diff options
authorJed Barber <>2012-08-23 01:14:49 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2012-08-23 01:14:49 +1000
commit599e6d7a0ad372fb4e0e41bb501f19091524888e (patch)
parentd7b861b5d02b5cd0f1f13ab3845a17c30bac7db8 (diff)
Encapsulates a partial graph with at most one each input/output
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/GraphPart.hs b/GraphPart.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bea4f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GraphPart.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+module GraphPart (
+ graphPart,
+ makeGraphPart,
+ nodes,
+ edges,
+ inputNode,
+ outputNode,
+ inputLab,
+ outputLab,
+ graphAdd,
+ graphDel,
+ size,
+ addedSize,
+ overlap,
+ join,
+ checkDupe,
+ nodeEquals,
+ resolveNodeClash
+ ) where
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map( Map )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph( Node, LNode, Edge, LEdge )
+import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
+import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree
+data GraphPart = GraphPart { getGraph :: Gr String (Int,Int)
+ , getInput :: Maybe (Node,Int)
+ , getOutput :: Maybe (Node,Int) }
+graphPart :: [LNode String] -> [LEdge (Int,Int)] -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> GraphPart
+graphPart nodes edges =
+ let graph = checkDupe (Graph.mkGraph nodes edges)
+ in GraphPart graph
+makeGraphPart :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> GraphPart
+makeGraphPart = GraphPart
+nodes :: GraphPart -> [LNode String]
+nodes = Graph.labNodes . getGraph
+edges :: GraphPart -> [LEdge (Int,Int)]
+edges = Graph.labEdges . getGraph
+inputNode :: GraphPart -> Maybe Node
+inputNode gpart = do
+ input <- getInput gpart
+ return (fst input)
+outputNode :: GraphPart -> Maybe Node
+outputNode gpart = do
+ output <- getOutput gpart
+ return (fst output)
+inputLab :: GraphPart -> Maybe Int
+inputLab gpart = do
+ input <- getInput gpart
+ return (snd input)
+outputLab :: GraphPart -> Maybe Int
+outputLab gpart = do
+ output <- getOutput gpart
+ return (snd output)
+graphAdd :: GraphPart -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> Gr String (Int,Int) -> Gr String (Int,Int)
+graphAdd gpart i o graph =
+ let (resolved, dict) = resolveNodeClash graph (getGraph gpart)
+ base = (Graph.insEdges (Graph.labEdges resolved)) . (Graph.insNodes (Graph.labNodes resolved)) $ graph
+ inputAdded = if (isNothing i || isNothing (getInput gpart))
+ then base
+ else Graph.insEdge (fromJust (Map.lookup (fst . fromJust . getInput $ gpart) dict),
+ fst . fromJust $ i,
+ (snd . fromJust . getInput $ gpart, snd . fromJust $ i)) base
+ outputAdded = if (isNothing o || isNothing (getOutput gpart))
+ then inputAdded
+ else Graph.insEdge (fst . fromJust $ o,
+ fromJust (Map.lookup (fst . fromJust . getOutput $ gpart) dict),
+ (snd . fromJust $ o, snd . fromJust . getOutput $ gpart)) inputAdded
+ graph' = outputAdded
+ in checkDupe graph'
+graphDel :: GraphPart -> Gr String (Int,Int) -> Gr String (Int,Int)
+graphDel gpart graph =
+ let n = map fst . nodes $ gpart
+ e = map (\(a,b,_) -> (a,b)) . edges $ gpart
+ in (Graph.delNodes n) . (Graph.delEdges e) $ graph
+size :: GraphPart -> Int
+size = Graph.noNodes . getGraph
+addedSize :: GraphPart -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> Maybe (Node,Int) -> Gr String (Int,Int) -> Int
+addedSize gpart i o graph =
+ let oldSize = Graph.noNodes graph
+ newSize = Graph.noNodes (graphAdd gpart i o graph)
+ in newSize - oldSize
+overlap :: GraphPart -> GraphPart -> Int
+overlap one two =
+ let addedSize = Graph.noNodes (graphAdd one Nothing Nothing (getGraph two))
+ totalSize = Graph.noNodes (getGraph one) + Graph.noNodes (getGraph two)
+ in totalSize - addedSize
+join :: GraphPart -> GraphPart -> GraphPart
+join one two | (isJust (getOutput one) && isJust (getInput two)) =
+ let (resolved, dict) = resolveNodeClash (getGraph one) (getGraph two)
+ base = (Graph.insEdges (Graph.labEdges resolved)) . (Graph.insNodes (Graph.labNodes resolved)) . getGraph $ one
+ from = (\(x,y) -> (fromJust (Map.lookup x dict), y)) . fromJust . getInput $ two
+ to = fromJust . getOutput $ one
+ ioEdge = (fst from, fst to, (snd from, snd to))
+ newOutput = (\(x,y) -> (fromJust (Map.lookup x dict), y)) . fromJust . getOutput $ two
+ in makeGraphPart (checkDupe (Graph.insEdge ioEdge base)) (getInput one) (Just newOutput)
+checkDupe :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> Gr String (Int,Int)
+checkDupe graph =
+ let f = (\g n ->
+ let list = filter (\x -> (x /= n) && (nodeEquals g n x)) (Graph.nodes g)
+ in if (list == []) then g else merge g n (head list))
+ merge =
+ (\g n r ->
+ let edgesFixed = map (\(a,b,c) -> (a,r,c)) (Graph.inn g n)
+ in (Graph.insEdges edgesFixed) . (Graph.delNode n) $ g)
+ in foldl' f graph (Graph.nodes graph)
+nodeEquals :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> Node -> Node -> Bool
+nodeEquals graph one two =
+ let edgesOne = sortBy sortFunc (Graph.out graph one)
+ edgesTwo = sortBy sortFunc (Graph.out graph two)
+ sortFunc = (\(_,_,x) (_,_,y) -> compare x y)
+ paired = zip (map (\(_,x,_) -> x) edgesOne) (map (\(_,x,_) -> x) edgesTwo)
+ in (Graph.gelem one graph) &&
+ (Graph.gelem two graph) &&
+ (Graph.lab graph one == Graph.lab graph two) &&
+ (length edgesOne == length edgesTwo) &&
+ (all (\x -> nodeEquals graph (fst x) (snd x)) paired)
+resolveNodeClash :: Gr String (Int,Int) -> Gr String (Int,Int) -> (Gr String (Int,Int), Map Int Int)
+resolveNodeClash ref graph =
+ let dict = Map.fromList (zip (Graph.nodes graph) (Graph.newNodes (Graph.noNodes graph) ref))
+ nodeList = map (\(x,y) -> (fromJust (Map.lookup x dict), y)) (Graph.labNodes graph)
+ edgeList = map (\(x,y,z) -> (fromJust (Map.lookup x dict),
+ fromJust (Map.lookup y dict), z)) (Graph.labEdges graph)
+ in (Graph.mkGraph nodeList edgeList, dict)