aaoAda binding for libaoAda, CUnlicense5 months
adawaylandBare beginnings of an Ada binding for the Wayland Protocol libraryAda, CUnlicense4 years
asndfileAda binding for libsndfileAda, CUnlicense4 months
fltkadaAda binding for FLTK 1.3Ada, C++Unlicense29 hours
portadaoAda binding for PortAudioAda, CUnlicense4 months
adapadNotepad clone written using FLTKAdaSunset3 weeks
basic-unit-testVery simple unit testing framework for Ada programsAdaSunset4 years
complex-fixedComplex number library using fixed points instead of floatsAdaUnlicense2 years
directed-graphDirected graph library in the style of Ada ContainersAdaSunset4 years
esotericA few interpreters for esoteric languagesHaskellUnlicense4 years
fluid-simASCII fluid simulator using smoothed-particle hydrodynamicsAdaSunset2 years
fresh-deckUtility to convert between .apkg and .fmd flashcard decksAdaSunset3 years
hunt-the-wumpusText based Hunt The WumpusPrologUnlicense4 years
number-wallTools to visualise and find recurrence relations from number wallsOCamlSunset2 years
opentheory-transformOpentheory proof trace optimizerHaskellUnlicense4 years
packratParser combinators that can handle ambiguous left-recursive grammarsAdaSunset4 years
simple-algorithmsCode fragments, mostly sorts and sievesVariousUnlicense4 years
sokobanBasic clone of Sokoban using FLTKAdaSunset4 years
stv-countSTV counter for Australian Senate elections 2016 or laterAdaUnlicense4 years
honda-tlm200rIn-progress translation of the service manual for a Honda TLM200RJapanese, English21 months
miniadaBeginnings of a specification for a small Ada interpreter and compilerHTML4 years
personal-websiteFiles used to generate with ComplexityJinja4 months
rail-mapsAbstract hypothetical maps of rail networksSVGWTFPL4 months
sunsetSunset software licenseEnglishCustom4 years
ternary-logicTernary logic gate schematicsLTspiceWTFPL4 years
cgitplusplusRegular cgit plus fields for language and licenseCGPLv24 years
fresh-memoryFresh Memory flashcard program version 1.5.0C++GPLv34 years
truecryptTruecrypt version 7.1a for UnixC++Truecrypt4 years