0 loop
+ if Even(nn) then -- x^(2 c) = (x^2) ^c
+ Mult(i0,i0, i0);
+ Div_Rem(nn, 2, nn, dummy_b); -- nn:= nn/2
+ Div_Rem(i0,modulo,dummy,i0); -- i0:= i0 mod modulo
+ else
+ Mult(i0,ii, ii);
+ Subtract( nn, one, nn ); -- nn:= nn - 1;
+ Div_Rem(ii,modulo,dummy,ii); -- ii:= ii mod modulo
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Fill( ipn, ii);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Power;
+----- End of POWER part ---------
+----- Comparisons
+ function Equal (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if and then then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if = and then
+ i1.neg = i2.neg and then
+ i1.last_used = i2.last_used then
+ return i1.blk(0..i1.last_used) = i2.blk(0..i2.last_used);
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Equal;
+ function Equal (i1: Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Equal( i1, Multi(i2) );
+ end Equal;
+ function ">" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- (1) Cas \'evident o\`u: i1 <= i2
+ if ( or i1.neg) and then -- i1 <= 0 et
+ ( or not i2.neg) then -- i2 >= 0
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- (2.1) Cas \'evident o\`u: i1 > i2
+ if ((not and not i1.neg) and then -- i1 > 0 et
+ ( or i2.neg) then -- i2 <= 0
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- (2.2) Cas \'evident o\`u: i1 > i2
+ if ( or not i1.neg) and then -- i1 >= 0 et
+ ((not and i2.neg) then -- i2 < 0
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- Cas faciles resolus:
+ -- i1 > i2 - 0 +
+ -------------------
+ -- - # F F
+ -- 0 T F F
+ -- + T T #
+ -- On a les cas avec "#", o\`u i1 et i2 ont le meme signe
+ if i1.neg then
+ return not (Compare_absolute (i1,i2) = greater);
+ else
+ return (Compare_absolute (i1,i2) = greater);
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ function ">" (i1: Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return i1 > Multi(i2);
+ end ">";
+ function "<" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Boolean is
+ begin return i2>i1; end "<";
+ function "<" (i1: Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return i1 < Multi(i2);
+ end "<";
+ function ">=" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Boolean is
+ begin return not (i2>i1); end ">=";
+ function ">=" (i1: Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return i1 >= Multi(i2);
+ end ">=";
+ function "<=" (i1,i2: Multi_int) return Boolean is
+ begin return not (i1>i2); end "<=";
+ function "<=" (i1: Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return i1 <= Multi(i2);
+ end "<=";
+end Multi_precision_integers;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c8406a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+-- File:
+-- Description: Multiple precision integers package
+-- Date/version: Aug-2007: - No more generics (Long_Block_type,
+-- Block_type,... always the largest possible
+-- idea: J.C.)
+-- - Fixed Basic(...) (based on J.C.'s remarks)
+-- Nov-2006: - unsigned types for blocks
+-- - a block uses 2 bits more
+-- - Ada95+ only
+-- Mar-2002: Bugs fixed related to zero field, division
+-- Nov-1999: - procedures (no stack, less copies !)
+-- - new data structure
+-- Dec-1996: First version (operators only)
+-- Author: G. de Montmollin, Univ. Neuchatel
+-- Thanks to: Duncan Sands, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS
+-- Jeffrey R. Carter
+-- Tested on: Intel 586 (32 bit) - Windows 98, NT4+ - GNAT 3.13p+
+-- Intel 586 (32 bit) - Windows 98, NT4+ - ObjectAda 7.2.1+
+-- Alpha-AXP (64 bit) - OpenVMS 7.1 - Compaq Ada
+-- Division algorithm adaptated from BigInt 1.0 library,
+-- by Stephen Adams, that refers to
+-- D. E. Knuth, the Art of computer programming
+-- volume 2, "Seminumerical Algorithms"
+-- section 4.3.1, "Multiple-Precision Arithmetic"
+with System;
+package Multi_precision_integers is
+ -- Integers for array indexing --
+ subtype Index_int is Integer;
+ -- THE multi-precision integer type --
+ type Multi_int (n: Index_int) is private;
+ -- Integer type for small values --
+ subtype Basic_int is Integer; -- the "normal" signed integer
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Debug mode: checks results of arithmetic operations and --
+ -- Multi_int variables' integrity. --
+ -- CAUTION: Debug = True reduces monstruously the performance --
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ Debug : constant Boolean:= False;
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ ----- Informations, conversions, filling ----
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ -- Convert Basic_int to Multi_int
+ function Multi (small: Basic_int) return Multi_int;
+ -- Convert Multi_int to Basic_int (when possible, else: Cannot_fit raised)
+ function Basic (large: Multi_int) return Basic_int;
+ -- Fill an Multi_int of greater array dimension with a smaller one
+ procedure Fill (what: out Multi_int; with_smaller: Multi_int);
+ procedure Fill (what: out Multi_int; with_basic: Basic_int);
+ -- Comparisons
+ function Equal (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Boolean;
+ function Equal (i1 : Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean;
+ function ">" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Boolean;
+ function ">" (i1 : Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean;
+ function "<" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Boolean;
+ function "<" (i1 : Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean;
+ function ">=" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Boolean;
+ function ">=" (i1 : Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean;
+ function "<=" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Boolean;
+ function "<=" (i1 : Multi_int; i2:Basic_int) return Boolean;
+ -- Other informations
+ function Bits_per_block return Positive;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -------- Arithmetic operators. ----------
+ -------- For speed, the "procedure" variants should be preferred ----------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------
+ ----- Unary operators -----
+ ---------------------------
+ procedure Opp (i: in out Multi_int);
+ function "+" (i : Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "-" (i : Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ procedure Abso (i: in out Multi_int);
+ function "ABS" (i : Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function Sign (i: Multi_int) return Basic_int;
+ function Even (i: Multi_int) return Boolean;
+ function Odd (i : Multi_int) return Boolean;
+ ----------------------------
+ ----- Binary operators -----
+ ----------------------------
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Addition, subtraction --
+ ---------------------------
+ procedure Add (i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int);
+ function "+" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "+" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "+" (i1 : Basic_int; i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ procedure Sub (i1, i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int);
+ procedure Subtract (i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int)
+ renames Sub;
+ function "-" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "-" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "-" (i1 : Basic_int; i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ --------------------
+ -- Multiplication --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Multiply (i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int);
+ procedure Mult (i1, i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int)
+ renames Multiply;
+ procedure Multiply (i1: in Multi_int; i2: Basic_int; i3: in out Multi_int);
+ procedure Mult (i1 : in Multi_int; i2: Basic_int; i3: in out Multi_int)
+ renames Multiply;
+ function "*" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "*" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "*" (i1 : Basic_int; i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Division, Remainder --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Div_Rem (i1 : in Multi_int; i2: in Basic_int;
+ q : out Multi_int; r : out Basic_int);
+ procedure Div_Rem (i1, i2: in Multi_int; q,r: out Multi_int);
+ procedure Divide (i1, i2: in Multi_int; q: out Multi_int);
+ function "/" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "/" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "Rem" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "Rem" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "Rem" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Basic_int;
+ function "Mod" (i1, i2: Multi_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "Mod" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Multi_int;
+ function "Mod" (i1 : Multi_int; i2: Basic_int) return Basic_int;
+ -----------
+ -- Power --
+ -----------
+ procedure Power (i : Multi_int; n: Natural; ipn: out Multi_int);
+ function "**" (i : Multi_int; n: Natural) return Multi_int;
+ -- + 26-Mar-2002 :
+ procedure Power (i : Multi_int; n: Multi_int; ipn: out Multi_int;
+ modulo : Multi_int);
+ Cannot_fit, Empty_multi_int : exception;
+ Array_too_small : exception;
+ Result_undersized,
+ Quotient_undersized,
+ Remainder_undersized : exception;
+ Division_by_zero : exception;
+ Zero_power_zero, Power_negative : exception;
+ Power_modulo_non_positive : exception;
+ --> Long_Block_type is used for + and * of blocks.
+ -- It is by design
+ -- a/ the largest possible modular integer, and
+ -- b/ twice the size of Block_type defined below.
+ -- With the double of bits (2n) one can store m**2 + 2m without overflow
+ -- where m = 2**n - 1 is the largest value possible on n bits.
+ type Long_Block_type is mod System.Max_Binary_Modulus;
+ --> Same size as Long_Block_type, but signed:
+ type Long_Block_type_signed is
+ range -2**(Long_Block_type'Size-1)..2**(Long_Block_type'Size-1)-1;
+ --> Block_type: unsigned integer used to store a chunk of a Multi_int.
+ type Block_type is mod 2 ** (Long_Block_type'Size / 2);
+ Block_type_bits: constant:= Block_type'Size;
+ cardblock: constant:= 2 ** Block_type_bits;
+ -- Number of possible values
+ maxblock: constant:= Block_type'Last;
+ -- NB: GNAT (2006) optimizes out correctly the Block_type(l and maxblock_long)
+ -- to Block_type(l), the latter form being caught when range checks are on.
+ type Block_array is array( Index_int range <> ) of Block_type;
+ -- 2006: was "of Basic_int" for obscure reasons...
+ type Multi_int(n: Index_int) is record
+ blk: Block_array( 0..n ); -- the n blocks with ABSOLUTE value
+ neg: Boolean; -- negative flag
+ zero: Boolean:=True; -- zero flag (supercedes the other fields)
+ last_used: Index_int; -- the others blocks are supposed 0
+ end record;
+ -- NB the `zero' field supercedes EVERY other information (last_used, neg)
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Format of type Multi_int.blk: ( i_0, i_1, ..., i_k, *, ..., * ) --
+ -- i_0..i_k are >=0 ; others (*) are treated as 0 --
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Some internal procedures use by check:
+ procedure Multiply_internal_copy_export(i1,i2: in Multi_int; i3: in out Multi_int);
+ procedure Div_Rem_internal_both_export(i1,i2: in Multi_int; q,r: in out Multi_int);
+end Multi_precision_integers;
diff --git a/src/rationals.adb b/src/rationals.adb
index 62fe9b9..bc54106 100644
--- a/src/rationals.adb
+++ b/src/rationals.adb
@@ -1,28 +1,34 @@
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+with Multi_Precision_Integers.IO;
+use Multi_Precision_Integers.IO;
package body Rationals is
function Reduce
- (Numerator, Denominator : in Big_Unsigned)
+ (Numerator, Denominator : in Multi_Int)
return Fraction
- A : Big_Unsigned := Numerator;
- B : Big_Unsigned := Denominator;
- Temp : Big_Unsigned;
+ A, B, Temp : Multi_Int (M_Size);
+ Ret_N, Ret_D : Multi_Int (M_Size);
+ Fill (A, Numerator);
+ Fill (B, Denominator);
-- Euclid's algorithm
Temp := A;
A := B;
- B := Temp mod B;
- exit when B = 0;
+ Fill (B, Temp mod B);
+ exit when Equal (B, 0);
end loop;
- return (Num => Numerator / A,
- Den => Denominator / A);
+ Fill (Ret_N, Numerator / A);
+ Fill (Ret_D, Denominator / A);
+ return (Num => Ret_N, Den => Ret_D);
end Reduce;
@@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ package body Rationals is
return Fraction is
return Reduce
- (Left.Num + Left.Den * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right)),
+ (Left.Num + Left.Den * Multi (Right),
end "+";
@@ -53,7 +59,7 @@ package body Rationals is
return Fraction is
return Reduce
- (Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Den + Right.Num,
+ (Multi (Left) * Right.Den + Right.Num,
end "+";
@@ -75,7 +81,7 @@ package body Rationals is
return Fraction is
return Reduce
- (Left.Num - Left.Den * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right)),
+ (Left.Num - Left.Den * Multi (Right),
end "-";
@@ -85,7 +91,7 @@ package body Rationals is
return Fraction is
return Reduce
- (Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Den - Right.Num,
+ (Multi (Left) * Right.Den - Right.Num,
end "-";
@@ -117,7 +123,7 @@ package body Rationals is
return Fraction is
return Reduce
- (Left.Num * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right)),
+ (Left.Num * Multi (Right),
end "*";
@@ -127,7 +133,7 @@ package body Rationals is
return Fraction is
return Reduce
- (Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Num,
+ (Multi (Left) * Right.Num,
end "*";
@@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ package body Rationals is
return Reduce
- Left.Den * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right)));
+ Left.Den * Multi (Right));
end "/";
function "/"
@@ -160,14 +166,14 @@ package body Rationals is
return Reduce
- Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Den);
+ Multi (Left) * Right.Den);
end "/";
function "/"
(Left, Right : in Integer)
return Fraction is
- return Reduce (Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)), Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right)));
+ return Reduce (Multi (Left), Multi (Right));
end "/";
@@ -177,8 +183,8 @@ package body Rationals is
(Left, Right : in Fraction)
return Boolean is
- return Left.Num = Right.Num and
- Left.Den = Right.Den;
+ return Equal (Left.Num, Right.Num) and
+ Equal (Left.Den, Right.Den);
end "=";
function "="
@@ -186,7 +192,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Integer)
return Boolean is
- return Left.Num = Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right)) and Left.Den = 1;
+ return Equal (Left.Num, Right) and Equal (Left.Den, 1);
end "=";
function "="
@@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Fraction)
return Boolean is
- return Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) = Right.Num and Right.Den = 1;
+ return Equal (Right.Num, Left) and Equal (Right.Den, 1);
end "=";
@@ -212,7 +218,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Integer)
return Boolean is
- return Left.Num <= Left.Den * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right));
+ return Left.Num <= Left.Den * Multi (Right);
end "<=";
function "<="
@@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Fraction)
return Boolean is
- return Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Den <= Right.Num;
+ return Multi (Left) * Right.Den <= Right.Num;
end "<=";
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Integer)
return Boolean is
- return Left.Num < Left.Den * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right));
+ return Left.Num < Left.Den * Multi (Right);
end "<";
function "<"
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Fraction)
return Boolean is
- return Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Den < Right.Num;
+ return Multi (Left) * Right.Den < Right.Num;
end "<";
@@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Integer)
return Boolean is
- return Left.Num >= Left.Den * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right));
+ return Left.Num >= Left.Den * Multi (Right);
end ">=";
function ">="
@@ -272,7 +278,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Fraction)
return Boolean is
- return Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Den >= Right.Num;
+ return Multi (Left) * Right.Den >= Right.Num;
end ">=";
@@ -290,7 +296,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Integer)
return Boolean is
- return Left.Num > Left.Den * Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Right));
+ return Left.Num > Left.Den * Multi (Right);
end ">";
function ">"
@@ -298,7 +304,7 @@ package body Rationals is
Right : in Fraction)
return Boolean is
- return Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (Left)) * Right.Den > Right.Num;
+ return Multi (Left) * Right.Den > Right.Num;
end ">";
@@ -308,31 +314,31 @@ package body Rationals is
(Item : in Fraction)
return Integer is
- return Integer (Utils.To_Words (Item.Num)(1));
+ return Basic (Item.Num);
end Numerator;
function Denominator
(Item : in Fraction)
return Integer is
- return Integer (Utils.To_Words (Item.Den)(1));
+ return Basic (Item.Den);
end Denominator;
function Floor
(Item : in Fraction)
return Integer is
- return Integer (Utils.To_Words (Item.Num / Item.Den)(0));
+ return Basic (Item.Num / Item.Den);
end Floor;
function Ceiling
(Item : in Fraction)
return Integer is
- if Item.Num mod Item.Den = 0 then
- return Integer (Utils.To_Words (Item.Num / Item.Den)(1));
+ if Equal (Item.Num mod Item.Den, 0) then
+ return Basic (Item.Num / Item.Den);
- return 1 + Integer (Utils.To_Words (Item.Num / Item.Den)(1));
+ return 1 + Basic (Item.Num / Item.Den);
end if;
end Ceiling;
@@ -341,9 +347,9 @@ package body Rationals is
return Integer is
if Item.Num mod Item.Den >= Item.Den / 2 then
- return 1 + Integer (Utils.To_Words (Item.Num / Item.Den)(1));
+ return 1 + Basic (Item.Num / Item.Den);
- return Integer (Utils.To_Words (Item.Num / Item.Den)(1));
+ return Basic (Item.Num / Item.Den);
end if;
end Round;
@@ -354,8 +360,7 @@ package body Rationals is
(Item : in Fraction)
return String is
- return Utils.To_String (Item.Num) & '/' &
- Utils.To_String (Item.Den);
+ return Str (Item.Num) & '/' & Str (Item.Den);
end Image;
function Value
@@ -369,7 +374,7 @@ package body Rationals is
S := Index (Item, "/");
A := Integer'Value (Item (Item'First .. S - 1));
B := Integer'Value (Item (S + 1 .. Item'Last));
- return Reduce (Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (A)), Utils.To_Big_Unsigned (Word (B)));
+ return Reduce (Multi (A), Multi (B));
end Value;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index dfa5897..1f3de5f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-private with Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers;
+private with Multi_Precision_Integers;
package Rationals is
@@ -210,14 +210,15 @@ package Rationals is
- package Bignum is new Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers (Size => 128);
- use Crypto.Types;
- use Bignum;
+ use Multi_Precision_Integers;
+ M_Size : constant Basic_Int := 4;
type Fraction is record
- Num : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_Zero;
- Den : Big_Unsigned := Big_Unsigned_One;
+ Num : Multi_Int (M_Size);
+ Den : Multi_Int (M_Size);
end record;
diff --git a/src/stv.adb b/src/stv.adb
index 4f8ef5a..10020e6 100644
--- a/src/stv.adb
+++ b/src/stv.adb
@@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ begin
Finish_Time := Simple_Time.Now;
Log_Msg := SU.To_Unbounded_String
("Finished election count at " & Simple_Time.To_String (Finish_Time) & ASCII.LF &
- Duration'Image (Finish_Time - Start_Time) & " seconds elapsed." & ASCII.LF);
+ Duration'Image (Finish_Time - Start_Time) & " seconds elapsed.");
Open (Log_File, Append_File, SU.To_String (Main_Log));
Put_Line (Log_File, SU.To_String (Log_Msg));
Close (Log_File);
if Verbose then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, SU.To_String (Log_Msg));
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, ASCII.LF & SU.To_String (Log_Msg));
end if;