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authorJed Barber <>2012-08-23 01:15:32 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2012-08-23 01:15:32 +1000
commitd200c49e163c8678b86818422281d1c7714c9c89 (patch)
parent599e6d7a0ad372fb4e0e41bb501f19091524888e (diff)
Simplified to construct graph fully and check for duplicate nodes afterwards
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ProofGraph.hs b/ProofGraph.hs
index 816e9f0..96e82bd 100644
--- a/ProofGraph.hs
+++ b/ProofGraph.hs
@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ import Data.Set( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map( Map, (!) )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph( LNode, LEdge, (&) )
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree
import Stack( Stack, at, (<:>) )
import qualified Stack as Stack
import Parse( isNumber, isName )
+import GraphPart( checkDupe )
@@ -63,23 +66,11 @@ process str io graph stack =
nextNum = head (Graph.newNodes 1 graph)
node = (nextNum, str)
edgeList = map (\x -> (nextNum, (fst . snd . snd $ x), (fst x, fst . snd $ x))) (zip [1..(args io)] argList)
- r = insertNode node edgeList graph
- nodeList = map (\x -> (x, fst r)) [1..(results io)]
+ graph' = (Graph.insEdges edgeList) . (Graph.insNode node) $ graph
+ nodeList = map (\x -> (x, node)) [1..(results io)]
stack' = foldr (<:>) (Stack.pop (args io) stack) nodeList
- in (snd r, stack')
+ in (graph', stack')
-insertNode :: LNode String -> [LEdge (Int,Int)] -> PGraph -> (LNode String, PGraph)
-insertNode node edgeList graph =
- let checkList = filter (\x -> (snd x) == (snd node)) (Graph.labNodes graph)
- edgeCheck = filter (\x -> (length (snd x) == length edgeList) &&
- all (\((a,b,c),(d,e,f)) -> b==e && c==f)
- (zip (snd x) edgeList)) (zip [0..] (map ((Graph.out graph) . fst) checkList))
- actualNode = if (edgeCheck == []) then node else checkList !! (fst . head $ edgeCheck)
- graph' = if (node == actualNode)
- then Graph.insEdges edgeList (Graph.insNode actualNode graph)
- else graph
- in (actualNode,graph')
parse :: (PGraph,PStack,PMap) -> String -> (PGraph,PStack,PMap)
@@ -121,5 +112,5 @@ doGraphGen list =
stack = Stack.empty
dictionary = Map.empty
result = foldl' parse (graph,stack,dictionary) list
- in case result of (g,s,d) -> g
+ in case result of (g,s,d) -> checkDupe g