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diff --git a/Term.hs b/Term.hs
index 9fdd84d..5067c1a 100644
--- a/Term.hs
+++ b/Term.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ instance Show Term where
show (TApp a b) = "(" ++ (show a) ++ " " ++ (show b) ++ ")"
show (TAbs a b) = "(\\" ++ (show a) ++ " -> " ++ (show b) ++ ")"
instance Eq Term where
a == b = a `alphaEquiv` b
@@ -50,27 +51,27 @@ instance Eq Term where
alphaEquiv :: Term -> Term -> Bool
alphaEquiv a b =
- let equiv = \term1 term2 varmap lambdaDepth ->
+ let equiv = \term1 term2 varmap ->
case (term1,term2) of
(TConst a1 b1, TConst a2 b2) ->
a1 == a2 && b1 == b2
(TApp a1 b1, TApp a2 b2) ->
- equiv a1 a2 varmap lambdaDepth &&
- equiv b1 b2 varmap lambdaDepth
+ equiv a1 a2 varmap &&
+ equiv b1 b2 varmap
(TAbs (TVar (Var name1 type1)) b1, TAbs (TVar (Var name2 type2)) b2) ->
type1 == type2 &&
- equiv b1 b2 newmap (lambdaDepth + 1)
- where newmap = (lambdaDepth + 1, ((Var name1 type1),(Var name2 type2))) : varmap
+ equiv b1 b2 newmap
+ where newmap = ((Var name1 type1),(Var name2 type2)) : varmap
(TVar a1, TVar a2) ->
-- the order of the pair is important
- (lambdaDepth, (a1,a2)) `elem` varmap ||
- not ((lambdaDepth, (a1,a2)) `elem` varmap) && a1 == a2
+ (a1,a2) `elem` varmap ||
+ a1 == a2 && not ((a1,a2) `elem` varmap)
(_,_) -> False
- in equiv a b [] 0
+ in equiv a b []
alphaConvert :: Term -> Term -> Term
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ substitute (tymap,vmap) term =
(TVar v) -> if (v == (fst x))
then snd x
else TVar v
- (TAbs v a) -> let safe = rename (TAbs v a) (freeVars . snd $ x)
+ (TAbs v a) -> let safe = rename (TAbs v a) (Set.insert (fst x) (freeVars . snd $ x))
in case safe of
(TAbs m n) -> TAbs m (varsub x n))
tydone = foldl' (\x y -> typesub y x) term tymap