diff options
authorJed Barber <jjbarber@y7mail.com>2018-03-13 17:46:33 +1100
committerJed Barber <jjbarber@y7mail.com>2018-03-13 17:46:33 +1100
commit468cdc37c83cd51eb1b0656bc7faeaf2099e0918 (patch)
parent12d241335c5ed445baddd9fbc98892495abc1d71 (diff)
Updated to work with non-inherited constructors in FLTK binding
11 files changed, 85 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/src/adapad.adb b/src/adapad.adb
index 1379a0c..abb63cb 100644
--- a/src/adapad.adb
+++ b/src/adapad.adb
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ package body Adapad is
-- Global state of the text editor.
Editor : Windows.Editor.Editor_Window := Windows.Editor.Create (800, 500);
- Buffer : FLTK.Text_Buffers.Text_Buffer := FLTK.Text_Buffers.Create;
+ Buffer : FLTK.Text_Buffers.Text_Buffer := FLTK.Text_Buffers.Forge.Create;
About : Windows.About.About_Window := Windows.About.Create;
Find : Windows.Find.Find_Window := Windows.Find.Create;
Replace : Windows.Replace.Replace_Window := Windows.Replace.Create;
diff --git a/src/windows-about.adb b/src/windows-about.adb
index a02a66a..13b8337 100644
--- a/src/windows-about.adb
+++ b/src/windows-about.adb
@@ -13,41 +13,41 @@ package body Windows.About is
function Create
return About_Window
- My_Width : Integer := 350;
- My_Height : Integer := 250;
+ My_Width : constant Integer := 350;
+ My_Height : constant Integer := 250;
- Logo_Line : Integer := 30;
- Logo_Width : Integer := 50;
- Logo_Height : Integer := 50;
+ Logo_Line : constant Integer := 30;
+ Logo_Width : constant Integer := 50;
+ Logo_Height : constant Integer := 50;
- Button_Width : Integer := 140;
- Button_Height : Integer := 40;
+ Button_Width : constant Integer := 140;
+ Button_Height : constant Integer := 40;
- Heading_Line : Integer := 90;
- Blurb_Line : Integer := 132;
- Author_Line : Integer := 157;
- Button_Line : Integer := 190;
+ Heading_Line : constant Integer := 90;
+ Blurb_Line : constant Integer := 132;
+ Author_Line : constant Integer := 157;
+ Button_Line : constant Integer := 190;
- Heading_Size : Integer := 22;
- Text_Size : Integer := 12;
+ Heading_Size : constant Integer := 22;
+ Text_Size : constant Integer := 12;
- Heading_Text : String := "Adapad 0.8";
- Blurb_Text : String := "FLTK based simple text editor written in Ada";
- Author_Text : String := "Programmed by Jed Barber";
+ Heading_Text : constant String := "Adapad 0.8";
+ Blurb_Text : constant String := "FLTK based simple text editor written in Ada";
+ Author_Text : constant String := "Programmed by Jed Barber";
return This : About_Window :=
- (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "About Adapad")) with
+ (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Forge.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "About Adapad")) with
- Picture => BX.Box'(BX.Create
+ Picture => BX.Box'(BX.Forge.Create
((My_Width - Logo_Width) / 2,
Logo_Line, Logo_Width, Logo_Height, "")),
- Heading => BX.Box'(BX.Create
+ Heading => BX.Box'(BX.Forge.Create
(0, Heading_Line, My_Width, Heading_Size, Heading_Text)),
- Blurb => BX.Box'(BX.Create
+ Blurb => BX.Box'(BX.Forge.Create
(0, Blurb_Line, My_Width, Text_Size, Blurb_Text)),
- Author => BX.Box'(BX.Create
+ Author => BX.Box'(BX.Forge.Create
(0, Author_Line, My_Width, Text_Size, Author_Text)),
- Dismiss => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Create
+ Dismiss => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Forge.Create
((My_Width - Button_Width) / 2,
Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Close"))) do
@@ -68,26 +68,5 @@ package body Windows.About is
end Create;
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return About_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return About_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
end Windows.About;
diff --git a/src/windows-about.ads b/src/windows-about.ads
index a05a8e2..27e655b 100644
--- a/src/windows-about.ads
+++ b/src/windows-about.ads
@@ -16,17 +16,6 @@ package Windows.About is
return About_Window;
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return About_Window;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return About_Window;
diff --git a/src/windows-editor.adb b/src/windows-editor.adb
index cfcf191..29b1c6e 100644
--- a/src/windows-editor.adb
+++ b/src/windows-editor.adb
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ package body Windows.Editor is
Width : Integer := Min_Editor_Width;
Height : Integer := Min_Editor_Height;
- Menu_Height : Integer := 22;
+ Menu_Height : constant Integer := 22;
if Width < W then
Width := W;
@@ -32,13 +33,13 @@ package body Windows.Editor is
end if;
return This : Editor_Window :=
- (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (X, Y, Width, Height, Label_Text)) with
+ (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Forge.Create (X, Y, Width, Height, Label_Text)) with
- Editor => TE.Text_Editor'(TE.Create
+ Editor => TE.Text_Editor'(TE.Forge.Create
(0, Menu_Height, Width, Height - Menu_Height, "")),
- Bar => MB.Menu_Bar'(MB.Create
+ Bar => MB.Menu_Bar'(MB.Forge.Create
(0, 0, Width, Menu_Height, "")),
- Popup => MU.Menu_Button'(MU.Create
+ Popup => MU.Menu_Button'(MU.Forge.Create
(0, Menu_Height, Width, Height - Menu_Height, ""))) do
This.Editor.Set_Text_Font (Courier);
diff --git a/src/windows-find.adb b/src/windows-find.adb
index 2096436..02698da 100644
--- a/src/windows-find.adb
+++ b/src/windows-find.adb
@@ -33,38 +33,38 @@ package body Windows.Find is
function Create
return Find_Window
- My_Width : Integer := 350;
- My_Height : Integer := 130;
+ My_Width : constant Integer := 350;
+ My_Height : constant Integer := 130;
- Button_Width : Integer := 140;
- Button_Height : Integer := 40;
+ Button_Width : constant Integer := 140;
+ Button_Height : constant Integer := 40;
- Input_Line : Integer := 10;
- Case_Line : Integer := 50;
- Button_Line : Integer := 80;
+ Input_Line : constant Integer := 10;
+ Case_Line : constant Integer := 50;
+ Button_Line : constant Integer := 80;
- Input_Width : Integer := 240;
- Input_Height : Integer := 25;
- Input_Margin_Right : Integer := 10;
+ Input_Width : constant Integer := 240;
+ Input_Height : constant Integer := 25;
+ Input_Margin_Right : constant Integer := 10;
- Check_Width : Integer := 100;
- Check_Height : Integer := 20;
- Case_Margin_Left : Integer := 50;
+ Check_Width : constant Integer := 100;
+ Check_Height : constant Integer := 20;
+ Case_Margin_Left : constant Integer := 50;
- Text_Size : Integer := 12;
+ Text_Size : constant Integer := 12;
return This : Find_Window :=
- (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "Find")) with
+ (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Forge.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "Find")) with
- Find_What => IP.Input'(IP.Create
+ Find_What => IP.Input'(IP.Forge.Create
(My_Width - Input_Width - Input_Margin_Right,
Input_Line, Input_Width, Input_Height, "Find what:")),
- Match_Case => LC.Check_Button'(LC.Create
+ Match_Case => LC.Check_Button'(LC.Forge.Create
(Case_Margin_Left, Case_Line, Check_Width, Check_Height, "Match case")),
- Cancel => BU.Button'(BU.Create
+ Cancel => BU.Button'(BU.Forge.Create
((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) / 3,
Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Cancel")),
- Start => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Create
+ Start => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Forge.Create
((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) * 2 / 3 + Button_Width,
Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Find")),
@@ -87,27 +87,6 @@ package body Windows.Find is
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return Find_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return Find_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
procedure Set_Find_Callback
(This : in out Find_Window;
Func : in Find_Callback) is
diff --git a/src/windows-find.ads b/src/windows-find.ads
index 0bf191d..d920398 100644
--- a/src/windows-find.ads
+++ b/src/windows-find.ads
@@ -26,17 +26,6 @@ package Windows.Find is
return Find_Window;
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return Find_Window;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return Find_Window;
procedure Set_Find_Callback
(This : in out Find_Window;
Func : in Find_Callback);
diff --git a/src/windows-jump.adb b/src/windows-jump.adb
index 7503ec7..898ce04 100644
--- a/src/windows-jump.adb
+++ b/src/windows-jump.adb
@@ -30,29 +30,29 @@ package body Windows.Jump is
function Create
return Jump_Window
- My_Width : Integer := 350;
- My_Height : Integer := 110;
+ My_Width : constant Integer := 350;
+ My_Height : constant Integer := 110;
- Button_Width : Integer := 140;
- Button_Height : Integer := 40;
+ Button_Width : constant Integer := 140;
+ Button_Height : constant Integer := 40;
- Input_Line : Integer := 10;
- Button_Line : Integer := 60;
+ Input_Line : constant Integer := 10;
+ Button_Line : constant Integer := 60;
- Input_Width : Integer := 240;
- Input_Height : Integer := 25;
- Input_Margin_Right : Integer := 10;
+ Input_Width : constant Integer := 240;
+ Input_Height : constant Integer := 25;
+ Input_Margin_Right : constant Integer := 10;
return This : Jump_Window :=
- (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "Jump")) with
+ (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Forge.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "Jump")) with
- To_Line => IT.Integer_Input'(IT.Create
+ To_Line => IT.Integer_Input'(IT.Forge.Create
(My_Width - Input_Width - Input_Margin_Right,
Input_Line, Input_Width, Input_Height, "Jump to:")),
- Cancel => BU.Button'(BU.Create
+ Cancel => BU.Button'(BU.Forge.Create
((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) / 3,
Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Cancel")),
- Go_Jump => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Create
+ Go_Jump => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Forge.Create
((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) * 2 / 3 + Button_Width,
Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Jump")),
@@ -74,27 +74,6 @@ package body Windows.Jump is
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return Jump_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return Jump_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
procedure Set_Jump_Callback
(This : in out Jump_Window;
Func : in Jump_Callback) is
diff --git a/src/windows-jump.ads b/src/windows-jump.ads
index e79af6c..6c483d5 100644
--- a/src/windows-jump.ads
+++ b/src/windows-jump.ads
@@ -20,17 +20,6 @@ package Windows.Jump is
return Jump_Window;
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return Jump_Window;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return Jump_Window;
procedure Set_Jump_Callback
(This : in out Jump_Window;
Func : in Jump_Callback);
diff --git a/src/windows-replace.adb b/src/windows-replace.adb
index dd3703d..1393711 100644
--- a/src/windows-replace.adb
+++ b/src/windows-replace.adb
@@ -34,47 +34,47 @@ package body Windows.Replace is
function Create
return Replace_Window
- My_Width : Integer := 350;
- My_Height : Integer := 180;
+ My_Width : constant Integer := 350;
+ My_Height : constant Integer := 180;
- Button_Width : Integer := 140;
- Button_Height : Integer := 40;
+ Button_Width : constant Integer := 140;
+ Button_Height : constant Integer := 40;
- Find_Line : Integer := 10;
- Replace_Line : Integer := 40;
- Match_Line : Integer := 80;
- Rep_All_Line : Integer := 100;
- Button_Line : Integer := 130;
+ Find_Line : constant Integer := 10;
+ Replace_Line : constant Integer := 40;
+ Match_Line : constant Integer := 80;
+ Rep_All_Line : constant Integer := 100;
+ Button_Line : constant Integer := 130;
- Input_Width : Integer := 220;
- Input_Height : Integer := 25;
- Input_Margin_Right : Integer := 10;
+ Input_Width : constant Integer := 220;
+ Input_Height : constant Integer := 25;
+ Input_Margin_Right : constant Integer := 10;
- Check_Width : Integer := 100;
- Check_Height : Integer := 20;
- Check_Margin_Left : Integer := 50;
+ Check_Width : constant Integer := 100;
+ Check_Height : constant Integer := 20;
+ Check_Margin_Left : constant Integer := 50;
- Text_Size : Integer := 12;
+ Text_Size : constant Integer := 12;
return This : Replace_Window :=
- (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "Replace")) with
+ (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Forge.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "Replace")) with
- Find_What => IP.Input'(IP.Create
+ Find_What => IP.Input'(IP.Forge.Create
(My_Width - Input_Width - Input_Margin_Right,
Find_Line, Input_Width, Input_Height, "Find what:")),
- Replace_With => IP.Input'(IP.Create
+ Replace_With => IP.Input'(IP.Forge.Create
(My_Width - Input_Width - Input_Margin_Right,
Replace_Line, Input_Width, Input_Height, "Replace with:")),
- Match_Case => LC.Check_Button'(LC.Create
+ Match_Case => LC.Check_Button'(LC.Forge.Create
(Check_Margin_Left, Match_Line,
Check_Width, Check_Height, "Match case")),
- Replace_All => LC.Check_Button'(LC.Create
+ Replace_All => LC.Check_Button'(LC.Forge.Create
(Check_Margin_Left, Rep_All_Line,
Check_Width, Check_Height, "Replace all")),
- Cancel => BU.Button'(BU.Create
+ Cancel => BU.Button'(BU.Forge.Create
((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) / 3,
Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Cancel")),
- Start => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Create
+ Start => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Forge.Create
((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) * 2 / 3 + Button_Width,
Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Replace")),
@@ -99,27 +99,6 @@ package body Windows.Replace is
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return Replace_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return Replace_Window is
- begin
- return Create;
- end Create;
procedure Set_Replace_Callback
(This : in out Replace_Window;
Func : in Replace_Callback) is
diff --git a/src/windows-replace.ads b/src/windows-replace.ads
index a5852d2..5b02055 100644
--- a/src/windows-replace.ads
+++ b/src/windows-replace.ads
@@ -22,17 +22,6 @@ package Windows.Replace is
return Replace_Window;
- function Create
- (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
- Label_Text : in String)
- return Replace_Window;
- function Create
- (W, H : in Integer)
- return Replace_Window;
procedure Set_Replace_Callback
(This : in out Replace_Window;
Func : in Replace_Callback);
diff --git a/src/windows.ads b/src/windows.ads
index eac1dc0..8050467 100644
--- a/src/windows.ads
+++ b/src/windows.ads
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ private
(Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name));
Logo : FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.PNG_Image :=
- FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Create (Origin & "/../share/adapad/logo.png");
+ FLTK.Images.RGB.PNG.Forge.Create (Origin & "/../share/adapad/logo.png");
end Windows;